Alone Together (EDITING) (Und...

By mcmxcni

3.2M 72.5K 6K


Alone Together
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Twenty Nine (the lost part)
Thirty One
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six (P1)
Forty Six (P2)
Forty Seven
Forty Seven (Part 2 Continued)
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One (Part 1)
Fifty One (Part 2)
Fifty One (Part 3)
Fifty Two (Part 1)
Fifty Two (Part 2)
Epilogue Part 2
It's Over
Please Read..


63K 1.4K 99
By mcmxcni

The ride over to my parents house was a silent one and I was glad because I didn't want to talk or anything. Halfway there, Adonis grabbed my hand and pulled it up to his lips and kissed it. "It's going to be alright." he whispered to me. I gave a weak smile and kindly pulled my hand back, placing it in my lap. For some reason I did not want him to touch me. We parked on the side on the side of the street in front of the house.

"I'll wait for you so just take your time." "Okay." Walking up the driveway I noticed that my mom's car was gone. Did she really leave? "Mom!" I walked into the living room where she usually sat. "You just missed her." my dad's voice spoke from behind me. "Where is she?" I asked. "She... left for a while." he shrugged as if it was alright and not out of the normal for my mother and his wife to just leave. "So it must be true huh?" I folded my arms across my chest. "What are you talking about?" he tried to play dumb.

"Daddy! Are you serious? My mom isn't just going to pack her shit and leave this house and her fucking husband and kids behind for no damn reason," I yelled. "You cheated, you are a cheater and probably always have been. And you ask me what am I talking about like I don't know?" I sat on the couch and he just stood there looking down. "I didn't.." he started but I cut him off. "You didn't what? Mean to cheat? Or didn't mean for anyone to find out?"

Standing up I headed to the door because I could not stand to be in his presence. I was halfway down the walk before he stopped me. "Baby girl!" he called out. I stopped walking but didn't turn around. He stood in front of me. "Your mother left this for you." he handed me a white envelope. "Okay bye."

I waited until I was in the comfort of my home to open the envelope from my mom that my dad had given to me. Not that I cared that to read it because I was pretty sure it was just telling me what I already knew about her and my cheating ass father's situation. After Don and Ant left, I was alone and decided to read it. I sat on the couch and ripped it open for a folded piece of paper to fall out.


I am sure that by now you have come to the house to talk to me but I am long gone now. Your father has not been faithful to me, you kids and our marriage. Everything that has seemed happy has not been. I can take my faults in the things that I have done, but I will not say that they were the reasons for him to step out. He did that on his own. I still love Derek to pieces and for right now, leaving my husband is not an option. I know you're saying "But she left." that is because I need time to myself. I know you and your brother are upset with your father and although he did do wrong, don't be so angry because no matter what he is still your father and authority figure no matter how old you two are and are out of the house. I don't want anyone to know where I am but just know that it's a safe place and I will call you as soon as I can. Kiss my son for me (I know he didn't read the letter I left for him.) and keep that man you claim you want to be friends with around. You don't realize it yet, but, you need him... If not now then sooner than later. We had a nice long talk and he is right for you. Don't run from him and don't be so scared. I love you and don't forget that. I will be back before you know it and it will be like I never left.

Love, Mom

It had been three weeks since that entire ordeal and things were so out of the norm. Anthony refused to speak to our dad but me, well, I couldn't just not speak to him for the simple fact that my mom had asked of me to not be so angry with the man. I was still upset but things happen right? I don't even know. Whenever I would visit him, he seemed fine. As if his wife had never left him, but that could be a mask he was putting on to cover his hurt if he was hurting.

"What you in here doing?" I looked up to see Kyra standing in the door of my office. "Chillin. What's up?" I asked. She just stood there like she was afraid to ask. "Come on Ky, you have so many crazy ideas I'm positive that whatever has been brewing in your head can't be that bad." She sighed before speaking. "Okay let me go and get Brian because it was the both of our idea." And before I could respond she ran out. Brian was one of our dance instructors that we had just hired and he easily became a good friend in the little time I have known him to say the least.

