Trapped With Him

By obsessed-

73.4K 1.9K 599

"Would you pick a daisy in a field of roses?" I ask. "What kind of question is that? Ask me something else,"... More

Trapped With Him
Chapter 1 ║ Acting, Anatomy, and an Asshole
Chapter 2 ║ Red is Your Color
Chapter 3 ║ We're Moving?
Chapter 4 ║ A Stalker and a Nightmare
Chapter 5 ║ Oblivion
Chapter 6 ║A Daisy in a Field of Roses
Chapter 8║ Being a Hero is Painful
Chapter 9 ║He's Back
Chapter 10 ║ Intoxicated and Pancakes

Chapter 7║ It was Fun While it Lasted

5.1K 149 73
By obsessed-

Read Please

Is this any update? Haha yes it is. It's been what two years since my last update? But after multiple requests, I finally decided to update. 

To be completely honest, I was going to drop this book because I absolutely cringed when I decided to re-read some of the previous chapters. I absolutely hated them. And I have no clue where this story is going because I came up with in 2012 and it's been four years. 

But every time I get an e-mail that someone commented, I get so happy and I can't believe that there are people who like the story and my shitty writing and want me to continue. So because your comments really touched me, I decided why not to continue. 

Now I have more to say, but I say it in the end because I'm pretty sure you want to read already. But be warned, it might be shitty because I haven't written in ages and this took me forever to write. 

Chapter 7║ It was Fun While it Lasted

I woke up the next morning, still feeling a bit tired. I yawned and looked at the time and had a mini heart attack. I overslept. I always wake up on time. I rushed to the bathroom to take a shower. In the middle of my shower, I realized it was Saturday. Saturday means no school, which also means "me" time. I mentally slapped myself. All this time I was thinking that I had to be at school in the next half an hour. Instead of rushing, I decided to take my time. There was no point in rushing if I didn't have anywhere to go today.

Once I got out of the shower, I felt refreshed and ready to start my day. But then I remembered that I didn't really have plans. But then again when do I ever? I went downstairs to make myself some breakfast. While I was whipping up some pancake batter, I pondered on about what I should do today. I was thinking about staying home all day and catching up with some shows. It's been a long time since I've had time to watch something. All I do is study, sleep, eat and study some more. But if I just sat and watched shows, I wouldn't be doing anything productive. But no, I haven't watched the past two seasons of "Once Upon a Time" and I miss Captain Hook. Oh Hook, I wish you weren't married.

Alyssa get a hold of yourself! I pinched myself to come back to reality. No Alyssa. No shows today! I have to be productive.

After eating my breakfast, I decided to call Emily and Ashton to see if they'd want to come over. I took my phone out and dialed Emily's number. She picked up on the first ring. I asked if she wanted to come over and then frowned when she said she had to watch her sister. Then I called Ashton, hoping that he wasn't also occupied. He sounded ecstatic when I asked him. He said he'd be here before I knew it. And after I ended the call, the doorbell rang.

I went over to answer the door, thinking that it had to be someone beside Ashton because no way in hell did he get here that fast. I opened the door and was shocked. Right before me stood Ashton. I couldn't form any words.

"H-how did you get here so fast?" I was in shock. I hung up the phone about a minute ago and he just magically arrives at my doorstep within that minute. It should've taken at least half an hour to get here from his place.

He pats my head. "Oh Aly. Such a foolish little child. Didn't I tell you I was a wizard?" I snorted. Wizard my ass. He glared at me before he continued. "Now are you going to let me in or am I going to freeze my balls off?" He smirked at the last part.

I sighed before a smile spread on my lips. "Well let your balls freeze. After all you're a wizard aren't you? I'm sure you can whip up a fire to keep you warm." I winked at him before turning around to shut the door.

Before I could he grabbed my wrists. "Aly." He whined. "Let me in. It's fucking cold."

I forced myself not to chuckle. "If you're going to beg, I guess I have to let you in." I rolled my eyes at him while I moved aside from the door so he could get in. Once he got in, I asked again, "How did you get here so fast?"

He smiled before taking off his coat. "I was in the neighborhood and then I received a call and it was you. I think it's fate. Thank god I didn't have to drive all the way from my house."

"Fate my ass. You just happened to be in the neighborhood," I whispered. "What were you doing here?" I inquired. It wasn't like him to be here just because.

