Venturesome ~ DISCONTINUED

By This_CraZy_World

187K 6.6K 4.4K

this book is discontinued because it's shit. I'm writing a new one that's already uploaded though, so don't w... More

ONE| who we are
TWO| secrets
THREE| dude, where's my car?
Thank ye.
FOUR| i'm your cherry pie
FIVE | painful irony
SIX| green eyed Carter
SEVEN| young, wild and free
NINE | some eggs need breaking
TEN | behind the lies
ELEVEN | who gave Pike permission to speak?
TWELVE | let's just get wasted
THIRTEEN ๏ฝœpot calling kettle black
FOURTEEN ๏ฝœjust one last time
FIFTEEN | Shakespeare style betrayal
SIXTEEN | the reckoning
SEVENTEEN | romeo and juilet
EIGHTEEN | blackmail
NINETEEN | friend or foe
TWENTY | restart the game
excuse me wattpad

EIGHT| all work, no play

7.6K 326 206
By This_CraZy_World

... It's me...


(Possibly the best ever Photoshopping you'll see me do, ngl.)

Bold= Swedishhhhh


"Are you going to do this every time you're in a freaking car?"

Carter gripped into Bellamy harder as she heaved again, her knees buckling under the weight of her wracking body. Once she had the opportunity to breathe, she sent an unsteady death glare towards Ren. She couldn't help suffering from motion sickness the way she did, inconsiderate asshole.

"Should've brought my horse." Octavia wrinkled her nose in disgust as Carter wiped her mouth with the back of her sleeve and sent the younger Blake a toothy smile.

"Aw, you love travelling with me." Carter retorted, shakily standing upright with the help of Bellamy.

"Sure, everyone loves watching you puke." Octavia smirked, retaining her gear from the back of the truck-- Doris.

"Are you okay now?" Bellamy asked the engineer in a voice just lower than his normal. Carter smiled softly at him and nodded her head, reluctantly allowing him to let go. He placed a gentle kiss on top of her head, lingering only slightly before backing away. "I would kiss you on the lips but..."

"Yeah, if I had the choice I wouldn't want to taste this morning's breakfast coming back up too." Carter grimaced, hiking her pack into her shoulders. She turned around to make sure all the equipment and people were accounted for before shutting Doris' doors. She inhaled deeply, allowing the open, clean air to cling against her lungs before exhaling. Even now, after everything she had been through no thanks to Earth, the fresh air just relaxed her more than words ever could.

"This place is beautiful." Gina breathed, being taken off guard by the scenery,

"This place gives me the creeps." Ren contended, shivering slightly.

"Huh, now you feel exactly how girls feel when you hit on them." Carter retorted smugly as the group stared up at skeleton of Mount Weather. Most of them held haunted looks of what happened within the facility, but new faces, such as Gina and Ren merely stared at it with either awe or horror.

"Well, we're getting nothing done standing out here," Octavia proclaimed, pursing her lips as she began to head towards the door begrudgingly. She didn't want to go on that trip, that much was obvious, she considered herself a Grounder now and Mount Weather was the home of countless murders for Grounders. "Sooner we get this done the better."

"So, like, people died here? Like loads of them?" Ren awed as he began to follow Octavia. "That's tragically poetic."

Carter rolled her eyes and nudged at his shoulder. "Shut up, Ren."

"Hey, did I ever tell you the time when I saved Sinclair's ass?" Raven asked suddenly, speaking up for the first time since Doris reached her location.

"Please don't." Octavia rolled her eyes.

"You mean the time you went rogue on a spacewalk?" Gina asked curiously, and that was all she needed say for Raven to start her tale and Carter groaned inwardly.

"It depends on your definition of going rogue." Raven smirked.

"Disclaimer--" Carter quickly interjected, "Regardless of the definition, Raven went rogue. She likes to call this story the time she saved Sinclair's ass, but I like to call this story the day I thought my best friend died. You may proceed."

"That wasn't how it happened," Raven nudged Carter. "She's just being dramatic, anyway..."


The inside of Mount Weather was even worse than the outside, not because it had deteriorated or changed drastically, but because it looked exactly the same as it did when everything happened there.

The dim lit halls clad with paintings still hung, literally nothing had changed, the only thing that was different was the bodies that once littered the place were no gone, there was no Mountain Men in sight, yet their presence still lingered in the halls of where they once lived. It was like a ghost town and being back there made a bile rise in Carter's throat. Not only was it a burial ground for both Mountain Men and Grounders alike, but it was also the place where Carter lost her way completely-- the place where she distorted her perception on reality, her emotions, everything about her, all in order to see her best friend just one last time.

