A Chance I Have to Make Happe...

By lilpandawolf

14.2K 695 859

This is the sequel to "Only one chance to love" it's a fabulously gay book and I suggest you check it out. _... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Gaypter (Gay chapter) 7
Chapter 8: Time for a date (sort of..)
Chapter Nine

Chapter 5

1.7K 77 92
By lilpandawolf

After lunch Charlie was walking me to class and helping me carry some of my stuff. When we were walking we got wrapped up in a really serious gaylicious debate.

"Oh my Jesus riding a peanut butter bicycle Castiel." Charlie said. "Steve is like 20 x gayer than Tony and Bucky combined."

"Charlie, Steve is the definition of bi-sexual." I argued back. "If you got a dictionary and looked up bi-sexual a picture of his beautiful face would be there.." She mumbled a 'yeah I guess so'.

"Yeah, I see you point." She admitted. "But I still think he is gayer than Bucky and Tony." Here we come at a disagreement again.

"Tony I believe but with Bucky, I much so gayly, not straightly, unheterosexually, gayliciously -

"I know you believe in something really gay, like I do. Get to the point." I sigh, wishing that she would of have let me finished naming off all the adjectives of gay I knew. Which is a lot, if you live with Gabe you have a huge dictionary in your mind filled with words that mean gay. It's one of the only advantages of living with him.

"Basically my point is..." I continued. "Is that at Bucky is gayer than everyone else, even you." Charlie stopped dead in the hallway that second I said 'even you'.

"What the fuck did you say?" Charlie narrowed her eyes at me. Oh no, I just assaulted the Queen of Gays.

"Fine then." She says dropping all of my stuff, walking the other way. "I guess you can get someone gayer to carry your stuff, like Bucky." She called out loudly to me, which made some people around us very confused.

"Charlie, no. Please come back, I'm sorry. I will never question your gayness again." I basically begged, the people who were listening to us understood now, and continued with ignoring us. But that didn't change the fact that I needed Charlie to help me carry my stuff.

It was useless trying to talk to her though, since she was already out of the hallway and it's not like I'm going to chase after her. It's fine though, I know she's going to come back. She always does, a minute or two later. That's just Charlie.

But for now I have to stand awkwardly in the middle of the hallway, with all my books all over the ground. I try to pick up some of the books with my left hand, but it's useless, I end up dropping them.

No one in the school makes an attempt to help me, they don't even look at me, just walk around me and step over my books. On the poster by the front entrance of the school it says that school is a place of friendliness and helping each other out. Oh how that poster is so wrong.

When Charlie didn't come back 5 minutes later I concluded that she wasn't going to come back. Probably because A) She was actually angry at me or B) She got distracted and forgot my existence. Sadly I would hope for more A than B.

When most of the people in our school were out of the hallways and in there classrooms, I decided to just kick my books to class. I would have preferred not to since my class is on the other side of the school but I had no choice.

While I was kicking my Harry Potter book along with my other books, I started thinking about how much better my life would have been if a couple years back I got a letter to Hogwarts.

School would be so much more magical and a great use of my time. I could learn spells to help me fight dark wizards instead of learning about rocks that I will never need to know that will have no use in my life.

"Hey uh, kid. Need some help?" Who was this nice peasant interrupting my magical Harry Potter thoughts.

I look up to see who it was and realized that I wouldn't want to go to Hogwarts after all, because at Hogwarts there is no Dean Winchester.

"Uh...yeah that would be great..." I looked up at the nearest clock. "..considering that I'm like a half hour late now." Dean gave laughed a little and picked up my stuff.

What was so funny about me being late to class? He was late too I assumed, since he was in the hallway with me at this time.

"Harry potter eh?" He asks picking up the book beneath my feet.
"If only you had a time turner now." I look surprisingly at him. It's always nice to find another fan, especially if that fan is the boy you are in love with.

"You read?" I asked, maybe Dean has a secret geek I don't know about.

"Yeah, surprising huh?" Yay, he does. I thought it was impossible to be even more attracted to him.

"Yeah a bit, to be honest you look like the sort of guy that would rather kill someone than pick up a book like this." He laughs.

"So I look like I kill people, now do I?" I blush, it is quite obvious that he could kill someone if he wanted to. He did slam my brother against the wall pretty hard this morning, but I didn't mean to suggest that he looks like a murderer.

"Well smashing my brother against the wall doesn't really give you the best first impression, now does it?" I answered him, a bit jokingly, but I'm not quite sure he got that.

"Uh yeah about that..." He scratched the back of his head. "I'm sorry. I'm also sorry about running you over and all, I really wanted to visit you at the hospital as soon as you woke up and told you that I'm sorry myself. But I had to go somewhere that I couldn't get out of."

