No Strings Attached

By ColouredCookie

419K 8.8K 294

Charisma. Wealth. Good-looks. All characteristics which high-flying legal CEO Riccardo Alonso owns. He is t... More

No Strings Attached
Part Two: No Strings Attached
Part 3 : No Strings Attached
Part 4 : No Strings Attached
Part 5 : No Strings Attached
Part 6 : No Strings Attached
Part 7 : No Strings Attached
Part 8 : No Strings Attached
Part 7 : No Strings Attached
Part 8 : No Strings Attached
Part 9 : No Strings Attached
Part 10 : No Strings Attached
Part 11 : No Strings Attached
Part 12 : No Strings Attached
Part 13 : No Strings Attached
Part 14 : No Strings Attached
Part 15 : No Strings Attached
Part 16 : No Strings Attached
Part 17 : No Strings Attached
Part 18 : No Strings Attached
Part 20 : No Strings Attached
Part 21 : No Strings Attached
Part 22 : No Strings Attached
Part 23 : No Strings Attached
Part 24 : No Strings Attached
Part 25 : No Strings Attached
Part 26 : No Strings Attached
Part 27 : No Strings Attached
Part 28 - No Strings Attached
Part 29 - No Strings Attached
Part 30 : No Strings Attached
No Strings Attached - The Confessions

Part 19 : No Strings Attached

9.4K 196 3
By ColouredCookie

Sorry for not uploading in a while! Here's the next chapter.

Picture of Kimberley's dress and accesories on the side >>>>

B. Xxxx


1 Week Later

"Are you ready to go Miss Scott?"

Kimberley took a deep breath, sighing from what seemed to be the pit of her soul. Today's the day.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

"Kim! The flower arranger called! She said everything's set and the venue is beautiful! The Royce is outside."

"Okay." She sighed once more, "I'm ready."

September squealed, "OMG! You're getting married today!"

Kimberley raised her eyebrows, "I don't have amnesia September, I haven't forgotten that I will be spending the rest of my days as Mrs Alonso..."

"Oh my gosh! I'm so excited. This is the best wedding of like, the century!" Kassiana smiled, hugging her sister.

"Okay, girls," Kimberley smiled, "Stand back. I need to see you."

The girls all stood in a line in their black dresses. The white silk bow looked absolutely stunning and the orchid bouquets they all held complemented the look perfectly.

"Great." She smiled, "Now excuse me please ladies, but I have to get into my dress."

Locking the door behind her, Kimberley gazed at her reflection in the mirror. She looked the best she had in her entire life. She had hardly been anywhere without her signature red lipstick, however today, she was wearing a light foundation, mascara and a rose pink lip-gloss which made her look more natural than she had ever been.

She slid into the dress which slipped perfectly over the white corset which held in her already miniscule waist. She wore her hair upwards, with a stunning pearl necklace around her neck, draping downwards into her chest. Rick had had it especially couriered to her that morning. Finally she slipped on the pearl coloured bracelet that her father had given to her when she was a little girl. She was never allowed to wear it. It had been her grandmother's from her wedding day and so her father had told her she was only allowed to wear it on that particular day. She was so excited to see her parents for the first time in what seemed like forever. She wondered what they would say to her on her special day, what would her mom be wearing? What advice would she get from her wise old parents about married life? Would her dad play the protective father or the father emotionally overwhelmed?

But most of all Kimberley thought of Riccardo.

What would he think of her? He had never seen her, not like this, ever before. Would he lose interest in her all together? She reassured herself and opened the door, meeting the applause of her bridesmaids.

"Kimberley, you look absolutely stunning!" Kaitlin beamed

"Come on you guys," Alex smiled, "We don't want our beautiful bride to be late now do we?"

Parking her troubled thoughts, Kimberley giggled and followed them out of the apartment carefully, as September and Rachel carried her train.

The Royce was absolutely beautiful. It was highlighted with a cute white and black ribbon and everyone noticed that it was especially personalised with R & K written in Italics on the front of the car.

Everyone climbed into the car and Kassiana handed Kimberley a black and white striped 'Mr and Mrs Riccardo Alonso' personalised envelope.

He had even done that. This man thinks of everything Kimberley mused.

"What's this?" She questioned

Kassiana smiled, "From the Mr. Alonso himself."

Kimberley opened it and read its contents:

To my darling, beautiful wife,

I love you with all of my heart and I couldn't bear to think what life would be like without you. We've been through a lot in the past 2 years. We went from lift companions, (now we have a story to tell the grandkids!) to colleagues, to friends, to partners and now I can finally say that at the end of this day you will be my wife. I want to let you know that you are beautiful in every way and I am a lucky man to have you in my life.

I love you Kimberley Rae Scott. Don't ever change.

With Love from your future husband,

Rick. Xxx

Kimberley wiped the solitary tear away from her eye as she placed the paper inside the envelope. Today was the day. She could put all of it behind her once she was Riccardo's wife, once that ring glistened on her finger, it would be a symbol of their lifelong commitment to one another. Rick wouldn't devalue, debase that - surely? The beautifully penned letter didn't seem to suggest so, in fact it affirmed Kimberley's knowledge that Riccardo Carlosito Alonso was completely and utterly head over heels for her.

"What did he say?" Alex enquired

She dabbed at her eyes with a tissue, "It's nothing."

They smiled empathetically, somehow knowing it was something kind and romantic.

"Miss Scott. We have arrived at the venue." Jeremy smiled, "You look fantastic, Miss Scott, if I do say so myself. Although I guess I shouldn't call you Miss Scott for much longer, ma'am."

"Thank you Jeremy," Kimberley replied, " That means a lot to me. And for the record, it's Kimberley, okay? Let's ditch the formalities and start afresh. I appreciate everything."

She gave him one final wave as she got out of the car.

