Even in Twenty Years (ON HOLD)

By Anahihey

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**STORY ON HOLD.** Five best friends. Four guys. Three secrets. Two that have feelings for each other. And on... More

Chapter 1 - Roxy
Chapter 3 - Roxy
Chapter 4 - Ryan
Chapter 5 - Roxy
Chapter 6 - Ryan
Chapter 7 - Roxy
Chapter 8 - Ryan
Chapter 9 - Roxy
Chapter 10 - Ryan
Chapter 11 - Roxy
Chapter 12 - Ryan
Chapter 13 - Roxy
Chapter 14 - Ryan
Chapter 15 - Roxy
Chapter 16 - Ryan
Chapter 17 - Roxy
Chapter 18 - Ryan
Chapter 19 - Roxy
Chapter 20 - Ryan
Chapter 21 - Roxy
Chapter 22 - Ryan
Chapter 23 - Roxy
Chapter 24 - Ryan
Chapter 25 - Roxy
Chapter 26 - Ryan
Chapter 27 - Roxy
Chapter 28 - Ryan
Chapter 29 - Roxy
Chapter 30 - Ryan
Chapter 31 - Roxy
Chapter 32 - Ryan
Chapter 33 - Roxy
Chapter 34 - Ryan
Chapter 35 - Roxy
Chapter 36 - Ryan
Chapter 37 - Roxy
Chapter 38 - Ryan
Chapter 39 - Roxy
Chapter 40 - Ryan
Chapter 41 - Roxy
Chapter 42 - Ryan

Chapter 2 - Ryan

228 9 0
By Anahihey

As soon as I woke up, I checked my phone. It was nine in the morning. I had slept on the couch of the living room. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. The rest of the guys were still asleep. Carter was sleeping on the other couch and Garrett was sleeping on the floor beside the other couch. They had moved the coffee table over by the opposite wall and sprawled out a blanket on the floor. Finn had slept next to the couch I slept on, so I had to be careful and quiet when I got up so I wouldn't wake him.

I was the first one to wake up, or at least I thought I was until I saw Roxy in the kitchen when I walked in.

"Good morning," she said to me.

"Morning. How'd you sleep?" I asked her, as I walked to the fridge to get some orange juice and sat on a stool by the kitchen island, drinking the juice from a glass.

"I slept fine. You?" she asked me, as she took out some food from the fridge.

"Same. What are you making?" I asked her, curiously, leaning over the counter to get a better look at the stove top.


"What smells so good?" Carter walked into the kitchen.

"Pancakes," Roxy answered.

"Sweet. Bacon sound good?" he asked us both, and we nodded. "Alright then." He walked over to the fridge and got out a packet of bacon.

Out of us five, Roxy and Carter were the only ones who could really cook. They usually cooked for everyone when we stayed over. The rest of us had the ability to make cereal and burn water. We couldn't cook to save our lives. We were glad to have Roxy and Carter.

Roxy was starting another batch of pancakes, while Carter had already started cooking the bacon. I took out the plates and cups and set them on the counter of the kitchen island, then sat back down on the stool.

"Yeah, pancakes!" Garrett beamed, as he and Finn walked into the kitchen.

"Chocolate chips, too, please," Finn said, as he walked to the pantry and back with a bag of chocolate chips.

"Alright." Roxy took the bag from him.

Roxy and Carter finished cooking, and we all got a plate to serve ourselves. We sat at the dining table of the kitchen.

"Thanks for cooking, you guys," I thanked Roxy and Carter.

"No problem," they both said at the same time.

"Roxy, these pancakes are amazing!" He took another bite of his pancakes. "Seriously, Roxy just marry me already. I'll build you a house on top of a hill with the biggest kitchen in the world. Pancakes forever!" He sat across from her and reached over the table and held her hand in his. He pulled back when she gave him a small hand squeeze.

Everyone laughed, including me.

"So what should we do today?" Roxy asked.

"I kinda wanted to go to the mall and buy some stuff," Carter spoke.

"I'm down," Garrett said.

"So mall then? Yeah?" Finn asked all of us.

"Yeah," I said along with everyone else.

