Jacob Latimore (A Love Story)

By ishmehbro

119K 2.2K 342

Y/n started off liking Jacob Latimore just like any fan girl, but who would have known she would be having hi... More

A love story
Far from over
Welcome back
The help
Hazel eyed devil
Terrible R's
Just warming up
Nurture to health
lt's a....
Past come to the present
Fight night
The Arrival
Truth be revealed.
Since when?
Jacob Latimore (revenge)


3.1K 75 12
By ishmehbro

Diggy p.o.v:

"You do this." Francis said.

She shoots the basketball into the hoop perfectly and with ease. Who knew I would have a girl giving me tips?

"I got this. Watch the pro do his work." I said.

She gets the ball and passes it to me. I dribble a little bit and keep my eyes on the goal. Then I aim the ball to the hoop. It goes in and makes a swoosh noise.

"I am a beast!" I yelled.

Francis chuckled. "I don't know about all that, but you okay.... I guess."

"What!? You think I'm ”okay”?"

"I wouldn't put you on the level of beast." She laughed.

I said. "Coming from the girl who is only good at lay ups, but can't shoot a free throw to save her life."

"Oh, okay. That's how you feel? Let's play horse and see."

"'Ight you go first."

I toss the ball to her.

"Turn on the lights! I'm looking for her."

I get my phone out my pocket. It's Prince calling. I answer it.

Phone conversation:

"Aye, where you at?" Prince asked.

"Home nigga. Why?" I asked.

"Today is our hangout day. The girls cook for us and we play games and watch football games."

"Oh hell yeah. I'm coming now."

"Okay. It's at my crib."

"Crib? Nigga whatever. I'm on my way."

"You won't believe who Y/n brought over."


Prince mocks lady from 'The Help' "You go try and see."

I laugh. "Okay. I'm coming."

End of conversation.

"Who was that?" Francis asked.

"Prince. I forgot that today was our hang out day. We got to go to his house."

"I don't want to just be there while y'all watch football and stuff." She whined.

"The girls are going to be there."

"Finally, I can talk to all of them."

"Mmhmm. Yeah. Sure. Let's go."

I open the garage and toss the ball inside. Then I unlock my truck. Francis gets inside. I get in and start up the car and head to Prince's house.

Bahja p.o.v:

Me and the girls are trying to decide what to cook. None of us can agree. I think some sandwiches and chips will do good. But they want to do the most and cook hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill, cook fries and then add chips.

"How about we just ask the boys what they want?" Y/n suggested.

"That's stupid. Guys never know what they want." I fussed.

"Look, how about we just cook hamburgers. That will fill them up." Ashley said.

"But, what if they're vegetarians?" I asked.

"Look Bahja, you working up my nerves. Why the fuck does it matter what they eat? They are guys." Y/n barked.

I step up close to her.

"No honey. You do not want to step up to me." She said.

"Bahja quit." Ashley said.

"Ladies? Everything okay?" Prince asked from the living room.

"Yes!" we all said at the same time.

*Ding Dong!*

"I'll get it." Ashley said.

She walks to the front door.

Y/n p.o.v

"For a girl who's having twins, she sure is looking good. Sam really must have changed for the better." You said.

"Hell yeah. I feel like I'm sinking into my shoes. I've already gained 20 pounds." She groaned.

"You are probably eating a lot."

"Prince has been stressing me out, so I eat a lot." I whispered.

"That's how I was. But, now my symptoms are itchy skin, body pain and having to pee all the time."

"My body hurts a lot too."

She sits down and you join her. You were glad y'all finally had something to talk about besides each other negatively.

"My hair has been falling out and just a few minutes ago I had a mood swing. Not to mention my swollen feet." She complained.

"Girl, yes. I have to go up a shoe size and a half. I always wear slides now."

You point to your feet. Bahja looks at them and laughs. She lifts her pants and points at her feet. You see that she has on house slippers. You both laugh.

"The struggle girl." Bahja joked.

Ashley comes in the kitchen holding boxes of Pizza Hut pizza. She sets it on the table.

"So...." You started.

"So we ain't even gotta cook." Bahja said.

"Yeah, someone ordered pizza." Ashley said.

