Friends with benefits

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Based on this request by anonymous:

It started off as a 'might as well' situation; after all, life on the road could be lonely at times and you had your needs

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It started off as a 'might as well' situation; after all, life on the road could be lonely at times and you had your needs. Life on the road sometimes meant spending extended amounts of time away from your loved ones, weeks without intimacy and just as long without sex and that's why the arrangement you had with Seth worked out so well. However after a while you unintentionally started to become more than just 'friends with benefits'. In many ways you grew dependent on one another. You had fun but when it first started, you agreed to no attachments, no feelings, just a physical release, you had even chose to keep it a secret but your co-workers and friends had been gossiping about you. From the outside you and Seth's relationship seemed strange but it was only because they didn't really know what was going on between you. 

You were walking through the backstage area when Dean caught your attention

"I know what's going on between you and Seth" He declared smugly

Random way to start a conversation you thought "Do you now?"

"I've seen the way you two are around each other'' Dean added ''You're more than just friends, you're fucking each other too aren't you?'' 

He was acting like a teenager with a juicy bit of gossip he couldn't wait to spread around ''So what if we are?"

"I guess you guys were trying to keep it a secret huh?" Dean asked 

"Well I don't see the point in announcing it if that's what you mean" You shrugged, you were already so done with this conversation

"And i guess you want me to keep it a secret?" 

"What are you getting at?'' you asked suspiciously

"Okay, so here's the deal'' Dean answered ''I'll keep your little secret if you go on a date with me" 

"Seriously?" You asked

"Yeah" Dean confirmed "That way I get what I want while still getting one over on Seth"

"You really hate him don't you?" you observed 

"I never used to but being stabbed in the back has that effect on a person" Dean replied

"Okay fine I'll go on a date with you" you agreed "On one condition"

"Name it" Dean said

"This is the first and last time i ever go on a date with you" 

"Whatever you say Darling" Dean said smugly as he walked away

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Later that night]

You tried your best not to make a noise as you crept back into the hotel room you were sharing with Seth. You placed your handbag down on the floor and kicked off your shoes. Just as you were removing your dress the bedside lamp was turned on as a tired looking Seth sat himself up

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