Is this Love? (Daryl Dixon Lo...

By Kiirrsstty

568K 10.9K 2.1K

Sam is a 20 year old girl who was lost and broken, long before the apocalypse. During the outbreak she has to... More

Is this Love? (Daryl Dixon Love story)
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven..
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen..
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty..
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four.
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three.
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five..

Chapter Thirteen

14.5K 302 44
By Kiirrsstty

Sam's P.O.V..

I lay at the back of the RV for what seemed like hours just thinking about how Dale could have know I was Harry's mother, I tried everything to hidr it from everyone especially Daryl. I really didn't know how to feel at the moment, I couldn't tell Harry I was his mother could I? In a world like this I can't go against everything he has ever known.

I slowly stood up and made my way down to the small lake that Daryl and Harry were at just a few hours ago. I sat down and let my thoughts take over once again.


"The next push and you can meet your little boy. 1.. 2.. 3.. PUSH!" The nurse said whilst gently pulling my little boy to my line of sight. I gasped at the sight and slowly sank back in to the bed and starting to relax. After a 15 hour labour all I wanted to do was go to sleep and never wake up knowing that I would have to give my baby away in just a few hours.

"Here you go love, Have a hold of your little boy." The young nurse in training offered whilst placing the most beautiful little bundle of joy in to my arms. Being only 15 having my first child meant that I would have to give him up, I had no family to help bring him up so adoption was my only option.

Luckily for me, when I moved away from my parents at the age of 15 I moved it to a small flat which had a lovely big house across the way. After a couple of weeks of being at the flat I got to know the couple living in the house across from me and they had been telling me how much they wanted a child but they xould never have one naturally. This couple came to be like parents to me, so in return I decided that they could adopt my baby. It seemed the right thing to do at the time, they had a big house with a garden, they were happily married and they both had high paying jobs. That is the life I could never give this little boy.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the nurse came back in to the room.
"Is there anyone we can phone for you Sam?"
"Yes please, could you phone Mr and Mrs Smith please? The number is over there." I practicall whispered whilst pointing to my bedside cabinet. The nurse quickly picked up the piece of paper and went to the door, but stopped as she reached for the handle.
"Who are Mr and Mrs Smith? If you don't mind me asking." She said whilst turning around to face me.
"His parents." I said whilst looking down to avoid her gaze so she wouldn't see the tears forming in my eyes.


I slowly began to pull my knees to my chest and let the tears flow down my face as I rested my face against my knee. On top of all my past emotions I was stuck in world with flesh eating monsters that we call walkers but all I could think about was Daryl. I knew I had feelings for him but in a world like this feeling could either make or break you.

I could feel someone sit down with quite a force next to me and I knew it was Daryl.

"You shouldn't be out here with no protection, damn woman." Daryl almost shouted from beside me.

"Please Daryl, Please not now." I barely whispered trying to hold back the sobs. I couldn't hold back the sobs anymore and I just broke down beside Daryl.

I slowly slid myself across the grass away from Daryl and sank in to the side of a tree just so I could get as far away from him as possible in this situation.

"Sam I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." He apologised whilst moving just inches away from me. Daryl moved his hand up and placed it on my shoulder, I flinched at his touch and sank further in to the tree. He must have felt me flinch as he quickly jerked his hand back and tensed up not knowing what to do in this situation.

"Sam, Don't do this, Don't push me away again. It's killing me us not talking. Just tell me, what's wrong?" Daryl spoke quietly in my ear.

What was I supposed to tell him? I was abused as a child? I was raped and had a child before I even turned 16? That child was infact Harry?  I was scared and alone now even though we had the group? Or The fact that I think I am actually falling in love with him?

I couldn't tell him any of that so I decided to do what I could do best. Lie.

"It's just this world, I can't cope.. knowing we are not.. safe anymore." I lied between sobs.

"We were never safe before Sam. The world is what we choose to make it now. We need to stay strong and fight for what we care about. I will never let anything happen to you or Harry. That's a promise.

But, there is more to you being this upset Sam, what is it?" Daryl whispered whilst closing the distance between our bodies.

"I know." Daryl said whilst lowering his head.

"You know what?" I questioned quietly.

"You have a bad past, I've seen the scars Sam. We're not that different you and I, we're both as equally broken as eachother." He said whilst slowly removing his shirt. I noticed his tonned body first but when he turned around he had scars just like mine on his back. I had to have another glance before the tears started to flow again.

"See Sam we will always have eachother no matter what the world is like. We're family now." He put his shirt back on anr kissed my forehead before getting up and walking back to camp. Once again I was on my own. I watched Daryl walked out of my line of sight before standing up ready to make my way back to the farm so I could sort myself out before helping to make dinner.

I turned around and placed my hands on the tree that I was just leaning on so I could pull myself together so I didn't have to face anyone in this state. I went to turn back around to walk off but I was trapped between the tree and a very strong body, at first I thought it was a walker so I started to kick and scream but a forceful hand went across my mouth and muffled the sounds.

"Shh now Girl! We don't want no one to interupt now do we?" Shane questioned with lust and anger in his eyes.

"Shane... Please.. No. Don't do.. it." I cried under his hand.

"It'll be fun. Enjoyable even!" He laughed whilst pushing me harder on to the tree. I could feel the old scars from the CDC accident starting to re open on my back as the blood ran down my back.

