Seth Rollins One Shot's

By TheShieldImagine

154K 2.3K 68

PLEASE NOTE: This is not one continual story, each chapter is a separate requested one shot. I have just grou... More

Friends with benefits
Are you drunk?
Protective instinct
Just good friends?
Who's the daddy?
Teacher's pet
Training session
Moving on
Perfect match
First time
Daddy's little girl
Bubbles of pleasure
Protect and nurture
Stolen moments
To shy to say I love you
Stay away from what's mine
Age gap love
Angry Sex
Seeking approval
Surprise arrival
Kiss of distraction
Friendly competition
Jealous lies
Friends to lovers
Wedding crasher
Instant attraction

The son he never knew

5.9K 101 4
By TheShieldImagine

Tyler was no stranger to wrestling. His father was one of the top superstars in WWE and you yourself had wrestled for a few years. Wrestling ran in his blood but he was completely unaware of this. You had kept his parentage a secret for three years and it was getting increasingly difficult for you to keep lying to him as your son grew up to be more like his father everyday. Tyler had never asked who his father was but the older he got the more you felt the need for him to know the truth. When you found out you were pregnant you stopped wrestling and slowly lost contact with the friends you had made at NXT. The one man you were desperate to get in touch with was unattainable, so eventually you just gave up on the idea and got on with your life


Tyler was jumping up and down in front of the TV as you prepared his lunch and you smiled at him as he screeched with delight at the sight of his favorite wrestler Seth Rollins appearing on the screen


''I see baby'' you replied. The mere mention of the man's name made your stomach knot ''Eat your lunch sweetie'' 

You and Seth had a brief fling when you were still in NXT, you met him one day when you were both at the performance center and you hit it off immediately. You didn't even consider what you had to be a 'relationship'. You both acted out of lust but cared for each other a lot. After a while though you naturally drifted apart

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

''Bro. You'll never guess who I just saw'' Dean said as he stepped through the door of Seth's Iowa home

The former team mates often hung out together on their days off and this week it was Seth's turn to play host 

''Who?'' Seth's asked as Roman eagerly grabbed the grocery bags from Dean's hand, rummaging through them


''Seriously?'' Seth asked, his interest peaking as he heard your name

''Yeah'' Dean replied as he sat himself down on the couch ''She was in the grocery store, I called out to her but I don't think she heard me''

''Why would she be in Iowa?" Romam commented "No offense Seth, but it's pretty sparse here''

''She's got family here" Seth explained "She's probably visiting them''

He had always regretted the way things had ended between you and he hoped to remain friends and maybe even start over, but when you left without a word he gave up hope

''She looked pretty busy though, was running around after this little kid" Dean added "Couldn't have been much older than three. Cute little guy''

''I didn't know she had a kid'' Roman said

''She doesn't'' Seth replied

''Well she must have one now because he was calling her mummy'' Dean argued

For the rest of the day Seth stayed quiet as Dean and Roman spoke amongst themselves. It was easy for them, they didn't know you like he did, they didn't share your bed and now all the thoughts of you that he had tried so hard to push to the back of his mind were now coming to the surface

''We need to do something'' Dean announced as soon as Seth left the room

''About what?'' Roman asked

''About Seth" Dean explained "He has hardly said a word since I told him that I saw (Y/N). He still loves her, it's obvious!'' 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After spending the weekend with your parents you were back at home. Tyler was coloring in the next room and you were doing some housework when your phone rang

''Hello?'' you didn't bother to check the number before you accepted the call

''Hi darling it's Dean''

Dean freaking Ambrose!! You hadn't heard from him in over three years and now he was calling you out of the blue

''Um hi'' 

'What's up?' Dean asked like no time had passed at all 'I saw you in the grocery store the other day and tried to get your attention but you didn't hear me. Fancy meeting up sometime soon? I could get you and your son some backstage passes?'

''Wait a second'' you said "How do you know about my son?''

'I saw this little boy with you and heard him call you mummy' Dean explained

''Oh right'' you'd be more than happy to see Dean again but you weren't so sure about seeing Seth ''I don't think I'm ready to see Seth again. Plus Tyler's still pretty young''

'Look sweetheart it's completely up to you, no pressure' Dean replied 'If you don't want to come then that's cool. I just wanted to catch up. Roman does too' 

''I'll think about it'' you said

You missed them; of course you did, you had grew close to them all when you were with Seth but there was one thing that was holding you back and it was the fact that Seth was Tyler's father

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A few days later you received a text from Dean asking if you'd made your mind up about hanging out and you were torn. On one hand you really wanted to go and you knew that Tyler would have the time of his life backstage, but at the same time you were scared. Plus seeing Seth again would be awkward to say the least, and to make matters worse he had a son that he knew nothing about

You stared at your phone for a few seconds before quickly typing out a reply

You had to follow your heart and at the moment it was telling you to go for it, to put your little boy's happiness first. You would deal with everything else when the time came

Damn it. Now you were even more nervous!