Prince, Sam, Roc, Romeo, Prod and Ray come into the kitchen opening cabinets, the fridge, the pantry and grabbing pizza, wings and bread sticks. You and Bahja stayed sitting down quietly as the guys talked the whole time. Ashley helped them with plates and stuff.

Ray p.o.v:

I grabbed five pieces of pizza and got a big cup of sprite. I tried to get wings, but all them fools got them all.

"Aye, Romeo give me some wings." I said.

"Nah man. I'm hungry too." He said.

I sucked my teeth. "Bro Prince hit me up with them wings."

Prince coughs on his wings. "Sorry, what you say?" he asked.

I mug him and turn to Spin. Spin was shoving his wings down his throat. He smiled at me and I sighed and walked back to the living room. The guys followed.

"Man, I hope that girl does not come!" Spin cried.

"Oh, she'll come." Prince reassured.

"God, please don't let her come."

"Aye, bro chill. Maybe she forgot." Roc said.

"I highly doubt that." I said.

"Ugh. I'm going to kill Dig." Spin groaned.

"He set you up with a girl you don't like?" Sam asked.

It got a little quiet. I cleared my throat and it was the loudest thing happening. Spin nodded his head.

"Damn. I would kill Diggy if that would've happened to me." Sam said.

"Yeah, we already knew that." I agreed.

Sam chuckled. "No. Not really kill him guys. I changed for the better. I swear." He said.

"How are we suppose to know you changed?" Roc asked.

"If I were the old me, I would've killed Y/n by now." He said.

"But yo bitch ass ain't doing shit now that I'm here." Jacob barked.

"I'm not going to do shit to any of you or your family." Sam said.

"Why did y/n invite you in the first damn place?" Jacob asked.

"Because she knows how to forgive and forget. You seem to like to hold a grudge." Sam barked.

"Y'all are not about to fight in my house." Prince said.

"We all know fights always happen in your house." Roc blurted.

"Damn Roc! Why did you have to hit the weak spot!? I can see, smell and feel the tension in the room. It's a damn shame." I think to myself.

Jacob: I don't hold grudges, I just watch out very carefully." Jacob growled.

Sam: Then why'd you fall off that building?" Sam questioned.

'Damn Sam! You too! Way too much shade going on' I think to myself.

"Alright guys. Chill out." I barged in.

"I'm chill." Sam said.

He takes a bite out of his pizza. Jacob looks at him for a brief moment. Then he looks at the TV. I'm glad the football game came back on. I grab the remote and turn the volume up a little bit. I start having a conversation with Romeo.

Ashley p.o.v:

We got some of the leftovers. Then we went to the living room. For once it's quiet. Everyone's eyes are glued on the TV. I sit next to Sam. He seems real relaxed. I don't know whether that's good or bad.

Y/n p.o.v:

You sit next to Jacob. He scoots over a little bit and sighs real hard. You pretend to not notice. You were confused though. What did you do?

"Hey guys." Bahja said.

"Aye, wassup." Romeo greeted.

"Wondering why I sense tension." She said.

"Oh. Ask them."

"I'm relaxing. Just watching the game." Ray stated.

"Mmhmm." She said.

She looks at Prince who was eating his pizza roughly. Every bite felt painful.

"Babe you alright?" she asked.

"I'm fine. Leave me alone." Prince barked.

She sucks her teeth.

"Don't start!" she shouted.

"Nobody is starting anything. Just leave the living room." He barked.

Bahja: No. This is our house!" she yelled.

"But I pay all the damn bills." He mumbled.

Everybody heard what he said though. She raises her eyebrows and stands in front of him.

"Excuse me!? What the hell you say?!" she shouted.

"Get out my way. I'm watching the game." He stated.

"Fuck the stupid game! I'm your wife! I'm not going to let you just run me the fuck over!"

"Stop making a big deal out of nothing!"

"Fuck you Prince!"

She smacks the food out of his hands. It lands on the floor leaving tomato sauce stains and ranch stains. She storms off in the kitchen. He sighs and starts cleaning up the mess.

"Oh... uh .. look, Cowboys are ahead." Ray said.

"Yeah. They might win." Romeo said.

