Jack Frost Love Story

By fizzcharlie33

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Disclaimer- None of the characters are my own apart from Snow. More

Jack Frost Love Story
The Spirit of Summer
The Spirit of Spring


338 12 5
By fizzcharlie33

I stand with a shocked expression on my face.The moon told her? Does that mean that he talks to her? Why has he never spoken to me? So many questions shoot though my brain that I completely forget that I am staring at Snow. 

"Urm, Jack?" She says, waving her hand in front of my face. I snap out of my thoughts and return to reality. 

"Sorry but I have waited years to meet you." I say smiling at her. She looks a little taken back. also shocked at the fact I know who she is too. 

"Oh, well thank you I guess." She seems a little nervous. Have I come on to strong? Why am I getting nervous? 

"That wasn't meant to sound creepy, I was there when you changed into Snow White. I was sat up there." I say pointing up to the cliff. Snow turns to look but then she turns back with a confused look on her face. 

"What do you mean, when I changed into Snow White?" Maybe she never got told she was someone else before she changed. I know, I could take her to Tooth to get her memories back. I smile at my thought and look up at Snow. I tell her my plan and she seems fine with it. Snow gathers her things and we are ready to set off. I call the wind and I lift off the ground with Snow following close behind. I guess having wings does help. I start to think, should we go to North's place just in case they are all there or should we go straight to Tooth's? I think we will go to Tooth's. I lead Snow though valleys and round mountains until we come to a clearing and the tooth palace is in the distance. I look back to see is Snow was okay, which she was. She flies forward so that she is next to me now. I see a smile grow on her face as we get closer to the palace but it is soon replaced with fear and pain. Her wings start slowing down and she becomes weaker. I grab hold of her hand before she falls to the rocky cliffs bellow. I pull her up and put her on my back. I feel her arms wrap around my chest and a smile creeps onto my face. What is happening? I can't be having feelings for her already, I have only known her about an hour. 

We reach the palace to find no one there. Tooth is no where to be seen. Not even all of the little tooth fairies are around. I hear a little squeak coming from Tooth's version of the globe. I put Snow down and fly over to see who is there. Once I land, I hold up my staff ready to shoot just in case there is something bad behind here. I walk round the globe and see Babytooth sat on the floor, looking at her wings. I put my staff down and kneel beside her.

"Babytooth?" I say, just to let her know that we are here. She looks up me and I can see tears in her eyes. "What happened?" I ask. She squeaks and I understand every word. Tooth and the other fairies have been taken by Pitch. I thought he was gone!? I ask what happened to the other guardians and she tells me that they weren't here, Tooth never called the others for help. That is odd. I pick up Babytooth and walk over to Snow and tell her what she had told me. I start flying towards Norths place. The others need to know!

***At the north pole***

Snow's wings are working now. I don't see why they didn't work earlier but there we go. We arrive at the north pole and everything seems normal. Something odd is going on here. We all walk through the workshop until we get to North's office. No one seems to know what has happened to Tooth. Everyone is acting too normal! I burst through the double doors to see North sitting at his desk, reading the list. He doesn't even flinch when I enter the room. I walk up to the desk and I just wait. 

"Urm, North?" I say nervously. He looks at me over his glasses but then carries on reading.

"North?" I say a bit louder. "NORTH, TALK TO ME!" I say banging my hands down on his desk. But all he does is look at me over his glasses again. 

"Jack, get out!" I sigh and go to leave but I realize, North is never that straight forward, with anyone. I turn back and walk towards his desk. He looks up but this time I notice that his eyes aren't blue like usual, they're gold. Where have I seen those eyes before? I try and remember but my thoughts are cut off when North tackles me to the ground. I here Snow call my name. I look up and see her running towards me but the door slams in here face before she has a chance. I look back up at North who isn't North any more but Pitch. How could I have forgotten those eyes! They have been haunting me for years! 

"Pitch?" I can barely talk. I don't know what has come over me. 

"Hello Jack, did you miss me?" He grins down at me with his eyes glowing brighter than ever before. 

"No not really. What have you done with North and Tooth?" I try to keep it together but inside I am loosing it. My family is in danger! I have to warn Bunny about this! Then we can find the others together. I punch Pitch around the jaw which stuns him. I take this chance to burst through the door, grab Snow's wrist and Babytooth and I fly out of the window. I have to get to Bunny first! I need to protect my family!

Okay, sorry if that part was a little bit short and I am sorry that it was late as well! I hope you guys like it! If you want to be in the next chapter, leave your name in the comments and I will try and fit you in. Thank you all for reading, love you guys.

Holly x

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