Perfect match

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You'd always been close to Seth ever since you became a WWE Superstar. He, Roman and Dean had taken you under their wing when you first debuted and they treated you like a little sister. Seth had helped you with your wrestling skills, Roman had helped you with your strength and fitness and Dean had taught you everything he knows about cutting the perfect promo. Your relationship with each one of them was distinct and unique but you shared a little something special with Seth. You really cared about him and over the past couple of months you had developed feelings towards him, but you had noticed that he had started t8 act strange around you. He had been avoiding you and every time he spoke to you it always seemed forced. He wasn't like it with anyone else. In fact he seemed perfectly fine when you weren't around, so you knew it was definitely you he had a problem with

"Hey ro" you greeted as you made your way into Roman's locker room

Roman had been a shoulder to lean on and you'd confided in him about how you felt about Seth. He'd insisted that you were imagining things when it came to Seth acting weird but you knew better

"What's up baby girl" Roman asked, pulling you into him for a quick hug

You made your way into the room and noticed Seth sitting in the corner "Oh, hi Seth"

"Hey" he mumbled before leaving the room

You sighed as you watched him leave "Are you still gonna tell me there's nothing wrong with him!?"  

"I hate to say this (Y/N) but I think you may be right" Roman replied 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

All you wanted was for Seth to talk to you and to you and explain what you had done wrong, but he was stubborn. You missed hanging out with him. You missed your best friend

"Alright baby doll?" 

You had grown close to Dolph Ziggler over the past couple of weeks and in a way, he had helped fill the void in your life that had been left by Seth

"Hey spaghetti head" you said, looking up at him

"Spaghetti head!?" Dolph asked narrowing his eyes

"Yeah" you said flipping his hair with your finger "It look's like someone's emptied a bowl of spaghetti on your head" 

"Well, we can't all be perfect now can we" he said, pinching your cheek 

"Ow!! that hurt" you complained

"Oh don't be such a wimp" he teased "So, how have things been?" 

"Oh, you know...same as always" you said. He knew what was going on with Seth

"You got a match tonight?" you asked

"No I've got a night off tonight" Dolph answered

You looked at what he was wearing, tilting your head in confusion "Then why are you dressed in your ring gear?" 

"I never know when a fan might be near by wanting an autograph" Dolph explained "I've got to look my best" he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world

"And that's your best?" you asked, laughing at him

"There's nothing wrong with this" he said gesturing down to his very snug pink ring shorts and black wrestling boots

Just as you started to laugh Seth walked past, his expression a mixture of hatred and jealousy as he took in the sight of you and Dolph laughing

"I'll see you around spaghetti head. I'm gonna go and see if I can find out what's wrong with grumpy" you said as you gestured towards Seth

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