I Do It For Avory

By WishfulThinking97

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Eighteen year old Sophia adores her one year old son Avory. She makes sure that he has everything before she... More

I Do It For Avory: Prologue
Chapter One: A New Start
Chapter Two: What Are The Odds?!
Chapter Three: I'm Just An Uptight Mother
Chapter Four: Mother Knows Best
Chapter Five: Mixed Feelings
Chapter Six: Things Mother Doesn't Know
Chapter Seven: I Just Wanted To Know...
Chapter Eight: Decisions, decisions...
Chapter Nine: We Can Make This Work
Chapter Ten: The Invitation
Chapter Eleven: Ethan's Family
Chapter Twelve: Emotions
Chapter Thirteen: Each Other
Chapter Fourteen: Worries
Chapter Fifteen: Baby Steps
Chapter Sixteen: A Day Off
Chapter Seventeen: Fight
Chapter Eighteen: Love

I Do It For Avory: Epilogue

18.1K 544 43
By WishfulThinking97



You know, it’s really hard to say that you’re going to your wife’s graduation. Especially when you’re the same age as her except she stayed in college when you left. And nothing, no matter what you say, gets easier when you drive up in a limo. That was my first mistake. Because I didn’t want to drive, I was like, “What the hell. Mark, get the limo, we’re out.” I was running late, I just got back from an interview that managed to keep me from her for about a week, and I was pissed. No one told me about this graduation, first of all, so why would everyone get mad at me for not knowing? Whatever happened to a notice?

When I pulled up, everyone was screaming saying, “It’s him!” Yeah, everyone, it’s me, I wanted to say but I didn’t because it’s not everyday that you see a famous basketball player (I’ve gotten cocky over the years). Everyone wanted an autograph so Mark handed me his pen saying, “Would you like to sign a few?” Hell no, was my reply because I had someone to meet before she decided she wanted to claw my face off later. It’s not everyday that you go through six years of college to be a Registered Nurse. It’s not everyday that you get to celebrate the big moment of leaving college-life to the real deal. That’s why it was so important. Plus, it’s Sophia we’re talking about. To me, anything involving Sophia is important.

Believe me when I say I was looking for her. I was pushing people aside, looking for her unbelievably golden brown hair and the tall muscled man she called her dad (he still didn’t like me). Every two seconds, I touched my pocket to make sure it was still there. Believe it or not, I missed her birthday and haven’t actually seen her long enough to give her a present. Well, it’s not like I had one the times I’ve seen her so I decided that I should get her a little something on my trip to Australia.

Finally, I found her. It was like a moment of silence before I actually went up to her. I stood there, looking at her from afar. She didn’t have on her graduation gown on, probably because she felt “uncomfortable.” Ever since that test came back positive, she’s never worn a dress (much to my dismay). Then again, anything that showed off that tiny baby bump of hers was perfect for me.

Right when I was going to step forward, my leg was grabbed. “Dad,” Avory gave me a toothless grin, showing me that he finally got those two front teeth of his out. “Mo- ”

Shh,” I put a finger up to my lips, letting him know that this whole thing was a surprise. She wasn’t expecting me. Now that I thought about it, no one was. “I’ve got something for your mom but she doesn’t know I’m here. I’m going to sneak up on her- ”

“I would don’t that, dad.” He gave me the ‘matter-of-fact’ tone that I instantly recognized as his mother’s. Someone was bound to get it, and something told me it was bound to be Avory. “She told me that, when she sees you, she’s going to chop off your peni- ”

“Skip that word,” I commanded. And she said I was giving him a dirty vocabulary. What seven year old knows the word penis?

“And never touch you again. You should apologize, dad. Whatever it was, just say you’re sorry.” First of all, it wasn’t my entire fault and she said she wanted another baby. She said they were adorable and she wanted another one. I went along with it because I didn’t have problems with kids. I mean, look at mine? He’s gained my looks, a ladies man, and he’s gained my basketball skills. He doesn’t argue and, if he does, it’s always for my sake. Yeah, kids were okay with me.

But I only rolled my eyes and, with Avory attached to my leg, advanced on her from behind. People were no longer staring (they were mostly girls) because they saw I had a son. Who cares? I was married, also, so it didn’t matter to me who was looking at me or not. I was proud to say that I was tied down by the fiercest woman in the whole city of Los Angeles. Yes, very proud. “Ew,” Avory squirmed as I bent down and gave Sophia a kiss on her cheek. Her dad noticed me before she did and he gave me his famous death glares. Only for me, though. “Come on, grandpa, let’s go to the snack table.” He took Sophia’s dad by the hand and dragged him away. Thank god because I wasn’t in for another staring contest. We had one about every time I was around him. When the hell was he going to accept me?!

Sophia, turning to me, crossed her arms. This is what she did when she wasn’t in for talking. “Ethan,” she raised a way too perfect eyebrow while switching all her weight onto her left foot.

I sighed, thinking; pregnant women. “Is there a reason why you’re giving me attitude today?”

She took a deep breath. Here it comes. “You missed my graduation,” she lowered her voice so others wouldn’t hear. “You were gone for nearly two months when you said it’d only take one, you missed the ultrasound that determined whether it was a boy or girl, and you missed Avory’s Father-son Games Day. There’s nothing worse than a pregnant woman trying to run, Ethan. Nothing!” I couldn’t stop the corner of my mouth form twitching. She ran? Imagine her wobbling back and forth in a midst of men. You’d think they’d have her dad substitute for me. Even so, it was wrong of me and I had to apologize, like Avory said.