When we finished eating, we cleaned up the mess we had created.

"Ima go shower," Roxy announced, as she walked up the stairs to Finn's room.

"Same here. I'm going to go home to shower then come back. I won't be too long." I walked over by the front door to get my keys. "See you guys later." I waved at them and walked outside.

I walked over to my gray Ford F-150 truck and hopped in. The truck was handed down to me by my older brothers. My parents had bought the truck for my older brother, Nate. He drove it when he was in high school. When he graduated, it was passed on to my other brother, Kody. When he graduated, it was passed on to me. We were all two years apart so it worked out perfectly.

I drove about fifteen minutes until I reached my house. I actually lived closer to Roxy and Garrett than to Finn. I got home and parked in front of the house.

I walked inside and noticed my mom sitting on the couch. She didn't work weekends so she was usually home. My dad worked Saturday's and had Sunday's off so he was at work today.

"Morning," she said, as she looked up from the book she was reading.

"Hey, mom."

"Did you eat?" she asked, as I started walking up the stairs.

"Yeah. Pancakes and bacon. I'm just going to shower real quick, and then ima head over to Finn's again. We're going to the mall," I explained.

"Alright," I heard her say, and then I made my way to my bedroom.

I got in the shower and showered pretty quick. When I got out, I picked out some clothes. A pair of black jeans, a gray long sleeve, paired with my black converse was going to do today. The weather was still cold out so I also got my black beanie. My hair was still damp so I waited before putting on the beanie. I hurried and got dressed then made my way downstairs.

"See you later, mom," I yelled so she could hear me, before I stepped outside into the chilly December day. Even though this was Southern California, it was still a bit chilly in December. It honestly varied in December. One day it was sunny and warmer and the next it was slightly cloudy and cold enough to wear beanies and hoodies.

I actually liked December though. Beanies and coats? That was alright by me. The cold felt good sometimes. I could survive it. Sometimes I liked it better than summer.

I got in my truck and arrived at Finn's fifteen minutes later just as before. I walked into Finn's house, since the door was unlocked. I actually had a key. We all did, but I didn't use it. He usually left it unlocked when he was home.

No one was in the living room so I went upstairs to Finn's room.

"Hey, man," Finn said, when I entered his room.

He was sitting on his bed. Roxy was standing by the mirror, combing her damp hair.

"Where are the guys?" I asked.

"They went home to shower. They shouldn't be much longer, they left right after you. I'm actually about to shower right now, so if you guys excuse me." He stood and walked into his bathroom.

I sat down on the edge of Finn's bed and looked at Roxy, as she combed her hair.

"Is it cold outside?" She looked at me through the mirror she stood in front of.

"Yeah. I'm glad I have a jacket in my truck."

I continued to look at her. Actually, no, I continued to admire her. She was so beautiful. Her beautiful green eyes always made her stand out. She was amazing, and so was her personality. Her height, which she hated, was one of her best features. She carried herself with so much grace.

These were all things I could never admit to her. Feelings for her I couldn't admit. Even though I tried so hard not to, I had to admit them to myself. I was certain she didn't feel the same way about me, though. She wouldn't.

My attraction towards Roxy grew back in junior year. Ever since I started hanging out with the guys and her. I always knew she was pretty, but as I got to know her better, I knew she wasn't just pretty but also beautiful. On the outside and the inside. She was an amazing person and a wonderful girl all around. The sad thing is, I really couldn't tell her that because it could ruin our friendship. I just wish she somehow felt the same way, but I knew that wouldn't happen.

"What are you looking at?" she asked, once she was done combing her hair.

"Nothing," I lied.

She walked over to Finn's closet and took out two jackets.

"Black or gray?" She held up both of her jackets.

"Gray," I responded.

She put the jacket over her white long sleeve that she paired with black jeans.

"There. I should be warm for today." She walked over to the bed and sat with her legs criss-crossed, on the opposite side of me.

I turned around to face her. She was looking down at her phone.

"Do you think it'll rain today? It looked pretty cloudy outside," I spoke.

She looked out the window by the bed. "Maybe."

