Guilty (BWWM)

Bởi ShanitaG

206K 11.5K 3.4K

A crooked cop with a wandering eye, a wife succumbing to temptation, a deadly crimeboss with his eye on a new... Xem Thêm

Mr. Detective
Woman Scorned
On the Run
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Nothing But Trouble
Murder Was The Case
Unexpected Chemistry
It Could All Be So Simple
Turning Tables
London Bridges
Work it Out
Tempting Eve
The Lies She Told
In Which She Has to Choose
Hocus Pocus
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Snakes II
Helen of Troy
Helen of Troy II
(Blood) Brothers

Tug of War

8.3K 477 227
Bởi ShanitaG


Saturday, February 10, 2013


Corrine wore a floor length dress. It was black with satin material that that clung to every contour of her toned body. The dress was shoulder-less yet long sleeved and there was a teasing slit on the right side of the dress stopping at mid thigh. Her heels were closed toed and silver sequinned with a strap wrapping around the ankle. Their four inch height added a curve to her legs, making the leg that was showing all the more tantalizing.

She decided to do a low maintenance style on her hair and allowed her curls to hang free with a part down the middle. She added some curl creme to give her a looser appearance. Russian Roulette by M.A.C. coated her lips. Giving herself a once over for the last time, she viewed herself head to toe deciding that she was "tempting but not tangible", before gathering her clutch that matched her shoes and her trench coat.

Her nerves were running wild, her mind mulled endlessly over the countless ways in which this "date" with Bleu could backfire and blow up in her face. Especially considering the shit that she had to go through with Richard when he had a wandering eye. Now here she was doing the exact same thing. She was a hypocrite. Do I really want to do this? She found herself wondering as she descended the stairs. Just this one time and then I'll be done with this--with him, she tried to convince herself.

Just as Corrine reached for the knob to the door, Richard finally made an appearance. His face donned a bright smile which soon morphed into a look of confusion once taking in the outfit his wife was wearing. They hadn't made plans to go out-- or had they and he'd just forgotten? Corrine's heart pounded with anxiety as she schooled her expression into a cooler one. "Hey, babe. I thought you said you got off at nine today."

"No, that was yesterday. I do remember saying that I wanted us to spend some time together today, but I don't think I had any plans of going anywhere so I'm guessing you're not looking like this for me?" He questioned as his gaze became suspicious, eyeing her attire yet again. In the years that he and Corrine had been together, it was very seldom that she went out without him--and most certainly not looking like that.

"Actually no," She drug out attempting to think quickly. "I was planning on going out with Val tonight for an impromptu girl's night."

"You were planning on going out...with Val...dressed like this?" His eyebrow arched, voice laced with doubt.

"Yeah, her husband gave her a little extra spending money and she decided that there was a fancy restaurant that she wanted to go to." The lies just kept spewing from her mouth as if she was a well trained politician.

"And you didn't think that this was something that could've been run by me first?"

"I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that you were my father and I had to ask for permission just to go anywhere without being on your arm." In a panic, she flipped the situation.

Richard's agitation grew at the fact that Corrine had tried to turn this into something it clearly was not. "I meant that it would've been wonderful if I was given a heads up considering that I wanted to spend time with you--you know like you've been bitching at me about--but now you're blowing me off for your friend." He added an unpleasant emphasis on friend.

"Is this just because you don't like her?" She flipped the situation again. "Grow up Richard. And besides, it's not like I go out practically every weekend like you do with Connor. You can come and go as you please, but I have to run shit by you?" She huffed angrily before brushing past him. "Whatever Richard, I'll see you when I get back. Don't wait up."

Richard reached for her and yanked her back. "Look Cori, I'm trying here, I really am, but you're not making this easy right now. All I want is for you to meet me half way, you know?" He paused, running a hand through his hair. "I don't want you to leave here pissed with me, so I will apologize for my behavior. Have fun with...your friend. I love you and I'm sorry."

"Thank you, and next time I'll try to be more courteous and tell you." Corrine felt like shit as guilt gnawed at her conscious. If he'd been been behaving like he had five months ago this wouldn't be as hard as it was now that Richard was determined to show Corrine that he was a changed man. Part of her-- the resentful, bitter part--felt that this was too little too late. Why didn't he try sooner?


Corrine sent a quick text to Valencia:

If it ever comes up, I was out with you tonight.

Wht??--Valencia asked.

Just go with it girl.