"That's why I'm rooting for them." Sam said.

You see Jacob look at Sam and make a mean face. Then he sighs deeply and long.

"Cowboys may be winning now but they will lose. I guarantee it." You reassured.

Sam chuckled. "Think again."

You look at the Tv and see the cowboys made another touch down.

*Ding Dong*

"I'll get it." Roc suggested.

He stands up and heads for the door. Prince gets up and blocks his way. Spin groaned.

"You ain't answering MY damn door, nigga." Prince barked.

"Fuck you nigga. Tripping for no damn reason." Roc said.

"Guys, It's just a door. Chill out." Romeo said.

"Just sit yo ass down Roc." Prince growled.

"You ain't gone talk to me in any way." Roc said.

"Guys chill. Roc just sit down. Prince just answer the door." You suggested.

"Shut up. You have no idea what's going on." Prince barked.

"Excuse me?" you questioned.

*Ding Dong*

"He think he a man. But, he can't even handle his marriage." Roc laughed.

Prince's jaw clenches. He balls up his fist. Roc and him stared at each other.

"Look Princeton, you ain't gone be rude to every damn body for no reason. You need to get out yo feelings." You barked.

"I agree." Roc said, keeping his eyes on Princeton.

"Fuck y'all! Get the hell out my house! Both of you!" Prince yelled.

You look at Jacob. He was just eating and watching Tv. You wanted him to stick up for you be he's in his feelings too.

You: Jacob!" you shouted.

Jacob: What y/n?" Jacob asked.

"You gone let him talk to me like that and kick me out?" you asked.

*Ding Dong*

Jacob sighed. "It's your fault. I would leave if I were you."

"What!? My fault!? How the hell is it my fault?!"

You couldn't believe he just said that. Your heart crushed  a little. How could he not stick up for you? 'Do I mean anything to him?' you though to yourself.

"I'll just answer the door." Spin said.

He gets up and walks to the door.

"Yes, your fault. You're the one who invited him!" Jacob shouted.

He points to Sam. Sam just continues eating and watching TV, ignoring Jacob.

"Get the fuck over it!" you yelled.

"Hell no! I ain't getting over nothing! He tried to kill you! He tried to kill us!" Jacob shouted.

You sighed. "Fuck you Jacob. Just keep on being mad at the world. It's all you fucking do. I ain't gone be there to help you this time."

You get up and head to the kitchen.

"Prince, uh... Angel is here to see you." Spin said.

Prince's head turns quickly to the front door. As you made it to the kitchen, you see the Angel girl standing in the door way. She is tall, blonde hair, dark brown eyes and light skinned.

"Shit." Princeton whispered.

He jogs to the door. His face formed a worried look. Spin went back to the living room.

Bahja p.o.v:

I heard Spin say Angel is here. That has got to be the bitch he tried to hide. I go to the front door. They were whispering to each other. Ain't gone be anymore damn secrets. I bust the door open. They jumped. She gives me a look.

"Who is she?" she asked.

I wait to see if he's going to tell. He turns to me and does his fakest smile. Ha. What a bitch.

"Answer her Prince. Who the fuck am I?" I barked.

"Is this your sister?" the hoe asked.

"Bahja, this is Angel. Angel, this is Bahja." Prince stated.

I scoffed. "I can't believe you. I'm pregnant with your child and you wanna do this!?" I screamed.

"It's not what it looks like." He cried.

"She's your baby momma?" the bitch asked.

She asking too many questions. I'm the one with the real questions.

"No bitch! I'm his fucking wife! Get the hell out of here!" I hollered.

"I don't know who you think you talkin to. But you need to lower your damn voice." She barked back.

"Hoe! Don't tell me shit! This is my mother fucking house not yours!"

"Actually it's Prince's and it's going to mine pretty damn soon."

"The hell it is! Hoe you got mother fucking two minutes to leave this property!" I warned.

Y/n and Ashley come to the door and try to drag me away from the door. I use all my might to stay posted there.

"Get off me!" I shouted.

"Look, it ain't worth it Bahja. Think of the baby." Y/n said.

I sighed. If I didn't care for the baby, that bitch would've been bleeding on the sidewalk. Prince tries to grab my hand. I snatch it away.

