A Rare Chance (Drake Fan-fict...

By Thesixmami

168K 4K 457

Twenty year old, Avery Fields gets a rare chance to meet the famous rapper Drake. Unlike most girls, who are... More

Dear Diary
Please Bear With Me


3.4K 94 6
By Thesixmami

Some middle-aged lady, who clearly wasn't welcomed, invited herself over. Allisha stormed out and Avery soon followed. Naturally, Aubrey went behind her to help calm her down. The lady tried to follow behind Avie, but Vido quickly got to her and blocked her off.

"Nuh uh. You ain't fuckin' with her today", he said. "Not on her birthday."

"I need to talk to her", she insisted.

"The only thing you need to do is get out this house."

She rolled her eyes and tried to go around him but he grabbed her and forcefully shoved her back. 

"Yo, V, chill man", DJ said walking over to them.

The lady looked wide-eyed at Vido, shocked that he pushed her. "Boy, how dare you!", she exclaimed sounding like someone's momma.

She must be their mom and if not their mom, then some family relation. Looking at her, Avery and each of her siblings actually have similar facial features as the lady.

"Just give me five minutes with her", she continued to plead.

"For what? It ain't like Tweety wanna talk to you. If she did, she would've stayed here."

"What you wanna say to her so badly?", Dj asked.

"You actually care 'bout what she gotta say?"

"It's important!", she insisted.

"Look, I ain't lettin' you anywhere near Tweety. You only got as close as you did today because DJ stupid ass let you in the house!" He mean mugged his brother then turned back to the lady. "If it was me, I would've slammed the door in your face."

"Wow. After all these years, two things hasn't changed. One, you still got all that anger and spite built up and two, you're still overprotective of your sister", she said a little too calmly.

"Hell yeah, I'm still protective of her. Who else was gon' do it? Not your bitch a-"

He was cut off by the sound of the palm of her hand connecting to his face. It was so forceful that his head twisted left and he kept it in that direction  for a few moments. DJ rushed to stand in between them to keep them separated.

"Don't hit my daddy!", Zac shouted defending his dad. 

Everyone turned and looked at him, just remembering that he was in the room, seeing as though he was so quiet. Vido's face softened a bit while looking at his son.

"Zac, go upstairs", Vido instructed.

"Am I in trouble?", he asked, his bottom lip began to quiver.

"No, you ain't in trouble. This just grown folks business and you shouldn't be here. You can go play with your toys or watch some TV."

The toddler nodded and did as he was told, getting up from the dining table and exiting the room.

"You think I want my grandson to see this? To see me acting like this?"

"Your grandson?", Vido scoffed. "He don't even know who you are. He probably just thinks you're some crazy bitch who barging in our house. The only grandma he knows is his abuela on his mother's side. Since we're on the topic, he did ask me about my mother a couple months ago. I told him that you had died, like his grandpa. Which isn't a total lie because you're dead to me."

With that Vido left the room, leaving DJ and their mother alone. What Vido had just said hurt his mother a bit and she could feel tears forming.

"Mom, don't mind him. You know V. He says whatever comes to his mind. Not thinking about how it affects others."

She shook her head. "How did it come to this? I had the most beautiful family, blessed with so many children and I threw it all away", she sighed. "I thought if I cleaned myself and apologized that all would be forgiven but-"

"Time heals all wounds", he told his mother while taking both of her hands in his. "Just give them time. I mean, look at me. I once was pissed at you too but after awhile,  I forgave you."

She smiled a bit. "Well of course you forgave me first, you were always a momma's boy."

"I can't let you talk to Avery but I'll do you a favour, tell me whatever is so important and I promise I'll deliver the message to her."


I know it was short but I just wanted to do a chapter showing what happened after the twins and Aubrey left the room.

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