Snow White {BvS Lex Luthor St...

By Lucinda2015

24.8K 1.1K 542

"Here is my complete analysis of the enhancements found in Kryptonians. Now if you do not mind I must be goin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
The Conclusion

Chapter 9

2K 95 59
By Lucinda2015

Oh dear Odin.

Lindsey felt as her eyes widened with shock. Her fingers froze over the keys.

She had been scrolling through all of Lex's private files and stumbled across one labeled.

Devils Come From the Sky

Inside was pictures, documentaries, biographies, interviews, practically anything and everything on Superman. Small notes took up chunks of the screen, squeezed in margins around text.

Words like:

God parading around pretending to be a man

Surrounded pics of Clark Kent.

Lindsey felt her heart tighten in her chest. There were pictures of Lois with him.

He knew.

But that wasn't what scared her the most. The most frightening informations she discovered was a file labeled;

To Kill God

Inside she found plans, very detailed plans mind you, of how one could go about killing Superman. Obviously Kryptonite played a huge role but what froze the blood in Lindsey's veins was all the pictures of Lois. And herself.

When she clicked on her own name a whole new folder appeared labeled, Achilles Heel.

Lindsey's stomach writhed within her as she saw pictures of her walking to work, working, going to buy a coffee from across the street because LexCorp coffee tasted like molten guano.

He was stalking her.

He claimed to love her and he stalked her like a psychopath.

Lindsey sat back in her chair, breathing hard.

This was too much. She needed to think.

She exited the file on herself and went back to Lois. She found a video and muted her volume on computer before clicking on it.

The video was of horrible quality and the cameraman could not hold the camera still to save his life. A sandy desert was all that Lindsey could see along with the occasional man strapped from head to foot in ammunition. A blur of red came into view and Lindsey bent forwards peering at the computer screen. Two pale fingers gently prodded her volume button. Lois' shrieking voice echoed vaguely over the speakers as she was yanked forwards by some men. A journal slipped from her hand and fell to the ground.

"LET ME GO!" The red haired woman screamed struggling against her captors, "LET ME-"

She was cut off by a shout from the men. One, a young looking man, started pointing towards something out of the camera's view. More shouts echoed from the computer and then rapid gunfire began going off.

A red and blue blue appeared and snatched Lois away from her captors. She just managed to grab her journal before Superman soared away with her in his arms.

The men continued shouting for a bit before quieting down. New men appeared and suddenly began opening fire on everyone. The cameraman screamed into the camera in a different language. Suddenly blood spattered the screen.

Then, the video went black.

Lindsey was sitting in shock with her hands clasped over her mouth. Something crossed her mind and she slowly reversed the video. As the men shot at Superman, she saw something on one's gun. A silver label with a seven letters written across it actually.


Lindsey's tongue felt like lead in her mouth. She raised a shaking hand and exited the files. She knew too much. It was only a matter of time before she got caught.

She had to find Lois and more importantly Clark.

As she reached for her cell the door slid open behind her.

"Did you get my note?"

Her throat went dry.

That was odd. He had none of his usual banter. Not even a joking tone. All business.

Lindsey turned to face him and gently slid her fingers into her bag searching for her cell.

"Yes I did, Mr. Luthor," She said calmly, "It was flattering."

The man in front of her was shaking slightly. His curly, bronze hair bounced as he strode forward and clamped his hands onto her shoulders, pushing her gently backwards in her chair.

Lindsey leaned her head back trying to keep him away from her face but Lex managed to keep his face inches from her own. His startling green eyes searched hers.

"And?" He breathed, "Your thoughts, Miss Lane?"

Lindsey stared back into his eyes feeling herself beginning to get lost in them before shaking herself back into reality. Her fingers closed in the cold metal of her phone.

"I-I was startled," she said quickly ducking her head.

Lex didn't release her and continued staring.

"Please continue," he murmured.

"I-I am still unsure of my feelings for you, Mr. Luthor," Lindsey said in a coldly apologetic tone.

Lex stared at her for a few more moments before straightening up and letting her go. He fixed his coat and played with his blue t-shirt refusing to look at her.

Lindsey took full opportunity of this and began frantically searching for the on button.

"You, are afraid of me."

Startled, Lindsey looked up.

Lex was studying the window behind her, his hands clasped behind his back. He sent her a small twitching smile before looking back out of the glass. He took a few slow steps forward and began tapping his wrist with his fingers.

"You are afraid," he chuckled slightly, "Of course you are."

