
By AushaileneRagin

3K 182 55

On this side of Birmingham UK, the reckless and rich Corey Barrick of the feared and closely nit Barrick fami... More

The Fight
The Second Time
Steam in the kitchen
Moving in
Corey's Mark
He's Dead
Get In Line
The Escape
His Grilfriend
Sneaking out

While in London

176 17 1
By AushaileneRagin

"Where are you going?" Thomas asked standing outside of Mel's closed bedroom door.

"I've got to go visit my gran in Manchester. I'll be back in a couple of days."

"Okay but why can't I come in?"

"You just can't Tom-Tom. Look I'll be gone in the morning so I'm just gonna take my vacation time for work tomorrow." Mel didn't want Thomas to come in because he would see the huge love bite on her neck, and she didn't feel like answering his questions.

"You don't have to do that Mel I'll cover your shift." He sighed leaving her door. He was quite tired and hoped her gran was okay. In all honesty, he couldn't deal with having to help Mel through another death at the moment.

"Thanks Thomas I'll see you in two days tops!" She sighed as she finished packing her backpack with the things she would need. She had about 30 minutes until she had to go meet Corey so she decided to sneak out of the window and meet him across the street where she had texted him to come earlier.

When she finally got outside, there he was in his black car right on time. Mel had no idea how daring she had became but she liked it. She was leading her own romance novel now, she just hoped she didn't hurt anyone in the process.

Mel spent most of the drive to Corey's flat asleep. Falling in and out of a dream like state of consciousness. She felt Corey's eyes on her a few times, but that didn't bother her. She liked the attention, and she could never stay awake for too long.

Upon arrival, Corey starred at the sleeping girl wondering if he should wake her. "Melody." He whispered but she did not budge. "Melody wake up, we're here." he said a little louder stroking her cheek with his thumb. Finally she started to stir.

"Huh?" she asked groggily before coming to her senses.

"We're here. I would carry you but I'm still not completely healed." He admitted reaching over to grab Mel's small yellow backpack.

"Oh okay." She yawned unbuckling her seat belt. She watched as Corey got out of the car and walked around it to open her door.

"Thanks." She smiled getting out of the car.

"Is this all you brought?" Corey questioned amused.

"Uh yeah why?"

"It's just, you're not like most girls."

It was so dark outside and the London air was crisp as they walked through the car park and into an elevator. Once inside, Mel watched as Corey pressed the highest button signaling the elevator to carry them up to the top floor of the building. When the elevator stopped Mel timidly followed behind the older man wondering where his footsteps would lead them. Soon enough they were stopped in front of a gray metal door with the number 410 written on it. With Mel's backpack strap in one hand Corey fumbled with his wallet until he found the thin plastic card that unlocked the door.

"Are you coming in or are you going to stand there all night?" Corey joked as he entered his flat alone.

Mel was dumbfounded, never in her life had she seen anything so luxurious. If she thought Thomas's flat was nice, Corey's flat was practically heaven. Warily she entered the space closing the door behind her.

"This place is great but it only has one bedroom so you can sleep in there tonight and I'll take the couch." Corey stated walking over to a white touch screen pad on the wall. "I've turned the floor heating on so if you want to take off your shoes it won't be too cold."

"Ok." Mel replied not really knowing what to do with herself as she awkwardly stood in the middle of the room. Corey's flat had an open floor plan where you could see everything from where she stood. The walls were painted black minus the red accent wall that lined his dinning room. There was a huge leather sofa in the center of the room with a sleek glass coffee table in front of it and adjacent to that was another smaller leather chair pointed inward. Behind the table was Corey's kitchen that had beautiful white marble counter tops and matching tile accompanied with stainless steel appliances. His dinner table was a deep mahogany eight seater with a beautiful light fixture hanging above it. But the best part about Corey's flat was the fact that from where Mel stood, all she saw were gigantic windows facing her that looked out into the city, making the dark space seem vast and endless.

"The bedroom is this way." Corey smirked walking her over to it. Unlike the rest of the house, the walls of his bedroom were completely white. His room was also very clean and minimal with only a large bed with black sheets, a white dresser and matching night stand with a silver floor lamp beside it. There was also a painted white book shelf filled sky high with books that stood against a bare wall that had a door to, what Mel assumed, the loo next to it. The large windows continued into his room as well so there was little privacy from the outside world, but being so high up Mel guessed that no one from the outside could really see up here anyway.

Mel liked Corey's room and she secretly imagined that it was her own.

Corey's tall frame stood in the doorway as he watched Mel's eyes inspect the space. He wished that he could read her every thought even though her face was practically an open book.

"Well you seemed tired so I guess I'll leave you to it then.." He stated eyeing her for a response.

"Wait." Mel said before he could leave. "You still have my backpack."

Without a word Corey handed the bag over to Mel and watched her lay it on the bed so that she could rummage through it. Mel's back was facing the dark haired man but she could feel his eyes on her. Mel felt dizzy from the attention and allowed herself to be daring as she pulled out her freshly washed pink silk pajama set.

Slowly she pulled off her worn jumper exposing her bare back. Mel had always hated wearing bras and unlike the greater blessed in her family, her small bust didn't necessarily call for one. Kicking off her shoes, her feet came in contact with the warm floor and she sighed in comfort. Reaching for her pajama top Mel began to put it on before she was stopped by a warm hand wrapped around her waist.

"This is a dangerous game you're playing." Corey's voice rang sternly in her left ear. Mel couldn't say anything, because if she did the shakiness in her voice would give away all the nerves she was so desperately trying to conceal.

"You're so soft." Corey continued breathing into her neck and kissing her softly above the small black mole on her shoulder. He would remember that mole forever. He quickly waisted no time gently sliding his left hand over her stomach and then roughly cupping her left breast. His thumb drawing a circular motion around her nipple causing it to harden. His right hand sliding up to do the same. Suddenly Mel's back arched in guilty pleasure as a wave of sheer ecstasy ran through her body. A hushed moan slipping from her lips.

Corey could tell that the inexperienced girl had reached her peak simply with the touch of his fingers, and this fact made his groin grow rather large and begin to throb as it pressed firmly against her back.

"Can you feel what you've done to me Melody." He questioned spinning her around. The sight of her standing half naked in front of him like that, made him want to take her right on his own bed. But he sensed that this was as far as he would get tonight so he'd have to handle this problem on his own. Or so he thought. Before he could protest Mel's small hands were unbuttoning his trousers and tiny particles fluttered in the white light as they hit the floor. Moving her back pack out of the way Mel sat him down on the edge of the bed and quickly took of his shirt.

"Wow." She whispered as she ran her fingers over the place were the most recent knife had stabbed him, but as she examined him further she realized that this boy had been through much worse. Laying him down she nervously took off her own trousers and got on top of him in only her panties. Slowly she began to grind their lower regions together until Corey took control once again flipping them over. Spreading Mel's legs he roughly ground his hips into hers causing them both to moan in pleasure. Mel's fingers were in his hair as his muscular arms held his weight above her. Their bodies moved together in perfect rhythm until a warm liquid stained Corey's boxers. Mel could feel herself pulsing.

"Fuck." He grunted into her neck biting her again on the love bite he had made earlier. They laid together like that for a while. Their bare chests pressed against on another slowly bobbing up and down with each breath, until eventually Corey got up and left Mel half naked and alone in his bed, for the remainder of the night.

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