The Exceptional Twins

By SkinnyLizzy

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It was 13th August, and Emily and Michelle were 16 today. They were both ‘popular’ at Eton High Secondary; an... More

Chapter 1 - Double Birthday
Chapter 2 - Not Your Everyday Party
Chapter 3 - An Unexpected Birthday Present...
Chapter 4 - Working Together With New People
Chapter 5 - Parental Transportation
Chapter 6 - Shock And More Suprises
Chapter 7 - Amy Has Powers!
Chapter 9 - Unexpected Guests

Chapter 8 - Wedding Planner...And A Disappearance

118 2 2
By SkinnyLizzy

Hey, fans. Since this is the most read one so far, I thought I'd upload some more of this :)

Enjoy :D


Kirstin smiled shyly. "We would have told you, but what with Amy trying to kill..." Her angelic voice trailed off. James murmured something in her ear, and she giggled. I loved her tinkling laugh; it was cute.

"Right." Emily was shocked. Well, stunned for ones of a better word. "I'd better make plans for the wedding, then," 

"Oh, would you please, Emily? We'll pay for it and everything,"

"Sure. I helped plan my friends' sisters' wedding. When she saw it, she was in tears for almost an hour,"

"Thanks, Emily. You're the best,"

Emily got out her phone, and to type up notes for the wedding plans. "First thing's first: where do you want the wedding-" Emily looked up, but Kirstin and James were in the middle of a passionate kiss. 

"I'll leave you two alone, and we can talk about this later," Emily said, then looked at Kirstin's friends and family, then Dannii; then she tip-toed away. As soon as her foot hit the ground, Kirstin and James broke away, and looked at Emily; Kirstin grinning childishly.

"Sorry," Emily bit her lip. "God, that was embarrassing," Emily thought, slightly blushing.

"It's okay. We should all be getting back to the house, anyway," Kirstin said, reading Emily's thoughts again. 

Was there anything Kirstin couldn't do?

"I can't play chess, if that's what you mean," Kirstin said with a mischievous grin.

Emily was shocked; as Kirstin giggled. James joined Kirstin in her laughter, after she's explained what I'd been thinking. Dannii just looked confused.

"Don't worry, Dannii." Emily grinned at Kirstin. "I'll explain later,"

"Come on then, everyone," Kirstin said, "The vampires who arrived here via my messages, you come too. I'll meet you all back at my house."

With that, they all departed from the now shredded, torn house; and went to Kirstin's house.

While we were running, Dannii still had the confused look on her face.

"What's wrong, Dannii?" Emily asked through her new telepathy power. "You look confused,"

"I'm your 'protector'. I was supposed to die back there with Amy's so called 'parents'. But Jake ran away, and Amy got her phone call...Whatever that was about...It was my destiny for me to die as a sacrifice for you!"

They slowed down to a stop, and Emily sent a quick message to Kirstin through her thoughts:

"I'll be there in a bit. Just give me ten minutes, or so. I need to talk to Dannii, my wolf-girl."

"Okay. Meet up at the house when your done, my little wedding planner." 

Emily thought James was very lucky to have such a beautiful wife-to-be.

"James says thanks, and if any guy hurts you, he'd be a fool and a complete asshole," Kirstin thought.

"Thank him back, please. Won't be long. Oh yeah, do you have my parents there too?"

"Yeah, your dad smells like the woods and rain, and your mum smells like lavender and roses,"

Emily sighed, a smile playing at her lips.

"I've sent a message to Kirstin, saying we'll meet her in a bit. What are you talking about? I thought-"

"It was my destiny to die back there in Amy's house. I'm your 'protector'."

"Destinys can change, depending on what we decide,"  Emily sighed again.

"You sound like Alice," Dannii giggled out. Emily joined in her laughter, and were laughing away like the best friends they were.

"Come on, we'd better get back to Kirstin's house."

"Alright, Em," Dannii recovered from her fit of giggles, then looked eager.

