Stay away from what's mine

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Based on this request by sanazebreigns:

As you and Seth approached Randy's house you attempted to straighten out the front of your dress

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As you and Seth approached Randy's house you attempted to straighten out the front of your dress. You couldn't help but feel a little overdressed for a casual lunch with friends but Seth had insisted that everyone would be dressed formal

''Stop worrying. You look beautiful'' Seth said as he noticed your fidgeting

It took a few minutes for Randy to answer the door and he greeted you both before inviting you inside. Roman, Dean and their other half's were all there and you and Seth greeted them all, along with Randy's girlfriend. Seth was right about the dress code and you were starting to feel a little better about what you were wearing once you saw everyone else looking their best

Randy offered you and Seth a drink and you both followed him into the living area, accepting his offer

''Thanks'' you said as Randy handed you a drink

''You look nice'' Randy complimented as he shamelessly checked you out ''That dress really compliments your figure''

You looked at Seth and could see he was less than pleased with Randy's behavior

''I mean it hugs you in all the right places'' Randy continued

You smiled politely in response, not wanting to encourage him. You were expecting Seth to say something to Randy but instead he wrapped his arm around your waist

"It does doesn't it'' Seth agreed ''And the best thing about it is that I get to peel the dress off her when we get home''

After the tense exchange things were awkward for the rest of the night, so you were relieved when you and Seth finally left. The whole car journey home consisted of Seth complaining about Randy flirting with you and by the time you had arrived home you'd had enough

You made your way inside and kicked off your heels ''Can you just drop it now?''

''Drop it?'' Seth asked

''Yes drop it. All you've been talking about the whole way home is Randy!!'' 

''Well I think you're wrong'' Seth argued ''He wasn't just being friendly, he was shamelessly flirting with you. In front of me!!''

''Okay so he was flirting'' you admitted ''but it's over now so just drop it'' you made your way upstairs to get changed

''I'm sorry baby'' Seth said as he appeared behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist ''I didn't mean to upset you. I just got mad''

You turned around and placed your hands around his neck ''It's alright. I understand'' 

''I meant what I said though'' Seth added ''You know, about peeling this dress off you''

''Well that's too bad because I'm going for a shower'' you said patting him on the chest 

By the time you had finished your shower and got changed into your night clothes, Seth was already waiting for you, laid out on the top of the bed with his head resting against a pillow

''I hope you're not waiting for something to happen because you're not getting any tonight'' you said plumping the pillows on your side of the bed 

Seth sat up and grabbed a pillow, throwing it in your direction. You gasped and picked up a pillow of your own, hitting him with it as you got into a full blown pillow fight. You play fought until you were too tired to continue

''You know I heard Randy's pretty good with that tongue of his'' you teased

''Oh yeah?'' Seth replied straddling you ''I'll show you good''

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

You and Seth were making your way into the arena where Raw was going live in a few hours, holding hands as you approached your locker room. You spotted Randy standing up against one of the walls on his phone and you felt Seth's grip tighten around your hand, signaling that he had seen him as well

''Hey (Y/N)'' Randy said as he spotted you both, tucking his phone into his back pocket ''Seth''

''As much as we'd love to stop and chat (Y/N) and I have got something important to do'' Seth said as you made your way past Randy. Once you were inside Seth let out a sigh and you walked over to him ''He's doing it on purpose now''

''Then don't rise to it'' you advised ''That's obviously what he wants''

''It's hard not too'' Seth admitted 

''I know'' you sympathized ''Think of it this way though. He's never gonna win because he's not gonna get what he''

Seth smiled as he looked at you ''True'' he leant down and kissed you ''Only I know how to make you come undone''

''Also true'' you agreed ''And I'm sorry I teased you about Randy last night. I just like it when you get jealous. It makes me feel wanted''

''Oh babe you're more than just wanted. I can't get enough of you'' Seth replied

you laughed at his comment ''I know. You showed me last night''

''Damn right I did'' Seth said proudly ''Bet Randy couldn't make you moan like that''

''Oh definitely not'' you confirmed 

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