Thoughts From My Insanity

By PenvsSword

1.7K 68 56

I attempt to reveal to you the thought processes (or the lack thereof) within my cranium. I may not be known... More

Thoughts From My Insanity
the Next, Next, Next, Next Day
Various Jokes
I have to clue what I'm gonna talk about
Gilbert and Sullivan
Ogden Nash
My friends are only half as crazy as I am
Things To Tell Your Progeny
I feel like blathering
New things to comment at the end of the chapter.
New Ways To Comment
iPod Songs for Naruto Characters
Oh, the Horror!!!!!
A mistake a Taco Bell
ARGH! I'm in need of a game!

A Rant

98 6 6
By PenvsSword

You know, i would think that on a site specifically made for emerging writers there would be more comments. Truly I can't figure out why it is that people don't comment more often, it is not like it is all that hard. Mind you, I am guilty of doing the same thing, I'll go read a story and get so caught up reading that I don't comment, but at least when I read a story I try to remember to leave a comment. It really drives me nuts that there is a very small number of people that comment on my stories even though there is a fair number of readers. Mind you I'm not ranting about those people that click on your story just so they can read the little information blurb on the first page, I'm talking abou the people that read on through past the third chapter and still don't let you know what they think of your story. Is it really that much of an inconveniance to type out a short message at the bottom of the chapter letting the author know what you liked about it?

But, I digress, at leasty on the topic of comments. Now votes on the other hand, those I can understand being stingy with votes. Votes are like endorsing an entire story. That may not be something you want to do considering that you only liked that joke about a sparkely purple smurf. but if you like the story then you may want to think about voteing more than once or twice. And for petes sakes if you like a story well enough to vote then don't just vote for the chapter where the main charactor gets drunk and falls off of his roof.

On another note, THANKS to all of the people that actually comment and vote for this chapter.

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