"Wanna race back? Now you know my secret, might as well test how fast I can go against you."

"Sure. I'll use my telepathy to count down,"

Dannii nodded, her hair bobbing with her.

"Ready...Steady..." Dannii Changed into her wolf form, grinning cheekily. "Go!" 

They were off. Emily had to admit, Dannii was quite fast.

"Okay, let's see how fast you can go when you really push it,"  Emily said into Dannii's head.

Emily zoomed across the forest floor, and Dannii slowed up and stared after her. Emily got back to Kirstin's house in a few seconds.

"Wow," Dannii thought to herslef in disbelief. "She's a lot faster than when she was human, at least,"

Dannii Changed back to her human form, and decided to walk the rest of the way on her two human feet. Suddenly, something grabbed her from behind, and held a cloth over her mouth and nose. It pulled her into the darkness of the unconciousness...

Dannii woke with a start, with a bloody figure, a spike through it's head in front of her. The look of him brought back a painful flashback she'd never seen before; but she didn't have a choice. 

Dannii was with her mother and father, and was a lot younger; perhaps 4 years old. She had long, curly hair that cascaded down her back to her waist.

Suddenly, pale skinned, red eyed things came from the other side of the park; clawing their way out from mouldy graves. Her mother's eye caught one with elongated cainines.

Was that even possible? Their skin was so pale, it looked like paper.

Her mother shoved a piece of pale pink paper into her dainty hands.

"Don't open this until you're safe. Do you understand me, Lillian? Not until you're safe."

Dannii then watched herself nod sweetly. "Yes, mother. Of course,"

It sounded like her, but her name was Danielle, not Lillian.

"There's my good girl. Now run. Run as fast as you can, back to nanny's house, and tell her that they've found us. We will stay, but you must take care of yourself, until you're old enough to understand," She kissed her forehead, then gave a sad smile.

"But what do you mean-?"

But her mother was already gone.

Lillan/Danielle watched as the pale things out their white teeth to their necks, and look back up at her with blood dripping down their chins.

they were sacrificing themselves for her!

She got really frightened, and started running with her tiny legs back to her grandmother's house.

A terrible fire went through her body, as she slowly transformed into a small werewolf.

Dannii's hand automatically went to her jacket pocket, and she felt the piece of paper about the size of a bar of soap. As she pulled it out, the flashback blurred and faded into nothing. She now stood in reality once again, and Jake's lifeless body and head separate hung in front of her; the blood congealed around the edges.

"Eww!" Dannii whispered, scooting hastily away. She still held the small piece of pink paper in her hand; within the safety of her jacket. "Isn't that Jake? Your father? What happened?" She looked up at Amy, who was glaring at her with car-like eyes: the pupils dilated slits.

"And what happened to you eyes-?"

Amy Changed. She was a creature Dannii hadn't seen before; not even in dreams or comic books.

Amy Black was a Runderer.

"You murdered my father!" Amy screeched in a voice so inhuman it was unreal.


"Where's the wolf-girl?" Kirstin asked Emily.

"Her name is Dannii," Emily bit her lip, wondering the same thing.

"Fine. Where's Dannii?" Kirstin corrected, a slight hint of impatience in her voice. It went as soon as it came.

Where was Dannii?

"You mean you don't know?" Kirstin said in disbelief.

"No." Emily answered, her voice sounding like it would crack. "I don't."

She held back her tear of losing Dannii, then let herself sob.


The memory blurred and faded, as Dannii clutched the small, pale pink piece of paper in her hand, within her jacket pocket.

She now stood in reality once again, with Jake's lifeless body and his head tossed to the side.

"Eww," Dannii whispered. "What happened to him? Who did this?"

She looked up at Amy; who was scowling as she glared at her, with glowing green cat eyes.

"And what happened to your eyes-?"

Amy Changed.

She was a creature Dannii had only ever seen once before.

Amy Black was a Runderer.


Yeah. Didn't expect that, huh?

Soo tired...

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