Married To A Jerk [JUNGKOOK B...

By -Damned-

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"Once a force marriage,is always a force marriage." Well that's what she said. More

Our First Kiss
Our New House
Back to Normal
My Mind
Sleep Over
Next Week
The wedding
New friends
Japan Hoes
Japan Hoes pt.2
Same Feelings
Happy Birthday
The Feeling
so uhm..


4.8K 115 39
By -Damned-

--2 months later--

Yess. Jungkook is back.

We told every scary,weird stories about us to him.

He became very cautious now..

He didn't even let me out alone.

There are times that he got home veeeeeryyyy late. Like at 5 am in the morning, he smelled like alchohol,smelled like a womans scent. I mean,his mix berry scent is gone and got changed to a womans scent,he got home very drunk and he has lips stains all over his shirt and sometimes hickeys...


This 1 week,he has been doing that for 3 times now..

We fight everytime he came home like that.

The kids were on my side,of course.

They don't like drunk daddy.

And when i came over to his building,i sometimes caught him with other with them..

Well..they are more prettier than me..i understand his feelings..

He is bored with me..

I know he is famous and see a lot of beautiful girls.

I..i accept the fact that someday..he will divorce me and go to another girl..

"Hey..why are you crying?" He asked.

"Don't get near..go away." I said in a weak voice.

He understand that i needed space for a while.

Then,i heard a bang on the door.


I opened it.

And saw a creature walked in and slapped jungkook.

"Oppa!! You didn't tell me that you're married and have 3 kids!!" The creature yelled.

Oppa? I get it.

She wanted to slap jungkook again but i held her wrist and slap her instead.

"Yah! What's your problem?!" She yelled.

Because of the loud noises,the kids came down.

"" i said.

They ran up again.

She slapped me.


She slapped me again,harder.

Hehe,she called me a hoe..brave bitch.

I laughed.

"What're you laughing for?!" She said.

I slapped her. She fell down with my one slap.

Her lips bleed.

" me." She said.

I slapped her again.

"Shut up." I said.

"Jion..that's enough." He said.

"Sit.down." i said. He sat down immediately.

He and everyone knows when i get super angry,i can hulk the whole planet.

Well,i guess she doesn't.

She cried.

I slapped her again.

"That's for stepping in my house with that dirty foot of yours." i said.

I slapped her again.

"That's for slapping jungkook."

I slapped her again.

"That's for calling me a hoe."

I slapped her again.

"That's for fighting back to me."

I slapped her again.

"Thats for slapping me twice as hard."

I slapped her again.

"That's for making jungkook have guilt for you."

I slapped her for the last time.

"That's for messing with me."

"It..hurts.."she cried.

"Still wanna mess with me?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"Still not saying sorry to me?"

"I'm sorry."

"Still bothering jungkook again?"

She shook her head.

"Still wanna fuck with my family and business?"

She shook her head.

"Still not leaving this house?"

She stood up weakly and left crying.

I slammed the door.

I mopped the blood that is scattering everywhere.

I grabbed a pack of ice and sat back down to where i was in the first if nothing has happened.

He just sat there..

Well,she is easy to handle with.

Now,to handle my angry demon inside me. It keeps bugging me to divorce with jungkook,but you stupid angelic heart just wont let that happen.

"Jion..i'm --"

"Shut up. I wanna rest and i wanna throw all my memories of what happened just now." I said.

He nodded.

He tried to get close to me.

But it seemed that my dark aura is making him hesistating.

I walked away from him and got to the bedroom. I slammed the door shut.

I cried silently.

Why jungkook..why do you have to cheat on me?

I'm not some game that you can hack in and cheat out..

My body and feelings doesn't work like that..don't just play with me like that..

Her face is beautiful..thats the point of me making it ugly.

I don't wanna leave you..but you force me to.

I'm secretly not your wife anymore...

I will do it secretly..until you knew that i did it secretly.

Untill you notice that i don't and never will love you again.

You had broke my heart.

And look at what you did..

You had succesfully broke jionsheart.exe

You can't open it anymore.

Because..file isn't existed.

The door creaked open.

Hana was there.