"I had some errands to run for the old man." He crossed his arms. "Now are we going to stand here all day or are we actually going to do something? I don't plan on becoming boring like you anytime soon."

I pretended to be hurt. I touched my heart. "Ouch... That hurt. It's like you stabbed me in the middle of my heart."

"The truth hurts, Aly. Sorry to break it to you." He flashed me that playful grin of his.

"My name isn't Aly. It's Alyssa. If I wanted you to call me Aly then my name wouldn't have been Alyssa. So don't call me Aly."

"Alright Aly." With that said, he winked.

I rolled my eyes and led him to the living room. When he walked in, I saw his eyes go wide. I knew what he was thinking. But I waited for him to say it.

"This room is mad big. How did your dad fucking afford this place?" I cringed when he asked about my dad.

"I honestly have no clue. You'll be in a bigger shock when you see my room. You won't believe how much more space there is now." I replied.

Ashton decided to wander around while I stared at him. He looked at everything in awe. "Wow, Aly. Let me live here. This is amazing."

I chuckled at his amazement. "Sorry to break it to you, but we don't let losers who get in fights stay," I teased.

He rolled his eyes. "Ha ha. Alyssa the the little jokester. Cute," He smirked as I proceeded to smack him.

"Idiot," I murmured. "Did you have breakfast? I can cook you something if you want," I offered.

He shakes it off with his hand, "Nah don't worry about it. I'm not hungry. Instead show me your room."

I sigh and look at the impatient boy before taking his hand and guiding him up the stairs to my room. We walk into the room and he abruptly stops walking and gasps. "Oh Alyssa, what have you done to deserve a room like this? You must've saved lives in your previous life to have something as good as this," He concluded.

Once again I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. "Ash, how fucking stupid can you get? It's a goddamn room, Yes, I admit it's more than I've had before but come on it's not like we're in Beyonce's old room."

"Alright Miss No Fun. Some people don't get to live in luxury like you."

"Ash what are you even saying. You live in a bigger house than this. Stop making yourself look even more foolish than you already are."

"Alright, fine," He grumbled. "So why'd you call? Are we doing something exciting?" He asked before taking it back, "Wait, let me take that back. Exciting, not happening."

I shoved his shoulder. "Ashton!" I exclaimed.

He shrugged his shoulder, "What? Please tell me when has it ever been exciting when anyone does anything with you Alyssa."

I shoved him harder this time, making him almost lose his balance off my bed which he proceeded to sit on a few minutes ago. "I so do exciting things," I exclaimed. I can be fun at times.

"Oh really? Please enlighten me. What was the last fun thing we've ever done?" Ashton asked.

I searched the back of my mind, hoping to find something to prove it to him. "Um... oh yeah I just remembered. Remember that time when we filled up the balloons we got from the store with water and had a water balloon fight?" I smiled in triumph, feeling pretty good for coming up with something.

My smile was short lived when Ash rolled his eyes, "That was when we were like seven. Just admit it, you don't know what it's like to have actual fun. Or at least haven't done anything thrilling within the past years," Ashton said with smugness clearly evident in his voice.

"Fine," I grumbled under my breath. "Why don't we do something you suggest then, Mr. I know how to have fun." I asked.

He smirked, "That's more like it." He looked around my room, trying to find something. I just stared at him until he exclaimed, "Ah there it is." I see him pick something up from behind a box that still needs to be unpacked. He comes up with a game console. "I was wondering if you still had this."

"I thought he might've discarded it," I said in confusement. I know Ashton knew who the "he" I was referring too was. I didn't understand why he didn't have this thrown out. I guess he thought it wasn't too much of a bother to my education.

Ashton wore a silly grin on his face, "Well guess what? It's still here. Let's go and set this up in the living room." I nodded and we proceeded down the hall to the stairs. Before we stepped foot on the stairs, Ashton's eyes laid on another set of stairs that led to the attic.

"Where does that lead to?" He asked. Before I could say, he moved towards the stairs. I panicked. I couldn't let him up there.

I grabbed his wrist before he could get up the stairs. "No," I whispered. He stared at me in confusion. I searched for something to say. "It's just full of boxes. It's filled with archaic things. You wouldn't want to see that," I plastered the best smile I could and started to lead him away from the attic stairs. I knew he didn't buy my little white lie, but he let it go.