''Mission accomplished'' Dean said proudly as he sat down beside Roman in his locker room

''What have you done?'' Roman asked nervously

''I, my friend, have convinced (Y/N) to come to Raw. I even got her backstage passes'' Dean explained

''Well let's just hope that Seth is as enthusiastic about your plan as you are'' Roman replied 

The two men would often share a locker room while performing at house shows and neither one of them would admit that they missed not being around each other now that they weren't in The Shield anymore

''There's just one thing bothering me'' Dean added as he began to tape his wrists for his match

''What?'' Roman asked

''The little kid, (Y/N)'s son. He looked so much like Seth'' 

''Dean'' Roman said in a disapproving tone

''I'm being serious uce'' 

''So am I. I think you've done enough damage for one day don't you?'' Roman argued

''Whatever" Dean argued "In six days you'll see for yourself'' 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Tyler skipped along happily as you held onto his hand tightly. You had experienced a large crowd before, even wrestled in front of them but it was something else entirely when you had a child to think about, and a few fans whispered and pointed in your direction as you were escorted to your seats in the front row. You had planned to wait for Seth's match so that Tyler could go home happy and then go backstage for a few minutes before heading back home. Your heart pounded as Seth's entrance music played and Tyler screamed with joy, yelling as loud as his little lungs would let him. You looked up as Seth stood on the turnbuckle and for a moment your eyes met. The rest of the match was a blur and you were glad for the fresh air as you left your seats and lead Tyler outside

''Mummy can we go meet Seth now?'' 

Of course Tyler would bring that up. You had made the mistake of telling him that he would get to meet his favorite wrestler and it was all he had spoken about for the past six days

''Come on then'' you said as you picked him up, settling him on your hip ''But you've got to promise to be a good boy and not run off okay?''

''I promise'' he said sweetly as he looked up at you with big brown eyes that were identical to his fathers

You entered the backstage area and approached Dean's locker room, knocking on the door

''(Y/N)!!'' Dean said cheerfully as the door opened

''Hey'' you replied awkwardly

''Come in" he said as he stepped aside "How have you been?'' 

''Alright i guess'' you replied

''Baby girl!" Roman greeted as he made his way over to you "Nice to see you again'' You smiled at him as his eyes settled on your son "Who's this little guy?"

"This is Tyler" you answered "My son"

''Come and sit down darling'' Dean said gesturing to the couch ''We've got a lot to catch up on''

''We certainly have'' you agreed as Tyler began to fidget in your lap

''When are we going to see Seth mummy?'' 

''Soon sweetheart'' you promised

''Seth? Why do you want to see him?'' Roman asked playfully

''Seth's his favorite'' you explained as you placed Tyler down on the floor ''I have to be honest though. I'm kind of nervous about seeing him again'' 

Tyler ran over to Roman and sat down beside him, coloring in his coloring book that you had brought with you

''Really, why?" Roman asked as he smiled at Tyler "I thought you guys ended things on friendly terms''

''We did but it's more complicated than that'' you explained "There's something he doesn't know and I'm scared to tell him in case he freaks out'' 

''Okay" Roman said "Something bad?"

''It's fine'' you said as you shook your head

''(Y/N) we may not have seen you in over three years but we still consider you a friend'' Dean commented "Tell us what the secret is" 

''Tyler'' you whispered, just loud enough for Roman and Dean to hear ''He's Seth's son'' When neither Roman or Dean said anything you felt out of place and stood to your feet ''Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all, I should go''

''No wait a second you came all this way-'' Dean protested

''Dean. I came all this way for Tyler" you explained "He wanted to see Seth and I promised he could, but I don't think you understand how hard this is for me''

''Shhh calm down" Roman said as he wrapped his arm around you ''We are gonna sort this out okay, everything will be fine'' 

''Why don't we all go to catering?" Dean suggested "Have something to eat while we discuss what to do next?''

''Okay yeah'' you agreed

The four of you made your way to catering and sat down at one of the tables. The three of them ate happily as you stared off into the distance, too nervous to eat anything yourself. Some of the female superstars had come over to fuss over Tyler and you wanted to tell them that he looked just like his father but you weren't prepared for the inevitable questions that would follow

''So what's the plan?'' Dean asked capturing your attention

''Right now my plan is to go home and pretend that this day never happened'' you replied honestly ''Besides I'm sure Tyler's getting tired by now and he saw Seth wrestle so it's not like he didn't get to see him at all''
You turned your head around to look at Tyler but he was nowhere to be seen ''WHERE'S TYLER?'' you yelled as you jumped to your feet ''WHERE'S MY SON?'' 

