Anemones and Alliums {James S...

By panically

65.9K 1.6K 474

"You know, for the son of the Great Harry Potter, you're not that great." "Shut up." Aurora Beliveau is exci... More

\The Invitation/
\Diagon Alley/
\The Train Ride/
\The First Day/
\Best Friends/
\Ugly Talk/
\The Quidditch Match/
\The Darkness/
\The infirmary/
\Opposite reactions/
\The Meeting/
Should I update?
\Time well spent/
Toodles Poodles
\ I care /
Should I continue?
\Ideal type/

\The Arrival/

5.3K 109 55
By panically

"Hogwarts has arrived!" A voice rang out throughout he train.
"You hear that?" James said smirking. "It 's time to leave for the boats." "Huh. I didn't know I didn't have the ability hear." Aurora retorted. "You know Rora, I'm trying to be helpful here, but you're making it really hard to be nice." James said with the same amount of defiance. "I appreciate the effort, but put the effort where it's needed." Aurora said, picking up her stuff, Murphy, and left, waiting outside for Noor. James looked to Noor for help. Noor shrugged. "I just met her today, you know." She said, picking up her belongings and following Aurora.

/ / / /

There was a giant (hehe get it. Giant? I'm so punny) man standing near the boats at the docks. "First years! First years! Get in the boat. Only four a boat." Noor walked up to a lone boat. "Found one. Get in you guys." She said waving them over. Aurora got in the boat after her, carrying along her stuff and Murphy. James strided up to the boat. "Now we wouldn't want to get these gorgeous looks soaked would we?" He asked. "I hope you're not talking to us, because I beg to differ." Aurora said scoffing. Noor tried to smother her laughing and failed. "Oh so you're on her team now?" "I was never on your team to begin with, James." Noor reasoned. "I came to have a good time, and I feel so attacked right now." James put a hand over his heart. "Oh, please." Aurora rolled her eyes.

"Can I join you three?" A boy with long brown hair asked. "Why not?" Noor said, moving their trunks out of the way. "Thanks. I'm August Finnigan." "Nice to meet you August, I'm Aurora." She stuck her hand out in greeting. "Oh, so you're nice to him, but not me?!" James asked bewildered. "Well this lad didn't follow me around Hogsmeade." She said, exasperated. "I had a good reason!" "And what is it?" "I don't know yet."

"They'd make a cute couple." August whispered to Noor. Aurora's face turned red with embarrassment but did not comment. Thankfully, James didn't hear, and if he did, he didn't say anything.


"Woah." Aurora said, mystified by the beauty of Hogwarts up close. The castle looked enchanting, with the full moon casting a soft glare on the castle. The castle stood up tall, looking ancient but sturdy. Similar to a royal castle.

"You know what else is woah worthy?" James asked. Aurora rolled her eyes. He was probably going to say her. Just like the other countless of times- "Me." James said before walking away to the line of students at the foot of the colossal man.

"That did not go as I planned." Aurora murmured. "You got that right." August said grinning and followed James. "Come on." Noor said, pulling Aurora's hand to the line.

/ / / / / / / // / / / / // /

"Acharya, Alia!" A young girl scuttled to the stool. As soon as she sat down with the hat on her head, the hat yelled, "GRYFFINDOR!!" Alisha ran to the table and sat down, very relieved. This process happened many time before- "Beliveau, Aurora!" Aurora gulped. As she descended upon the steps toward the Sorting Hat, she tried not to trip as the person before her. Once the hat was on her head, he started talking in her head. She almost jumped but remained calm. "Ah, a Beliveau. You're the second Beliveau I've had for a while. Your sister was the first in generations! Your sister is a Gryffindor though. Yet you are much sharper. More inventive. Like a Ravenclaw. Yet you're very cunning like a Slytherin. But you don't want to be in those houses do you? You would like to be a Gryffindor the best. Are you sure about that? You would be a very good Ravenclaw or Slytherin. Though you would be an excellent Gryffindor. You have so much courage and bravery in that heart of yours. Perfect for a Gryffindor. If that's what you want then – GRYFFINDOR!" The hat roared. 'Well that wasn't as hard as I thought. I'm a Gryffindor. Just like Selene." At the thought, Aurora grinned as she went to the Gryffindor table.

"Little sister! Tiny me! Mon Cheri! Aurora! You made it!" Selene exclaimed, as Aurora plopped herself next to Selene. "For sure I thought you were going to be a Ravenclaw. But a Gryffindor? I couldn't be prouder." Selene looked so proud of her. "That's my sister you guys." Selene said, looking smug while she showed Aurora off. "Hi, my name's Enya." A girl said, looking of South American descent. She had curly hair in a side braid and beautiful dark brown eyes. "Aurora." Aurora said shaking her hand. "Oh, I know. Your sister raves about you all the time. You guys have such a cute relationship. I just wish me and my brother were as close." She said sneaking a glance at a young boy walking to the Slytherin table after being sorted.

