
By shadowcat12345

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Sequel to avi kaplan x reader When Avi asks you to marry him what could go wrong? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 13

223 10 2
By shadowcat12345

*Avi POV*
          I look down at my chest and smile as I pull Y/N onto my lap. She smiles and cuddles into my chest. I kiss her forehead and look up at Andrew. "She asleep." I whisper and Andrew smiles at me. "Thanks Avi. Although I didnt expect her to fall asleep so quick." He says worried. I look back down at Y/N and back to him. "She hasn't been eating, and I don't think she has been sleeping well either." I say and I hear Andrew grumble. "Again! I told her she needs to sleep and eat otherwise her dark side will eat her alive." 'Please tell me I heard that wrong.' 'Nope you heard right.'  "Andrew what do you mean by that?"  I ask scared. He looks surprised. "You wernt supposed to hear that." He says and I glare up at him. "Well i did now what do you mean by 'her dark side will eat her alive?'" I ask myslef turning a bit dark.
          "I am saying that her dark side would consume her body and tske complete control. She has to eat and sleep. If she won't willingly you have to force her to. She might hate you but it has to be done." Andrew says and I look down at Y/N. 'Oh dragon what have you gotten into this time?' 'This time? Are you refering to all those times she ran away? Cuse if you are then you need a trip into mermory lane because all those times it was because of someone being after her.' 'So that doesn't mean that she stops eatting and sleeping!' 'Avriel what had just happened not even three days ago?' 'Mitch got shot.' 'While she was home. What would you do if say Esther got shot?' 'I would spend every second worrying about her but what would that have to do with Y/N not eating or sleeping?' 'Wow Avi. She was to worried about it happening to you or anyone else for that matter.' 'Oh i get it now.' 'Good. Now pay attention they have been trying to get your attention.'
          "AVRIEL!!" "WHAT?" I scream back at F/N. "Thank you for coming back to us. Now would you please stop growling at anyone that comes close to you or Y/N please?" I smile sheepishly and nod. "Thank you. We were starting to get worried." Kirstie says and i look around. I notice that Scott is asleep holding a sleeping Mitch in his arms with Mitches head on his shoulder, Andrew driving with Esther sitting in the passenger seat watching out the window, Kevin holding F/N on his lap and both of them watching a movie. I look over to my left and see kirstie staring fondly at scott and mitch. She turns towards me and mouths. 'I totally ship it' before turning back to the boys. I smile and look down at Y/N only to realize that she is awake and staring up at me. She smiles and puts her head on my shoulder.
*Your POV*
I put my head on Avis shoulder and look at our crew. I smile as i notice scott and Mitch cuddling. 'Aww they are so cute together!  I wish Avi would cuddle me like that oh wait he does.'  I smile at my own thoughts and I cuddle into Avi as much as possible before I glare up at Andrew and jump from Avis lap. "You made him put me to sleep for no reason! I did not need to go to sleep Andrew!" I yell and he smirks at me. "yes you did." He says before his expression turns to a angry face. I have the feeling that I want to shrink but I don't and glare right back. "And what is this that I hear that you are not eating young lady?" He asks and Before I answer F\N screams and everything goes black...

Hey everyone Its shadow and I am sorry for another short chapter but my computer is being a dick so Wow I have a lot of excuses...Alright I am making a promise to you right now. I will update two chapters tomorrow and Hopefully it will be done by midnight. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!


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