Europe visit

By Huaye20

10.3K 287 82

This story is set after legion mate. Aichi graduates from high school but is now unsure of what to do. Just l... More

I can't wait
Authors note
Three Day Awkwardness, and an Unexpected Turn for the Worst
Ideas and rules
Morning Adventure
Lost, In and Out
Afternoon fun Evening disaster
morning chaos
Authors note
Festival of Death


456 16 6
By Huaye20

"Alright Kai time to go home" Aichi stated. "Okay also I was going to ask sooner but I forgot, where are we?" Kai asked. "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you hahaha, we are in France" Aichi replied awkwardly. "Really?! France! Wow I have heard about this place, there are huge bridges and the iffee tower and wow!" Kai jumped. "Hahaha well it is actually the Eiffel Tower, anyway we can go for a walk tomorrow right now we have to get you home and we have to go to sleep" Aichi replied. "Really?! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" Kai cheered. Aichi smiled, then he got Kai on his back, waved goodbye and headed to Kai's house, well apartment. Gaillard did invite Kai to stay with him which he accepted at first until, every single morning there would be reporters and interviewers and it just annoyed Kai so he left. Kai invited Aichi to stay with him at his apartment so that they would be able to fight each other a lot. He also gave Aichi a spare key. Also Kai and Aichi still have sleepovers at Gaillards from time to time.

"Here we are! This is your apartment Kai" Aichi smiled. "Really I have an apartment!" Aichi nodded and smiled. Then he sat Kai down onto the floor and opened the door with the spare key. He opened the door and helped Kai inside. "Wow this is my apartment. I like it then again it is mine hehehe" Kai laughed. "Yeah well anyway you should get ready for bed it's late" Aichi suggested. "Okay!" Kai smiled. Then he went off to get changed and such. Aichi smiled and remembered his fist night here.
"Aichi you can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the couch okay?"Kai explained. Aichi had a displeased look on his face. "No your taking the bed, I'm taking the couch, it's your place after all" Aichi explained. "Yes but your the guest so your taking the bed" Kai replied. "No" "Yes" "No" "Yes" "No" "Yes" this went on for quite a while until. "Alright fine we will both sleep in the bed!" Kai yelled. Kai and Aichi both were very surprised at what had just came out of Kai's mouth. Both of their faces lit up scarlet and Aichi ran and got his bag then he ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. Then Kai went to the kitchen and splashed his face with ice cold water which didn't really feel cold to him. Then Kai decided to check on Aichi. "Aichi you okay?" Kai asked, but didn't get a reply. "Aichi?" Kai opened the door without knocking and...

He saw Aichi getting out of the shower naked. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Aichi screamed and Kai's face was scarlet red maybe even a shade deeper. Then he ran out the door and slammed the door shut. Eventually Aichi got out with clothes on. "K-Kai? I'm sorry for screaming earlier" Aichi bowed. Kai looked his way with his face still red. "It's fine I was the one who walked in without knocking first" Kai replied. "Well let's go to bed." Aichi suggested, Kai just silently nodded. He then grabbed his clothes and changed into pyjamas. When Kai got out Aichi was standing there. Aichi then grabbed his hand and led him to the they got closer Kai's face got redder and redder. "Let's go to bed" Aichi smiled. "Wait we are sleeping together?" Kai asked. "You suggested it" Aichi pointed out and they both slept together in bed.
Back to present...
"Ahhhh!!" Aichi heard. He snapped out of his thoughts and ran to check on Kai. "Kai are you alright, you?" Aichi blinked and then he saw Kai with his head stuck in the closet door. "Ahhh!!! My head is stuck!!!" Kai yelled. "What happened?" Aichi asked. "I don't know I opened the closet to look for pyjamas and then my arm hit the door and well, I ended up stuck." Kai replied. Then Aichi remembered what Kai had said."Aichi you can't us this closet because there is something wrong with the hinges, they will fly back at you and it isn't easy to get unstuck if you do believe me" then Aichi walked over and tried to get Kai unstuck. After about an hour Kai's head was finally released from the closet's hold. "That was scary and owwww my neck is killing me" Kai complained. "Well I'm glad we got you unstuck. Also the closet with the clothes in it is over there" Aichi pointed. "Oh thanks Aichi" Kai smiled, then he walked over and grabbed pyjamas and started to get dressed. "Alright I'm going to let you get changed" Aichi stated awkwardly, then he got out of the room to change himself.
Once both of them were dressed they played vanguard for a while until it was about midnight. "I think we should go to sleep" Aichi suggested. "Yeah I agree I'm exhausted" Kai replied. "Alright Kai you should sleep on the bed and I'll sleep on the couch okay?" Aichi stated. "Okay" Kai replied, then he hopped into bed and got under the covers. Aichi went to the couch to sleep. "Night Aichi" "good night Kai"
What awoke Aichi was someone shaking him. He slowly opened his eyes and saw Kai next to him with tears in his eyes. "What's wrong Kai?" Aichi asked. "I had a bad dream and I can't go back to sleep" Kai explained. "A dream?" Aichi questioned. Then he looked at the time and saw that it was only two in the morning. "Yeah I dreamed that mommy and daddy we killed." Kai replied and right after he started trembling. Aichi knew that Kai's parents had passed away but they died in a car accident they weren't murdered. "Kai" Aichi whispered. "Can I sleep with you?" Kai asked. Aichi was surprised at what he had asked but understood why he asked it. "Sure but we both can't sleep on the couch" Aichi replied. "Then we will both sleep on the bed" Kai replied. Then Aichi got up, took Kai by the hand and tucked both himself and Kai under the covers. Right after Kai got in he grabbed Aichi and started hugging him. Aichi was again surprised at Kai's actions but knew the reason behind them, so he hugged Kai back and both of them fell into a peaceful sleep and this time Kai didn't have any nightmares.

That's the end of the chapter. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

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