"You will be. One day. You just need to make the effort and open up to him. There is no good of dreaming if having a good relationship with your siblings if you never act on it." Selene assured. Enya smiled at Selene, looking grateful for the reassurance.

Aurora turned to watch the rest of the first years get sorted.

"Abbott, Rose!" "HUFFLEPUFF! ..."Bones, Linea!" "HUFFLEPUFF! ..."Boot, Lindsey!" A young blonde approached the hat. A few moments later the hat roared "RAVENCLAW!" "Bullstrode, Emily!" "SLYTHERIN!"


"Khan, Noor!" Aurora watched in anticipation as Noor put the old hat on. After what seemed to be forever but was really 3 minutes the hat yelled "GRYFFINDOR!" Aurora sighed in relief. Her new friend was going to be in her house. What a blessing that was. "Hey," Noor said as she sat down next to Aurora. "I'm so relieved. I thought for sure I wasn't going to be placed in Gryffindor." "Honestly, same." Aurora agreed.

As they both watched the ceremony, "Potter, James!" Was announced. A hush was spread over the room. "Potter as in Harry Potter?" A voice said. James made his was to the hat and put it on his head. In no time at all, the hat boomed, "GRYFFINDOR!" James looking very pleased and happy, jogged to the Gryffindor table and set himself down in front of Aurora. "Hey Rora." James said, pretending to tip an imaginary hat in her direction. "And you too, Noor." He added, tipping his 'hat' to her.

"Who's this...?" Selene asked, raising an eyebrow at James. "Oh, this is the James. He's the official stalker of Great Britain." Aurora said proudly, patting James. "Please, you follow a random bloke for a while and all of a sudden you're 'the official stalker of Great Britain.'" He said, rolling his eyes.

"Do I want to know?" Selene asked. "I wouldn't think so." Aurora answered.

Minutes passed by and soon an elderly but stern lady approached the podium. 'Welcome to a new year and a new beginning ," She said as she looked at all the tables. "It is my honor to announce the arrival of a new year at Hogwarts, School of Witchraft and Wizardry," She announced. "I know you all will excel your studies and do your best. Or at least I hope." She said, earning a good laugh from some of the teachers. "Anyone is capable of doing and becoming anyone and anything. And with that, let the feast begin."

To Aurora's surprise, the plates were all at once, filled with food. Ranging from roast beef to pudding and gravy. "I don't know about you, but the real question is, is this all Halal?" Noor asked poking at the meat with her fork. "Halal? Ah, yes. We've been catering halal food since the beginning. Wouldn't want our Muslim students not getting the same chances as the others. I would believe that the only dishes you wouldn't get to eat would be the pork." A ghost floated through, shocking many first years. Even Enya and Selene were startled, though it didn't last long. "Nearly Headless Nick!" Selene exclaimed. "I haven't seen you in ages! How are you doing, my boy?" Selene tried to put her hand on his shoulder, but her hand went straight through the ghost. The ghost, or Nick, seemed a little miffed. "Selene. I've been doing well, though I would much rather prefer if you've called me by my actual title, Sir Nicholas De Mimsy-Porpington." "What does she mean by 'Nearly Headless Nick?" Aurora asked. Nick simply took hold of his head and his head fell into his hand as if it was on a hinge. Nick looked please at the stunned faces.

"I could," Selene shrugged adding onto their previous coversation, "But that's too much of a mouthful. Anyways, how's Peeves doing? My favorite poltergeist at his regular shenanigans?" "It's seems to be that you're the only one in this school who cares about him like that other than the other than the Fat Friar. Ever since those Weasley twins left, he's been causing a ruckus ever since. Can't even lounge on my favorite chair while reading a good novel without checking if it has toothpaste covering the seat. Though thank you for asking." Nick said disdainfully, brightening at the end of his statement to give his thanks. "No problemo, Nicko." Selene said, smacking his shoulder, only to have her hand go through it. Nick pursed his lips at this. "Wait," James said. "How can you read a book or sit down on a chair if you're a ghost? Wouldn't you float right through it?" "Ghosts can sit and pick up things if they want to. Or they can be transparent and have item float right through them. When in human contact though, they're transparent. It's a pity, it really is." Nick concluded. "Do tell me more." James said, his hand resting on his chin. "That I can do." Soon Nearly Headless Nick was talking animatedly about the life of a ghost. The pros and the cons of being a ghost and the theories that were false about them and why while James was nodding and listening at every word he said while stuffing his face with food.

