Jacob Latimore (A Love Story)

By ishmehbro

119K 2.2K 342

Y/n started off liking Jacob Latimore just like any fan girl, but who would have known she would be having hi... More

A love story
Far from over
Welcome back
The help
Hazel eyed devil
Terrible R's
Just warming up
Nurture to health
Past come to the present
Fight night
The Arrival
Truth be revealed.
Since when?
Jacob Latimore (revenge)

lt's a....

3.5K 77 12
By ishmehbro

Y/n p.o.v:

Jacob sighed. "You don't know how much I've missed you." He said.

"You can't imagine how much I've worried about you. But we need to talk." You said.

"I know. So, what's this about you and Roc?" he asked.

"Nothing. We just had a little get together. I only took that picture to get you mad. It worked." You said.

"Why did you want to get me mad?" he asked.

"Cause your stupid ass cheated on me and somebody took a picture. I knew yo ass would do it. I'm glad you were caught." You barked.

"What? I didn't cheat on you, Y/n. I never would. What picture you talking about?" he asked.

You pulled out your phone and went to the picture from instagram. You shoved the phone to him. He sucked his teeth and picked up the phone. He then looked at the picture. You saw how he squint his eyes at it.

"Yeah. Right there. You and Bahja. Caught. Explain, nigga." You said.

He smirked and handed you your phone.

"That's not me. But that's Bahja with a guy. I wasn't on the beach. I was at the shack playing games with the guys. Somebody owes me a apology." He said, raising an eyebrow.

You blushed from embarrassment.

"Sorry, baby. I didn't mean what I said. I know you wouldn't cheat. Please forgive me." You begged, hugging him.

"Alright. Alright. I guess I can forgive you. Only If you do one thing." he said.

"Mmhmm." You said.

"I need you to help me up." He stated.

"Out the bed?" you questioned.

You look at him. Jacob nods his head. You stand up.

"Are you crazy? What if you break something?" you asked.

"Y/n, I think I can handle pain. That's no problem." He reassured.

"Are you sure?" you asked.

"I want to be able to take you places and drive you to the salon and stuff. Not me having to be rolled through the mall and you having to drive me places." He said.

You sighed. "I understand." You said.

You get off the bed. You go to the left side of the bed. He sits up slowly biting his bottom lip.

Jacob groaned. A vein sticks out of his forehead. He uses his good arm to pull his legs to the ground.

"Wait. Can you move your feet at all?" you questioned.

He slowly wiggled his toes then, he shook his foot.

"Yes." He said.

You wrap your arm under his back. He wraps his broken arm around your neck. You slowly start to pull him up.

"Almost there," He groaned.

You straighten out his knees. He stood up and smiled.

"See, what did I tell you?" he said.

He takes a step and  loses balance. You quickly grab his waist before he tumbled forward. Then you laid him back on the bed.

"1. You heavy as fuck. 2. What did I tell you?" you stated.

Jacob laughed. "I'm going to pass the exam. I got a feeling."

"Good. I have one too." You said.

You sit down beside him. He sits up and looks at you. Then, he leans in and gives you a kiss. You kiss him back.

The next Day.

Sam p.o.v:

I need to apologize to Jacob and y/n. If I want Ashley to forgive me, then I need to show her I can stop. I grab my phone and dial y/n's number.

Phone conversation:

"Y/n? Can I talk to you?" I asked.

"How did you get my number?" she cried.

"Ashley gave It to me but, that's not the point. I-" I started, but got cut off.

"Look, nigga! Leave us the fuck alone! If I see you around Y/n I'm gonna kill you!" Jacob shouted.

"Just listen." I begged.

"I'm listening." He said.

"I want to apologize to you, y/n and the baby. I have put y'all in harm and I need your forgiveness." I stated.

"Oh, really?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm trying to start off fresh and build a family with my girlfriend and..... I just need to have a better future." I added.

"I forgive you." Y/n said.

"I don't. Go fuck yourself. I know you're up to no good." Jacob spat.

"Come on please, Jacob. I just need forgiveness." I said.

"I just want no part of you. Good bye." He barked.

