Teenage Dirtbag (Harry Styles...

By LeighLove

60K 1.8K 462

Leigh Anne Pinnock and Jade Thirlwall move into a new apartment together. Their neighbors are good looking gu... More

Her Name is Leigh Anne, I Have A Dream About Her
Her Boyfriend's A Dick
He Brings A Gun To School
But She Doesn't Know Who I Am
And She Doesn't Give A Damn About Me
Teenage Dirtbags
She Rings My Bell
He Lives On My Block
She Doesn't Know What She's Missing
She's Walking Over To Me
I'm Just A Teenage Dirtbag Like You
Lo And Behold
I Feel Like Mold
Why Does She Give A Damn About Me

My Lips Start To Shake

2.2K 94 24
By LeighLove

"I knew she had it in her!"

Leigh Anne snapped out of her shock to look over at Perrie who was now wiping her face off with one of Jesy's rags. She didn't seem disgusted that there were dead bodies all around them - she didn't even seem scared that she just murdered a man in cold blood. What was wrong with these people? Leigh Anne could feel her lungs tightening as she struggled to breathe again, a warm hand rubbed her back causing her to relax alittle but not enough to make her stop crying. What was going to happen to her now? Could she go to prison for this? And how long? She would not last one day in prison and she knew that. Her life was over now.

A gun shot caused her to jump and scream, her brown eyes looking over to where a bloody and bruised Louis stood. He held a gun in his hand as he smirked down at the body below him. "One," he said as he turned to walk over to where Zayn was standing and pulled the trigger again on the man Zayn killed. "Two..." he lifted his gun up and squinted alittle before shooting twice. One at the body Leigh Anne killed and one at the guy Perrie and Jesy attacked, "Three...four..." He glanced over at the body with a huge gaping whole in it. "Five...there's no need for me to shoot that one again. Jesy did enough to that poor lad. Great job, babe!" Jesy winked and gave him a thumbs up. He turned his gun to where Niall was and shot the body in front of him. "Six...hmmm..." His eyes looked around the darkened pub and a deep frown filled his features as realization dawned on him. "Oh fuck!"

"What?" Zayn asked curiously as he cracked his now sore knuckles. Bashing a guys head in sure did a lot of damage to your own hand while doing damage to the guy's head.

"Six...there's six bodies!"

"Yeah...good counting there, Lou. Glad Sesame Street taught ya somethin'." Niall replied sarcastically but Louis was not amused. "What's up?" he asked when he noticed that for once Louis was not in a joking mood.

"Six bodies, ya idiots! Seven men walked in this pub! One of them escaped!" Louis yelled as he threw his hands up in the air in frustration. "Do ya understand why I'm freakin' the fuck out now?!?"

"Shit." Zayn muttered as he looked around the pub, "One of them ran off during it all like the little coward they are. They all seen our faces...which means we are fucked. Royally fuckin' fucked."

"Exactly!" Louis exclaimed. "Who knew the Scorpions were such pussies?"

"I did." Niall replied as him, Jesy, and Perrie raised their hands. "What do we do? If he goes to the others than we're movin' targets now. They know my pub...they know where me and Jes live now. It's too soon to strike with the fuckin' fuzz on our trail."

Harry continued to soothingly rub Leigh Anne's back as she stayed in her own little world. He knew that it was going to take awhile for her to be ok because unlike him and the others, she was not use to this. She had killed her first man and unknowingly became part of the crew and he wanted to asure her he'd take care of her - that she'd be fine and the cops will never know she was here - but right now they had a bigger problem. He glanced over to Zayn to see he was thinking the same thing and they exchanged nods before Harry got off the ground and slowly helped Leigh Anne up.

"Zayn and I are goin' back to the apartments. Perrie, Jesy, and Niall, you guys go with Louis since his place is across the city." Harry said. Everyone looked at him in confusion. "I know this is not the right time to get everythin' in motion but we have no other choice. Tomorrow we attack. We know they're comin' so I say we give them a big welcome." Perrie smirked evilly as Louis and Niall bumped fists.