"Y/n, can we leave now. We are obviously not wanted." I stated.

"Yeah, let's go." Y/n said.

She goes into the kitchen and grabs our things.

"Bahja wait. Let's talk about this." Prince cried.

"I'm tired of talking, yelling and crying over you. I am done."

I take off the wedding ring he gave me and hand it to him. It took everything out of me not to throw it at him.

"Let's go." Y/n said.

Y/n brushes past Angel making her almost fall down. It made me smile. I guess me and Y/n can stay at Bre's condo for a while.

Ashley p.o.v:

The only reason I stayed is because I want to see what's happening between Prince and this girl. Is he really going to lose Bahja over this girl? I go back to the living room. Angel catches up to me and tries to talk to me. What the hell? Why would I want to talk to you girl?

"Hi, I'm Angel by the way." She said.

"Ok." I said.

I sit next to Sam. She sits down on Prince's lap. I see Roc giving him a disappointed look.

"Wow. You a hoe ass nigga." Roc blurted.

"Don't start Roc."'Prince warned.

"No nigga I'm going to start. Why would you do that to your wife?" Roc asked.

Prince looks down at the wedding ring he gave Bahja.

"Excuse me, but this is Prince's life not yours. We are in love. Right Prince?" Angel asked.

Prince just stares at the ring. I know he's thinking about how he messed up.

Jacob p.o.v:

This fool Prince dumped the table on Bahja in one day. Damn. Pretty harsh, but at least he got it over with.

"Hey look... uh... another touchdown." Ray pointed out.

"Cowboys are killing them." Sam said.

"Hell yeah." Ray agreed.

I lost it. Just bearing him speak irritated the he'll out of me. I don't want this birch ads kid living another day.

"Shut the fuck up! Can you just leave the fuck now!? Y/n is gone and you should be gone too." I shouted.

"Actually, since Y/n is gone you should be with her. You are suppose to be there for her." He blurted.

"Don't give me none of that bull shit!" I yelled.

"Come on guys. No fighting please." Angel whined.

"Trick shut up!" I barked.

"Aye bro. Don't talk to her like that." Prince warned.

"Fuck you. You a stupid ass fool. I can't yell at this hoe, but I can yell at Bahja?

"You can't talk to either of them like that."

"But you sure as hell did. Treat your real woman right."

"Your bitch ass didn't stick up for your girl, so leave that shit for the birds." He barked.

I get up and head to the door. I need to apologize to Y/n. Sam is right. It's hard to say. But I am suppose to be there for her no matter what. I can't get mad at her for being nice. Prince stupid ass right too. I should've beat his ads for talking to her like that.

Ray p.o.v:

After Jacob left we all decided Prince and his new girl need some time together. I was glad. Spin was too because the girl didn't show up. I'm at a club now with Romeo and Roc. It is turning up in here!

"Aye, look at that girl right there." Roc pointed out.

He points to a girl in a red short dress. She has long black hair, she's a nice caramel color and has a really nice body.

"Damn my nigga." I said.

"Go talk to her." Romeo suggested.

"'Ight I'll be back." Roc said.

"Good luck." Romeo said.

He starts heading to the girl. I look around the club and see a girl staring at Romeo. She even bit her lips and everything. Once she saw me notice her, she looked at her friends and started a conversation.

"Aye, I think that girl likes you." I said.

I point to a girl who was staring at Romeo. It's shocking to know someone would stare at him. Okay. I'm joking. I'm joking. Somewhat.

"Ooh she is a dime!" Romeo exclaimed.

"Go get her tiger."I cheered.

"Here kitty kitty." He joked.

He walks up to her. I sit down at the bar and start to drink. I kept drinking and drinking. I started to feel light headed. A girl comes up to me.

"Mind if I join you?" the girl asked.

"No. Not at all darling." I said.

She giggled. She is a "dime". I might wanna take her home. We get to talking, then to flirting.

"How about we go to a private place. Just you and me." She suggested.

"Alright. Let's go." I agreed.

She grabs my hand as we leave the club.


Thanks for waiting patiently. Sorry, it took me a while to find time to write.    


Make sure you leave comments. I love reading your comments.


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