5 Seconds Of The Pierced Slee...

By bandhoez9194

230 14 3

Basically, a bunch of one shots about 1D, 5SOS, Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, Twenty One Pilots, MCR... More

Valentine's Day - Ziall
Malum - Dinner
No Homo - Miall
Smooth - Larry
Tall - Lashton
Drunk - Niam
⚠Not Adults - Taime (Jaime/Tony)⚠
⚠Phan: No, They're Not⚠
Georry: Full Homo
⚠️Phan: Hush Hush (SMUT)⚠️
Dream.. Girl? H20Vanoss
⚠️Perspectives Pt. 2: Home⚠️
Contract Killer - BBS
Cuts and Drawings - Terrornuckel
Halloween - Terrormoo
Early Mornings - Terrornuckel
Colors - Terrormoo
Oh Mr. Vanoss
I Do Need You - Terrornuckel
⚠️ Control - Krii7y ⚠️
⚠️Touches - Krii7y⚠️
Missed Plans - Krii7y
Foiled -Daithi & Brock friendship
You Came Back? -Terrornuckel
A Shot In the Dark -McDooo

Kellic- Journey

15 1 0
By bandhoez9194

A/N: my best friend, @Emily8196, wanted this one. Except right after, she wanted Kellic instead of Larry so, here's ya go Emmy!

"Quinn! Go!" I yelled, seeing the hunters pull out their bows and arrows. Who knew what was on those sticks of death. We'd been running from them for three weeks now, trying to avoid bloodshed while trying to get back to the castle.

They were after Quinn, wanting to assassinate the Prince so he couldn't take the throne. Quinn knew this, and was trying to keep them from discovering me. They had finally caught up to us, and we were only an hour's ride from castle.

"I'm not leaving you, Vic, I just found you, I'm not losing you now," my Orbis (check out her story if you want to know what that is: The Necklace) told me sternly.

His blue eyes stared at the hunters, back straight, black hair fluttering slightly in the wind. I shook my head and stood up from where I was trying to stay out of sight behind a tree.

"Prince Quinn! Move!" our friend and his guard, Jaime yelled. His Orbis, Tony, was running at Quinn, ready to jump on him. Unfortunately, he got there too late.

"No!" I screamed, seeing the lead hunter draw back his bow and let an arrow fly. I sprinted as fast as I could, hoping to push Quinn out of the way. The arrow struck his chest, the force shoving him back.

My anger and pain exploded, my own bow in my hands before I could even react. I drew an arrow, barely taking time to aim before letting the arrow fly. It struck the hunter in the eye, his head jerking back and pushing him off his horse. I let go of three more arrows before I realised what happened, killing three of the five remaining hunters.

"Vic!" Jaime yelled and I turned around, seeing Quinn on the ground in between Jaime and Tony. I dropped my bow and rushed to him, collapsing to my knees next to him.

"Q, baby, I'm right here, please, you can't go," I whispered, seeing Quinn gasping for air. "Vic, you have to be the one to put him out of his misery. Otherwise he won't reincarnate, he'll just fade away into the afterlife and you'll die in a few days," Jaime said softly and I shook my head.

"I can save him, I can. Get him on the horse, we need to get him back to the castle," I said desperately and Quinn smiled weakly at me. "No, Vic. It's okay. We'll see each other again, I promise. But you need to be the one," he whispered, coughing. A small smear of blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth and I gently wiped it away.

"I can't, I can't kill you," I said and he took my hand. "You must," he whispered and a sob shook my body. "I love you Q, with every bit of me," I whispered and he smiled again, the light in his eyes fading. "I love you too, Vic. Today, tomorrow, forever," he breathed and I took my small dagger out.

He smiled painstakingly, and closed his eyes. I took a deep breath, pressing one last kiss to his mouth before closing my eyes. I let the dagger strike, knowing my aim would be true. His grip on my hand went lax, bringing another sob through my body.

I opened my eyes, seeing not the blood, but his relaxed face, a faint smile gracing his lips. That let me know he was pain free, and let me relax. "I'll find you again, soon," I promised, running my fingers through his hair.

I took a breath and looked up. Tony and Jaime were crying, but Jaime looked at me with a faint smile, not reaching his eyes. "You'll be reunited," he said to me and I nodded, feeling half of me missing. My necklace, a simple dagger, shone brightly for a second.

I looked down to see Quinn's necklace, a shield, had welded with it, the dagger imprinted into the shield. I felt a weight lift off my shoulders and knew Quinn was watching over me. I stood slowly and picked him up, holding him against my chest.

