In Chaos [ Wattys2016 ]

By jaydelittle

1.8K 169 52

It was never been her goal. It was never part of her plan. She never expected this to happen. All that she wa... More

She's Back
Another Friend
An Hour Couldn't...
A Day...??
The Glimpse of the Past
A Perfect Shot
A Surprise Visit
Vince Buck
Something's wrong?
Memories turned to Dreams
Celine's chapter
While Away
Puzzle of Happiness
His Move
Author's note
New Chapter

Shin and Elaire

25 3 0
By jaydelittle

Vince's Buck

When I woke up, there were people roaming around the house, talking to my Dad and my brother. Tsk.

They were talking like there's no tomorrow and it's making my ears sick.


Good thing I have to attend this meeting.

I arrived on the place where I can see Lewis.

From Lewis:

We are here inside the building. Mr. Matthews is already here too.

I was looking at my phone, texting Lewis when a girl bumped me and her strawberry ice cream scoop spilled my white pants.

"Fxck!!" I said, frowning at the stain then to the little girl. "Look what did you do! Shxt!" I said and she cried.


"I'm sorry, Mister" she apologised but her apology can't clean my pants.

"Where are your parents?! They are so irresponsible to let some shxt like you roam around in the place!" I spat, pushing her aside.

She stumbled.

"But I have no parents" she answered, still sobbing.

"Tss. Maybe they left you. If I were your father, I also won't accept to have a daughter like you. Stupid" I replied.

Her eyes grew bigger because of the words that slipped out from my mouth. She cried louder.


My hand was about to hit her when someone block it.

Black's POV

"Frank, did you see Marie??" I asked Frank who's busy talking to Mr. Matthews. Everything is settled but the time.

It only needs time to be done.

He looked around and shakes his head. "No Sir." I nodded at him and he offers his help.

"Where did you last see her, Sir?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"She was with us a while ago while we were talking to some employees when Lewis starts to panic" I answered, not bothering to look at him.

I look around and something caught my attention.

"What a rude man" Elaire's voice reached my ears. "He has no right to hurt the little girl"

"You sound more like a mother." Shin replied, dryly but his cheeks turned red.

I ran to their direction and saw Marie's wet eyes. "What happened??" I asked, worriedly. I brought Marie to my arms and check her if she has any wound or bruise.

"Do you know this girl??" Shin asked, nodding to Marie.

I instantly nods at him while wiping Marie's stained face with my handkerchief.

Elaire giggled.

"How did you and Lewis made and have that girl in instant??" She asked, wiggling her finger at me then to Marie.

Shin elbowed her and excuse themselves to me.

Dirty Minded sister.

"Ouch" I heard Marie gasped.

I worriedly turned to her and see what it was.

"Your hands are bleeding. Let me take you inside so Lewis could mend it."

"Why are taking care of me??" She asked, out of the blue.

I froze for a second before I pinched her nose. "That's how we should do. Taking care of each other like a family." I answered.

"You're not my family because you weren't my parents. The stranger might be right. I'm stupid"

The words that came out from her mouth made my blood boil. Who the fxck told her this?!! Bastard!!

"You shouldn't listen to people like him. Having a family doesn't always go through blood. Sometimes we should consider our hearts" I replied, cheering her up.

I carried her inside, looking for my fiancée.

We found her, checking out for the miniature of the future park. She seem so tensed that she didn't notice our arrival.

I coughed.

She turned around and planted a worried look on her face.

"What happened?" She asked, making her way to us.

I shrugged.

" I don't know the whole story. But someone tried to hurt her" I answered, placing Marie on the near chair.

Marie made herself comfortable while Lewis checked on her.

"She scraped her hands" Lewis said, forming her lips in a small o.

She quickly grabbed the first aid kit and took care of Marie's wound.

A questioned pop out.

"Did you see Elaire and Shin?? They should be here right now." I said, scanning the room with my eyes.

She shook her head.

"They aren't here yet." She answered. "Maybe, they forgot something." She added that convinced me a little.

She didn't bother to look at me.

"Marie, who did this to you?" She asked to Marie, her voice has a bit of warning. Giving Marie a hint not to lie.

"A stranger??" She replied, unsure. Lewis frowned.

"Who??" Lewis asked again, this time, Marie starts to fidget.

"A stranger. I don't know his name. But it was my fault." Marie said, quite defending the man.

Lewis stood tight with her hands on her hips.

"Whatever you have done, I'm sure you didn't mean it. That man should learn his lesson." Lewis said.

I was just listening to them, when Elaire and Shin came in with different food in their hands.

Elaire half ran to Marie and Lewis, pulling them to the table. I chuckled for my sister's action.

"She never got old." Shin said with a smile on his face.

I smiled too.

"That's why you rejected all of your father's offer. Just to be with her. You really love her, don't you?" I said.

He looked down.

"There's something I didn't reject," he began and I listen intently. " If I couldn't win her heart in a 3 months long, my Dad will assigned a task for me in I don't know where but all that I know is that... I'll stay there for good" he finished.

It left me dumbfounded.

What?! He'll leave my sister? Tell me, he's just kidding.

"You can't get her if you'll just stand there like an idiot." I replied, looking at him like he threw a bad joke.

"I don't know where to start" he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

How old is he?? Slow.

We'll, I guess I should make my own move to help him.

I was about to call my sister when someone came in.

Vince Buck.

Seems everyone froze except for Marie who flinched.

Author's note:

Vote, Comment & Start a conversation with me ^w^

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