As they rounded a corner to the mess hall, they all stopped in their tracks, even Raven and Gina had put a halt to their conversation as they stared upon the scene in front of them.

People, their people, lined the rows of tables that once harboured the innocent lives of those who lived there. They were all smiling, laughing, eating with the cutlery of dead men. They acted as though nothing terrible happened within these walls, not only to Grounders and Mountain Men, but to their own people too. Mount Weather was also the place that some of the Hundred were harvested for bone marrow, and these people were acting as though none of that mattered. She didn't know about the rest of the group, but that didn't sit well with Carter at all.

It's like no one held respect for those that had fallen there.

At the sight of the newcomers, Pike stood upright and smiled politely, spreading his arms out in a welcoming manner, "Come. Join us."

"D'you know the only people to say the words join us are usually bad guys." Ren mused, a cocky smile on his face as he glanced around the room.

"I can assure you, we're no bad guys." Pike chuckled with good nature.

"Someone's made themselves at home." Octavia murmured, her tone laced with bitterness as ignored Pike's smile and open politeness. "There must be thirty of them in here."

"Thirty-six," The man corrected with a small shrug. "But the more, the merrier."

"Thirty-six?" Octavia repeated, her eyebrows flicked up. "Wow. The Grounders are gonna think we moved in."

"Well, there was no room at the inn." Poke contended, still trying to stay oblivious to the younger Blake's hostility.

"To be fair, it's not hard to extend the walls and build huts to live in, which is what you would have to do if this place was still occupied." Carter interjected smoothly before cocking her head. "You do know you're basically living in a tomb, right?"

"What happened was horrible," Pike sighed, his head falling slightly. "And we take great respect in what happened here... But in order to survive, we have to move on."

"And this is your option?" Octavia frowned.

"O..." Bellamy warned.

"I'm out of here." The brunette scoffed before turning on her feel and making a sharp exit out. Carter could sympathize with how she felt and momentarily debated on going to check on Octavia, but before she could come to her own conclusion, someone made it for her.

"Reyes, Kane, you're three hours late." Sinclair barked. "We've got no power to medical, fluctuations on Levels two and three, and blown fuses all over the place, get on it."

"Sure yeah, I can totally work efficiently with a broken limb." Carter smiled bitterly, though Sinclair merely stared at her with a dangerous look and she swallowed nervously. "I'll get on it, sir."

"And you," Sinclair stared down at Ren, who seemed unfazed by the senior mechanic and engineer. "You're from Tesla aren't you?"

"If I say no, would I be able to get out of work I didn't agree to?" Ren asked hopefully.


"Well then..." The techie sighed in defeat, "I'll go start work on the blown fuses." And with that, Ren dragged his feet and turned around the corner, having absolutely no idea where to start. Raven and Carter shortly followed, both egos slightly stung by their boss.

"I'll go to medical?" Raven asked as the three of them trudged down the dimly lit corridor to where the tools were kept.

"I'll start on Level Three," Carter nodded reluctantly. "Damn, that guy gives me the creeps."

"Sinclair's good at that." Raven scoffed, tightening her ponytail.

"I wasn't on about Sinclair," Carter shoved her hands her pockets, pulling her jacket tighter around her. "I was talking about Pike. No one, and I mean no one is that nice, and it was like he didn't really care about what happened here."

"Just remember," Ren joined in with his usual smirk on his face. "It's him that's got to deal with loads of angry ghosts, not us."

"You're such a dork." Carter rolled her eyes, slowing down as she approached the stairs that lead up to Level three. "Well, I'm out, I'll probably see you in about sixty hours."

"Do you have the right equipment with you?" Raven raised an eyebrow, glancing at Carter's pack.

"Yeah, I brought my own tools, I had to tamper with them so I can still work with a busted arm-- besides I don't really trust anyone else's tools." The blonde shrugged and Raven nodded in understanding, the three of them bid each other goodbye before heading to their designated job, appropriately sighing at how they managed to get dragged into such a task.


"Ouch! Dammit!" Carter hissed as she recoiled her hand from the electrical box for what seemed like the umpteenth time. She loathed fixing electrical fluctuations, she never walked away from one of those jobs unscathed. With an elongated sigh, she readjusted her weight on her knees and dropped the screwdriver she was using.

"Stupid Sinclair and his stupid orders," She mumbled bitterly under her breath as she picked up another tool and began to work at the box again. "Stupid atmosphere and all the stupid radiation, I didn't sign up for this."

