Anemones and Alliums {James S...

By panically

66K 1.6K 474

"You know, for the son of the Great Harry Potter, you're not that great." "Shut up." Aurora Beliveau is exci... More

\The Invitation/
\Diagon Alley/
\The Arrival/
\The First Day/
\Best Friends/
\Ugly Talk/
\The Quidditch Match/
\The Darkness/
\The infirmary/
\Opposite reactions/
\The Meeting/
Should I update?
\Time well spent/
Toodles Poodles
\ I care /
Should I continue?
\Ideal type/

\The Train Ride/

5.5K 137 92
By panically

////                    3 weeks later                 ///

"My little girl is growing up." Papa pressed a finger down his cheek as a mock tear. "Oh what will we ever do?" Mum had a mock breakdown. "Our babies are leaving us!" "You can send us pastries for one. I can't live without your cooking, Mum." Selene said solemnly. They were all together for their last lunch before they headed off to the station.

"Before you leave, there is a present waiting for you, Aurora." Papa winked. "I think you'll like it." Mum added on."I'm going to go pack my things." Selene said as she headed to her room. Aurora knew Selene wasn't one for surprises, whether they were for her or not. Aurora wondered what it could be. The latest model of the quidditch broom? A new pair of dress robes? The anticipation was biting at her edges. "Come into your bedroom." Mum's voice rang out. Going far faster than she thought her legs were capable of, she made her way into her room.

"Oh." She gasped and her hand to her mouth. "He's beautiful. Is he mine?" Mum and Papa nodded. Aurora knelt to the side of a beautiful dark brown maine coon kitten. Tears welled up in her eyes. "He's so beautiful." She looked up at her parents. "Thank you." She smiled a genuine smile. "I knew she would like it." Papa said knocking his shoulder against Mum's. "I never said she wouldn't like him. I just thought that she might prefer a ginger kitten." "I always knew you had a thing for gingers." "And yet somehow I ended up with you." Aurora smiled fondly at their banter. She looked down at the kitten. "I think I'm going to name how about Murphy?" The kitten purred softly in reply. "Murphy it is."

( A pic of Murphy )

Once Aurora had everything packed and Murphy in his cage with all his necessities, she was ready to go. "I'm ready! I'm ready!" Selene yelled as she made her way down the staircase, one hand firmly on an owl cage and the other with her suitcase. "You're only 8 minutes late. New record." "Why thank you dear little sister, I do try my best. Who's this?" She said facing Murphy. "This is Murphy. Isn't he the cutest thing?" "Ah, I see you've gotten your, 'You're heading off to Hogwarts so here's a pet to deliver us your mail and updates on what's going on because we're going to miss you a lot and we're craving knowledge and gossip. You better send us updates. We didn't get you a pet for nothing' present. "Essentially." Aurora shrugged. It was a win-win for her anyway. " I got ol' Orion here as a present too. And he certainly lives up to his name. He brings me dead animals all the time." "Yet you don't mind." "Let Orion be a free spirit, man." Orion chirped happily in reply.

// at 9 ¾ station //

"Bye, Papa, bye Mama!" Aurora said hugging her parents tight. "Mail us every week ok, or every day we wouldn't mind. Make sure you don't get any detentions and don't jump in the Great lake! Your sister made that mistake and had the cold for days." Aurora snickered. "I love you guys. See you soon." "We love you chéri. Stay safe." They said together. Mama wiping away a tear or two and Papa struggling to keep it together.She hugged them one last time before turning and boarding the train.  She didn't stop waving until they were out of sight.

She managed to find an empty compartment at the end of the train at last. Settling down, she took out Murphy and stroked his soft fur, thinking about what holds in the heart of Hogwarts 'I wonder if there are hidden chambers and hidden creatures. Ooh! I wonder if-' "Excuse me." A young girl who looked to be 11 as well was at the door."Can I sit with you? The rest of the seats are full." She asked with a slight French accent .'Good to know I'm not the only one with a French accent'.Aurora thought to herself. "Yeah, yeah, sure. "Aurora replied hastily moving some of her luggage out of the way. "Thank you." She smiled gratefully. Upon further inspection, the girl appeared to be wearing a simple cotton white shawl. No, it was a hijab. It was definitely a hijab. She had glowing light brown skin and she was wearing the uniform already with stockings and the robe. "My name's Noor. Noor Khan." "Nice to meet you Noor. My name is Aurora. Aurora Beliveau." She said mimicking the way Noor introduced herself.

(A pic of Noor ( without the robes obviously :) art creds go to Punziella on tumblr and insta )

"So are you a first year?" "Yup." Noor said, shaking her head. "You?" "Yup and I'm actually quite nervous." "It's nice to know that I'm not the only one the." Noor said grinning. "Do you know what house you want to get into?"  Aurora pondered out loud. "Well, I was originally supposed to go to Beauxbatons, but due to my grandmother's condition right now, we moved here to take care of her. So I don't really know what houses there are." "Really? I was supposed to go to Beauxbatons too but my parents moved because of the better job opurtunities. I hope your grandmothers feels better soon though. I'm pretty sure there are 4 houses. There's Gryffindor where as my sister told me, 'Where the brave dwell at heart.'" She used little air quotes. "That's the house my sister is in. There is also Ravenclaw, where those who like to be imaginative and experiment. Pretty much the most intelligent house. There's also Hufflepuff where 'those who are most loyal and kind' are. But don't let the stereotype fool you, they can be pretty hardcore. And then lastly there's Slytherin, the cunning house. They're the type of people who actually care for the rules but they're also very sneaky. I've been told that the house is where most of the dark seeds stay. But we mustn't let stereotypes fool us." Aurora informed. Noor put a hand to her chin. "Wow. You know, I think I'd like to be in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. That sounds like a house that I'd fit in best."

          Noor and Aurora talked for hours upon end, which to them really felt like thirty minutes or so. "Are you sure this is a chocolate pudding? It looks more like dog dung." Noor scrunched her nose. "Positive." Aurora answered as she bit off what she thought to be a lemon bean. Yep, it was lemon. "I do have a knack for for knowing what bean is which flavor. I call it my culinary talents." Noor raised her eyebrows. "Culinary talents, huh? I can do a sick 380 on a skateboard and cook a few dishes pretty well, if I do say so myself, but that's about it."

"I'm sure you have more talents, you just haven't found it yet. Anyways, I do have to say, this trip has gone really smoothly. No annoyances at all."

All of  a sudden James Potter stuck his head through the window. "Hey, Rora."

"I spoke too soon."

"Do you know him?" Noor inquired as James plopped himself on a seat next to the window. "Sadly." Aurora sighed. "You guys know I'm not invisible, right?" James waved his hand in front of their faces. "We noticed. We just don't want to talk to you." Aurora said smiling. "Oh please you love me." Aura's face turned pink with embarrassment. "You would wish." Noor scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. "Am I missing something or...?" "What?" Aurora asked before mentally smacking herself. "Oh! This weirdo followed me in Hogsmeade." James scoffed. "Wrong. I just so happened to hear you say you were going to Flourish and Blotts and I just happened to tag along." "Ah yes, because that's totally not weird at all." Aurora said as she rolled her eyes. This was going to be a long ride.

Hey guys It's Shanz! I hope you guys liked this chapter and be sure to let me know what you think. I love hearing from you all.

-The recent and decent Shanz

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