I couldn't let Ashton see the attic. It's too personal. Even if he is the closest person to me and means the world to me, that room is too personal. It's the only connection I have with my mom, and I can't have Ashton see it and then have him question and pity me. It'd be too much. I want my mom to myself, even if it makes me selfish, and I don't want anyone else to see a room that screams her name and shows her beauty.


After playing a couple of games, we decided to call it a day. We spent the entire day playing games and before we knew it, it was already past 7. Playing with Ashton is no joke. He's way too competitive and I'm way too stubborn and when you put us together it's a whole mess. The whole time we were playing, we were acting like little eight year olds at each other's necks. Neither of us wanted to lose. It was like a battle of our pride. If Ashton wins, he'll brag about how he's the best for a good 10 minutes and if I win, which rarely happens, I get bragging rights for a good half an hour. But as usual, Ashton won most of the games, but I did manage to win once.

After our last game, I decided to look out the window, only to see that the moon has completely taken over the sun. I turn to look at the clock hanging on the wall and my eyes widen when I see that it's already 10. I can't believe we've been playing that many games. It didn't seem like that much. I guess the saying's true, Time flies, when you're having fun. I sigh before returning to my original position on the comfy couch, while Ashton unplugs the game console.

"It's not fair," I whine while Ashton sits back down on the couch while he boasts about how he's a champion.

He looks smug before asking, "What's not fair Aly-bear?" My eyes immediately widen. Aly-bear.

"Don't call me Aly and don't you dare think about adding bear at the end either," I shout. Ashton just sticks his tongue out. I stick my own tongue right back at him. "You cheater," I mumble.

I know Ashton heard, but he decided to play it dumb. "What did you say? I didn't quite catch that." Why do I hang out with this idiot? Oh right, he's one of my only friends.

"You heard me. You're a big fat cheater, Ash," I say. He comes over and pinches my cheeks.

"Who's a cheater?" He asks while his hands still rest on my cheeks.

"You," I whisper before smacking his hands away from my checks.

"Oh Aly, you're just bad at everything but school. Such a shame," He playfully nods his head. That's it. He's out.

"I think you overstayed your welcome, Ash. It's time to go." I get up from the couch I was sitting on and make my way towards the door.

"Fine. Don't ask me to come over again if you're going to kick me out like this," He replies, trying to sound serious but his smile betrays him.

I open the door and Ashton walks out. He turns around and engulfs me in a hug. "Make sure to eat dinner and get some sleep. Don't stay up late studying like you do," he whispers.

I smile. He may be a pain in the ass, but he's always been there for me and always will. "I will idiot. Don't worry. Get home safe. Eyes on the road," I warn.

He rolls his eyes, before squeezing me tighter. "Yes, mother." I chuckle a bit. "Bye Aly-bear. I love you," he whispers again.

I gently smack his chest this time. "Don't call me that. I love you too," I reply with a grin.

I wave as Ashton turns around to walk towards his car. Before he could get far, we see a car pulling by next door. Jake and Austin walks out of the car. I see Ashton clenching his hands, before I make eye contact with Austin. He smirks at me with a twinkle in his eyes. I look to see that Jake, too, is clenching his fists. Oh god, please don't start anything now. It's late. I'm tired. I don't want to have to see cops pull up because of a brawl.

Before I can drag Ashton into his car, he turns towards Jake. He starts stalking towards him and Austin.

"Oh shit," I mumble. Why does this have to happen now? 


So, how was it? Please leave your comments and thoughts below. I really would love to know what you guys think. 

I'm so grateful and thankful for all the love this story has received even when I was gone. Now, just because I updated doesn't mean I will continue updating frequently. I am on summer break, but I'm working and I have so much school work that I need to get done in order to be prepared for next year. 

Please understand that I am busy and if I wasn't, I actually probably would write to complete this story for you all.

Now I don't know when the hell I will be updating next, but your comments really do motivate me so keep them coming ((;

I will try my best to complete this story but we're only on chapter 7 and I need to think of a plan for this story since I have decided to continue it. Who knows what will happen in the future, but I promise that I will do my best to try to update, even if it's once a month or once every three months.

I hope you all have an amazing summer if you're on summer break and if not, I hope you have an amazing month. 

A big thanks to all you reading my storing, commenting and voting. Words can't express how much it means to me. 

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