"Hey, what's up, y'all ready to go?" Garrett asked, walking through the door with Carter behind him.

"Almost." Finn stepped out the bathroom dressed, without shoes and his hair dripping wet.

Roxy stood from the bed, walked over by the closet, grabbed her black converse, and quickly put them on.

Finn walked over to his dresser and took out a pair of socks, and then put them on as well as his shoes. He took a towel and dried his hair a bit.

"Let's go," he said, grabbing his wallet from the bureau.

"Shotgun!" Carter yelled out, as we walked down the stairs.

We got downstairs and headed outside to Finn's car. Carter went upfront with Finn. I sat behind Carter while Roxy sat in the middle and Garrett on the left of her.

Roxy smelled so good. Her scent or whatever perfume she used smelled like flowers. To be honest, I didn't mind going in the back since Roxy always sat in the middle, and I liked sitting next to her.

It took us about 25 minutes to get to the mall from Finn's house. Finn found a parking space very far away from the entrance. This was the last Saturday before Christmas so the mall was going to be packed. We all got down and started walking towards the entrance.

"Carry me, Ryan!" Garrett jumped onto my back.

"Dude, just because you say that doesn't mean I'm ready." I tried carrying him, but he was slipping since I didn't get a grip when he jumped on.

"Fine," he said, as he got off.

"You carry me, Garrett," Roxy spoke.

"Alright, hop on." Garrett squated a bit for her to get on his back.

Roxy jumped on his back. Garrett began walking again with the rest of us. She put her arms around him and rested her head on his shoulders.

To be honest, I was a bit jealous. Jealous because I kind of wished it was me whom she was next to. Garrett knew I liked Roxy, but he would never do anything to betray our trust. He was the only person who knew. Carter and Finn didn't know.

We got to the entrance and Garrett put Roxy down on her feet.

"Where to?" Finn asked.

"The shoe store," Carter suggested.

We all agreed, and then we headed to the shop. We walked inside the shoe store. There were shoes, clothes, and so much more.

"Ima go to the video game real quick," Garett spoke.

"I'll go with you," Finn spoke, and they walked out the store.

Whenever we went to the mall, we would usually stay together or we would all split up and meet up afterwards. It just varied on the day.

"Well, I'm going to go to a different store. See you guys later," Roxy said, walking away.

"I'll go with you," I spoke.

"You sure?" she asked.

"Yeah," I responded. "Aye, Carter, you cool with us going somewhere else?" I asked. He was looking at some shoes.

"Yeah, man, just text me later so we can all meet up at the food court or something. I still have to go to the music shop to buy that new CD for Jaylene and Maggie," he spoke about his fourteen year old twin sisters. They had been bugging him for a while now. He had bought the rest of the CDs for them from the same band so he didn't mind.

Roxy and I walked out of the store and walked around a bit. We continued to pass different stores until we stopped in front of one. A very specific girly store. Victoria's Secret to be exact. Instantly, I felt a bit awkward and out of place. Roxy looked at me. She walked inside the store, so I followed.

"Uhh Roxy?" I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Oh, calm down," she said. "I'm only here to buy some perfume."

Immediately, I felt better.

As we walked around the store, some girls began to stare at us or mainly me. Two girls, who I presume we're friends, looked at each other and giggled. I think they were laughing at me for being in a girls store. They were probably wondering what type of lingerie I was going to buy. Even that seemed funny to me.

"That's so cute," I heard one of them say.

"Yeah, it is. I wish I had a boyfriend who would actually walk into Victoria's Secret with me," she told her friend. "That girl is so lucky she has a boyfriend like that."

Were they actually talking about me and Roxy? I looked around. I was the only guy in here. What made them think we were together? Soon after, both girls left.

"Hey, Roxy, did you hear what those girls were saying?" I asked her, and she nodded her head. "That's funny, huh?" I wanted to know what she thought of it.

"Yeah, totally," she replied and picked up a perfume in her hand. "Smell this." She handed me the perfume.

"It smells good," I told her, but I didn't know why that perfume smelled so familiar.

"This is the kind I always use," she informed me. "Now, smell this one." She handed me a different perfume bottle.

"It smells good, too," I told her.