As she entered the venue, the beautifully ornate church, she spotted her father standing in the right hand corner. He gasped, embracing his daughter,

"Oh Kim...." tears began to well up in his eyes, "Kimberley... you look absolutely beautiful."

"Thank you Daddy," she smiled, "I'm getting married!" she laughed, "I'm getting married!"

"I know honey!" he smiled, "Nice fellow you've picked there. Seems to have his head screwed firmly on his shoulders and such manners! Very gentlemanly as I expect he treats you as such."

"I know Dad," she grinned, "That's why I'm marrying him... it's not because I love him or anything..."

Her father laughed, "Come on then, let's get married."

She gasped, "Father, so now you are practising incest?!"

He chuckled, "You know what I mean."

The wedding march began and Kimberley and her father walked down the aisle towards the wedding party.

Kimberley could spot his dark chocolate hair which slightly brushed his crisp white collar, slightly exposing the tanned skin beneath. The suit, she could tell, was Armani - Riccardo had previously said he would die in Armani - and tailored to his body like a tightly fitting glove. Fitted by an Italian tailor obviously. He was suave, sophisticated and exuded an aura of power and presence, even with his head facing away from her. This was the Rick she knew, the pompous, chauvinistic, over confident yet extremely loving, caring, down-to-earth, charming man who had managed to sweep her off her Louboutins.

Riccardo swivled around to face his bride, he gasped in awe of her, tracing every outline of her figure, his eyes then resting on her beautiful face, entranced, bewitched, completely captured.

Juan chuckled, to himself, patting his brother on the shoulder, "Well done, bro. Well done..."

Kimberley stopped walking and faced the man that she loved deeply more than anything in the entire world. Her husband.

"You look---- you look---- you.... wow." He stuttered. There were no words to express what he felt for this woman. This woman that had come into his life and thrown all plans of no strings attached out of the window. And he never wanted those plans back. Kimberley. This was it. His happily ever after.

She smiled up at him and mouthed, "I___LOVE___YOU."

He looked down at her, "This is it." He whispered.

"Who gives this woman to this man?"

Her father stepped forward, his eyes full of tears, "I do."

"Thank you." replied the priest as her parents returned to their seats.

"Now Kimberley, Riccardo, are we ready to begin?"


Riccardo's P.O.V.

"Riccardo, you may now kiss your bride."

I looked at my wife and smiled. She flicked her eyelashes upwards in that totally seductive way and I couldn't help but kiss her right there and then.

As the applause started, we pulled away from each other, both breathless. That was the best kiss of my life.

The kiss that told me everything was going to be okay.

We walked out of the church together, not taking our eyes off each other for even a second. The press were waiting outside. Thankfully they were hired, they were our photographer, our video guy and various photographers from Vera Wang, Gucci etcetera. But I didn't care. I had my wife and that's all that mattered.

We were showered by confetti as we departed the church and got into the Royce. I could see Kimberley grinning away and I knew that life could just stop right now and I would be satisfied. But I didn't want it to.....

"Hello newlyweds."

"Kain!" Kimberley grinned hugging her brother, "I thought you said you were going to a tennis match at the Playboy Mansions, I thought you weren't going to be able to make it?"

Hmm. Sounds like the Kain I know.

He chuckled, "Where there's a will there's a way and you should know me by now Kim! I wouldn't miss my little sisters wedding for the world."

She rolled her eyes. "Awww! Kain! You're too sweet! Oh, this is my boyf- husband Rick. Rick this is my big brother Kain."

I raised my eyebrows, running one hand over the stubble on my chin, "Don't worry, we've already met."

Kain stopped the car on the side of the road and turned around in disbelief.

"Well bloody hell! It's Riccardo Alonso! Kimberley why the hell didn't you say you were marrying Riccardo Alonso?!"

So he remembered his college buddy!

"Great to see you again Kain."

"Wait a second.." Kimberley frowned, "You guys know each other?"

Kain grinned, "Yeah we went to the same college, I can't believe you don't remember me mentioning him."

Kimberley laughed, "You think I really paid attention to 19 year old you?"

I threw my head back and laughed heartily, "Now I know why I married your sister Kain. She's got a lot of wit."

Kain smiled, "I can guarantee that."

Kimberley waved her hand in front of my face, "Hello? I'm still sitting right here!"

I smiled at her pulling her against my chest, my hands running across her back, "I know honey."

I kissed her lips, pulling away and wiping the shine of lip-gloss on my lips onto a tissue "Ew. Sticky."

Kimberley raised her eyebrows, "You're meant to say 'Hey, that was a beautiful kiss with my new wife!' Not, 'Sticky.'

"Hey you guys!" Kain shouted back, "Hate to spoil the fairytale moment but where are we headed to?"

I withdrew a piece of folded paper from my back pocket, reaching across and giving it to Kain, "Here you go."

Kain's eyes widened expressively but I ran my finger across my lips causing Kain to fall silent.

Suddenly she kissed me causing me to gasp and draw breath.

"What was that for?"

"Because I love you." She smiled.

"I love you too, Mrs Alonso. God, that sounds good, doesn't it, baby?"

"We've arrived lovebirds." Kain said, rolling his eyes.

I climbed out of the Royce and extended my hand to Kimberley who took it and stepped out of the door and onto the street.

She gasped, "Oh Rick!"

I grinned wrapping my arms around her waist, resting my head on her shoulder, "So?"

"The Ivy Hotel," she whispered, "Where we first met. Oh, Rick, you're so thoughtful, and the letter..."

She wiped the tears away from her eyes, "I love you."

I took her hand, "I love you too. Now come on Mrs Alonso, we have wedding guests to greet and the sooner we meet them, the sooner I can get you out of this absolutely delectable dress and into my silk sheets, okay?"

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