Jesy looked over at Leigh Anne, "And what about her? She ain't looking too good right now." she asked as she took in Leigh's pale face. "She gonna be down for this?"

Harry shook his head, "She ain't apart of this."


"I said she ain't apart of this." Harry snapped as he glared over at Perrie who quickly shut her mouth. "That means nothing." He said as he pointed to the dead body. "It was just her trying to save me. Tonight she's coming back to my place." That caused everyone to look at him in shock. If she wasn't part of it then why was Harry going to let her into the apartment? That took a lot of trust.

"We'll see." Perrie announced before crossing her arms, "I already told you, Styles. She can't leave you."


Liam had no choice but to call his partner to the scene and once Timothy made it over he highly regretted doing so. Timothy Hall was a middle aged man with a wife and three kids, he had taught Liam mostly everything he knew and had the temper of a boiling teapot but he was also Liam's partner and teacher. He was still alittle pissed about Timothy manhandling Zayn earlier - he didn't believe in doing that to people unless he had a reason - but he was sure his partner might keep his attitude in check now.

"What we got?" Timothy asked as he approached Liam. His blue eyes glanced over to see Zayn and Harry's apartment door open causing him to smirk, "Aww good job, rookie. Ya got the papers to get in this piece of shit?"

Liam frowned, "No...Jade...I mean their neighbor across the hall called me and said she was coming home and found it broken into. Weird thing is nothing was stolen..." He watched as Timothy's smile widened letting him know all he needed to. "Really, Hall? Ya broke into without a warrant? Anything we find in there now can't be used in court!"

"Fuck court. I just wanted to see what these assholes were hiding and I found some interesting things. We may not be able to use this against them but at least now we know we're on the right path."

Liam sighed and rubbed his tired eyes. Timothy had been on the force for over twenty years so now why was he acting so stupid? Should he go to the others about this because it was illegal and he was basically harrassing these people now. He felt a tight grip on his shoulder and looked up to find Timothy gazing at him with dark and threatening eyes.

"Ya don't tell anyone about this ya hear? I'm doin' this town a favor! If you turn on me - your partner - I will take yer ass down too. Got it, kid?"

"Is that a threat, Hall?"

"It's a damn promise. You gotta understand that sometimes ya gotta take matters into yer own hands. My gut told me these boys were freaks and my gut was right. We're on the right path, Payne. We just gotta stick the knife in and twist it on these killers."

Liam heard some people coming down the hall and looked to find it was none other than the topic of their discussion. Zayn, Harry, and Leigh Anne made their way towards them and for some reason Leigh looked really upset causing Liam to frown and glare at Harry whose arms were securely around her. In the weeks of knowing the girl, Liam has never seen her upset. She was just like Jade - always happy and friendly, so whatever happened must've been very bad.

"Hey Leigh...ya ok?"

"She's fine." Harry spoke up with some harshness to his tone. He looked up to Liam then over to Timothy with a slight frown, "What's going on here?"

"Ya broke into our apartment?" Zayn asked as he noticed their door open. "That's illegal, mate! Ya can't do that shit without a warrant!"

"What makes you think it was us?" Timothy asked back with a smile, "We got a call from yer neighbor across the hall and she says she came home to find the place broken in. We could come in and -"

"You're not doin' shit." Zayn replied before walking past Liam and Timothy and into their apartment. "Real fuckin' cute, Officer Hall, trash the place." Before Timothy could reply, Zayn shot him a murderous look, "And don't you try that 'it wasn't me' bullshit. From the looks of it my door wasn't kicked down...looks like someone had a key." His hazel eyes went to Liam who looked down in return.

"Ahh so you're the officer that came to talk to Zayn?" Harry asked as he finally took a good look at the older man. "He tells me you gave him quite a shaking..."