I brought him to my horse, carefully handing him to Jaime so I could mount on. He passed him back to me before getting onto his horse with Tony. We rode quickly to the direction we were headed, reaching the castle.

The guards there lifted Quinn onto the shields, a warriors honour. I watched them carry him in, knowing I wasn't going to go inside with them. I was going to go home, rest for a few days, then start my search. I was going to find my Orbis again.

187 years later
He was close. I knew it. I may not have my necklace this time to find him, but a feeling, a knowing, filled my chest.

Jaime and Tony were still with me, Orbi living for as long as they wished until they decided to move on. They wanted to see their friend again, and didn't want to leave me alone. I appreciated their help. I wouldn't have been able to go this long without them.

We'd been everywhere, all 6 realms, every town we could find, and after 187 years tomorrow, I would find him again. We would be reunited, and I wasn't going to let him go again.

"Guys, he's close," I said, startling the two. I hadn't spoken in almost three hours, and they hadn't in two. It was extremely quiet around, and I had a rather loud voice when I wanted to.

"How can you tell?" Tony asked and I frowned. "I don't know, I just know. It's like, a familiar presence pressing on me, pulling me closer. Does that make sense?" I asked and Jaime nodded. "That's how I feel when Tony is out for work and he comes home," he said and Tony flushed, smiling at his husband.

The heat built up in my chest the further west we headed. I heard a yell about 20 minutes later, and I frowned. "Someone is in trouble," I said absentmindedly. "We're going to help, correct? We can't leave whoever it is alone," Jaime said concerned and I rolled my eyes at him.

"No, Jay-me, we're going to just walk right past them and leave them to their own devices," I said sarcastically and he made a face at me. "One, it's Hi-me, not Jay-me, and two, shut your smartass up and let's go," he said and I laughed, the giddiness coming from nowhere.

I urged my horse to run towards the loud yell, where there was a loud ruckus going on. "Get the fuck away from me you dickwad!" a male's voice yelled before suddenly cutting off in another strangled gasp. That voice, why was it familiar? I've never been around here before.

I urged my horse even faster, needing to get to that voice, that boy. I burst into a clearing, seeing six guys surrounding a black haired boy tied up against a tree. My necklace, which hasn't done anything since Quinn died all those years ago, jumped on my chest.

"That's him," I whispered to myself. "Get away from him!" I yelled, pulling my sword out of its scabbard before hopping off the horse. The six turned around as the black haired boy looked up tiredly, striking blue eyes widening. He looked so much like Quinn, yet at the same time didn't.

"Well well well, and who's this," the leader - I assumed - said and walked closer to me. I stood straight as Jaime and Tony dismounted behind me, their royal guard uniforms flashing in the Sun.

"My name is Victor Fuentes, Orbis of Quinn Bostwick, Prince of the fifth realm. And you six are a bunch of stercores who like to beat defenceless people. And now, how would you like to have the tables turned by fighting me," I said proudly yet angrily.

All six laughed, slightly nervously, as the leader just appraised me. He pulled a small dagger from his side and moved closer. I smirked and put my sword away, pulling my longer and a bit more flashy dagger out, twirling it confidently between my fingers.

Jaime and Tony stayed back, knowing what I was doing. I was kind of showing off in front of the new boy, even though I probably didn't need to do it. The leader kept circling me slowly, and I didn't bother turning when he went behind me. No need to, he had no idea how to keep quiet in leaves.

As soon as he got behind me, I head him move quickly to me, ready to strike. Right before he reached me and swung his dagger, I flipped around and grabbed his swinging arm, using his momentum to fling him over my shoulder while grabbing the blade from his hand.

He landed hard on his back, his breath rushing out. Three of the other guys rushed at me and with the two blades in my hands, I quickly disarmed them and had them in their backs with next to no injury or effort.

187 years of training and almost 207 years of living made a person swift and perspective.

The last two guys hesitated, glancing at each other before dropping their weapons and holding their hands up in a surrender motion. They seemed to be the youngest, not participating in any of the actual activities, so I lowered my blades and glared at them.

The four guys around me on the ground got up and stumbled away from me, eyes wary. I nodded and flung the blade I'd taken from the leader into the dirt, it standing straight up. My own dagger went back into its scabbard.

"Now that's over with, are you going to mess with anyone again?" I asked as Jaime and Tony flanked me on either side, Jaime in my right, Tony on my left.