"So which one do you think I should get?" She looked at the two bottles in her hands.

"I think you should get the one you always get. That one smells really good," I advised her. It did smell good, and I preferred that kind on her. Not that she wore it for me, but it was just a suggestion. The scent just reminded me of her. For as long as I could remember, Roxy always smelled like the first perfume she showed me. That was Roxy's scent.

"Alright." She placed the other bottle down on a shelf. She walked over to where some lotions were, and she picked one up. "Okay, I'm going to go pay for these." We walked over to the cash register.

"Where do you wanna go now?" she asked, when we stepped outside.

"It doesn't matter," I answered.

"Forever 21 it is." She smiled.

I felt a smile form on my lips.

Her smile was contagious. It was one of the things I loved about her.

We walked more and more around the mall until we got to Forever 21. I know it was a mall and there were many stores, but I swear anybody could get lost in here.

We walked inside the store. There were so many girls and girls clothes. Some of the girls looked at me and smiled. Don't get me wrong, as a guy, it's pretty cool when that many girls look at you and seem interested, but it's not like I want the attention. The only attention I wanted was from Roxy, and she currently had her attention on some jackets. Sadly, it seemed like every time I went with her to a girl store and girls looked at me, she seemed to not notice. If she did notice, then she probably didn't care.

"This is cute." Roxy got a peat coat from a rack.

Roxy always dressed different. Sometimes she would wear a flannel shirt, a leather jacket, or even a pink dress. Her style varied so much. She never limited herself to one single type of style.

"Try it on," I told her, and she took off her jacket. She handed it to me to hold, along with her Victoria's Secret shopping bag.

Roxy tried on the peat coat right in the store, since it was just a jacket.

"Ehh..." She looked at herself in a nearby mirror. "What do you think?"

I usually hated it when she asked me questions like that because I really never knew what to say. Most girls would get upset if you told them the truth and they didn't like your honesty or if you lied and later they found out the truth. I didn't want to say the wrong thing and insult her. The thing though was that Roxy was usually an easy-going person so I normally didn't have to worry about stuff like that. There was a first time for everything though so who knows.

"I think," I spoke. She stared at me, waiting. "To be honest, I think it looks a little too big for you." I waited for her to respond.

"You're right." She took off the coat, and I handed her back her things.

She didn't put her jacket back on. She simply carried it.

We walked some more around the store. Roxy got a pair of black jeans which she tried on in the dressing room, while I waited outside. She came out of the dressing rooms, dressed in her own clothes and told me she was going to purchase the black jeans.

We were headed towards the cash register when we saw a rack full of different beanies.

"Oh, let me see." She stopped in front of the rack.

She picked up a white beanie but put it back down. Roxy then picked up a gray beanie which she tried on.

"How do I look?" She asked with the beanie on top of her head.

She looked very good in it, and she also looked cute.

"It looks nice," I simply replied.

"Hmm... I'll get it," she stated and we made our way to the cashier.

Once Roxy paid, we made our way out of the store.

"Here. Let me carry those." I reached over, took her Victoria's Secret and Forever 21 bags from her hands, and carried both in my left hand.

"What?" She had looked at me grab them from her grasp. "It's fine, I can carry them."

"It's all good." I carried both bags in my left hand.

"Remind me to take you shopping with me more often." She smiled and wrapped her arm with my right arm.

We went on to different stores.

As we were walking around the mall, my phone vibrated from my front pocket. I got my phone out and looked at the text message I had received.

"Roxy, Carter just texted me. They're waiting for us at the food court," I told her.

"Alright, let's go," she said, then we turned around and headed towards the food court.

Roxy picked up the pace a bit, causing me to fall behind a few feet.

"Hurry, Ryan. There's food at the food court." She grabbed my hand in hers and tugged me gently.

"Alright." I smiled inside, looking down at our intertwined hands. Her hand was soft and warm.

The food court was crowded as it usually was when we arrived. We saw the guys. They were seated at a round table. Roxy let go of my hand, and we made our way towards them. Roxy and I took a seat. I sat beside Garrett while Roxy sat in between Finn and Carter.