"Look we just came to let you know what happened to your apartment." Liam spoke up finally. He could tell his partner was getting angry and the last thing he needed was for this to go out of control. He needed to keep it civilized and professional. "If you wanna make a police report -"

"Yeah I report that that asshole over there broke into our apartment!" Zayn yelled as his eyes narrowed in on Timothy. It was a long night and the last thing he needed was some cop invading their privacy without evidence.

"Watch yer mouth, kid. I'm an officer. I can arrest yer ass for disrespecting me."

"Oh yeah? Gonna tell your lieutenant that it was you who did this?"

"I'd like to see ya prove that -"

"Guys!" The four men looked over to Leigh Anne who finally seemed to be shaken out of her daze. Her eyes were hard on Timothy but when she looked over to Liam they looked soft and pleading. "Can we just get to bed? I've had a very long day and...if the guys don't wanna make a police report they don't have to."

Liam nodded, "Sure, Leigh...we'll just -"

"You guys went and got yourselves a little lady to lie for you now?" Timothy interrupted as he looked at Leigh Anne. "Sweetheart, you have no idea what yer gettin' yourself into. I hope life in prison is worth whatever these guys are giving you."

That got to Harry, he stepped before Leigh Anne before sizing the officer before him down. Usually he could keep his temper under control but tonight was not the night for that. Between one of the guys getting away and Leigh Anne being upset, he had no patience.

"Watch what you say to her, mate." Harry replied, the corner of his lips going up in a small smirk. "I'd hate for those words to come back and bite ya in the ass. She has nothing to do with what you think is going on so I suggest you and your buddy here leave.  Unless you have something on us or are here to arrest us then I don't want to see you around here again, got it?"

"That sounds like a threat, Styles."

Harry gave him a charming smile, "Just a mere suggestion, officer." His eyes went over to Liam who remained quiet through the whole thing, "And see you soon, Officer Payne. Real soon."


"I can't believe they trashed our place." Zayn exclaimed when they finally made it into the apartment and closed the door. He looked around the place that he just cleaned and let out a sigh of frustation. It was nearing four in the morning and he just wanted to sleep. He was positive that asshole cop trashed their rooms too. "I'm gonna kill him. He's mine. I swear on my life he's dead."

Leigh Anne looked over to Zayn with a scared look, "You're not gonna harm Liam are you?" Both guys stopped and stared at her with unreadable expressions making her even more worried. "You guys can't hurt Liam...he's my friend."

Zayn looked over to Harry before muttering, "This ones all you. I'm gonna take a shower then go to bed. I need sleep." He walked past a confused Leigh Anne before placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You did good today, Leigh. I'm proud of ya..." He glanced over to Harry, "But there's still some things you don't know."

"Like what?" She asked, her eyes went from Zayn over to Harry who sat on the couch. Zayn didn't reply as he quickly threw off his coat and went to make his way into the bathroom. She took the silence as time to observe their dark apartment. Harry was right when he said his was nothing like hers. The way it was built was identical to hers; but unlike having a little corner for a table or in Jade's case her bows there was plastic on the ground with a lone chair there. Their walls had no pictures or anything on them and some of them were even cracked. Even the kitchen was completely empty making Leigh wonder if the guys even ate.

"Not what you expected, huh?" Harry's deep voice shook her out her thoughts as she turned to look at the back of his head as he remained on the couch. They had a small television on an old wooden stand with a coffee table in front of it but even that only had ashtrays and plastic on it. The apartment looked like no one lived there at all because it was so empty.

"Nope. Not at all."

He chuckled, "Disappointed?"

"I don't even know. I don't know what to feel anymore. Within a week my life did a complete turn around."

Harry turned his head to look at her finally and she noticed his brows furrowed as he frowned. She felt like maybe she offended him but since they were being honest with each other finally she decided it was time to just say what was on her mind and there was a lot. Like for one what was she going to tell Jade? Should she even tell Jade?

"Don't worry. We're not going to kill your little boyfriend Liam." he said in a tone that caused her to burst out in laughter. His face looked like a little kid's who just got told he can't have any cookies. Jealousy was so adorable on him that it almost made Leigh Anne forget he was a murderer and not some regular boyfriend with trust issues.