She closed out of iMessage and called the unsaved number in her call log. "I'm here." Just then, the tall iron gates guarding the well secluded home opened.   She drove up the curved driveway, unconsciously tapping her manicured fingers on the steering wheel as a way to calm her ever building nerves.  Upon reaching the circular part of the path which stopped at the entrance, there poised with his arms folded neatly behind his back, stood a man who she'd correctly assumed to be Bleu's driver.  How very cliche of him, she thought while scoffing to herself.

As she parked and exited the car, he extended his hand and lead her into the home.   "Can't you just take me to the car and I wait for him there?"  Corrine asked skeptically.

"Mr. Mandez gave me orders to escort you in, Miss Corrine." The driver responded while he took her coat.

She rolled her eyes and scoffed.  I don't know if I should be flattered or annoyed, she thought while drinking in the expensive yet somehow still moderate decor of Bleu's living room.   The walls were an off white, cream color accented with white and mahogany furniture.  From the ceiling hung mini chandeliers which gave the room an incandescent glow.  On the far left of the room was the beginning of a spiraled staircase of which Bleu made his special entrance.

Corrine realized that black was one of his favorite colors as once again, he donned an all black attire: a black suit minus the tie, leaving the shirt unbuttoned and giving a peek at his sculpted chest.  Simple, but he she thought he made it work.  She tried, but failed miserably, to not make it so obvious that she was ogling him.  Bleu's signature smirk became arrogant as she absentmindedly bit her bottom lip.  "I like what I'm seeing as well, mi bella." 

His smug tone snapped her out of her reverie, her eyes traveled back to his face.  His blue eyes were alight with amusement causing her face to heat up profusely.  "I was just thinking that your wardrobe could use a splash of color.  You're always dressing like you're going to a funeral."  

He smiled brightly, showcasing all of his porcelain teeth.  "In my line of work, that's always a possibility, mi bella.  I must say that black definitely suits you, especially this dress."  He circled her getting a view from every angle.  "Cómo tentador eres."  He muttered lowly.  

"Don't we have somewhere to be?"  she snapped though secretly relishing in his attention.

"Indeed," he moved to her side and held out his arm.  "Shall we?" Despite her conscience willing her to change her mind and go home to her husband, she locked her arm with his as they followed the driver to the a black BMW.

The car ride was filled with tension--or rather Corrine was tense, Bleu just sat silently observing her.  "You know, for someone who's supposed to be  this big bad crime boss, you're awfully open with the woman whose husband is a police officer.  Showing me where you live.  Don't you think that's a bit foolish?  Who says that I wouldn't sell you out?"

"You would need actual evidence for me to be arrested for anything--you have nothing but assumptions."  His tone becomes sharp, firmly taking her chin in his hand and forcing her to look him in the eye. "Mi bella, it is no secret that I have a bit of a soft spot for you, but I am not the man that you want to play with.  You'd do well to remember that, yes?"

She nodded wordlessly.  "Good."  He pecked her lips and wiped off any lipstick that may have been transferred. 

"Mr. Mandez, we've arrived."  The monotone voice of the driver called.

Lombardo's Trattoria was one of the more upscale restaurants in **Baltimore**.  Only the elite were able to dine here and connections were a necessity.  Being with Bleu put them on the v.i.p. list prioritizing their seating over the lengthy line of other potential guests.  Corrine felt an unexpected sense of pride and importance.

"You never have to wait in lines with me, love."  He kissed the back of her hand before they sat across from each other.  The host placed their menus in front of them and told them that their server will be with them shortly.  "You look absolutely stunning, mi bella.  This lighting compliments the natural glow of your skin."

Not knowing how to respond, she blushed and skimmed the menu, eyes doubling in size at the outrageously high prices.  "For a damn glass of champagne?"  she mumbled aloud.

Bleu chuckled, "Get whatever you like."  He reassured causing another blush to creep in.  Corrine was not this type of woman-- the type to shy away from the gaze of a man and become enamored with every sweet nothing that flew from his mouth--but Bleu was certainly having that affect on her.

I really need to get ahold of myself.  He's got me giddy like I'm a teenager having her first date with her crush.  Finding both her voice and her backbone she sat up straighter and looked him in his eyes.  "I think we both know that I've never been to this place," she spoke playfully "How about you choose for me?"

Bleu was taken aback, albeit rather pleasantly surprised with her change in attitude.  His lips spread into a slow grin, "Okay, then I know exactly what to order."  In response, she smiled and closed her menu.  He stared in admiration at the way her hair fell and unconsciously found himself reaching across the table to gently tug on a small tendril.  "I prefer your hair like this, mi bella."