The men shook their heads quickly. I smirked and said, "Alright then, get out of here and don't let me see your faces again." They ran off and I looked to the boy tied on the tree. He looked exhausted, a blue bruise forming on his left cheek, a small gash on his right.

I walked over to him slowly and he flinched as he saw me move towards him. His eyes made contact with mine and a frown appeared on his lips. "I know you," he whispered and I smiled softly. I took off the adjoined necklaces and as Jaime untied the boy and let his arms go, they broke apart.

The shield and dagger were once again two necklaces. The boy's blue eyes focused on the shield, the same frown creasing his forehead. "That's mine, isn't it," he asked roughly, his throat scratchy. Tony handed him.a canteen of water and the boy drank eagerly.

"What's your name?" I asked and he looked up, breathing heavily from drinking so fast. "Kellin Quinn," he said and as he said his second name the pain that usually appeared when it was mentioned was dulled.

"Where are your parents?" I asked and he frowned. "They died when I was four, some hunter came and killed my father, my mother dying a few weeks later after their Orbis bond was severed. They found it strange that I didn't have a necklace, but, I don't know. I always dreamt of you," he said, confused.

I passed him the shield necklace, wondering what would happen when he touched it. His fingers reached out hesitantly, finally grabbing the charm. A feeling of completeness filled me as his eyes widened, a light glowing within the two charms.

"V-Vic?" he asked, eyes darting around. They landed on Jaime and Tony and he swallowed. "Y-you're Jaime, Jaime Preciado, and you're T-Tony, Perry?" he asked and they smiled. "Well, I'm a Preciado now, but yeah, nice to see you again," Tony said and Kellin smiled.

"Q, you used to call me Q," he whispered, eyes moving back to me. "You used to be Quinn Bostwick, my Orbis. You were- were shot by a hunter 187 years ago, and to make sure you reincarnated, you made me, m-make the final cut," I said, remembering that day as if it were yesterday.

"We'll see each other again, but you need to be the one," Kellin whispered absentmindedly, eyes focused on the charm. My eyes shot up. "Those were the words Quinn said when, he made me," I whispered, unable to finish my sentence.

"I remember meeting you for the first time, finding you as you jumped into the lake with your brother, Mike. I remember our first kiss, the way it felt to lay next to you as we headed back to the castle. Jaime and Tony, you were there when I met Vic for the first time," he whispered shocked.

He looked at me. "Why didn't I remember this before? All I knew was your face, and that's because I saw it in a dream. Why are these memories coming back now?" he asked and I hesitantly placed my fingertips on his cheekbone. A warmth filled me as I touched him, something I hadn't felt in 187 years.

"I don't know, all I knew was that I was going to find you someday, and this time, I'm not losing you," I whispered and he smiled, his blue eyes so much like Quinn's. Yet, they were also his own. His own emotions, his own personality. Kellin.

I stood up and helped him stand, frowning as I realised he was taller than me. Jaime and Tony smirked identically as Kellin looked down at me. I grinned amused and he smiled too.

"I thought you were taller than me," he said playfully and I stuck my tongue out at him. Real mature for a 207 year old man, right? I never really aged past 20 after Quinn died. He laughed and hugged me, and I melted into his chest.

It had been so long since I'd let anyone hug me like this, wanting only Quinn, or I guess now Kellin. Jaime and Tony walked away, going to the horses to prepare them for any kind of travel. But mainly to let Kellin and I have some kind of privacy.

I looked up at him, marveling. 187 years, 6 realms, hundreds upon thousands of towns, cities, and I finally found my Orbis, my soul mate, in a clearing in the woods. He smiled down at me, blue eyes crinkling like Quinn's had whenever he smiled at me.

"I finally found you," I whispered, placing my hand on his cheek. My thumb traced his lips, his cheek, soft. "I remember you, but only you. Not before I met you, but just you," he whispered and I licked my lips.

His eyes followed the movement before hesitating just a second. Finally he leaned down and brushed his lips over mine, just the faintest touch. But it meant so much to me.

He deepened the kiss, my arms moving around his shoulders and neck. He held me tighter, lips moving with mine in our familiar dance. Something I hadn't felt in too long.

Once again, I felt complete, whole. I missed him, and this time, I wasn't going to let him go.

A/N: I had no idea how to end this, so yeah. I ended it there lol. Hope you liked this, and did I do okay Emily? Sorry if I stole your Orbis thing, but hey, it's kinda like what you wanted. Kisses! 😘


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