"Mr. Luthor?" Lindsey asked quietly.

She snuck a glance at her phone and found Lois's name. It was after all her only contact number. She pressed it and opened a text chat quickly before looking back up at Lex.

Thankfully he wasn't looking at her but continuing to study the blue skies outside.

"You are a very intelligent woman, Miss Lane," Lex said smiling at her slightly.

"Thank you, Mr. Luthor," she replied waiting until he looked away to send Lois a text.

Lex wants to kill Superman. He knows. Get Clark. Hide.

"Too clever it seems, for your own good," Lex hissed in her ear as he yanked her phone from her hand.

He peered at it.

"Texting Lois I see?" He asked sarcastically, "Oh this is fun! You were trying to warn her! Poor dear."

He glanced at the frozen woman across from him. An insane smile lit his face.

"She's already mine."

Lindsey mentally cursed and gripped the edges of her chair.

Lex leaned forward and looked deep into her eyes.

"I'm doing this for you, Lindsey," he said seriously, "It's all been to protect you."

"It's murder," she snapped back.

Lex pulled away and his brow furrowed.

"Yes," he said slowly, "I suppose it is. But isn't one death preferable to three billion?"

"Superman or the Earth?" Lindsey asked incredulously, "Is that what you're trying to say, Luthor?"

"Lex," the man corrected, "And yes that's exactly what I'm saying! Superman endangers our entire race! Who knows what threats he's attracting! He isn't doing Earth any favors by staying here."

"Oh no, just saving us from time to time is nothing," Lindsey snapped back, "Think abut Zod, Lex! We could never have defeated him without Superman!"

"Zod would not have been here without Superman to draw him here!" Lex countered as he leaned back against the dark haired woman's desk, "Furthermore we would not have lost all those lives if Superman had stayed on his own planet."

Lindsey ran a hand through her hair in exasperation as she pushed back in her chair. Adrenaline was starting to pump into her veins.

She needed to escape.

The door was behind her and Lex in front. If she could surprise him-

"Don't." Lex up a thin hand, "Don't try to run, Lindsey. You're caught."

Lindsey swiftly stood up.

"You cannot hold me against my will," she said in a shaking voice.

Lex smiled darkly at her and leaned forward to brush a piece of hair off of her forehead.

"Actually," he glanced away biting his lip before looking back at her, his green eyes gleaming. "I can."

Lindsey shoved him with all her might and raced towards the door. She flung it wide, hearing Lex yelling after her. Her dark eyes flashing down the hall. She saw two huge guards turning towards her. She raced in the opposite direction towards the stairs. More guards appeared. She slammed her fist into the elevator button. It opened.
Footsteps pounded after her.

She slammed the shut door button and it slowly began to close. Lex Luthor's furious face was cut off by the clanging of the silver paneled doors.

Lindsey sank to the floor holding onto the handrail for support. Terrified tears were pouring down her cheeks, soaking her face. Gasps of air escaped her and she forced herself to calm down.

She was escaping.

The elevator chimed happily and she set off at a brisk walk towards the exit. Her flats gently padded across the marble floor. The bright glow of light from outside beckoned her forwards and she had to restrain herself from breaking into a run. She had to look like she was fine. Like nothing was wrong.

She stretched out a hand towards the door, her fingers straining.

But a hand caught her by the back of her shirt.

She shrieked and fought her captor but nothing she did worked. She stamped his toe, attempted to bite his arm, clawed his face, strained helplessly towards the beautiful glow of the outdoors but it was too late.

She was dragged back to the elevator and further down. When the doors dinged she felt herself collapse in her captors arms. He didn't waver but dragged her towards a shadowy figure.


She stared at him, filling her gaze with deepest loathing and he flinched.


"Rot. In. Helheim," she spat before beginning to scream.

Her captor had enough and hit her hard on the head.

She mewled in pain as everything went blurry. Someone barked harshly at her guard and the arms holding her immediately dropped her. Her knees smacked against the hard floor but someone caught her midsection and pulled her upright. A mouth was nearly pressed against her neck as the person lifted her up.

"I apologize for my recent actions, Lindsey," the voice said softly as it carried her.

The voice was drifting away along with her vision. Everything was slowly turning dark. Lindsey felt herself being laid down on something hard and the warmth of the arms around her disappeared.

"But this is for you, my dear," the voice said quietly.

Lindsey blinked trying to get a good look at the man speaking but it was too late. Everything faded away. The last thing she heard was a gas slowly seeping into her new prison.

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