She playfully slapped his hand, "Um, so let me tell you something about black women and our hair.  That," she gestured to his hand.  "is a no-no.  You don't know me like that."  She sent him a wink.

He held his hands up in mock surrender.  "Okay, okay.  I'm curious though, how is it that I don't know you enough to touch your hair, but I do know you enough to put my mouth on your--"

"Good evening.  Are you all ready to order?"  Corrine's face was in flames the entire time that Bleu placed their orders.  Once the waitress left, his smile was downright arrogant, knowing that he'd gotten that kind of reaction.  


Corrine giggled at Bleu cleverness.  "Is your name really Bleu?"

"Yes and no.  Bleu is my middle name.  As original as it seems, I got it because of my eyes.  My first name is Cézar."

"Cézar," she mumbled testing it out on her tongue.  "I like it."

"Then you and only you can call me by it, and only when we're alone."  He joked. 

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind.  Don't take this the wrong way, but what exactly are you?  I mean ethnicity wise.  I know that you aren't, you know, white, but I can't exactly tell what you are."  Corrine queried taking a swig of the wine.

Bleu chuckled, nearly choking on his steak.  "That's a pretty bold question," he took a swig as well.  "But, to answer that, I'm Italian on my father's side and Cuban on my mother's."

"That's an interesting mix.  Do you still talk to your parents?"

A somber expression crossed his face at the mention of his parents.  "Both of them are dead."  Corrine fumbled with the right way to ask what happened, if it was even her business to know.  Sensing her hesitation, he decided to take the lead.  "My father killed my mother when I was twelve, I'll spare you the grisly details."  He took another swig of his champagne.

"  I'm so sorry to hear that.  I'm sorry that you had to go through that especially at such a young age.  I'm guessing, or hoping, that your father died while he was in prison?"

Instead of answering Bleu flagged down their waitress for the cheque.  Once the waitress left to with his card, he glanced coolly at Corrine.  "My father died by my hands."  The waitress returned with the receipt and his card before wishing them a good night.

Still processing what he'd just confessed, Corrine remained silent as he lead them to the car with the driver standing patiently and poised next to it.  He opened the door for the two passengers before hopping back into the driver's seat.  "Corrine," Bleu called softly, gingerly tilting her head towards him.  "I didn't mean to upset you, but it probably best that I remind you of the type of man I am.  I won't sugarcoat or pussyfoot around this because you need to remember the situation that you're getting into with me."

"Then why didn't you just leave me alone?  Why keep dragging me back in this when I've told you I didn't want you?"  She shook her head out of his grasp and faced out of the window.  "After tonight, I really don't want to see you again."

"Bullshit. If you even tried that shit we both know that it doesn't take long for me to get back in your head.  Or have you already forgotten how I got this date in the first place?"  She redirected her attention back to him with a leer, but he continued.  "Corrine, you want this just as bad as I do, otherwise this wouldn't even be happening.  Save the excuses for your husband, who I remind you is just as bad as I am, or did you also forget what his extracurricular activities were?  The only difference is that he wears a fucking badge."

"Richard may be a piece of shit, but he is nothing like you--"  he snatched her closer to him by her arm in a firm grip.

"Your husband is a liar, a cheater, a thief, and a killer with a get out of jail free card.  Mi bella, your husband is a criminal just like me, don't get it twisted."  She glared at him, huffing with anger; Bleu held her gaze with one of his own.  Their stare down was broken with the announcement of their arrival back to his estate.

The driver walked around to Corrine's side and opened her door, yet she still held his glare.  "Cid, you're actually free for the rest of the night."  Cid understood the subtle dismissal and scurried off.  Corrine took this as her cue that the night was over and abruptly got out of the car.  

"This was just a lovely evening, but I think I'm going to just go and never come back."  Corrine said sardonically.

Bleu leaned against the car door with an amused smile.  "You need keys to drive don't you?"

She exasperatedly sighed, rolling her eyes in the process.  "Are you kidding me?  Don't be such a child, give them to me."

"Come inside."  He sauntered passed her, up the pathway.  She furrowed her eyebrows, scrunching her face into a leer.  "Your keys are in the house.  Come I'll take you to them."  She sucked her teeth before begrudgingly following him inside.

He lead her passed the kitchen.  "Bleu."  He carried on as if she hadn't called him.  "Cézar!"  He stopped completely doing an aboutface.  "Cut the crap, I'm tired of playing and I want to go home.  Where are my keys?"

With a blank expression, he pulled the keys from his pocket, dangling them in the air.  Corrine's jaw dropped and she made a move to grab them, but seemingly all at once, he tossed the keys and tossed her over his shoulder.  "This is definitely kidnapping, let me go, Cézar!"