"No Shane." I tried to push him off me but he kept  his weight on me as he bagan to kiss my neck. I squirmed under his touch but I gave up due to him being too strong for me to move. I felt Shane's hand undo his pants and then he undone mine. He went to slide his hand down my trousers as I braced myself for what was going to happen. I took a sharp breath in and I was suprised to feel Shane's body being ripped from mine. I opened my eyes as Daryl slung Shane to the ground and held his crossbow to Shane's head.

"Keep your disgusting hands off her! Don't you ever touch her again. You filthy bastard!" Daryl spat whilst kicking Shane in the chest.

I heard a huge crunch just as Daryl kicked Shane in the ribs but I just sunk to the ground, brought my knee's to my chest a cried in to my shirt. I didn't care about my bleeding back or that Shane was injured on the floor, all I wanted was to be left on my own to 'opt out' a Jenner had put it. I didn't want to live in this world anymore, I knew Harry would be in safe hands with Daryl. It was a pretty good option.

I felt myself being lifted off the ground and carried towards the farmhouse once again. I was placed back on to the bed in the room that me and Harry are sharing I watched Hershel come in to examine my wounds and I just left him to it. Hershel patched me up and left the room only to be replaced with Daryl.

A few hours past and Daryl just sat on the edge of the bed staring out of the small window we had in the room. It was dark outside and the moon and stars were shining in the night sky.

"It's getting late, you should head out." I whispered whilst slightly lifting my eyes to look at him.

"No. I'm staying here for the night." He said firmly.

"Daryl.. What about H.."

"Harry is fine, He is staying in the RV with Dale for the night." He whispered whilst getting up and walking towards the chair for the night.

I watched him sit down and pull a thin blanket over himself. I wanted him close, I know Shane wouldn't come in the room but I just wanted Daryl near me for the night.

"You can stay over here with me." I said quietly whilst patting the other side of the bed.

"No, I can't do that Sam. You need your rest." He said whilst wrapping up in his own blanket.

"Daryl please. Please stay in here with me. I don't want to be alone, not anymore." I whispered as my eyes filled with tears threatening to spill over any minute. Daryl just sat there looking at me before finally lifting himself off the chair and making his way towards the bed.

I wiped my eyes and slid down to lie on my back as Daryl climbed in and lay down beside me. We lay there for ages stiff and silent until Daryl shifted on to his side leaning on his elbow to look at me. I sighed before turning on to mt side to face him.

"What Daryl?" I sighed before staring in to his deep blue eyes.

"Nothing I just wanted to see you. You seem different since this afternoon. I just want to know you are okay" He said softly.

"How can I be okay? That pig has tried that twice since I joined this group. I've been burnt and scarred by a building blowing up. Maybe I should have stayed in the CDC, maybe it woulf have been a nicer way for me and Harry to go instead of been torn apart by those monsters out there." I yelled, I didn't mean to get angry with him but I just couldn't keep it bottled up anymore.

"Don't say that Sam! Don't you ever say that! You and Harry are strong enough to beat this world. The three of us together are going to beat this I promise. Don't you ever think that we won't." He raised his voice back and it made me break down completely. I have never been this close to a man before, emotionally anyway. I had real feelings for Daryl but I just couldn't tell him. I can't scare him off and risk losing him just because I have a silly little crush. A relationship in this world could break you, help you towards the end of your life.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Daryl shifted closer to me and pulled me in to his chest just making me cry even more. I felt Daryl tense up when I placed my head against his chest but he soon relaxed and tangled his fingers in my hair.

"Please Sam never feel like ending your own life is the right. I'm here for you just let it all out, don't worry about this world. I promise we'll beat it. I promise." He whispered softly in my ear as he moved up to kiss my forehead.

"Daryl please don't leave me. Please just don't ever leave me." I cried quietly in to his chest.

"I'll never leave you Sam never!" Daryl said whilst locking our hands together and kissing the top of my head again. I slowly closed my eyes and leaned slightly further in to Daryl's muscular chest.

"Daryl, There is something I need to tell you." I whispered hoping he had fallen asleep already. "What's that Samii?" Daryl questioned against my long black hair.

"I think.. uhh.. I think I... might be.. uhh.. falling" "in Love with you" Daryl stated before I could even stutter the rest of my sentance.

"Yes." I barely whispered secretly hoping he wouldn't hear me.

"I.. uh.. think I'm... falling for you to Sam." Daryl said quietly almost as if he was scared to admit it. Both of our heartbeats began to pick up after Daryl finished his sentance. I didn't want to take anything to far so I just decided to leave it there not to make it awkward for either of us.

"Goodnight Dar." I whispered in to his relaxed chest.

"Goodnight Darlin'!" Daryl whispered as I fell in to a soft sleep.


Author's Note..

I'm so sorry it's taken me just over a week to update but this week has honestly been nuts! I haven't had a moments peace from college work and my family.

Thank you so much for sticking with this story it honestly means alot!!

Wooo Season 4 Episode 2 tonight!!

Just thought I would share my excitement with you guys, It's going to me AMAZING!!

So Daryl and Sam have finally shared their feelings with eachother. What are your thoughts on that??

I'm not going to rush in to their relationship though, It is going to be slow, romantic and gradual from now on I promise.

I hate stories where within the first two chapters they have hooked up and got in too deep with eachother straight away. Agree??

Please let me know what you think of this chapter/Story?

As always Please..
- Comment and
- Share this story!!

Keep it real Normanites!!!♡

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