“Sophia,” I grabbed her arm but held it when she tried to pull away. “Mother of my child, soon to be children, love of my life, sexiest woman alive, there’s plenty more to say but I’ll stop there.”

“Get on with it, Ethan!”

“I’m sorry. I should have been there at the ultrasound but I wasn’t, I’m sorry. I should have told you that I was going to be away longer but I didn’t, I’m sorry. I should have gone to the Father-son Games thing but I didn’t, I’m sorry. What can I do to show you that I’m sorry?”

She sighed, placing her hand on her forehead. “I’m not mad, I forgive you, I’m just…”

“Hormonal? Yeah, I’ve heard that happens to pregnant women but I wasn’t too sure until now.” I was glad to see that I got a small smile out of her. Now for the big presentation. From my pocket, I pulled out this small, red velvet bad that had her present on the inside. For a minute, she eyed it, confused. As if she’s never seen a present before. “I know your birthday was, like, three months ago but I’d never not get you something.” From the back, I pulled out the golden heart necklace that had her birthstone (diamond) hanging from the middle. The look on her face was priceless and I was sure that she’d start crying had we been at home or something. “So I got you this. And if milady would like to turn around, I’d love to put this around her all too beautiful neck.”

She turned around, not before rolling her eyes, though. See, this is where we have a bit of confusion because she thinks she’s ugly. She thinks she’s fat and a pig when all I see is beauty. I keep telling her that it’s the hormones talking because she’s not ugly and never would anyone think she’s a pig. Who cares if you gained a few extra pounds? That’s only because your walking with another human in your stomach! Who cares if you eat chocolates everyday? It’s called cravings babe and it only makes you look sexy. I think it’s a privilege when she wakes me up in the middle of the night saying, “Ethan, I ran out of kit-kats.” That’s why I’m happier than any man in the world when I get up and run down to the store to get her some. I explain this to her, but she never sees my point. “You didn’t have to,” she mumbled as she held her hair up for me to clasp the necklace around her neck.

“You’re right,” I agreed. “I wanted to.” I smiled as she wrapped her arms around my neck, giving me the opportunity to give her a proper hug.


Her eyes didn’t have color yet but I knew they were going to be green. They weren’t as dark as Avory’s when he was born but she did look like Avory’s female replica. I could tell, long before it was time to even think about frustrating things like this, boys were going to be falling at her feet. Hell, I’m her dad and I was already under trance. All she had to do was ask and it could be done. I don’t care what she asked me, I’ll find a way to do it. If she told me to buy her the latest fashion, she’d be walking into school looking like she came out of a magazine. That’s the way it was; I’m supposed to pamper her. But, it’s just the baby stages so I was going to leave the diaper changing to Sophia.

Avory was passed out on the chair, still clutching Sophia’s hand. The whole time, he was crying, saying, “Mom’s not going to die, is she?” Of course I kept telling him no because she obviously wasn’t. This was a normal thing to Sophia and I, it’s a natural human thing. In his mind, this was his worst nightmare. He wasn’t entirely wrong because it was sort of my worst nightmare also. The whole time, Sophia wants me dead. I could feel her glares and she almost broke my hand!

It was only me and Serena Mcallehy. Never once did she look away from me, never once did something disturb our secret exchange. Sophia and Avory were sleeping, both tired from everything that went on. Even I was tired but the moment she looked at me, it was like I was given an energy boost. It was like everyone got an energy boost (except for Sophia and Avory, of course). I can honestly say that the moment her head came out, I was scared to death. When Serena’s head came out, the doctor gasped and said, “Oh my god.” Both Sophia and I went ballistic. I thought there was something wrong with my daughter or something but the doctor just looked at me. “Her eyes are open,” she smiled at me. “I’ve never seen a baby come out with her eyes open.” I peeked and, sure enough, her eyes were wondering the whole room. Crazy, but true.

Now, she was holding onto my finger and refused to let go. When they cut the umbilical cord and all that, she wasn’t crying nor screaming. She was just staring at me and I was staring right back. The doctor cleaned her up and gave her to me. This was the moment when I knew Serene was like a fragile piece of glass. She weighed nothing and she was so small. And then she grabbed onto my finger and gave me the cutest smile in the world: Sophia’s smile.

The moment Sophia’s eyes began to flutter open, the doctor came in. “I think it’s about time we breast feed her before we all call it a night.” Looking at the clock, I realized that it was four in the morning. How in the world had I stayed up so late? “If we can just prop you up here.” I watched as the doctor helped Sophia sit up and go through the process of breast feeding. Sophia only nodded, not even listening, I presumed. I mean, she’s been through this before but I guess it’s a precaution “in case you forget.”

Handing Serena to Sophia, I watched as Sophia casually breast-fed her. I’ve heard that breast feeding hurt yet Sophia showed no signs of pain. She only smiled down at our little girl who still had her eyes open, looking at everything. “She’s so pretty,” Sophia marveled. I could only nod in agreement. I mean, there were no words to describe how beautiful she was. It was like when I first met Sophia; I was speechless. “She looks so much like Avory.”

I smiled, “Yeah, but she reminds me of you. Just wait until you see that killer smile of hers. Looks just like yours.”

“Oh please,” Sophia laughed. “You flatter me way too much.”

“I only speak the truth.” I kissed her on her forehead, mostly a praise for all she’s been through. Call it cheesy if you want but no man can ever understand how a woman feels during and after labor. I want to understand me and it frustrates me how I’ll never know but what I do know is that I’ve never loved anyone the way I’ve loved Sophia and Avory. Serena, well, let’s just say she’s going to be a handful.


Just in case some of you don't know, there is a sequel called I Do It For Them :) read if you want, I'm not pressuring any1

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