He chuckled as he carried her up the stairs.  "You're really not going anywhere if you keep saying my name like that."  

He dropped her not so gracefully onto his luxurious, king- sized bed.  "Stay with me for the night."  He spoke as he leaned over her with his arms caging her in.  Bleu was no longer guided by lust, but another emotion that was foreign to him.  His blue eyes begged her silently.  Although she wanted to give in, Corrine knew that this had to end tonight.  

Bleu sensed her upcoming rejection, choosing to resort to other methods of persuasion.  He latched his mouth with hers, kissing her deeply and hypnotizing her with his dominating lips.  Pulling away, he moved to the tender spot between her neck and collarbone and nipped gently.  "Please."  The act of begging was unfamiliar to him but in this moment he found himself doing so shamelessly.

Corrine sighed with pleasure, "Why can't you just let me go?"  She whined feeling herself giving in once again.

 "I don't think I can, mi bella.  Estoy atrapado.  Estoy encantado contígo."  He answered truthfully as he trailed his kisses to the top of her breasts.  Her breathing increased causing her breast to rise.  Bleu took advantage of this, peeling down the top of her dress.  She sat upright allowing him to slip her arms from the sleeves, tug down her zipper, and slip the rest of the dress along with her panties past her heels.  As he undid the clasp for the last shoe, he feathered kisses along the length of her leg to her shapely thighs, biting at the area before her treasure.

Anticipation surged through her as she panted heavily at his teasing only succeeding in encouraging him.  He pulled her lower half over the edge of the bed, positioning himself in front of her completely on his knees before wrapping her legs around his broad shoulders.   Soft moans came from Corrine as Bleu kissed around her lips before placing his attention on her throbbing clit, swirling his tongue around it few times following up with an open mouthed kiss.  

Her mewls grew louder as he began to suck on her nub and curving his tongue inside of her inner lips.  Involuntarily her body jerked, profanities flew when Bleu began french kissing her pussy.  In response he held her in place by her hips and increased pressure.  Her body moved on its own, twirling her hips to match the rhythm of his mouth.

"Fuck," she gasped breathlessly when he inserted two digits inside of her, moving them up and down in a 'come forth' motion, continuing his assault on her clit.  The amount of stimulation she received brought an onslaught of butterflies from the pit of her stomach to the rest of her body.

"That's right baby, cum for me."  He goaded, never letting up once her walls began to contract around his fingers.  She rode out her climax, gripping the back of Bleu's head.

He rose to his feet in order to undress himself, though his eyes never left the heaping mess that was Corrine.  He couldn't remember the last time, if ever, that a woman has had this strong of a hold on him.  That fact both terrified and lured him all at once.  

At the sight of his thick, veiny member Corrine bit her bottom lip.  The two of them locked heated, lusty gazes as Bleu massaged his throbbing penis.  "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on."  He confessed.

Lifting her legs onto his shoulders, he positioned himself at her entrance.  He maintained eye contact with her, watching in awe as her face contorted in pleasure as he slowly filled her completely.  He basked in the beautiful sounds that she released, silently willing himself not to cum too quickly.  Her velvety walls were slick with need and arousal.

Once she was accustomed to his size, he leaned over her, balancing his weight on his knuckles.  His hips began to rotate causing him to go deep inside of her.  "Oh my God, Cezar" she whined as he picked up the speed.  

He grunted at the sound of his name from her lips, "Say my name again, baby."  He rasped, pounding into her.  Like the obedient person she was at the moment, she complied multiple times.  "Good girl," he murmured before kissing her deeply.  They moaned into each other's mouths as he switched paces once again.  "Qué haces a mi?"  he whispered resting his forehead on hers.

Corrine's walls began to contract once again and Bleu took the hint.  He straightened again, placed his thumb in her mouth for her to wet, and used it to stimulate her clit while he tortured her with his wild strokes.  She screamed at the intense orgasm that wracked her body sending her into delirious ecstasy.  The tightening of her pussy lead to Bleu's orgasm.  They rode their twin climaxes out together, panting as they fell graciously from the high.

 Eventually he pulled out of her and tucked her worn out, sweaty body under his satin comforter.  They shared an adoring kiss before drifting off.  Corrine's guilt was long forgotten.


I changed the cities from Detroit to Baltimore hopefully that doesn't confuse anyone.  I was going to do a double update, but I just wanted to hurry and get this out.  Also I'm sorry about the sex scenes, but this is an adult book so... yeah thats definitely going to happen. 


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