"That's okay." I reassured him. I don't want him to feel bad.

"Yeah...no it's really not." He scratched the back of his head again. "I owe you something, I did ruin your whole life and your family's lives for about 2 months. How could I make it up to you?"

Dean Winchester wants to make something up to me? What am I suppose say to that? Like I could tell him to go on a date with me but I have a feeling he wouldn't like that, with Lisa or not. He is still the defensive Dean I know.

"Uh...." I said, as you can see I'm a very smooth and talkative person.
"You don't have to do anything, it's okay. You are over exaggerating the damage you caused."

"No man that's bullshit." He says bluntly. "I have to do something, I could beat up someone for you if you would like." When I frown he smiles.

"I'm just kidding, but I still gotta do something for you." He appears to be just as stubborn as I remembered him to be. I see his face light up.

"Ah! What about grades, you probably need to catch up. I am a honor student you know." He says with his usually smirk on his face and winks.

Wait, did he just say honor student? Wow, without me in his life seemed to have improved, a lot.

"Well...." I say thinking about what he could help me on. Again him being my boyfriend could help a lot, but again that's not going to happen. Then I remember I hated calculus and was more confuse about it than ever, to be fair I just got out of a coma. The school should give me some slack.

"Well..I guess I could use help in calculus if you wouldn't mind." He smiles, this is the first genuine smile I've seen him smiled since I got out of coma land. His smile is so beautiful that I couldn't help but smile too. Wow that sounded like one of those chick-flicks Dean used to talk about not wanting to have.

"Okay." He says. "Give me your arm." What? What would he need my arm for? Maybe he is a secretly a vampire and wants my blood, who knows?

"Don't worry, I'm not going to steal your blood or anything. I'm just going to write down my phone number." He basically read my mind.

"Oh...okay." I give him my arm and he puts down my books and begins writing his phone number with a blue pen.

"Here we go." He says when he's done. "Does tomorrow after school work for you? After football practice of course."

Ah, of course. He has to play the sports.

"Yeah, that would be fine." I say without actually knowing if I had to do anything or not. Either way I'm going to be there with him studying.

"Okay it's a date then. Text me tonight so I know what your phone number is." 

I wonder if this is a dream, this sounds too good to be true. Even though it's technically only a study date and he is only doing this out of pity for me, I'm still looking forward to be hanging out with him. Oh Chuck, I sound desperate.

"Okay." If only I had the ability to be smooth and say something funny, but then it would be opposites day.

We continued walking to class, making small talk, getting to know each other. Even though technically I know pretty much all about him. Wow, that sounded pretty creepy. Hopefully he can't actually read my mind.

A minute or two into the walk he stopped.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"Well..." He began. "There is only like 25 minutes until class is over." I nod, not getting the point. "And most likely we are going to get a detention, so.."

"So...what? I don't follow." I say confused.

"So..." He continues. "It would be better If we just go out in the field, just ditched the rest of class, plus I want to get to know the guy i'm tutoring, make sure you're not like your older brother." I squint at him. "No offense." He says as an after thought.

"None taken, but what if we get caught?" Look I'm all for ditching, especially with Dean Winchester, but I'm already, as Gabe usually says when he is in a similar situation, 'neck deep in shit'. I don't really understand that saying but all I know is that I don't want my neck to get any deeper.

"We won't, it'd be fine. There is no gym this period, it would just be you and me out there." I think this over for about a second.

"Okay." I don't need much convincing to be alone with Dean. Even if my neck is getting deeper in shit.

What does that saying means, I don't know. Just because I'm getting in trouble a lot how would that mean that my neck will end up deep in feces? I'm going to ask Gabe about that later.

We go outside through the back door of the locker rooms, even though they are currently emptied because of no gym class, which Dean mentioned earlier, they still smelled like sweat and other unclean things.

"Yeah I know, the smell is suffocating." Dean comments, while laughing a little. Probably because he saw my facial expression when we entered the locker room.

After we got outside we began walking across the field and sat under a large Linden tree. I personally love linden trees more than other tress because they are more likely to attract bees. So I smiled widely when me and Dean sat down and looked happily at the bees around us.

"So Cas." Dean says while breaking the silence. "Tell me about yourself, I would like to know about the person I ran over after all."

"Okay, Does this happen often?" I ask, not jokingly, but out of general curiosity. I don't know how different this Dean is compared to the one in coma land. Who knows, maybe the Dean in coma land was just all made up, and this Dean could be the complete opposite of him.

"Not usually, but maybe your the first of many. I hope not though, for Baby's sake."

