Loving The Bad Boy

By lisasinghh

29.6M 527K 174K

Emma Miller didn't know that one run in with the school's bad boy, Aiden Black, would make her life go in all... More

Chapter One*
Chapter Two*
Chapter 3- On my mind
Chapter 4- Dinner with the Black Family
Chapter 5- Meeting the Boys
Chapter 6- Project Bad Boy
Chapter 7- Project time with Mr. Bad Boy
Chapter 8- Hanging out with Bad Boy #2
Chapter 9- Partying on a Tuesday night? Oh what fun.
Chapter 10- Whoop Whoop, Party time! Not.
Chapter 11-Getting to know Mr. Bad Ass
Chapter 12- Weekend Fun with the Bad Boys
Chapter 13- Dare to Kiss
Chapter 14- The Bad Boy's Past ~
Chapter 15-Dealing with the Queen B
Chapter 16-Feeling Like An Idiot
Chapter 18- The Bad Boy's Confession
Chapter 19- Date Night
Chapter 20- The Best Friend's Secret
Chapter 21- Blast From The Past
Chapter 22- The Hangout Spot
Chapter 23- Catching Feelings
Chapter 24- Revealing The Truth
Chapter 25- Plans and Promises
Chapter 26- Escape
Chapter 27- Just Being Teenagers
Chapter 28-Friends Best Friends.
Chapter 29- She's Back
Chapter 30-This is Not the End: Pt 1
Chapter 31-This is Not the End: Pt 2
Chapter 32-Worst Nightmares
Chapter 33-Relief
Epilogue- It Was Worth It
Author's Note!
Special Chapter: Here We Go Again
Brand New Story Alert!!!!!
A New Bad Boy Story?!
Announcement! 🚨

Chapter 17-Ignoring Him, Missing Her

758K 16.9K 8.6K
By lisasinghh

Chapter 17- Ignoring Him, Missing Her


After spending time with Nick and talking about the situation that had occurred, I still didn't know what to do. I was more confused than ever before. What the hell is a girl supposes to do? The guy that I had a crush on for past three years and the guy I eventually started to like was kissing my newly found enemy and just when I thought that he might feel the same way that I do he completely crushed that hope with what I saw today. To say I was heartbroken would be an understatement. I was devastated, but did I show it? Hell fucking no.

After my trip to the beach with Nick, he dropped me straight home and told me if I need anything to call him. I said my good-byes and walked into my house and upstairs to my room. When I opened my room door I was taking back with the body that slammed into me.

"Emma Marie Miller, where the hell did you disappear to?" Amy voiced in a motherly tone as she pulled me into her embrace.

I internally groaned. I love Amy, don't get me wrong but sometimes I just want to be alone especially now. But she is my best friend and I do need her. "I was with Nick." I said almost robotically.

"Nick?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

I nodded and sat on the edge of my bed. "When I walked out the school doors Nick was walking up with my phone that I forgot in the car and when he saw how I was he asked what was wrong and I just told him to take me somewhere and he complied." I said simply.

"Where did you guys go?" Amy asked sitting next to me.

"To the beach, he bought ice cream and we sat on the sand watching the ocean. It was quiet relaxing."

"Did you tell him anything about what happened?" Amy said softly.

I nodded. "Yeah I told him everything and he actually listened. Who knew he had that quality?" I said with a slight chuckle.

I saw a faint smile play on Amy's lips as she nudged my shoulder. "What are you gonna do Em?" I knew she was referring to what happened today.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't have a clue Ames. I honestly don't know. I felt like he was playing with my feelings Amy. I feel like he knows that I liked him and to get me off his back he kissed that bitch. I even promised myself not to let him mess with my emotions, but that obviously failed." I sighed a fall back onto my bed letting my head hit the pillows.

"Why don't you just tell Aiden that you like him? Maybe he feels the same and the kiss was an accident." Amy said innocently.

My head popped when those words slipped out of her mouth. "Amy did you not see what happened today? He was kissing Ashley and it sure as hell didn't look like an accident! If he liked me he wouldn't have done that."

"Maybe he had a reason?" Amy said.

"Reason my ass. What reason does he have to kiss Ashley?" I scoffed. "She's pretty, blonde and fake. All the things he's looking for." I grimaced.