"What are you guys getting?" Roxy asked us.

"Probably a sub," Garrett responded.

"Maybe a chicken bowl," Carter said.

"Same here, man," I agreed with Carter.

"Well, I'm going to get some pretzels," Finn said.

"What are you getting, Roxy?" I asked.

"I'm not really that hungry. Breakfast filled me up," she explained. "I'll just get a milkshake."

"Alright, so who's going to stay and watch the table?" Garett asked.

"I'll stay," Roxy offered. "Get me a milkshake, please." She handed Finn some money.

"Alright," he told her, as we all stood up. "The usual?"

"Yes, please."

Then we all went to the different food shops.

Carter and I walked over to the line for the Mexican food. It wasn't a long line. There were three people in front of us. When it was our turn, we both ordered. Off to the side, we waited for our food to be ready. We got our food when it was ready and walked back to the table.

Carter and I both got back to the table and sat in our seats. Garrett was sitting there already with Roxy.

"Dude, what took you so long?" Garrett asked Finn when he took his seat beside Roxy.

"The line was so long," he explained and handed Roxy her milkshake.

"You only got pretzels, I doubt the line was that long," Carter told him.

"It was. I don't know why but it was. People go crazy for those pretzels," he said.

"Well, alright," Carter continued and began eating.

"Here, Roxy, I got you a pretzel, in case you wanted one." Finn handed her the small white paper bag.


We all began eating our food. I saw Finn take Roxy's milkshake and take a sip. He handed it back to her, and she offered us some.

"Yeah or no?" she asked.

"I'm good," I told her.

"Same here," Carter replied.

"Is it mint chocolate chip like last time?" Garrett asked, scrunching his face.

"Yup, it always is," she told him, smiling.

That was her favorite type of ice cream.

"Then no, thank you," Garrett responded.

When we all finished eating, we threw our trash away and left the food court. The five of us continued to walk around and go into different stores. We walked into a clothing store and looked around.

There was a guy on the other side of the store who kept glancing over at us.

"Roxy, that guy is totally checking you out," Carter told her.

Roxy turned to look then turned back to us. "He's not my type."

"Oh, dang! Roxy's got a type," Garrett said and nudged me with his elbow.

"He's coming over," Carter spoke, and we all turned.

The guy came up to us. He was around Finn's height. He had blonde hair and brown eyes. He was wearing khakis and an olive shirt.

"Hey, I'm Shawn," he said, attention fixated on Roxy.

"What's your name?" he asked her.

"Roxanne," she told him.

Most of Roxy's friends called her Roxy even some teachers at school, but with other people like strangers, she usually told them to call her Roxanne. Finn was the only one who called her Rox, and I actually didn't know why. A different conversation for another time.

"That's a pretty name. A pretty name for a pretty girl." He smiled at her.

Pft. Please.

I looked at Roxy, seeing if she was buying this. Her cheeks were a slight rosy shade. I don't know if I imagined it though.

"Thanks," she told him.

"So do you come here often?" he asked her, completely ignoring our presence.

"Uhh yeah kinda," she replied.

"Mind if I get your number?" he asked.

"No. I came here with my boyfriend," she lied to him.

The guy looked at all of us, and we looked at him.

"Uhh who's your boyfriend," he asked, and we all directed our attention to Finn.

"I'm actually just her best friend," Finn spoke.

"Then who?" the guy questioned.

"He is." Garrett gave me a slight shove closer to Roxy.

"You're her boyfriend?" he asked me.

"Yeah." I put my arm around Roxy's shoulders, and she put her arm around my back.

"Sorry, man," he told me. "I didn't mean to hit on your girl."

"It's all good," I told him.

"Come on, guys, we have to go," Finn urged.

We walked out of the store. I still had my arm around Roxy, and so did she. Once we were out of view from the store, I removed my arm from her.

We walked towards the entrance of the mall, since it was already six.

"Thanks," Roxy told me, as we all made our way to the parking lot.

"No problem," I responded.

"Why'd you come up with that lie," Carter asked.

"I told you, he's not my type," Roxy replied blankly.

"No, really though?" Garrett asked.

