Unexpected Love

By wantstoforget

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Alex Parker was just a normal teenage senior! Other than the fact she was a major Tomboy. She had her friends... More

Unexpected Love
Explanation Time
Author's Note
Movie Night
Author's Note:
The Dance
No biggie?
Small Talk
Unwanted Memories


24 3 0
By wantstoforget

Aly woke up the following morning still extremely tired. She's had that same nightmare everynight ever since last month on her birthday. She doesn't really know why but, she knows it's been seriously messing with her sleep schedule.

She hopped out of bed being careful not to wake Fox and plugged her iPod into its speakers. Making sure to put the volume on low cause she knew her dad was still in bed. He has work today so he usually sleeps in until he needs to get ready. After throwing on her white Paramore t- shirt and some black skinny jeans she laced up her black high-top converse and grabbed her backpack. Then she unplugged her iPod and ran downstairs. She didn't quite feel like breakfast this morning so she made some coffee and poured it into a coffee cup and left.

As usual she walked over to Paul's house and met up with him and Zach. The walk to school today was awkwardly silent. Zach tried bringing up what happened last night but Aly nicely said she didn't want to talk about it. After that he dropped it.

Once they got into school they parted ways and went to their lockers. When Aly got to hers she saw a piece of paper peeking out. When she opened her locker it fell out. She picked it up hesitantly and unfolded it to find a note was written on it.

"Meet me where it happened after school...

As she read the note Aly wished she didn't know what it was about... or who it was from. "There's no way I'm going" she told herself. The first bell rang and Aly knew it'd be best if she just forgot the note. On her way to first period she threw it out.

Then came English. Aly knew it was going to be a living hell. She walked in and Derek wasn't there yet. Thank goodness, no awkward stare. Maybe he's not even coming. Not like Derek hasn't skipped before. Then, As if on cue, Derek walked into the classroom with his earbuds in as always. He looked up from his phone and his eyes met Aly's. Her heart began to race. She tried hard not to but she stared for a few seconds before quickly looking down at her desk.

There was plenty to be said between these two but, neither wanted to start. Especially Aly. She knew no good could come from it. The note was still a thought in the back of her head. After Derek went to sit at his desk, the rest of the period was just filled with awkward glances.

Towards the end of class the teacher announced a project. "You'll be working with a partner of my choice for this project. You all need to be better acquainted with your classmates" Of course the one class that Aly basically hates everyone in it or just doesn't talk to them. "I'll be choosing from a hat.. Oh, Derek! Since I asked you to take it off at the beginning of class anyway, how about I use yours" The class chuckled a little while Derek just scowled at the teacher and unwillingly took off his hat and gave it to him.

"Okay first group will be..." He shuffled the papers slightly and grabbed two. "Rachel and Ethan" Aly felt sorry for Rachel already... But then again Rachel used to have a crush on him for who knows what reason.. So maybe she still does. A few groups were called that Aly didn't really know who any of them were, and those she knew she wished she didn't. "Next group.. Aly and.." Can't be too bad right. "Derek" Wrong!

"Are you kidding me!?" She thought to herself but actually said out loud, which she didn't realize until everyone was staring at her.. except Derek. He kept his head down the entire time. Aly could only see one earbud in but it wouldn't surprise her if he didn't hear it at all. "Well I apologize Alex, but don't blame me.. Blame the hat." Aly didn't even look up. This is going to be the most difficult project ever. Best part is Aly was almost certain Derek was asleep during the whole thing so she'd have to tell him.

Finally the bell rang and everyone rushed out as usual. Aly was always the last out cause she keeps all her crap on the desk till the last minute. She was packing her stuff when there was suddenly a shadow hovering over her. She looked up and was startled by Derek's face looking down at her. "We can work on the project at my place, I'll call you." Oh that's right.. Derek still had Aly's number from when they were still friends. Still! How could he be so damn casual right now after all the awkwardness they'd gone through? It wasn't long before Aly realized she was just staring at him as these thoughts raced through her head. "Oh.. Uh-umm, okay.."

And like that he was already out of the classroom. Ugh. Aly grabbed her bag and rushed out to her next class. The rest of the day went by much faster than she wanted it to. And suddenly she was already in biology, last period. She was sitting with Zack who she accidentally kept ignoring. "ALEX" he shout/whispered. She quickly snapped out of it. "Yah yah! I'm so sorry man... Rough day!" She apologized. "Yah I can tell, what's up with you girl!?" He asked, she felt bad cause he seemed seriously concerned. "It's a long story buddy. I'll have to fill you in" And then she was saved by the bell before Zack could protest.

Alright it's the end of the day. "I'm going straight home" Or so she thought.

On her way out she stopped by her locker, she saw that there wasn't another note which caused her to let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. She grabbed her stuff and headed out, but as she walked by the janitors closet she felt a strong grip around her wrist as she was pulled towards it. She was about to scream when she was quickly turned around and pinned against the wall with a hand over her mouth.

She looked up to see the person she had been trying so hard to avoid all day. "Shhh shhh! I'm sorry but I had no choice! You've been avoiding me all day! Please, can we talk!?" He looked Alex deep in the eyes sincerely begging for a chance. "I've been avoiding you for perfectly good reason!" She spat defensively. Alex felt extremely uncomfortable with how cramped this closet was but also how unbearably close she was to Derek. She continued to squirm and avoided eye contact with Derek until he tightened his grip and pushed himself closer to her in order to bring her full attention to his eyes.

She finally looked up and saw the concern in his eyes, she was shocked that Derek even knew what that emotion was. But she was caught in his eyes just like... That night. She felt so vulnerable under his stare.. But it was nearly impossible to look away from those eyes. "Uh-" she started but was cut off. "Listen I know things are weird but you can't just keep avoiding me! We need to talk! Please... Allycat." He pleaded shedding a faint smirk as he finished. His last sentence broke Alex's heart. That was his nickname for her when they were kids.

She completely stopped struggling and froze. "Y-you remember that?" She felt so emotional.. But happy and didn't understand why. Derek became somewhat flustered and looked down to avoid eye contact. "Well.. Of course I do." Something had convinced her at this point, so she just went with her heart. "Okay."  She said. Derek looked up confused, "What?" She continued "We can talk.. But not here. I got quite the mysterious note this morning" she stopped to give him a sassy glare. "We'll talk there."

Derek looked surprised but she could tell he was relieved. "R-really?" He questioned. She nodded. "Only if you finally let go of me and I can get out of this suffocating janitor's closet. I don't quite enjoy being pressed up against you." She tried to say it with confidence but being reminded of their position made her blush. "Oh!! O-of course!" He backed away as much as possible, Aly could've sworn she saw him blushing as well. "Sorry..." He said ashamed looking at the floor. She walked out of the closet making sure no one was around. Just before she could walk away Derek quickly grabbed her wrist from behind.

"Wait! So er.. I'll see you tonight then?" She looked back at him and then down to his hand on her wrist. She had this funny feeling in the pit of her stomach, but decided to ignore it. "Guess so." She said quickly and gently pulled her wrist out of grasp and left to go home. Just as she turned the corner Derek sighed rather deeply.

"This should be fun.." They both thought sarcastically.

So yah, this was sitting in my drafts for so damn long. And I just slowly kept adding more when I had the chance. And so here I am bored in guitar class with a sub. And it's finally finished!! Hope you enjoy it, if you still care about this story.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

~Alyssa L.

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