She ran to me and hugged me tight.

I might not feel my kids hugs anymore.

I'm gonna miss it.

Hana is the most closest to me.

She always had my back and i always had hers.

Even jungkook can't beat her.

"Hana-yah..i will miss you,baby." I said.

",please stay strong. I know you can." She said

"I'll try." I said.

"No! You can!!" She said.

I hugged her tighter.

"I want you to talk to dad. Now." She said.

"Okay,ma'am." I said.

Then jungkook walked in. She left.

I acted ignorant over him.

I flopped to the bed.

"Jion..can you hear me out??" He asked.

I signal my hands to tell him to let it all out to me.

He sat at the edge of the bed.

"So..she was...too obsessed with me." He said.

Yeah right.

"She texted me a whole bunch of times until my phone broke. That's why i bought a new one,then she suddenly out of nowhere,knew my phone number. If you wanna see our" he gave me his phone.

Oppa -her
Oppa -her
Oppa -her
Okay goodnight! -her

Oppa -her
What do you want? -him
I love you! -her
I don't. I'm married,go away! -him
Aw,i don't believe that shit,oppa. I still love you! -her
Oppa!! Answer me!! -her
Opppaaaaaaaa -her
Baby.. -her
Sweety -her
Okay..nightnight,sweet pumpkin pie -her

He didn't ever answer her..except that one..but he said we're married..

A tear slid down my cheeks.

"Oh,shit! My eyes are sweating." I said.

"I can't believe at how you can still joke at times like this." He said.

"I can joke whenever i want,juancock." I said.

"I said to you to not call me that ever again right?" He said.

"We never met." I said.

"Stop it." He said

"Get out." I said.

"I did." He said.


"I somehow got kicked out from your i got still didn't let me in." He said.

"Ooo,cheesy jungkook is back." I ooo-ed.

"You know why i kicked you out?" I said.

"No idea." He said

"Because my heart can't take at how much i love you." I said.

He smiled.

I kissed his cheeks.

"Jungkook.." i called.


"Lets..take a break.."

His smile flatered.


"Lets..just act like we're not married. Act ignorant. You know..i need space just for a while. I won't leave house,i won't divorce you,i wont leave the kids..just act as a understand me?" I said.

"S-sure." He nearly cried.

"I'll still make you food,okay?" I said.

He slightly smiled. I smiled. His tears fell.

I wiped his falling tears.

"I wont smile anymore if you keep crying like this,jungkook." I said.

He stopped.

"Aigoo,good boy." I patted his cheeks.

"I..want a last favour..before we.." he stopped.

"Fine. What is it?" I asked.

"Last kiss??" He grinned.

I kissed his lips with no hesistation or problem.

He deepened the kiss.

I broke it.

"Done?" I said.

He nodded.

"Thanks,jion." He said.

His lips..are NO!!! nonono jion,what're you doing??

You're making yourself hard to move on.

Let's stop thinking at how good he is at kissing.

I wanna watch mean girls all of a sudden.

Those stupid trios makes me laugh.

Stupid + knows it all + overly self confidence = jeon jungkook.

He is just the same as mean girls.

I watched the movie till i sleep.

Hara's Pov.

Mom and dad's quarrel..i can't.

A break?! A BREAK?!



Dad cheats on mom..i understand if she needed some space alone.

If they wanted some space alone,then..i can have some space alone.

Like seriously?! I can't with this family!!!

I need to sneak away.

I grabbed my hair in stress.

"Thinking the same thing,sis?" Taejin and hana said.


"Sneaking away." Hana said.

I nodded.

"You know we can go to our boyfriends house for until they get back..because i'm sick of seeing them act like they don't love each other...but they do." Hana said.

"What about our taejinnie?" I said.

"I can sleep over at Jaehyuk's house (rapmon's 3rd son)" he said.

We nodded.

I lined Jonghyun.