"I just didn't want to give him my number. He was a complete stranger, and I'm not looking for a relationship right now," she told him.

Garrett's eyes focused on mine now.

"So, how does it feel having Ryan as your fake boyfriend?" Garrett asked. "I bet he's so dreamy," Garrett made his voice sound like a girl and put one hand to his face then smiled like a girl would, trying to bat his eyes, even though he was failing miserably.

"Omg, he totally is and the cutest," Roxy joked, along with Garrett and made herself sound more like a girly girl. "Just look at him, wouldn't you want him?" Her eyes looked up at me and met mine. She was smiling. A smile that reached all the way to her eyes and made them twinkle.

We all laughed. Then Carter joined in.

"I hear all the girls want him," Carter gasped. "Omg, Roxy, what will you do." Carter made a funny girl voice.

"O-M-G, really?" Roxy pretended to be shocked. "Well, girlfriend, you can tell them he's all mine, and they can find their own," Roxy continued in her very girly voice, and she intertwined our arms at the elbow. She leaned her head against my shoulder.

"Girl, you tell 'em." Garrett laughed.

We arrived in front of Finn's car and got in. I went in the back with Roxy and Garrett.

We arrived at Finn's house at around seven. Most of our day was spent at the mall.

When we got through the front door Garrett and Carter immediately went to the couch to play video games. I grabbed a controller and joined them.

Roxy took a seat on the other couch and Finn joined her. Roxy took off her shoes then brought her legs up to her chest and hugged them. She put her head on Finn's shoulder. Finn leaned into Roxy and put his head on top of hers. They whispered a couple of things which none of us could hear.

I had to admit, sometimes when I saw them like that, I did get a bit jealous. I knew that Finn didn't have anything going on with Roxy because they were basically like brother and sister. They had known each other for a while. Sometimes, I still couldn't contain the bit of jealousy I would feel from seeing them that close.

"Ryan! Come on, at least try," Garrett told me, since I was barely playing.

I looked towards at the screen and actually started playing but not before stealing one last glance at Roxy.

The guys and I continued to play. It was quite some time because by the time we stopped playing, it was already ten o'clock.

"I think it's time I should go. I doubt my mom will let me sleep here again." I stood from the couch and stretched.

"Yeah, same here," Carter spoke before he stood.

Garrett stood as well since he was Carter's ride.

"Alright," Finn said, as he stood up from where he was sitting next to Roxy.

"You're going home too, right?" Finn turned to Roxy, and she nodded.

"Yeah, my parents are coming home tonight," she spoke.

Roxy's parents rarely visited her because they worked in a hotel business so they were always traveling. That's why she hung out with us all the time. When they did visit her, she always stayed with them since that was the only time she saw them.

"Who wants to take me home?" Roxy asked.

"I will," I spoke up.

"Thank you. Let me get my things." She walked up the stairs.

"So, are we doing anything else this weekend?" Carter asked.

"I don't know, any plans?" Finn asked him.

"Not really. Just call me, if anything happens," he told him. "Hey, you guys are coming to my cousin's wedding, right? You all said you would." Carter looked at us.

"Wait, what?" Finn asked.

"Yeah, my cousin's wedding. I told you guys, remember? It's on Wednesday, since she wanted to have a wedding before Christmas. You guys said you would all have dates, so I'm counting on that, since I already told my cousin," Carter explained.

"I completely forgot," I told him, truthfully.

"Yeah, well, find a date. I'm taking Daniella, and Garrett is taking one of my cousin's. So, Finn, you, and Roxy need a date, unless Roxy already has one."

"What date?" Roxy asked, walking down the stairs.

"Remember, my cousin's wedding on Wednesday before Christmas," he reminded her.

"Damn," she muttered. "I totally forgot. How could I forget?" she said the last part to herself.

"Well, make sure you find a date. I have to go. See you guys later," he said, slowly walking out with Garrett.

"Alright. Bye, you guys," Roxy told them and gave them a hug.

They did their handshake with Finn and then me.

"See ya later," Finn told them.

It was jut the three of us left, since Garrett and Carter left.

"I completely forgot, and now I need a date by Wednesday," Finn spoke.