"Alright soooo," Kyra started. "Pole dance and strip tease classes added to Wednesday nights roster." Brian cut her off. "What? No way. I will not. We will not." I stood up pushing them out of my office before they could make me change my mind. I went to move Brian and he laughed at me swatting my hands away. "Girl, you know you can't move me. Cut it out and listen to us. We tryna bring in some money cause Lord knows I can use a raise." I raised my eyebrow at him. "Not that you don't pay me enough, shit, Kyra talk to her. Hurry!"

She clapped her hands coming back into the space, "So like I was saying, think about it. All these hood rats and lonely housewives trying to get their mans attention or just want to spice things up in the bedroom can and will come to do the class. That brings in more money and we can hire more instructors so we won't have to be here for almost every class and such." she spoke. Shaking my head, I had to ask the question even though I pretty much knew the answer. "Who is going to teach this class?"

Brian stepped up. "A little birdie told me that you were a stripper in your after life." I cut my eyes at Kyra as she stifled a laugh. "You were. So to put this into thought. I hired someone to come and record you dancing so that we can upload it to Youtube, get some views, bring people in here for classes and BOOM more money coming up in this bitch!" she was way too excited. "And the studio gets more publicity when they see your sexy ass on their phone and computer screens." Brian chimed in. "I hate you guys so much." I kindly let them know before collecting my things and leaving the two to come up with their outrageous plans.

I wasn't ready to go home yet, so I decided to stop by Ant's clothing store where I knew he would be. "Sup Britni. You looking damn good in them flowered up leggings." "Oh my goodness Terron, why are you always here?" I asked him while pulling out of the hug that he was making too friendly. "You wanna back up man?" Don spoke from behind me. "My bad Don," Terron held his hands up in surrender. "Hey you." I stood on my tiptoes to receive the kiss he leaned down to give while Terron made gagging noises. I held up my middle finger to him.

"Where's my twin?" I wondered. Usually he would be walking around or at the register but he wasn't in sight." "Food." Don shrugged, I nodded and went to browse the racks to see what I could add to my wardrobe. "Your total is $151.62." the teen behind the counter let me know. Oh hell no I was not! "Just give me the bags, Anthony will pay for it." I tried to tell him with a smile but he looked a little hesitant. "She good Jay, just give her the bags." Ant said walking past. "And Brit, stop coming here trying to get free clothes all the time, you take money out my pocket."

"How many times do I have to tell you that I do what I want big brother?" I replied following him into the back and snatching the bag. "Ain't nothing in here for you." he snatched the bag back. I took it upon myself to get a couple of bites of everyone's sandwich, a few fries and sips of their drinks with complaints of course. "You always buy for me. You never know when I'm coming." Don looked up from his food with a smile. "You come when this big dic-" "Whoops not today man." Ant glared at him.

Speaking of big things, I needed and wanted him. I slyly licked my lips at him when the other two weren't looking. In response, he flicked his tongue out at me and that little gesture made my center heat up as I imagined it between my thighs. "Okay guys, nice catching up. I have to go. Bye!" I stood up. Don stood as I was walking away. "Where you going? You supposed to help me." Ant spoke to Don. I didn't stick around to hear his answer. "Took you long enough." I said once he showed up unlocking the doors to his truck and letting the seats down. "Stop talking before you ruin shit." he told me smacking my ass once we were in and pulling my leggings off.

A few seconds later, he was deep inside of me. "Oh God! Mmm shit!" I moaned out clawing at his back as he dug his member in and out. "Easy on them nails B." he panted out sucking on my neck. Pulling his body all the way down on me, I captured his lips as I had my release. His strokes quickened and I felt warm liquid inside. I pushed him off of me. "Seriously Adonis?" I asked annoyed while reaching into his middle console for some napkins. He said nothing and palmed my ass as I was bent over.

"Don't fucking touch me." I swatted his hands away. "What did I do?" he asked as if he didn't just spill his nut into my body. "One. No condom. Two. You didn't bother to pull out. Three. I don't want no damn kids you ass!" I hit him in the chest with my last words before climbing out of the truck and going to my car. "Your ass better hope I ain't pregnant." I told him before pulling off. One would think that I was overreacting but when pregnancy is not on your list of things to do in life, then you would overreact too.

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