"You got the fake part right." Amy said bitterly.

"Maybe it's best to move on? To forget about this crush? Because Aiden could never feel the same as I do." Emotions starting to leak through my voice.

"I think it's best if you do." Amy said softly. "I don't want to see you like an emotionless shell of a person over a stupid guy."

I sighed. "Moving on is best." I said trying to convince myself.

"So you and Nick, huh?" Amy said changing the topic as she waggling her eyebrows suggestively.

I rolled my eyes at her and took my pillow smacking her in the face. "No Amy." She pouted and rubbed her cheek softly.

"I was only joking" She said. "And your right it's time to move on and find a newer and hotter guy." She said smirking. I rolled my eyes at her again.

Moving on is best.

But how am I supposed to move on from a guy that I am starting fall for?



Ignoring. That's what Emma has been doing for the last few days, she's ignoring me and I know why. I know she saw that kiss between Ashley and I and she probably thinks that I was a part of what Ashley did. I wanted to explain to her that it wasn't the case. I wanted to explain to her that I was furious when I saw all those pictures posted all over hallways and lockers. I wanted to tell her that the reason for that kiss was because when I asked Ashley to take them down she said that she would only if I gave her a kiss. Stupid, I know but I wasn't thinking at that time. I was an idiot. I am a fucking idiot. I didn't think that Emma was gonna see that. Shit, I'm a fuck up.

That kiss with Ashley didn't mean anything. It was a shitty kiss, but that kiss with Emma at Matt's lake house had to be one of the best. It was the best kiss you ever had stupid. Shit, it was the best kiss I ever had and trust me I kissed a lot of girls to know. Every time I think of that kiss I can still feel the tingles on my lips and the electricity that had raced through me. Damn one kiss is making me into a punk.

Over the past few days I tried to talk to Emma and try to get her attention, but no response. I try calling her. I left voicemails and text messages but still nothing. In school she and Amy have stop sitting with us at lunch and I don't hear the end of it from Derek and Matt, they blame me for them not hanging out with us anymore and I had to agree it was my fault because I was an idiot for screwing up a good thing.

In class when our project was due and we had to present Emma still didn't utter a word to me or spare me a glance. She had presented her part of the project and I had presented mine. I try talking to her after our presentation but she ignored me and walked out the classroom with Amy. I was starting to feel worst then I was feeling before. I was fucked up, but what I didn't understand why that kiss effect her that much? Why? I wanted to know and I was gonna find out. But this void I was feeling was starting to hurt, I don't want the girl that I trust so much and consider a close friend to hate me or even ignore me. I will admit it, I miss her.

I, Aiden Black am missing Emma Miller.

And a lot by the looks of it.



Days have passed and I had figured out the best way to get over Aiden was to act like he didn't exist. He tried talking to me in class, he called, texted and left voicemails but I ignored it all. I didn't want to deal with him and his excuses. Guilty is what I guess he felt because no one would do so much to get someone's attention. Amy and I had stop hanging out with Aiden, Derek and Matt at lunch and in classes. Even they were trying to gain a response out of me but I didn't utter a word. I felt bad not talking to the both of them, but if I was gonna get over Aiden I would have to block them out too.

I had just left my last class before lunch and was heading to my locker when someone grabbed my forearm and pulled me into a hard chest. I looked up to see warm green eyes staring back at me. Derek.

"What the he-"His hand clamped down on my mouth before I could finish my sentence and the words came out as I muffle.

"Shh, I want to talk to you. Follow me." He said softly. I nodded in agreement and started to follow him out the school doors into the courtyard. Well I didn't have a choice actually because his hold on my arm was strong and I did not want to lose it trying to rip away from his iron grip. I followed him as he walked to the school bleachers near the football field. Derek sat down and I sat next to him. Before I could ask why he wanted to talk he spoke up.

"I know what happened Em. I understand you're upset and you probably think Aiden was a part of Ashley's prank, but he wasn't." Derek said. "He didn't know anything until he walked into school and saw those pictures and he went and confront Ashley when he saw her putting up the last of the pictures. I don't know why the kiss happened it just happened. You can be mad at Aiden but please don't ignore me." He said looking at me with puppy dog eyes. "I miss you."