"Wait." I begged.

End of phone conversation.

"This will be harder than I thought." I said to no one.

I get up off the couch. I need to spread the word to Ashley. I grab my car keys and a muffin and head to the store to buy her flowers.

Bahja p.o.v:

I laid in bed with Jacob's arms wrapped around my waist. Just like old times. He's snoring and in deep sleep.

Baby doll and Star most likely left. I think they got the idea. I get up out of bed and go to the bathroom. I put on my robe and limp to the living room. Baby doll was watching a movie and eating ice cream. I sit down on the couch with her.

"Ugh. Girl you smell like Prince and booty." Bre groaned.

"Prince smells good." I laughed.

"Booty don't smell good." Bre laughed.

I laughed and asked, "Where's Star?"

"She went to the store. She was been suppose to come a long time ago." Bre said.

"Oh, maybe she's with her boyfriend." I thought.

"Call her and see." Bre suggested.

Just before I could get up to get my phone, someone started calling me. I picked up my phone.

"Here she is calling me right now." I said.

I answer the phone.

Phone conversation:

Star breathes heavily on the phone.

"Hey, where you at?" I asked.

Star sniffled. "H-he's dead-d" Star cried.

"Wait, what? Who Star?" I asked.

It gets quiet. All I can hear is my heart beating loud and fast.

"Star answer me!!" I panicked.

"H-he's ......b-back.." She whispered.

"Who Zee!? Answer me!" I shouted.

Star screams. "No!!" she yelled.

Her scream pierced my ear. I hear her phone drop and things falling down on the other line. I hear grunting noises from a guy.

Star coughed. "Bahja..." She whispered.

It sounded as if he was choking her. My heart beat began speeding up.

"Star!?" I screamed.

The front door to my house slams open. I scream to the top of my lungs and run to my room. I hear laughing. I hide under my bed as I hear footsteps.

Star & Bre yelled, "Gotcha!!"

"Happy early Halloween!!" Bre shouted.

I crawl from underneath the bed. I see Prince, Bre and Zee standing there with huge smiles on there face. These bitches.

"Fuck y'all! You scared the shit out of me!" I barked.

I put my hand on my chest and felt my heart beat decrease as I breathed slowly.

"You fell for it." Bre laughed.

"Good thing We recorded it." Prince said.

"I know right. I'm such a good actor." Star said.

"Ha ha. Whatever." I said.

I roll my eyes and sit on my bed. Star and Bre left and Prince sat next to me.

"I've been wanting to ask you something ever since I met you." He blurted.

"I'm already your girlfriend so what more is there?" I asked, hoping it's what I think it is.

"Will you marry me Bahja?" he asked.

"Marry you? Prince I-I..." I stuttered.

He pulls out a ring. The most beautiful ring I've ever seen. I stare at it in amaze. He grabs my hand and puts the ring on my finger.

"Bahja Rodríguez, will you be my wife? Will you be Mrs. Pérez?" he asked.

I stood there speechless. My dreams are just happening like nothing. Can this day get any better?

"Well.. will you?" Prince asked.

"Yes!" I shouted.

I kiss him over and over again. He picks me up bridal style as we go downstairs. Star and Bre already knew what was going on. They took pictures and pulled out a cake. Wow!

"You guys knew and didn't tell me!?" I shouted.

"We had to surprise you." Bre said.

Now that me and Prince are married and are having a child I am complete. But, We have to keep this down low. If anyone figures out.... there will be unhappy fans.

Two months later.........

°°°°A few short stories from some characters that has happened in the past month.°°°°°

Y/n p.o.v:

You and Jacob have been eagerly waiting on the day to know the sex of your baby. He says he wants a boy. You don't really mind which gender.

Your dad is back to normal eating all the junk he wants. He had came out the hospital whenever Jacob did. Your mom is now stress free now that your dad is up and running although she still sort of worries about him.

You forgave Sam but, your still sort of suspicious about him. You haven't heard of him in a long time. Maybe he moved on. Maybe he's planning something. You didn't know or care as long as he didn't mess with you or your friends and family.