''(Y/N) calm down we'll find him'' Roman assured as the three of you searched the corridors for him ''Besides how far could he have gone in this short time?''

''Very far Roman. Trust me you'd be surprised'' you replied

He was only three years old, still so little and vulnerable and you'd never forgive yourself if anything bad happened to him

''TYLER!!'' you shouted, hoping that he'd hear you

Roman and Dean were asking if people had seen him but no one had. Then it hit you

''Where's Seth's locker room?''

''Why?'' Roman asked 

''That's where he'll be'' you replied

Roman lead the way and you and Dean followed him to the right door. You shoved the door open and Seth was sat on the couch, with a very happy looking Tyler in his lap

''TYLER!'' you said as you rushed over to him "What did i tell you about running off!!''

His eyes filled with tears as he saw how mad you were

''There was no harm done was there?'' Seth interrupted, bouncing Tyler on his lap, much to the little boys delight ''Little man wanted to meet me that's all''

''Cute'' you replied sarcastically

''I know you are'' Seth quickly countered

''Don't start Seth I'm really not in the mood'' you warned as Roman and Dean left the room to give you some privacy

''I'm only trying to be nice'' he said as you sat yourself down on a bench

''I'm sorry'' you replied ''I'm just a little stressed today''

''I thought I saw you at ringside but I convinced myself I was imagining it" Seth said as he placed Tyler down on the floor

''Yeah, Dean invited me and you're Tyler's favorite wrestler so I let him watch your match" you explained

''Guess what I've got for you?'' Seth asked Tyler as he grabbed something out of his bag

Tyler looked up at him with excited eyes

''Here, why don't you take a look inside this bag'' Seth said with a smile as he handed him draw-string bag

Tyler beamed as he found a t-shirt, sticker set, tumblr glass, action figure, artificial tattoo stencils and a hoodie inside 

''What do you say baby?'' You asked

''Thank you'' Tyler said sweetly

''You're welcome little man'' Seth smiled as he made his way over to you, sitting down beside you

''You know...he's a really sweet kid'' Seth said as the pair of you watched Tyler try and get the action figure out of the box

''You want some help with that?'' Seth asked as Tyler shook his head

'' do it'' Tyler replied

''He's also stubborn" you added

''A lot has happened since we last saw each other'' Seth said as he looked at you

You couldn't look at him, in fact you were surprised you could even speak to him. Your heart was in your throat. He deserved to know the truth, he deserved to know that his son was sitting just a few foot in front of him but how did you tell him something like that? Where did you even start

''So. Who's the lucky man?'' 

His question caught you by surprise and for a second you didn't quite understand what you meant ''What?''

''Who's Tyler's father? Anyone i know?'' 

''We uh, we're not together anymore'' you answered ''We broke up shortly after I got pregnant''

You were hoping he'd figure it all out for himself but so far he hadn't

''We were never really that serious to begin with and then when I found out I was pregnant we had already parted ways. When Tyler was born I tried to get in touch with him but it didn't work out''

''Huh'' Seth answered ''Sounds a lot like us'' 

Jesus. You were going to have to say it 

''That's because it is dumbass. I'm talking about you'' 

Seth's head shot around, his eyes wide ''Wait a second...are you saying that. That-''

''Tyler's your son" you confirmed

''He is?'' Seth asked not seeming to believe what you were telling him

You nodded and without warning he threw his arms around you, squeezing you impossibly tight

''I'm so sorry (Y/N). I never meant to ignore you, my phone died and I lost all my contacts and I moved house recently too'' 

''It's fine'' you assured ''What's done is done'' 

''I can't believe it. He's mine. My son. God he's so perfect (Y/N)'' Seth gushed as he stared down at Tyler playing with his action figure ''You know. I never stopped loving you, never stopped thinking about you''

''I know. Dean told me'' you said with a smile

''He did?'' Seth asked

''Yeah. I think he was planning this all along'' 

''Right'' Seth said looking slightly annoyed ''I regret the day I ever let you go'' 

''Me too'' you admitted

''SETH COME PLAY WITH ME PWEASE!!'' Tyler yelled, interrupting the conversation

''Go and see to your son. We'll talk about this later'' you said as Seth eagerly rushed to Tyler's side, sitting down in front of him with a huge smile on his face

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