The box suddenly lit up with an electrical pulse, making Carter yelp and spring back in shock-- pun somewhat intended-- the spark travelled across the entire board, making the lights above Carter begin to flicker wildly. That's not good, she sighed inwardly as the box made a loud crackling noise and exuded smoke before the lights suddenly went out all together, plunging Carter into absolute darkness.

"Stupid box and stupid lights, argh!" She yelled in frustration, feeling the ground for her flashlight, her fingers curled around something circular and in spite of her current pissed off mood, she smiled triumphantly and began to feel the object for the on switch, though it proved more difficult than she initially thought. Suddenly, a flash of brightness filled a small part of the room and for a split second, Carter thought it was coming from her flashlight, but then she realized what she held in her hand, was in fact, not a flashlight...

... But a wrench.

"What are you doing?" Bellamy asked hesitantly as he watched his girlfriend frown in confusion at the wrench.

Carter's shoulders deflated and she looked down at the ground in defeat. "My best." Was her answer as she butt shuffled back to the electrical box, now having more to fix than she originally had to in the first place.

"Hey, don't worry about that," Bellamy dismissed, though there was something urgent in his tone that alerted Carter, and as she shielded the light from her eyes, she could see the obvious worry on her boyfriend's face.

"What's wrong?" She asked, her voice was low as she dreaded to hear the next part of what Bellamy had to say. He glanced down at her with pursed lips and offered her a hand up, which she immediately took.

"It's your dad."

Carter frowned, her heart jumped a beat. "What happened?"

"Nothing yet, but something will if we don't do something, come on, I'll explain on the way to the Mess Hall." Bellamy took her hand and began walking briskly through the dark halls, having nothing but a flashlight to guide their way. "There's going to be an attack on the summit."

"By who?"

"The Ice Nation, Echo, she was a Grounder that saved my life, she came and found us, warning us that her nation is panning an attack on the summit, killing everyone there." Bellamy explained, pulling her down another corridor.

"Do you trust her?" Carter asked. Bellamy looked down at the engineer, expecting to see doubt or something similar on her face, but was only met with sincerity. Carter had her doubts about believing a Grounder that abandoned her people when they needed help the most, but if Bellamy had trust in her, then Carter would too.

"I do." Bellamy nodded.

"Then we should get moving." Carter picked up the pace, but was immediately stopped by Bellamy, who still looked overly concerned about something, and even though Carter had no idea what it was, it made her heart sink.

"Carter..." Bellamy tried, though the words died in his mouth and he lowered is head. Carter narrowed her eyes in confusion, but slowly placed a hand on his cheek and smiled softly. "We tried to radio them, but we heard nothing... We might be too late."

Inside, it felt as though her chest had ripped open and someone had a tight hold on her heart, her knees felt weak and every part of her body shook. But on the outside, she remained strong and nodded in understanding. After all, it wouldn't be the first time she was told her father might be dead. He was stronger than she gave him credit for, Kane had survived a hell of a lot, and a large part of her knew he would survive this too.

"Pike has a plan," Bellamy continued, "If we are too late, it might be a good idea to launch the missiles, level the playing field."

Carter paused for moment before nodding again. "I'm sure Raven can get past the launch codes."

"You can help her, you and Ren." Bellamy ordered subtly. "It would be better if you stay here, where I know you're safe." He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a radio. "Here, I've got one too. They're on a frequency that's different to the others so we can still speak without anyone else hearing. Remember the time that Drop ship fell from the sky and you asked me to look for your dad? I'm going to do that again, hopefully we get there in time, but I know what to do if it's too late, but I want you to have this on you at all times, I need to know you're still there even when we're not together, I can't be in the dark again, not like last time."

Carter took the radio off Bellamy, and for the first time since they had met, she decided to do what he wanted her to do without any arguments or stubbornness. She wanted nothing more than to go with him and protect her dad, but she also respected Bellamy's wishes. She leaned up and pressed a soft kiss on his lips, relishing in his proximity before he had to pull away.

"Try not to get yourself killed." She whispered, clutching onto the radio.

"I won't." He smiled, running a hand through her hair before drawing her in for a hug. Please be okay Kane, he thought desperately, I don't want to see her cry again.


As you can probably see by my covers, I decided to stick with Teresa Palmer, but thank you for everyone who suggested actresses, they all had little Carter elements about them, I'm just stupidly picky lmao.

Okay, so I actually haven't seen all this episode, so most of it's winged, I'd love to know how I did and if it wasn't too far fetched?

Thank you for reading!

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