High school problems

By Zarrothisthebestship

1.4K 55 25


My first day
Dont touch Zuzu!!!
Aarons first attack
School play
School play~part two
Garroth stop...not really
Why do i feel this way?!

Lost a brother

109 6 1
By Zarrothisthebestship

Garroths pov
It's been three weeks, Zane won't talk to me at all. Michi has been rubbing it in as well. I can't stand silence between us but I won't be the first to speak. I can't even mutter up the courage to speak to him. I don't know words that can describe how I feel.
Zanes pov
School is ending. Feels like only yesterday it just started. I haven't talked to Garroth and I have no plans on doing so. I finally saved up enough money to buy my own place. It's on mystreet. Seems pretty cool. I do miss Garroth, but I can't be with him. He's my brother. Michi said she'd move near by. I guess I'm fine being with her. Maybe I'll ask her out. I saw a poster on the wall for prom. Soon a crowd of girls and boy's and girls surrounded me. "Please go with me! Omg I love you!" People yelled. "Wait what?!" I asked. "Duh! Alpha mief'wa Michi made you alpha male!" A girl yelled. "Back off you losers! That's my alpha." Michi said. Every stepped aside making a path for her to walk to me. "Zane, will you go to prom with me?" She asked. She looked beautiful. Her hair draped over her shoulders. Her eyes looked golden. "Of course." I answered. I saw Garroth walk by and my heart sunk.

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