In Danger: G-dragon x Jungkoo...

By fluffyunicornpower98

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After being together for so long, the two begin to question their love for each other. One doesn't trust and... More

Quick Note
Chapter 2: Stay(Will you really?)
Chapter 3: Forgive Me
Chapter 4: The Pain Never Stops
Chapter 5: That Face I Hate
Chapter 6: Just Say It Isn't True
Chapter 7: The Uncontrollable Desire
Chapter 8: Don't Ever Leave
Chapter 9: Missing You
Chapter 10: Please Be Mine Forevor

Chapter 1: I Love You(Do I really?)

939 26 9
By fluffyunicornpower98

A bright ray of sunlight seeped through a small opening in Jungkook's room as the morning sun rose from the hills for another great day. Jungkook opened his eyes slowly and groaned at the bright sunlight as he turned to the other side. He heard his phone go off from his desk making him have no choice but to get up. He blinked a few times to focus his view of the phone and saw that it was a text from G-dragon. He smiled as he opened the message and read it with delight.

"Did I wake you, cutie? Rise and shine!☀️"

Jungkook lazily tried to type a message back as he laid in bed.

"You did wake me, idiot! I hate you!😡"

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetie! Want me to pick you up breakfast as an apology?🤗"

Jungkook laughed and typed in yes before turning off his phone. A loud knock resonated into the room making Jungkook scream out in anger. "Who is it?!" he yelled out.

"Do you wanna die?" Suga said on the other side.

Jungkook hurriedly opened the door once he heard Suga's voice. Suga was staring at Jungkook with a death look with J-hope and Rap Monster behind him with the same faces on. "Did I do something wrong?" he asked with a confused look on his face. Suga sighed and looked at the other two.

"Well, I came to get you for breakfast but you decided to scream like a mad man and you woke these two." Suga said.

"Oh, sorry hyungs!" Jungkook apologized with a bow.

"Doesn't matter now since we're up. Let's just get some breakfast before its time for our plans." Rap Momster said.

The four went down to the dining hall where Taehyung, Jimin, and Jin were waiting for the them. "Finally you guys came!" Jin yelled out to them. Jungkook was about to sit down when his phone went off in his pocket.

"I'm here with breakfast!"

Jungkook smiled and excused himself from the others. He ran toward the entrance leaving the members with dumbfounded looks.

"It seems like nowadays he never eats or hangs out with us anymore." Jimin said with a sulk.

"It's fine that we give him a little space these days." Jin said.

"True, but I miss the old Jungkook." Taehyung frowned.

"He's in love and leave it that way. G-dragon will treat him right in our place." Rap Monster said.

Jungkook saw G-dragon holding a bag and looking around outside in the front. Jungkook ran through the doors and was about to jump into a hug with G-dragon until a bunch fan girls huddled G-dragon. Jungkook landed flat on his face as the crowd pushed him back getting to his love. G-dragon was signing some stuff until he noticed Jungkook and waved out to him. All the heads looking at G-dragon immediately turned around and stared at Jungkook.

"Kyahh!!!!!" The girls all screamed in unison as they now crowded Jungkook and began also asking for autographs as well as pictures.

"Help me, Jiyong!" Jungkook called out.

G-dragon laughed and made his way through the crowd to grab Jungkook. Once he had a hold of Jungkook's arm, they both ran away together. Some fans chased them, but soon gave up after two miles. G-dragon stopped in front of a connivence store to catch his breath. They both sat on a bench outside and looked at the sky.

"Man, fans are getting scarier by the day!" Jungkook yelled out.

"They just love us so much." G-dragon laughed.

"I love them for supporting us and being there, but I love someone more." Jungkook looked at G-dragon with hungry eyes making G-Dagon blush. Jungkook placed his hand on G-dragons and smiled. "My love for you is bigger than my fan base." G-dragon laughed and put his arm around Jungkook.

"Was that supposed to make me happy?" he asked.

Jungkook cocked his head in confusion. G-dragon nuzzled the boys head and smiled. "You're such a cutie." Jungkook hugged G-dragon and smiled.

"So, what'd you get me for breakfast?" Jungkook asked.

G-dragon looked around the bench and started panicking. "Where is it?!" he asked as he searched every corner. Jungkook stopped him and smiled. "It's fine! You can just eat with me and the other BTS members." G-dragon sighed and held Jungkook's hand as they walked back to the building. When they reached it, they immediately hid behind a stone pillar. Turns out that the fan girls were still there and looking around for the two that ran off or for more BTS members.

"What do we do now?" Jungkook whispered to G-dragon.

"We run and hope we don't get caught!"

G-dragon made a dash for the entrance with Jungkook being dragged along behind him. The fans spotted them when they had entered safely and tried entering the building, but the guards immediately stopped them. Jungkook and G-dragon did not hesitate to run to the dining hall as security kept the fans busy. BTS were cleaning up from breakfast when Jungkook came back with G-dragon. Jin was in the kitchen washing dishes as Jimin collected them from the tables. Other groups were finishing or halfway done with their breakfast.

"I hope theirs something left for us." Jungkook sighed.

Rap Monster spotted Jungkook and waved out to him. "Jungkook, how was breakfast with your beloved?"

Jungkook walked over to Rap Monster with a glum look. "Well, G-dragon bought something but then some fans chased us."

"Really? So, what happened to the food he bought?"

"We lost it." Jungkook sagged his head down.

Rap Monster patted Jungkook's head and smiled. "It's okay! Your lucky we saved some for you, just in case!"

Jungkook's eyes sparkled and he jumped for joy as he made for a dash to the kitchen. G-dragon smiled as he watched Jungkook search the kitchen for the food and Jin scolding him.

"He's cute, isn't he?" Rap Monster said.

"Is that why he got the nickname Golden Maknae?" G-dragon joked.

"Probably, or maybe he just dominated us."

"He what?!" G-dragon asked.

"Did I say something weird? He can put us in our place a lot of times, that's what I was saying."

"Oh, yeah." G-dragon laughed.

Jungkook rushed back with various plates of food and placed them down on the table. "Here you go, Jiyong hyung! Eat a lot, ok?" Jungkook said with a smile. G-dragon felt his spirits raise seeing Jungkook so happy that he couldn't help but smile so brightly. Rap Monster laughed at Jungkook's behavior toward G-dragon and then continued sweeping around the tables. G-dragon and Jungkook dug into the many dishes and ate happily. Jin was finishing up the last of the dishes and looked out to where Jungkook was with G-dragon. Jimin came in with a towel to dry the dishes.

"Jimin, can I ask you a favor?" Jin asked.

"What is it, hyung?" Jimin asked.

"Separate those two." Jin said as he pointed toward Jungkook and G-dragon.

"Why?" Jimin asked.

"Just do it!"

"I need a reason to, hyung."

"Didn't you say you wanted him all for yourself?"

"Well, yeah I did."

"Now your chance! Separate them and Jungkook will be yours."

Jimin smiled at the thought of seeing Jungkook in bed. "Alright, but how?"

"Seduce Jungkook, of course!"

"Oh, I can do that." Jimin said with a smirk.

"I'm counting on you!" Jin said.

"Don't worry!"

"Jungkook, you will be mine!"

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