Gravity Rises

By King_Nida

11.8K 256 386

Look At That Cover Art! That is the power of Wings, specifically BrightnessWings19. She made the cover for me... More

Episode List
Gravity Rises
Attack of the Shadow Wraith
The Clairvoyant
Gravity Grave Yard
Lost in Time
The Northwest Secret
Lake Monster
Lazier Tag
Restless Spirit
Story of two Stans
Song of the Siren
The Crystal
The Deal
Mortal Fite
(Up Date) Technical Difficulties


536 16 5
By King_Nida

Mabel woke up in the middle of the woods, actuality, it didn't look like the forest behind the Museum. It was darker, everything seemed... dead. The trees bore no leaves, the bark seemed dry and the grass wasn't as green. And for that matter, it wasn't even winter "Were am I?" She said looking around. "...Dipper, Dipper? You there Bro." She asked with a hint of worry in her voice. She suddenly heard an all to familiar scream from somewhere deep in the forest. "Dipper!" Mabel started to run but stopped, she didn't know were the scream came from.

"Looking for something Pine-Tree?" Mabel turned slowly to be faced with the very demon she didn't want to see, not that she wanted to see any demon, Bill Cipher.

She backed up slowly knowing that running would get her no where. "Leave me alone Bill, I- I don't want to deal with you right now." Her voice shook with obsessive fear.

Bill chuckled. "Oh, don't worry. I won't mess with you. He will though." He pointed behind Mabel. There stood once again the large Shadow Wraith, with what looked like blood dripping from it's jaw and bits of cloth.

"...Dipper." Tears formed in her eyes, fearing the worst. She then shook her head, realizing she had to run. But just as she turned to run she felt something grab her. Roots, grass and other plants, they seemed to form a life of their own as the binded around her. "No! Let Me Go!" She yelled out then turned back to the wolf.

The beast gave an evil chuckle. "NOW... YOU SHALL PAY CHILD." It took it's time and slowly approached her, as she was not going anywhere

Pure panic and fear went through Mabel. There was literately nothing she could do. But all of the sudden... for some reason, she started to feel something different. She felt an urge to laugh and tried to ignore it. But it just got worse, she covered her mouth and started to giggle. "Heheehe, Wh-what is going on?" She stumbled back and chuckled as the sensation became more intense.

Bill looked confused. "Uhh... the heck if I know. Wait..." He thought for a second before grumbling in realization of what was going on. "Oh great, Shooting Star is trying to wake her up."

Mabel at this point, had fallen back in a fit of laughter. She didn't even notice that the Shadow Wraith, and the world around her, seemed to have frozen in time. "Hehehaha! Stahap!" She laughed as the world faded out into blackness.

Bill gave an annoyed sigh. "You win this time Pine-Tree."

Mabel suddenly shot up in bed and scrambled back towards the wall. She was breathing heavily from both fear and the amount of laughing she just did. Her eyes darted around the room before focusing on her brother who was standing by her bed with a nervous smile.

"Sorry." He said backing up alittle. "I know you hate being woken up like that. But... I had to do something."

Mabel finally caught her breath and calmed down. She now realised what had happened and where she was. "No no, it's fine. I- I'm glad you woke me up." She said looking down.

Dipper stepped forward and sat next to her on the bed. "Bad dream again?" He asked looking at her.

Mabel looked down and nodded. "A Nightmare." She said wrapping her arms around her knees.

"Same one as last night?" He asked quietly. This was starting to worry him. That was the third time she had that nightmare.

She nodded again, feeling groggy. She was tired, but she really didn't want to go back to sleep Mabel sighed and started to push herself up off the bed before Dipper grabbed her arm.

"Mabel, what are you doing?" He asked. "You need to get some sleep... you barely slept at all last night." Dipper said getting worried about her.

Mabel tried to pull back, but she didn't have enough strength to break his grip, and he wasn't even holding that tightly. So she just let out a breath and looked away. "Well I don't want to see that evil triangle again, or that Shadow Wraith or... or..." She rubbed her eyes and and tried to keep her composure. "...Or see you get hurt again." She managed to get out before her breath hitched. "I'm sick of all these nightmares, I just want them to stop." A small sob escaped her.

"Mabel..." Dipper started, his voice was quiet. He hated seeing her like this. Mabel had been upset before, but it was usually from something like a jerk kid at school picking on her. He was good at cheering her up with that stuff. But this was something entirely different. 'I haven't seen her scared like this since-' Dipper didn't even finishe his though before getting an idea and grinning. "Hey, I got an idea!" He said excited.

Mable glances at him and wipped away a stray tear. "What?" She asked.

He smiled and rubbed her shoulder. "We can sleep together tonight." He said excitedly.

Mabel glanced at him before shifting her gaze back to the floor. "Uhh Dipper I don't know if-"

"Come on." Dipper said with that goofy smile as he got up from the bed. "We use to sleep together all the time when we were little. Usually because of nightmares and stuff."

"Or when you were scared of the monster in the closet." Mabel added smiling at the memory.

Dipper grinned nodded, opeing the door to their closet and looking inside. "I was so convinced there was something evil in my closet just waiting for me to put my gaurd down so it could Eat Me Up!" He heard a faint laugh from Mabel before turning back to her with a toothy smiles. "But not if you were around, all the big bad monsters were scared of you and wouldn't Dare come near."

"Dipper..." Mable said blushing alittle, a faint smile on her face.

"Hey, it's what I honestly believed. It always made me feel safe to have you near." He said with a grin. "Come on, it's worth a shot."

Mabel closed her eyes and sighed, smiling back up at him. "Alright alright, fine. Why not?"

Dipper laughed before running back over to his bed to grab his pillow. Mabel chuckled at his excitement before moving over to make room for him. Dipper smiled and plopped him pillow down on the bed before laying down. Mabel smiled at him then looked up at the ceiling. "...Sorry if I've been bothering you Dip. I keep waking you up." She said rubbing her arm.

Dipper chuckled and pulled the blankets back up. "Don't worry about it, I just want you to be alright." He said with a smile. "I'll always be there for you, and you'll always be there for me." He says putting his arm around her.

Mabel smiled sleeply and laid her head on his his shoulder. "Thanks Dip... I don't know what I'd do without you." She said as she started to fall asleep.

"...Me neither." Dipper whispered. After a minute or so he felt Mable's breathing steady, signifying that she had fallen asleep. He kept himself up alittle longer to be sure that she didn't start having nightmares again. After an hour he was sure that she was fine. He let sleep start to get the better of him and suppressed a yawn as to not wake up Mabel. "g'night Sis." He said in a barely audible tone before drifting off.

Both were now fully asleep with no sign of Bill's tricks getting to either of them.


Back down in that bunker deep below town, a young girl walked down the hall to a dimly lit room. She folded her hands and looked down as she walked into the room. "Um... you called for me sir." She asked quietly. The elderly man was quiet for a second as if he didn't notice she was there. "Sir-"

"I'm glad you're here." He said suddenly. Keeping his gaze forward and the tone of his voice low. "Come in and listen up. I have a job for you Pacifica..."


What can I say?I Love Sibling Drable! Just basically Mabel having nightmares that may or may not be caused from by Bill. She hasn't had much sleep and of course Dipper is worried about here. Nothing major here, just cuteness. Nothing more, nothing less. Move along!

Aobxjp xob bxpfiv jxkfmrixqba.

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