Jacob p.o.v:

I can walk again, finally. It's been two months since the fall. The tour continued on and I performed and everything. It was good.

Y/n is three months pregnant now. You know what that means. We can finally know what the sex of the baby is.

Y/n has been growing a lot lately. I measure her stomach every week and it keeps growing. She's gone up several sizes now. She's also been very moody lately. I try my best to stay calm. So far so good.

Bahja p.o.v:

Me and Prince have been on and off lately. We moved in together last month and I regret it. He is barely home and we barely talk. All we do is text each other.

I think he's cheating on me. When he gets home I'm going to confront him.

We haven't even had our wedding yet. I've just been home eating. I barely go places cause my back hurts and my feet hurt. I have all these horrible symptoms and Prince doesn't even help. Ugh! I feel like I'm married to a ghost.

Sam p.o.v:

Me and Ashley are back together. Her brother has been watching for me. They moved in with each other last month but, now she moved back in with me. We've been getting along very well. We don't argue at all. It's good. We came up with a name for our baby's. That's right, twins. I'm so excited. We both wish to get one boy and one girl.

Today we are going out to the beach. We are on a vacation right now. It's her birthday today so I'm letting her get whatever she wants.

Diggy p.o.v:

So, you wanna know what's been going on in the life of Dig. Well, I got a girlfriend. We've been together for a long while. I like her but, I don't wanna get too attached. She is gorgeous, smart and makes her own money. That's really sexy to me.

Today we're going to go work out at the gym. She told me not to fight anyone when we go there because guys always hit on her. That's something I be worrying about. What does SHE do when they flirt? What does she do at clubs? Who knows. Maybe I'm just tripping, but I ain't gone get played. I'm watching for her.

Spin p.o.v:

I have been going to clubs for the longest. I've been getting paid big bucks too. Being a dj is the life. I was at a club last week  doing what I always do. Turning up the club and getting people off their feet.

A fine girl was dancing in the club and she just kept looking at me. I winked at her and stuff. I spoke on the Mic and asked her if she was single. She told me yes so I was like aye, give me yo number. She told me no and went to the far back of the club. The next day I got asked to be a dj at another club. I see her there again. I ask her for her number again and she said no. It kept happening until yesterday I finally caught up to her face to face and she gave me her number and said, "I was waiting for you to approach me this whole time. This would have been your last chance."

Let me tell you. Her breath smelled like onions and must. I could not breath. I was mad. I thought this girl was the one but, this bitch breath made my nose bleed. I stepped away from her and gave her number back to her and went home. Bad part is she has my number still and Diggy bitch ass set us up on a date.

End of short stories.

Jacob p.o.v:

I park into the parking lot of the hospital.

"This is it." Y/n said.

"Yeah, I'm super excited." I said.

"Are your parents coming?"

"Yeah, they wouldn't miss it for anything."

"Great. Let's go."

She opens her door and tries to get up. I chuckle a little and go to her side. I help her up.

"Thanks hun."

"Your welcome."

I hold her right hand as We start to walk. I lock the car as we get closer to the entrance. The doors open and We go to the lady at the front desk.

"Hello, how may I help you?" the lady asked.

"We have a appointment with Doctor Halloway." Y/n said.

"Okay, Doctor Halloway is with a patient right now. So you'll have to wait in the waiting room."

"Okay thanks."

We go and sit down in the waiting room. Y/n laid her head on my shoulder and went to sleep. She was up all night thinking about the baby.


I turn and see my mom. Y/n sits up and smiles at her.

"Hey y/n. How you holding up?" she asked.

"Perfectly. I'm just-" she yawned. "I am a little tired."

"That's how I was with Jacob."

"Where's dad?"

"You know him, he's always eating. Him and Tanya went to get some food. They'll be here."

"My parents should be coming."

"Your mom said she'll be coming as soon as soon as possible."


"Have y'all thought of any names?"

"Well...." Y/n started.

"Yeah. But we wanna keep it on the low for now." Jacob said.

"Not until birth." Y/n added.

"Come on. What would you name it if it were a boy?" Mom said.

"Nice try." I said.