I felt a small smile tug on my lips when I saw how adorable he looked. "You missed me, huh?" I said smirking.

"I was dying." He said dramatically putting a hand over his heart which cause me to giggle a little. Derek opened his arms and I went into his warm embrace.

"I missed you too Derek." I said patting his back softly.

"Well you wouldn't have to miss me if you didn't ignore me." He said bitterly.

"Your right." I said softly as I got out of his embrace. We stayed silent for awhile until Derek broken it.

"Wanna know a secret?" He said and I nodded. "Brace yourself it might be a bit shocking to you." I raised an eyebrow at him. How shocking could it be? "I like you Emma." My eyes widen at the words that came out of his mouth. Like? Derek likes me?

"Or liked you." He said softly giving me a smile. "I know you like Aiden, Em. I knew I would never have a chance with you because of how much you actually like Aiden, but that didn't stop me from liking you."

I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "When? Why?" I asked.

"When? I started to like you when I first met you in the mall. You were sweet and didn't overreact because I was one of the bad boys of the school. Why? Emma you're an amazing person inside and out. You're down to earth and so kind and not to mention very pretty." He said bumping his shoulder with mine with a small smirk on his face. His words caused me to blush crimson.

"Where you ever gonna tell me?" I asked.

Derek nodded. "I was at Matt's lake house, that night at the bonfire. I was gonna pull you aside and tell you. I had a plan but it didn't work out. Amy's dare game got in the way. When she dared Aiden to kiss you I was shocked hoping that he wouldn't do it or you wouldn't allow it, but it still happened. When I witness that kiss I knew you liked him, I knew I didn't have a chance that's why I told you to go after him when he walked off. From that day I knew that it would be best to move on from you because I couldn't get in the way with you and Aiden."

I leaned over and kiss Derek's cheek softly. "You're an amazing guy Derek and I'm sure you will find the perfect girl for you even if it's not me." I said giving him a smile and he returned.

"Wanna know a secret?" I asked and he nodded. "I am attracted to you."

This caused Derek to smirk widely. "Sorry babe but this body is not for sale." He said gesturing to his body and sending a wink in my direction. I smack his arm playfully and chuckled lightly.

"We better get going. Lunch is almost over." I said.

"Yeah you're right." Derek said standing up from the bleachers and helping me down.

We walked back onto campus in silence until Derek broke it. "So you're really attracted to me?" He asked smirking. I rolled my eyes and smack him over his head. Boys will be Boys.


The rest of the day passed by like a breeze and now I was walking to my locker. I told Amy to leave because I had to stay back to finished a test in English and when I finished I went to put back my English book so I didn't have to lug it on my fifteen minute walk home. I walked out the school doors and into the parking lot since it was a small short cut then going from the front. I had my headphones in my ears listening to some music so it could entertain me on my way home. I started to walk out of the parking lot until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see the one person I try to avoid. Aiden.

I turned back around away from Aiden and was about to walk away when he grabbed my forearm and turned me around to face him.

"Emma, talk to me please." He said with pleading eyes.

"Talk to you? About what?" I asked.

"I know you saw that kiss and the posters and you probably think that I was a part of what Ashley did, but I wasn't."

"Is that all you wanted to tell me? Because I already knew you weren't a part of that queen bitch's prank."

"The kiss was my payment to get Ashley to take down those posters. Emma I was furious when I saw them and the only reason I kissed her was because that was the only way for her to remove them all. That's it. It didn't mean anything."

Hearing this was getting me mad. I didn't need anyone doing anything that I can handle myself. "Why do you care?" I snapped. "It looked like you were enjoying that kiss with her grabbing on you and shoving her tongue down your mouth." I spat. "I don't need anyone to take care of me." I said stepping closer to him jabbing my finger on his chest with ever word. "Especially you!"

Aiden's hazel eyes turned cold as he glared at me. "Oh but you need that guy you left with that day?" He spat.

I glared back at him. "Nick was there when I needed him. He's my friend and he actually cares!"

"You think I don't care!? I fucking care Emma." He said grabbing onto my wrist pulling me closer to him, both of us breathing heavily which cause out breaths to mingle. "I fucking care because I fucking like you." He said and before I could react Aiden smashed his lips onto mine.

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