"Baby?" I pretended to not know what he's talking about. He probably almost gets the same response when talking about Baby to a new person each time. It would be weird to him if I knew who Baby was.

"My car, that's the nickname I gave her."

"Ah yes, let's worried about the car and not the people who are getting run over." I continued.

"Well to be fair baby is rarer than most people, I can't afford to lose her." I laughed, having a feeling that this Dean is the pretty much the exact Dean I met in my coma.

For the next 15 minutes we basically played 20 questions, except we asked way more than 20 questions.

I ask him certain questions to make sure it was the Dean I supposedly knew. Like for example if I asked Dean what his favorite food was and he didn't say something with the words 'Bacon' 'burger' or 'pie' in it I would automatically know that the Dean in my coma was imaginary and had no resemblance to the Dean in front of me at all.

But luckily that didn't happen, and I was quite grateful for that.
He was still the same pie-loving, Impala riding, defensive Dean. And I couldn't be more happier.

Basically when we asked each other questions I was just clarifying what I already knew. While he was playing the game the right way. Which I'm guessing was asking questions you didn't already know the answer to.

We got so wrapped up in asking each other questions we almost didn't hear the bell ring, but when I did I quickly stood up...only to have hit my head on a branch.

"Ouch stupid fucking tree." I hissed, then I looked apologetically at the tree. "I'm so sorry tree, I didn't mean that." Dean laughed and stood up more carefully next to me.

"Easy there, the classroom isn't going anywhere." Dean puts his shoulder around me, balancing me.

"Yeah but time is going somewhere, every second. And time is never on my side." I go to reach for my books but Dean stops me.

"Hey slow down, you won't be able to carry those by yourself. Why would you want to anyways, it's just class? It's a waste of time."

"Well I don't want to get in trouble..."

"So don't, you are going to get in trouble anyways if you go to class." That doesn't make sense but I don't interrupt him.

"Since you are going to be late, so just stay back here and chill with me. Come on, I like talking to you kid." I feel like he is just saying whatever would make me stay, whether it's true or not. To be fair it is working.

"That's really tempting...but-

"But nothing, if you want to do it. Pleeaase, I don't wanna be out here all alone!" He whines, giving me puppy eyes. His puppy eyes aren't as good as Sam's, but the fact that I'm attracted to Dean makes up for it. How could I say no to him now?

"Okay fine." I gave in and sat down.

"See?" He says while sitting down next to me. "Isn't this so much better?"

"I guess so." I mumble."How are you even a honor student?"

"I do my homework." He says confidently. Well that's definitely something different from coma land Dean, but a good different at least.

"Wow, wasn't expecting that." I say jokingly. "Also remember I'm only ditching one more class, I don't want to get behind on my first day back."

"Okay, okay." He says, putting his hands up.

But it turns out I wasn't being truthful. I seemed to have lost track of time and didn't notice when the bell rang. Because what seemed like a little while of me and Dean just asking questions about each other and joking around turned out to be the rest of the school day.

Dean and I soon saw students leaving the building and knew it was time to go home. But I wasn't disappointed, because Dean was kinda right. Class was a waste of time, compare to being with him anyways.

When he stood up he immediately hit his head on the tree just as I did.

"Ow stupid fucking tree!"

"Don't listen to him." I whisper. "You are a beautiful fucking tree." I pat the tree. Dean looks at me like I'm crazy, but is smiling nonetheless

"You're so weird." Dean offers me a hand to help me up, I take it.

"It doesn't seem like you consider that a bad thing." I reply to him.


He walks me to Michael's car, helping me by carrying my things. Since I am unable to do so myself as you probably already knew. When we get to the car I use the spare key I 'borrowed' (As Gabe likes to say when he is taking stuff from people without permission) from Michael and Dean puts my books in the backseat.

"Well, it was nice to officially meet you Cas, see you after school tomorrow."

"Ah yes, it's always nice to meet the guy you ran over, I'll see you tomorrow then." He goes to walk away but then stops and turns around.

"You're never going to let me live that one down are you?" He asks, jokingly I assumed since he is smiling.

"Of course, all you did was put me in coma." I say as equally unserious. And I used this thing called sarcasm, Gabe told me I should use it more. Dean stops smiling for a minute.

"Yeah I'm really sorry about that, again. I feel so terrible." Awe I don't want my Dean bean to be sad.

"It's fine, you didn't mean to run me over on purpose, right?" I ask with one eyebrow raised. It's fun to control my eyebrows, I can see why Dean does it a lot.

"No no, of course I didn't." He answers fast, while blushing.

"Then we are all good, see you tomorrow Dean." When he goes to walk away I open the backseat car doors and get it.