"Liam's not my boyfriend. You are, remember?" She smiled when he seemed to relax at that. She finally decided to walk over to him and join him on the couch - Harry stayed staring forward at nothing in particular but she knew he had a lot on his mind. "You ok?"

"I should be asking you that." His hand came up to rest on her knee as he squeezed lightly, "I'm a horrible boyfriend. Sorry...but you're kinda my first real girlfriend so I'm not good at this."

"Yeah I guess having your girlfriend kill someone about to kill you isn't romantic..." She trailed off as her mind went back to the pub. "Should I...should I tell someone about that?" She looked at him with an unsure look causing him to smile and lean forward with his hands cradling her face, "I killed a man, Harry."

"Welcome to the club, babe. But you're not telling anyone because you're not going down for that. Niall and Jesy will handle those bodies, ok? You just go home and relax..." He frowned as he thought about something, "Actually I want you to get Jade and stay at your parents' place for awhile...I can't risk you getting caught between everything."

"You think they'll come after me and Jade?" Leigh Anne asked incredulously, "Jade...I have to go check on her now...that cop said she was home and was the one that saw your guys' door was open...what if they go after her or..."

Harry pressed a quick kiss to her lips to calm her down. "It's ok. They don't know where we are...yet. Go to your place and talk to Jade. Tell her the truth or lie it doesn't matter as long as you guys are out by morning. They'll be coming and since they didn't see your face you'll be safe for awhile."

Leigh Anne nodded before quickly getting up. She wanted to run to Jade and grab all her things and get safe now but something was stopping her as she stared down at Harry. "What about you?" she asked sadly. She remembered what he told the others at the pub and she saw what the Scorpions were capable of. The last thing she wanted was for Harry to go to war.

"I'll be fine." He gave her a reassuring smile but she wasn't convinced. "I promise. I'll call you later to check on you...I won't go without saying goodbye."

Her heart dropped, "Goodbye?"

"Just...go check on Jade and come back. We'll talk more. I'll leave the door unlocked."

That made Leigh Anne feel a little better but she did not feel comfortable about him saying bye to her. Was he leaving or did that mean something else? Something more final?

"I'll be right back."


Leigh Anne made her way into her apartment and noticed all the lights were off. Usually they left the kitchen light on because they loved to snack at night - something her and Jade said they'd stop - but it wasn't. There was a shift in the air and for some reason Leigh couldn't tell what it was.

"Jade?" She tapped on her bedroom door only for it to open by itself. That was odd, Jade always locked her bedroom door. "Jade?" Leigh walked in and almost tripped over her mess on the floor. Jade was just as messy as her and she had to remind herself again to clean the place when this whole 'fiasco' was over. "Jade? Are you sleeping?" When she turned on the light and looked over at the bed she let out a loud gasp.

Jade's usually white bedsheets where covered in red. Leigh Anne moved closer to the bed and touched the sheets causing the blood to cover her fingertips. "J-Jade?" She whimpered as her lips and whole body began shaking. She felt this fear plenty of times before but now it was real. One of her worst nightmares came true, "JADE!" 

She pulled off the sheets of the bed and spotted Jade's motionless body laying there as blood pooled out from the side of her head. Her light brunette hair was messy as her skin looked pale, like she was dying or was possibly dead already. Tears spilled out Leigh Anne's eyes as she ran to her friend and craddled her in her arms.

"Jade! Please, Jade! Wake up! Wake up!" Before she could reach into her jeans and pull out her phone to call for help a bag was wrapped around her head causing her to scream and struggle.

"Hold still, bitch! You're next!"


A/N: I hope you guys notice all the times Leigh Anne got scared that something happened to Jade was foreshadowing to this ; ) Also last chapter was the most likes I got on the story so yayy!! I take it you all just like the violence though lol. Next chapter will be very violent and will be on the Little Mix girls because something bad happens. Uh oh. Also the One Direction gif on the side has nothing to do with the story I just love their expressions lol

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