Noor chomped on a drumstick. "Thank God this stuff is halal or else I would have to leave. I can't go a day without meat." She said between mouthfuls. "Quite the carnivore, aren't ya?" Selene asked. Noor nodded eagerly. Soon Noor and Selene were conversing like old mates who had just met in real life after years of talking over the phone. Aurora smiled at this.


Soon it was time to head to the dorms. The first years were lead by the prefect, Robin Thomas. "How does it feel to be named after a bird?" James asked to her as they walked to their dorms. "I feel as if I could fly." Robin said without contemplating. She laughed at her own pun. "You use that pun often, don't you?" James dryly said. "At every chance I get." Robin said, grinning.

They soon approached a very fat lady in what looked like a very heavy pink silk dress with frills all around the bottom of the dress. "Password?" She asked, not bothering to look up from her game of cards with another portrait of a women who was just as finely dressed. "Sir Gawain's heart." Robin said, before the portrait swung open.

As soon as they got inside, their view was full of squashy chaise and comfy couches. In the middle of it all was a large fireplace, the fire inside glowing with its embers dancing inside. "It look very inviting." Noor noted. "I would say that the Gryffindor common room is the most cozy and comfortable, but I would sound a bit biased, wouldn't I?" Robin asked hypothetically.

Robin led the boys to their dorms and the girls to theirs. With a 'Have a goodnight' and 'Classes start at seven sharp', Robin left.

Their trunks and pets had been brought up and laid at the end of the room. There were deep rich velvet curtains and comfy looking four-posters. Aurora couldn't wait to get inside. It seemed that the others also had similar thoughts as they walked to the beds.

"I call dibs on this one." A girl with jet black hair in a long braid exclaimed as she jumped on it. "I see that we haven't made introductions." Aurora said as soon as she saw the number of people in the dorms. ( It was 5).

"My name's Aurora." She said as shook the girl's hand. "Alia." She answered, smiling. "Noor." Noor popped up and stuck out her hand to which Alia complied. "Nice hijab. Not many can pull it off like you. Massive respect." "Oh, you're Muslim?" "I'm actually Hindu." Alia and Noor started talking about the South Asian culture they shared and the politics that were happening in Pakistan and India and so much more. Aurora frowned. She was envious of the instant bond that Alia and Noor were able to share over where they came from. There was not many French students in the school and Aurora doubted she would become good friends with them anyways. It always took her a while to form a strong relationship, but it seemed that Noor and Alia were on their way to become the best of friends. And Aurora was jealous.

"Sorry, I'm late to the introduction party. I'm Evelyn." A petite looking Asian girl said, waving. "Aurora." Aurora said, plastering on a fake smile. Evelyn didn't seem to notice though as she smiled back.

"Harper. Nice to meet ya." A pretty girl with wavy auburn hair said grinning. "Noor." "Alia." "Aurora." "Evelyn." Soon everyone got to know everyone. Aurora's plan had worked. Just like she had anticipated.

"Hey." Noor said as she settled on Aurora's bed as the rest of the girls were in the showers. "Hey," Aurora coldly said, still jealous of Noor and Alia's instant friendship. "Aren't you going to chat with best friend Alia after she comes out? So why bother even talking to me?" Aurora said, redirecting her attention to the open book in her hands. Noor looked surprise by the sudden outburst but played it nonchalant. "Alia's great. She really is. But she isn't... quality good friend material? Does that even make sense? The only interests we have in common are our culture and politics in Pakistan and India and why the politicians there are just so stupid. That's about it. There aren't many best friend characteristics that I find very appealing and enticing, to be honest. I would rather be closer friends with you." Aurora looked up, shocked at the sudden confession. "Unless you don't want to be friends" Noor hastily said.

"No, no. I would love to be friends. I guess I was just shocked at the sudden confession. I'm sorry I acted like a jerk. I guess I was just jealous. Friends?" Aurora said sticking out her hand. Noor chuckled. "Friends."


Aurora was cuddled in her blankets, surrounding her like a cocoon and she couldn't be happier. She made a mental check to send an owl to her parents in the morning. With the thoughts of her plans for tomorrow, she fell asleep.

Hey, it's Shanz! I hope you like this little chapter. Well I guess i shouldn't call it little. It's 2500+ words so... Comment down your favorite characters and why. I'd love to know. Also, what do you want to see next in the chapters? Have a great day! 

                                                                       - Shanz

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