"Hey little brother." Gabe jumps up from the brushes and I was so surprise that I hit my head.

"Ow!" I exclaimed.

"Oh...ouch. Sorry about that little bro, so where are you going with Dean tomorrow?"

"Wha- Gabe. Were you listening this whole time?" Well I guess it's nice to know that Gabe hasn't changed at all, at the same time it isn't that comforting.

"Of course, who do you think I am?"

"Okay, let me rephrase that."I tell him. "Why were you spying on us?"

"Well I wouldn't call it spying. I was just listening at a safe distance without you kno-

"Gabe." I interrupted him.

"Okay fine, I didn't want Dean to see me. I don't want to get the crap beaten out of me today, maybe tomorrow though, I'll see."

"He wouldn't have beaten you up." I reassured. "I'm pretty sure he knows Balthazar was the one to do it, not you."

"Yeah uh huh, because that really matters." He says with the thing called sarcasm I was talking about.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"I was basically Balthazar's right hand man, his partner in crime. I was his Clyde to his Bonnie, his Aladdin to his Jasmine. His homo to his sexua-

"I understand Gabe. Still, I think he wouldn't have beaten you up."

"Why do you think that? Oh wait I know why....because Cassie is extremely gay and ha-as a cru-ush. He says while singing a little.

"No, it's nothing like that." Even though it's exactly like that. "But I think it's because you guys are even, he ran over your brother and you set fire to -"

"Ahem." He fake coughs.

"And Balthazar, your boyfriend," I continue on even though I'm still not happy with the Balthazar being his boyfriend part. "set fire to his girlfriend. You guys are now equals." He puts on his questioning face for a minute.

"I guess if you see it like that....he can't beat me up now and I can do more pranks on him, thanks Cassie!"

"No Gabe, that's not what I meant. You guys are equal now so don't have to prank h-

"Lalala, can't hear you. But thank you for the advice little brother."

He goes in the passenger seat up front still covering his ears. I roll my eyes, yep, still my same older brother. Who acts a lot like the younger brother.

A couple more minutes after that Michael kicks Gabriel out of the passenger seat for his girlfriend, Anna. Who I am now officially meeting.

She has red hair and is pretty good looking I guess, but she is no Lucifer.

Michael and her seem pretty happy together, joking around and having semi interesting conversation, as friends would. Michael and Anna seem like me and Charlie, except we don't know if Anna is gay, but we definitely know about Michael. He can't hide in the closet forever. Soon enough he is going to magically disappear to Narnia.

When I get home I immediately text Dean, hopefully that doesn't bother him too much.

To Dean:

Hello Dean, this is Castiel.

I am about as charming in text as I am in real life.

I'm not expecting him to respond, since he is probably at football practice footballing it up as one does.

As soon as I sit on the couch I hear my doorbell ring. but before I can jump up to it my mom does. It seems like she hasn't noticed that her children are home yet. I try to peer outside the door to see who it is, and it's Charlie.

"Oh hello Charlie." She says. "Oh no, I'm sorry. Castiel isn't home yet." I hear Charlie say okay and say goodbye.

"Wait mom I am! I'm alive, I'm here!" I quickly get up and rush over to the door and see Charlie.

"Oh, Sorry about that Castiel." My mother says.

"Oh by the way mom." I tell her. "Can I go to the diner with Charlie and some of her other friends tonigh?. I just want to catch up." I ask, I should have probably asked her beforehand since she is pretty strict, she eyes me and Charlie for a second then she sighs.

"Okay sweetie that's okay, have fun and be back around 10." Hm? This is weird, she would usually be  intruding and would want to know every detail. I guess I shouldn't complain though.

"Thank you mom." I tell her and kiss her on the cheek. "Love you"

"Love you too!" She calls out, as me and Charlie make our way to her car.

I don't know why, but this feels weird. Just being outside and going somewhere casually with friends. Maybe because it's my first day being out of the hospital and everything that has been happening, but who knows?

Just like everyone usually says, I just have to "go with the flow". What kind of flow do I have to go with though? A river flow, blood flow? I don't have much time to think about it as Charlie and I are already in her car.

People are weird I suppose, life is weird, everything is weird.

Okay I should probably stop thinking now before I lie face down on my existential rug and think about human life and our purpose of our existence. 


Hey guys, how are you liking this chapter and the story so far? All feedback and comments are appreciated!

Also if any of you readers are in the Harry Potter fandom please answer this question:

Does Lucifer seem more like a Gryffindor or a Slytherin? I first thought slytherin but he reminds me of the Weasleys twins.

Okay that's all goodbye :)

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