"I know, so do I," Roxy admitted. "Why don't you ask Grace? You've been talking to her a bit," she told him.

"I don't know. We've recently started talking, and I don't want to scare her off like that. "

"Just explain to her the situation. I'm pretty sure she will go with you. Just ask," Roxy explained.

"Maybe. I'll talk to her," he told us both.

"Alright, see you later. Bye." She leaned in and hugged him, then I did the handshake with him.

"Ready to go, Roxy?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She grabbed her things.

We walked out the house to my truck.

I unlocked the truck with my car key remote and opened the door for Roxy to get. Once she was in the seat, I closed the door for her.

"I can't believe I forgot about the wedding," I said, when I got in the truck and drove.

"I know, me too. I mean, I knew the wedding was this month, but I just forgot we had to take a date," she explained. "Who are you taking?" she asked me.

"I don't know. I really don't know who I could take or ask," I honestly told her. "What about you? Who are you asking?" I glanced at her, then looked back at the road.

She didn't respond right away. It looked like she was really thinking about it.

"I don't know. I really don't even want to ask anyone. If we can't find a date, why don't the three of us just go like that?" she asked me.

"I remember Carter saying that his cousin wanted everyone to have a date because she didn't want people to be lonely or something like that, but I don't know. You could ask Carter," I briefly explained.

"Ehh it's whatever. If we do need one, then I'll probably just ask somebody," she told me, just as I pulled up in front of her house.

"Yeah," I told her.

"Thanks for the ride, Ryan," she told me, and she leaned over to hug me. "And thanks for the whole fake boyfriend thing at the mall," she told me, when we released from the hug. "Bye," she told me, as she got her things and got down from the truck.

I watched Roxy walk up to her front door and unlock it. I waited for her to get inside. Once she was inside, I saw the light from the living room turn on, and that was my cue to leave.

I drove home, thinking about who I was going to ask to be my date for the wedding. To be honest, there was only one person I wanted to ask, and I had a blast carrying her bags around all day and being her fake boyfriend.

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เถฑเท”เถน เถฑเท’เทƒเท เถฏเทเท€เท”เถซเท’.....๐Ÿ’™ เถฑเท”เถนเท™เถฑเทŠ เถธเท เถฑเท’เท€เท™เถธเท’......๐Ÿ’™
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|ongoing| Ivana grew up alone. She was alone since the day she was born and she was sure she would also die alone. Without anyone by her side she str...
173K 8.3K 53
แ€„แ€šแ€บแ€„แ€šแ€บแ€€แ€แ€Šแ€บแ€ธแ€€ แ€›แ€„แ€บแ€ทแ€€แ€ปแ€€แ€บแ€•แ€ผแ€ฎแ€ธ แ€กแ€แ€”แ€บแ€ธแ€แ€ฑแ€ซแ€„แ€บแ€ธแ€†แ€ฑแ€ฌแ€„แ€บแ€กแ€™แ€ผแ€ฒแ€œแ€ฏแ€•แ€บแ€›แ€แ€ฒแ€ท แ€€แ€ฑแ€ฌแ€„แ€บแ€œแ€ฑแ€ธ แ€€แ€ปแ€ฑแ€ฌแ€บแ€”แ€ฑแ€™แ€„แ€บแ€ธ แ€แ€ผแ€ฐแ€แ€ผแ€ฌแ€œแ€ฝแ€”แ€บแ€ธแ€œแ€ญแ€ฏแ€ท แ€€แ€ปแ€ฑแ€ฌแ€บแ€”แ€ฑแ€™แ€„แ€บแ€ธแ€€ แ€•แ€ญแ€ฏแ€ธแ€Ÿแ€•แ€บแ€–แ€ผแ€ฐแ€œแ€ญแ€ฏแ€ท แ€”แ€ฌแ€™แ€Šแ€บแ€•แ€ฑแ€ธแ€แ€ถแ€›แ€แ€ฒแ€ท แ€€แ€ฑแ€ฌแ€„แ€บแ€™แ€œแ€ฑแ€ธ แ€”แ€ฑแ€แ€ผ...