
By Marietta_Sun

389 47 17

A strong, handsome hand ran up and down her leg softly. Morning sun filtered in the air. She was cold on the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 11

9 1 1
By Marietta_Sun


Vitally landed and blow to Riley's stomach. It had been weeks since the challenge of the mates massacre. Vit and a few men who had been pieced back together lived with a vendetta plaguing their minds.
The wolves that had attacked were part of a secret network. It was a pack living amongst the rest. Since the massacre, wolves started to disappear from packs. The wolves no one had quite trusted. It was revealed that the pack was gathering in the far west. Vitally shook his head. His mate was one of them and therefore had either died, or died to him.
Riley swiped Vit's legs from under himself. As Riley pounced on him Vit sent a blow to his chest before switching their positions. So far Vit had been in control of the training session. Riley was very good but wasn't naturally gifted. Instead Riley shined because he didn't practice until his technique was right, he practiced until it was never wrong.
Vitally found him in a small farming pack near the mid west region. He was fourth warrior at the time but Vit saw so much more. He recruited Riley to his cause. Vit was going to create a pack that was strong and large enough to trample the feared pack. The abomination that had secretly taken so many lives. The thieves in day light and the monsters in the night.
Riley sent a foot close to where Vit wanted nothing to touch. Growling, Vit threw him out from under him and they both got to their feet. They were circling. Sweat dripped down Vit's forehead. A sweet feeling washed over him. He ignored it and swung at Riley, aiming toward his ribs. Riley dodged and nearly punched in Vit's nose.
A woman softly sighed in his ear. Vit was sure he heard it but there was nothing.
"Your distracted Vitally." Vit's father spoke from the side line. Vit tried to block everything out. If he finished his training with Riley then he could grab some grub before bed and sack out early. The waves tickled at his ears, the feeling of a certain familiar girl watching him, his father's judgements, Riley's attacks and counter attacks; it all cried for his attention. Then he heard a broken voice bubble from the back of his head.
'Oh moon goddess give me strength for my true push away Constantin and live'
Vitally hesitated mid strike and Riley took advantage of it and pulled him forward to the ground. The feeling was gone.
Vitally aggressively pulled Riley down and pinned him to the dusty earth. He pushed him once more into the dirt before standing. Riley rolled onto his elbows and glared at him.
"You lost focus and then you became frustrated. You have to stay cool. Cold. Collected." Riley stood and dusted off his pants.
"And you hesitated." Vitally turned away from him. Riley followed, Riley always followed him. Vitally noticed his father shaking his head and leaving. It made Vitally even more frustrated. Vitally was too hot headed to be the Alpha to face the pack in the west.
"I know why." Riley said. "It's your mate." Vitally paused his steps and redirected his route to a small bridge.
"Vit," Vit shot him a glare. "I meant Mikhail." Riley covered up his slip of words. Vit never wanted to hear another wolf call him Vit. To many evil people wore the name thin.
Vitally Mikhail stopped at the center of the wooden bridge and rested his elbows on the railing. The moon wasn't shining that night. Vitally ignored Riley and watched the river flow into the ocean instead.
Riley stood next to him until Vit felt the need to talk.
"You're a douche." Vit finally replied. Riley let out an airy chuckle.
"Yeah, it's the freaking Godzilla Bitch."
"And?" Riley prompted.
"What's to tell? I could tell something was up. She was overly confident with a knife, yet claimed to be a virgin. She purposely slept on the wrong side with the boys and played 'rollies' with Caleb... then I follow her cause Caleb was wrapped around her pinky and see her with an enemy wolf. All I hear is 'I'll do it' and the creep is like 'my son will find you' and shit" Vitally became hushed and angry. He clenched his jaw. "When she got to the top of that mountain she made faces with-with him, and all hell breaks loose. Why, she's a no good disloyal Bitch if I ever saw one." Vit growled. Riley silently listened.
"I don't care about what she does really, I just hate it that the Moon Goddess hand picked an ass wipe as my forever partner. Fuck that!"
Riley sighed before responding.
"My little sister..." he started but shook his head. "She's gone now. But she had a couple sayings. It was messed up, but she'd say 'crap happens but your reaction changes the outcome' I don't know why she never just said 'shit'. That's not the point." Riley turned to Vitally. "You can let this whole thing fester and drive you mad..."
"Or pick a new mate. Get around a bit. Don't let an enemy control you."
"Huh," Vitally looked back at the ocean. "So we're looking to be hung over tomorrow?"
"What's one hang over?" Vitally pushed off the railing and started walking towards the pub.
"Ya know,"
"Hmm?" Riley hummed.
"I think I would've liked your sister. Even after she's...past you still seem mighty proud." Riley smiled.
"I know she went down kicking and screaming. I just hope she ended up seeing the moon goddess quickly."
Vitally stayed silent. It was the first time he ever heard of Riley having a sister. The worry lines and red eyes he knew so well on his beta had almost disappeared. Vitally had the feeling Riley lost someone in the massacre. The thought struck him, he might recognize the poor girl if he ever saw a photo. After all, he was there.
They entered into the neon pub and walked to the back door where it turned into a dark club
A place only wolves went, to specifically get drunk.
Two insanely strong drinks later and Vitally found himself glued to a skinny blonde. The girl was a complete opposite of his mate, so she was perfect.
"Ooo, a man with an appetite" she whispered in his ear before harshly nipping it. He sucked on her neck ravenously until she moaned. She was play dough in his hands.
"Let's leave." He husked.

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