His Psychotic Girlfriend (DIS...

By Scarlet_Sisters

775 60 3

They see me as a weak, shy and petite girl. They always judge me by my apearance. What they don't know that d... More

His Psychotic Girlfriend
Sorry Guys!!


32 6 0
By Scarlet_Sisters

Scarlet's POV

I stopped in front of the class room that they decided to use for the interrogation. I sighed. 'I just got out off one, now I'm going to have another one. Just great.' I thought then opened the door.

"Take a sit Ms. Potter." Carter said.

"Love too." I said and took a sit on the chair in front of the desk.

"Okay. In the time of 11:30 pm to 1:00 am. Where were you?" He started.

"I was at home. Asleep of course." I said matter of factly.


"Yeah, I don't sleep at the dorms here." I shrugged.

"Why?" He looked at me suspiciously.

"Because I don't want to. Being bullied in school is already hard for me. So, sleeping here makes it a lot harder for me. I don't want to wake up the next day without hair." I said truthfully.

"Do you have any witnesses?"

"Yeah, you can ask my neighbors if you want."

"Are you sure?" He pushed.

"Yeah. I don't leave the house after 7 pm. You can even ask my boyfriend."

"You have a boyfriend?" I looked at him with a raised brow. "Just kidding, of course you do. And who is that boyfriend of yours?" Is that really necessary? But still I answered. I don't want to sound rude.

"The president of the school's student council." I said plainly.

"Now I know your lying." He leaned back and put his arms behind his back. He really likes pissing me off, does he?

"Why is that? Because I'm a nerd or it's because I don't fit with them?" I asked irritated. Never mind sounding rude, he just insulted me. He was surprised by my answer. He removed his hands behind his head and placed it on the table in front.

"No it's not that, it's just that-" I cut him off.

"No. Please don't continue that." I said and stood up.

He stand up and said. "I didn't mean to insult you."

"Of course you don't." I said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and walked to the door. My hand was on the doorknob when he spoke again.

"I really don't." I turned around and looked at him.

"Sorry, I thought this is an interrogation about my classmate's death? Since when did it became an interview about me?" I snapped. "Cause what your asking and saying is not connected about her death. And you know what? You are a rude detective. You were okay awhile ago but now. Your just plain rude." I said and opened the door to see Matt.

"Hello love, is there a problem?" He asked. I looked at Carter and smirked. He looked amused yet scared that I might ruin his name and loose his job. I looked back at Matt and gave him a sweet smile.

"Nope. There's no problem, right detective?" I asked him. I glared at him. He looked relieved that I didn't reveal to Matt about what happened earlier before he came.

"Yeah." He answered and I looked back at Matt with my smile back on my face.

"That's lovely, if you can excuse us love. I need to talk to Detective Williams."

"Okay!" I said cheerfully. "I'll just be in the cafeteria. See you later." He gave me a short kiss and I left. When I got out of the room my smile vanished and turned into a murderous look.

He's smart. Smarter than I expected and he changed, a lot. If he stays here longer, he might found out who I really am, and send me back. Trust me, I don't want to go back to that horrible place, I'm not ready to leave. Leaving this place will kill me. It's hard to admit but now I'm sure I know who the culprit is. So I need to finish everything before he finds out and catches that person.

I took a deep breath and went to the cafeteria. I bought some pancakes and went to our usual seat. I slowly eat the pancake, savoring the flavor. Blocking out everything around me. Well that is a stupid move since I didn't notice Sandra going behind me and pouring syrup at me. I stood up in surprise.

"What the?" She chose the wrong time to mess with me.

"Losing one of us doesn't mean we're going to stop ruining your life. Even if no one believes us, I'm sure it was you." I turned around and face her. I looked at her with the most deadliest glare that I can muster.

"You think you can scare me?" She crossed her arms and arched an eyebrow.

"I have been for three years now."

"I am not and never will be scared off you. You really think that your making my life miserable? Hate to break it to you, but you don't." She looked at me shocked and was about to speak when I continued. "And seriously? You chose to pour syrup on me now? When there is a detective questioning people and cops all over the place. Might I remind you that bullying is against the law." She look around looking scared that cops might saw what she did to me. But lucky for her they didn't.

"Well obviously you don't know since your doing it right now. If you don't know, you bullying me, won't bring back your so called 'friend'. And it won't help you solve anything. So what your doing right now is useless and perfectly stupid." I picked my stuff and left. I can't even stay in one place right now. Everywhere I go there's always someone who likes to piss me off.

I took some clothes in my locker and went to the toilet to wash my hair and changed my clothes. When I was finished I left the toilet and decided to go to the art room. When I got there I looked around and scanned the paintings. Some off the displayed ones are mine, they always love my paintings. No one notices it, but every painting that I make always has a secret. Well like they say art helps you express yourselves.

I took an apron, so I won't get paint on my uniform, sat on a stool and started to paint. It's been an hour and a half when the door opened to reveal Matt.

"I've been looking for you for the past hour. I went to the cafeteria, and your not there. I was so worried." I put the brush down and wiped my hands on the apron and looked at him.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry. Its just; there was a problem and I just want to be alone." I said and he hugged me.

"It's okay, I was just really scared. You know with the killer on the loose. I thought you were gone. And I can't bear to lose you." I stand up and hugged him back.

"You won't lose me." I said and smirked. "You won't ever lose me. I promise." I told him and let go. "So... Do you like my painting. Well it's not yet finish so..." I trailed off.

"It's beautiful, like you. You know I always like your paintings." He said and kissed the top of my head. Perks of being short.

"Thanks." There was a moment of silence before I decided to speak. "I think we should go."

"Yeah, I think we should. Come on." He opened the door and we left. I told you I can't stay in one place. At least this time I'm not pissed.

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