Me : jonghyun-ah
-_- : yeah?
Me : can i stay at your house tonight?
-_- : why? Did something happen?
Me : elders quarrel
-_- : okay
Me : it's just gonna be until they stopped fighting
-_- : okay
Me : i can see that you're bored
-_- : mm-hm
Me : i'll cook you food
-_- : okay!
Me : see you later!
-_- : okay
Me : -_-
-_- : -_-
Me : ...
-_- :'re sneaking?
Me : basically..yeah
-_- : cool
Me : not really my thing though,but meh
-_- : ...
Me : ... ^^"
-_- : bye..
Me : bye! ^^

Okay,i admit that i'm still awkward with him.

But..atleast he lets me to.

While hana's message..

Me : oppppppppaaaaaaaaaa ^0^
TaeTae : yes?
Me : can i stay at your place tonight?
TaeTae : quarrels?
Me : yup
TaeTae : sure. You're always welcome ^^
Me : thanks,oppa
TaeTae : no prob.
Me : i'll come over tonight
TaeTae : i'll be waiting

While Taejin's message..

Me : your house. Tonight. Chips. Video games.
Noob : ...okay

Back to Hara's pov.

Sorry mom,dad..i will never step to this house if you don't stop this fights of yours..

Childish elders..

I,with my little ones are packing our bags,everytime we heard footsteps we will just pretended that nothing happened.

We finished packing..this can change our clothes and needs for 2 days..hopefully they will just stop fighting as soon as they realise we're gone..i hope they realise..


It was night already..around..9 pm.

I peeked one was there.

I sneakily go to the living room,downstairs.

Good thing that the stairs aren't creaking.

I saw dad sleeping lifelessly on the couch and mom was there too. do we get out now??

I walked silently to the door.

Ah,shoot..i forgot..if we open the door slowly,it will creak.

What do i do??

I can't just open the door harshly..they will wake up..

Ah,i forgot too..the bell will ring if someone goes out at 9pm - 6 am.



Window it is then..

We got through the window..

Okay..good.. break the camera who caught us doing this.

Pang! Theres 1..8 more to go..


We found all 8 that were surrounding ONLY our bedroom windows..

We have the total 39 cameras attached to every corner of our's supposed to be 40..but we found out that the last camera we had was eaten by a possessed man or something,he looked literally like chowder got possessed by that stupid headless chicken that he ate named 'florentine'..and that guy went flying like 'pchuuu-fooosh!' And went to eat the camera like 'gobble-gobble-gobble'

just because of that little creepy stalker accident...

And that thief accident..

And that creepy grandma who stepped to our house..

And that homeless girl who slept infront of our house..

And that burglar who broke down our door..

And that prankster asshole who egged our house..

And that creepy black dressed man who haunted my dreams..

And that neighbour across our house who sleepwalked to our house..

And that ultimate-creepy-neighbour-half-vampire-or-is-a-vampire-kind-of-a-vampire-or-whatever-they-are accident..

And...i guess it's only that..

And the weirdest thing is..that only happen to our house..only our house..

This neighbourhood really hates us,huh?

Our house is not as creepy in the inside neither on the outside..but the neighbourhood looked like some creepy old graveyard you used to be scared to go to from childhood till now.

Now..we just got to go to our own places..

But how..i didn't think of that..


Let me lead..

First things first..we need to get a taxi..or something we can ride to..

"Ahh! Sis!" Hana screamed.

There was a big creepy black guy chasing us all of a sudden..i mean his clothing is black..not the guy--i'm not being racist,k?

We ran away.

Okay,erase that. We need to get out first!!

"Come here kidss~ hahaha~" he yelled.

He literally laughed like a butt.

Like those scary clowns sound effects...

I hate f-ing clowns.

I stopped running whilst the little ones are still running.

The creepy man stood infront of me.

I kicked his flibble-flabble and he yelped.

He didn't fall..

I tried to open his mask or something..but i guess he's's stuck to his face and body.

"Hoo mah gawdd!!!" I screamed and cried my eyes out.

I ran away.

We finally got out from our neighbourhood..

"Okay..that was scary." I said.

They nodded as they pant so hard.

Poor kids..

We found an oddly taxi..just parking there...alone..beside the woods.

Of course it's a good idea to get in the taxi beside the woods who happened to be alone at the middle of the night. No one is lining up,and we will get discounts as the last costumers.

We got in and on to our destination.




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