Twisted Cinderella (Emery Kel...

By Dance_Queen_13

2.3K 164 48


Carly Blackwell
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
New book

Chapter 17

73 7 3
By Dance_Queen_13

Ok ssoooo A/N for you, sorry that I didn't post anything this week but I was busy and I havnt had wifi or service the last two days So yeah. But anyways I'm gonna try to post at least one chapter a day and maybe two starting tomorrow , and remember I said try😂😂. It depends on how busy I am. And btw Olivia's pic is up there👆🏽👆🏽

Carlys POV*
It's 8:25 and I'm STILL cleaning .
Haley comes walking back into the living room. " hay you still wanna go to that party" she whispered in my ear. " PSHHHHH ye-" she covered my mouth and shushed me. " why are you shushing me?!?!" I whisper yelled at her. " because Luke and Michael can't hear this conversation!" Haley whisper yelled back, we then heard Luke and Michaels door open and close. I quickly went back to cleaning until they left. " we're going to a party! Be back at twelve!" Michael yelled from the door informing us where they were going. " ok" me and Haley said in unison," hay, babe you coming?" Luke asked Haley. I raised my eyebrows at her and smirked " babe?", she blushed and said " uh, I'll be there in a little while, I gotta get my costume on". " ok" Luke said as he kissed her on the cheek and walked out the door with Michael following him. I bust out laughing, Haley just sat there with a 'really' look on her face. " ok ok that's enough" she paused " I don't make fun of you and Emery " she crossed her arms. " yeah I know, it's just weirder when you guys are together" I said still laughing. " ok, 1: that doesn't make sense and 2: weirder isn't a word!" Haley sassed, "guh you ain't got no room to talk about sayin words wrong" I giggled.

My county side coming out in that last sentence 😁😂😂

Haley just look at me like 😁. " anyways do you wanna go to that party or not" she changed the subject. "Nah I would way rather clean up then go to my boyfriends Halloween party" I said sarcastically and gave her the 😐 face. " oh shut up and let's get you dressed" she said dragging me upstairs. " wait but that living room has to be spotless by midnight or I'm dead!" I said as I broke from her grip on my wrist and went back downstairs to clean. She ran back after me and caught me " don't worry I'll take care of that! Sheesh!". I rolled my eyes and continued to walk upstairs. When we get to my room Haley slams the door and locks it. " uh.. Wh-what are you d-doing" I said as I started to back up. " Nootthhiinngggg" she said as she started to come towards me with a..... Makeup brush.....Really. I'm still backing up, I don't know why it's just a makeup brush.
Suddenly someone grabs me from behind and says " do it". Oh it's just Olivia, what are they doing? A few minutes later I look in the mirror. " OHMYGERSH I DONT EVEN LOOK LIKE ME ANYMORE!?!?!?!" I screamed. I turned to see a proud😊Haley, and a scared😳 Olivia.they know how mad I can get, Haley just doesn'tcare ."What..Did..You..Do..To..Me?!?!" I yelled between huffs. " we made you unrecognizable" Haley said proudly, " IT WAS HER IDEA!" Olivia shouted as she pointed at Haley. " why" I asked calming myself down, " so you can test Emery,DUH" Haley said as if it was obvious. " no not DUH" I started getting mad again, " Why do I need to test Em". " I don't know, we just think you should" Haley said walking over to my closet to look for a costume,"and plus Luke and Michael won't recognize you". Wait a minute Luke and Michael are gonna be there!? " NNNOOOO!!" I whined, " what?" Olivia asked joining Haley to look for a costume. "What if they DO recognize me?!?" I panicked

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