Telling the family

By HeartlandLover1208

32.7K 546 134

After the pregnancy annoncment to Ty, we have a family to tell. How will Amy and Ty tell the family? How will... More

Telling the family
The reaction
The resolution
Authors Note
Month 2
Authors Note
Month 3
Month 4
Month 4 "Telling the family"
Month 5
Month 6
Mothers day special
Another Authors note
Month 7
Month 8
The naming ceremony-Final chapter
Please Read

What he did

1.1K 24 4
By HeartlandLover1208

Amy's POV
I rushed into Lou'd bedroom with constant sobbing. I shook her. "Lou!" I called between sobs, "Lou"

Lou woke up, at first unaware, but then her face wholly changed. She was in sadness at Amy's distress.

"What happened?" Lou asked me, rubbing a hand up and down my back for comfort.

"T-ty h-he got h-h-home l-late and h-he was m-moo-ody and h-he wouldn't tell me w-wh-hat-t was wr-wr-wrong and he told me t-to g-g-g-et o-o-ut," I told my sister. My sobs continued to get so bad that I was having trouble breathing. What if he didn't want the babies now?

"Calm down Amy, think of the babies. You need to calm down. Alright. Please calm down," Lou told me with genuine worry.

I calmed my sobs. But tears were still coming out of my eyes. I rubbed my belly, where my two beauties were. Nothing could make me loose them. Not even my husband. But in my heart I knew I was still truly,deeply in love with him. I just knew it.

Lou comforted me, even though it was near midnight. She didn't care the time, she cared about me. She didn't care for herself in that moment. That was my sister, and I love her for her selflessness and her bravery and how she stays through the rough and tough. I admire her for sticking with Peter through the marriage and every problem though the divorce.


Morning came, I had slept in Lou's bed. She was on the couch when I came out. I could see the concern on her face. I let her be. I walked to the kitchen table where I made myself  some cereal and toast.

I was eating at absolute peace when a certain figure walked through the door. Ty.

"Amy, listen I'm really sorry," Ty started.

"No, you listen. I almost had a heart atrack. I had a panic attack," I was angry now, no I was fuming, "It was hazardous for the twins. How could you do that to me?"

"I love you Amy more than anything. I really love you. I was so rude and mean last night and I can barely forgive myself. It would mean the world to me for you to forgive me. Please Amy," Ty pleaded.

"I love you, too but that is not something you forgive lightly. I cried myself to sleep," I told ty, "I don't do that often."

"Amy." Ty said, his heart crying for me, the pregnant girl who he assumed was beautiful. Right in front of him.

"Ty. I am one and a half weeks from giving birth I- oh! OH! AHHHHH," pains seized my abdomen. They felt as if they were ripping through my belly. Then I realized the truth. The near truth.

I was in labor.

Hey guys. Cliffhanger. How do u like it. Btw this was written on my phone so I dunno of mistakes. Thanks for supporting.

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