She sighs and sits down next to y/n. They start talking. I start to read a magazine about babies.

Ten minutes later....

Dad and Tanya walk up to us. Tanya got a little taller. Now she's able to sit in chairs by herself.

"Hey guys." Tanya said.

She waves her hand vigorously. I wave back at her.

"Hey Tanya." I cooed.

"Hey Tee." Y/n said.

"Hi Jacob. Hi Y/n." Tanya replied.

She hands me a burger and a coke. She hands y/n a meal. It included, a burger, fries, chips and a drink.

"Thank you." Y/n said.

Y/n starts munching on the chips. We all looked at her. I don't think she knows she's eating loudly.

I laughed "Slow down y/n. It's not going anywhere."

Everyone laughs. She covers her mouth and giggles. She does that when she's embarrassed.

"Sorry guys." She said.

"As long as you're eating I'm fine with it." Dad said.

She smiles and continues eating quietly. I start eating my burger.

*Ring Ring*

My mom picks up her phone. She goes away and answers it. It's probably y/n's parents.

"Y/n Y/Ln?" the doctor said.

"That's me." Y/n said.

"I'm ready for you."

She smiles and takes one last bite of her burger, then she puts it away in a bag. I help her up.

"Where's my parents?" Y/n whispered.

"They're probably on their way." I reassured her.

"You ready?" the doctor asked.

"Yeah, just got to use the restroom." She said.

She drags me into the girls bathroom. Not the first time I've been in here if you know what I mean.

"We need to stall until they come." She said.

"How about we just call them and see where they are." I said.

I pull out my phone and dial y/n's dad number. He picks up on the second ring.

Phone conversation:

"Hey Jacob. We are in the parking lot. I know y/n is freaking out. She gets it from her mother." He said.

"I heard that." Y/n's mom said.

I laughed. "Okay. We'll see you in the waiting room."

End of phone conversation.

I start to whistle and play on my phone just to annoy y/n. She stares at me and waits on my response. A few minutes later she starts tapping her foot and crosses her arms. I laugh and pretend I'm laughing at something on my phone.

"Well!?" she shouted, impatiently.

She says finally. I look at her confused.

"Well what?" I asked.

"Jacob." She says in a stern voice. She's irritated now. I laugh.

"I'm joking. They are in the parking lot."

She sighed. "Thank God."

"Let's go before someone comes in here." I suggested.

She sucked her teeth. "Oh yeah. I forgot you weren't a girl. Although you act like a lil bitch."

She starts laughing and runs into a stall. Before she could lock it I opened it. I start to tickle her and she squirmed around laughing hard until she fell on the ground.

"Sorry! Sorry!" she said laughing in between.

I stop tickling her and help her up. It works every time.

"Gosh. You had to tickle me that much? I nearly peed myself." She fussed.

"Well I am the tickle monster slash bed intruder." I said.

"Who's bed do you intrude?"

"Yours. Who else."

"Better be mine."

She walks out the bathroom and I follow. Her parents, my parents, Tanya and the doctor stood there waiting.

"Sorry. We're ready." Y/n stated.

She grabbed my hand.

"It's alright. Follow me this way." the doctor said.

We went into the elevator and into the room. It looks exactly like how it does on movies. I look at the monitor and can't wait to see the baby. She told y/n to lay on the bed and lift her shirt. She does and we wait for the doctor to finish cleaning her hands. She grabbed a tube of what looked like gel. She poured it onto y/n's stomach. Y/n twitched a little.

"It's cold." the doctor warned

"Very." Y/n agreed.

The doctor pulled out a thingy that shows stuff on the monitor. She starts to run it onto y/n's stomach.

"Okay. Here we go."

I start to hear a tiny heart beat. A smile formed on my face.

"That's a healthy heart beat."

She starts to move around the thing. I see a little thing appear on the monitor. As she went into a certain angle, it looked like a baby. It's so small.

"Our grand baby." mom said.

"It's so tiny." Tanya said.

"Do you want to know the sex now?" the doctor asked.

"Yes." mom said, quickly.

Y/n laughed. "Yes doctor."

"It's......a baby boy!"




To be continued!!!

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