Doctor 101 (A SasuSaku AU Fan...

By GraceOlives

81.8K 2.1K 1K

Learn a new lesson every day with Konoha General's most skilled and ridiculously messy set of doctors! Dr. Mr... More

1. First Day Screw Ups
2. Coffee Room 101
3. Patient 2364
5. Blurred Boundaries
6. What I Want
7. The Caged Bird
8. The Breaking Point
9. Being Big Brother
10. Falling Into Place
11. Tears
Author's Note

4. Unexplained

5.3K 158 88
By GraceOlives

      Sasuke stood speechless for about an entire awkward minute while the patient only smiled. Sakura too was the same as Sasuke. She planned to tell him soon but now, she was probably losing him. She stared in shock at her husband and her boyfriend.

"You guys done staring? I am in pain here", said Hiroshi.

Sakura snapped. "The fuck do you think you are doing here, Michaels?!"
"Well excuse me for having a major accident!", he taunted.
"Whatever. Just get out of here.", she grunted.
"Thank you for your concern, Sakura", he said lowly.
"He is all yours, Dr. Uchiha. Fix him and throw him out please"
"Can't wait to have me home honey?", he teased.
Sakura turned and glared. "Fuck off"

Sasuke stood there awkwardly. He felt betrayed. Wife? Sakura was fucking married. She fucking cheated him. His anger was boiling to burst till he heard her curse him. It made him guess they were probably in a bad marriage and she wanted to end it. But still. She lied to him. She had no right. Why did this even happen to him just when he felt like he was piecing himself back together? He liked her much more than he had let on. And the result was this pain in his heart.

He closed his eyes to breathe and refocus on work. Doctors can't make things personal during work.
He looked at the husband, her husband, his girlfriend's bloody husband who had his smug look and his cocky attitude wiped off his face after Sakura stormed out.
"I'll come back at another time" With that, Sasuke left.

He threw his stetho against the wall in anger after about 5 seconds of being in his cabin. Damn it! He was angry. And hurt. How could Sakura do this? Is it because she didn't take him seriously? Was he a fling? A bloody distraction from her unhappy marriage?
He sat on the couch with his head in his hands. Holding back his emotions. He wanted an explanation. But Sakura was the last person he -  without a knock, the pink haired woman stepped in locking the door behind her - wanted to see.

"Sasuke, let me explain.", she said, scared of his look right now.
"Explain what, Sakura?", his voice low and very angry. She totally understood why everyone was scared of him. Her heart sped up.
"Just how do you plan to defend yourself? Tell me the blunt truth. Make it easy for yourself."
"Sasuke I-", her eyes lowered and tears pooled in them.
"Talk", he commanded.
He hated that she was tearing up right in front of him. He didn't want to see this right now. He wanted her to yell. To become angry. To spit the truth. Break his heart in one moment rather than painfully pull it apart.

"I- I- " her tears fell to the ground and on her shirt. She hated crying. She hated herself, her life, her story. She hated that she kept him from her marriage status. Shit, she hated that she was falling for Sasuke. Why? Because he wouldn't like her anymore. He would despise her. She would no longer be the nice, sensitive, sweet and honest Sakura. She'd be the liar. The one who hurt him.

"Save the crocodile tears", he said coldly. "You cheated me. What was I, Sakura? A toy? A fucking diversion from your husband?"

She looked at him in pained disbelief. That's what he thought of her? Well, who could blame him? She had lied. By omission she had. But her tears were real. And each one burned.

"So that is it. I was just fucking played with. You .. you .." he wanted to curse and yell. But he couldn't. He just couldn't. He knew it was too late.

She felt angry. She didn't play! She was in freaking love with this idiot! And he wasn't letting her explain. The very implication that she would use him for such a thing offended her to no end. Her so-called husband wasn't worth it and she wasn't the kind to.
Her body guided her before she could stop herself as she stepped closer to him and....

Her hand connected with his cheek.

Sasuke looked at her in shock.
"You idiot! Just let me explain!", she yelled. He saw surprise, fear, anger and pain mixed up in her teary eyes.

She spoke a little more steady now.
"I don't like this any more than you. Yes, he's my husband. But-"

"Stop. Just stop. Sakura, please leave me be for a while. We'll talk later."

"What? No! Sasuke, please just hear me out"

"I said, we will talk later", and he exited the cabin.

She broke down. And cried. A lot.


"Hey doc. I see you're back. You didn't come back yesterday", Hiroshi said.

"What no answer?", he looked at the raven haired stoic man. Then spoke almost seriously. "I know you're in love with my wife."
Sasuke looked up. "No"
"Save it doc. I saw how you looked at her. I am no idiot"
"I think otherwise", he retorted.
His patient just chuckled. "Perhaps I am. But I know it when I see it. You love her."
Sasuke was getting angry. Why was he rubbing it in? "Do you?", he found himself asking.
The man went silent. Sasuke continued to mark the chart.
"I do."
He stopped writing. He felt something break. Again. But can he blame a man for loving his wife?

"But not how you'd think", he continued.

This caught Sasuke's attention. He was interested.

Hiroshi's expression turned blank.
"I love her as a friend. We used to be good friends back in Osaka. Now we aren't even strangers."

Sasuke wanted to know more. But he figured it would be inappropriate to ask.

"She used to be fun to be around but I never thought of her as anything more than a friend. Was distraught when I agreed to marry her. She just grew so silent after that. We never spoke. I tried but she pushed me away. And she was right to."

"Why?", Sasuke asked before he could stop himself.

"I didn't love her. And she didn't love me. Probably can never forgive me for what I did to her."

Sasuke felt something like worry. And a lump in his throat. "What did you do to her?"

".. I broke her."

.... the man looked down in almost a regretful expression.

Sasuke felt that lump growing. His throat felt dry. He immediately felt regret over his outburst yesterday. He should have let her explain. What did he even mean by 'broke her'?

Just then, the door opened and Sakura walked in followed by a blonde woman who's face colour drained on seeing the patient. She rushed over and held his hand.
"Oh my God! I looked all over for you! Thank goodness Sakura contacted me!!"
Sasuke watched her place kisses on his hand and forehead and cheek and.. lips.
"Ow. That hurts ya know"
He saw Sakura's husband smile. What the hell? Is she his..? And Sakura is standing right here!

Hiroshi turned to look at Sakura. "Thank you", he muttered. She spun on her heels and left.

Once again, Sasuke was left standing awkwardly. Hiroshi cut short the reunion and looked at him. "She loves you", he told the ravenette. "Hn. Whatever." His patient sighed audibly and he went ahead with the examination.

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