The Spirit of Spring

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I wake up with a smile on my face. I sit up, straighten down my dress and hair and I walk towards the door. I walk over to the main house where everyone is eating. As I walk in the room, I look over at Jack who is also looking over at me. We both smile and I can feel myself blush. I walk over to the long table and sit in the empty seat in front of Jack and next to Peyton. I can feel my face getting warmer and warmer. I try and ignore it and I carry on eating breakfast with everyone else. Today we are going to meet the spirit of spring. I hope Jack doesn't have bad history with her as well. After we finish breakfast, we gather our things and we head off again. This journey is going to take a bit longer than the last one, but I don't mind. It gives me time to think. I start thinking about Pitch and the fact that the Guardians only got rid of him a few days ago. Surely he would need longer to recover. Something is up. But my thoughts are interuppted when I feel a snowball hit my back. I stop in my tracks and I can hear Jack's laughter behind me. I form a snowball in my hand and turn to face him with a smile on my face. Jack walks closer to me but as soon as he is a few feet in front of me, I raise my arm, throw the snowball and I hit Jack sqaure in the face. I can't help but laugh. Jack stands there in shock and I use this time to carry on walking and rejoin the others. I look behind me and see that he is now running towards so I also pick up the pace. We both break into a sprint but Jack is a lot fast than me and he catches up and tackles me to the floor. We both lay on the ground laughing until silence falls on us both.

"Jack? Snow? Where are guys?" We hear Bunny call from further up the path. We both get to our feet and catch up with the others.

"Where were you two?" Peyton says with a little smirk.

"We were just playing, that's all." Jack says also smirking. The only person who isn't smiling is Bunny.

"This is serious Jack! North and Tooth are missing and we don't have long to find them. Christmas is coming up soon and if North isn't around then we are in trouble. This is no time for playing games." Bunny says trying to hold back tears. I instantly feel bad. I haven't even met North or Tooth but I can see that they mean a lot to Bunny. We carry on walking but there is no more smiling. Jack and I walk with our heads down behind Bunny and Peyton. We all walk in silence until Peyton collapses in pain in front of me.

"Peyton? Peyton what's wrong?" I shout but she is in too much pain that she can't reply. Bunny starts panicing and Jack just doesn't know what to do. Peyton starts shouting and screaming.

"He's in my head! GET HIM OUT. My wings! MY WINGS!" I look down at her wings and they are no longer the pure yellow colour they were a few minutes ago. They are turning black and they're drooping. I go to help Peyton up but then a sudden pain appears in my head. I clutch my head and it feels like someone is sqeezing it! I scream out in pain too and I fall to the floor next to Peyton. I hear whispers in my head.

"Snow White! Finally I have found you. You think you could hide from me. Silly girl. Silly silly girl!" The voice keeps repeating these words and then something on my back starts burning. I manage to look back at my wings. They are turning black just like Peyton's. It hurts so much. Tears fall from my eyes and land on the dry, dirt path. I can hear Jack saying my name. I can tell he is shouting it but to me it sounds like a whisper. A ringing starts in my ears and then my vision goes black. What's happening?

Jack's POV

After Bunny had a go at us we have all been walking in silence. That is until Peyton falls to the floor in pain. Snow rushes to her side and asks her what's wrong but she can't reply. Peyton then starts shouting and screaming. I look around to see if I could see anyone that could help but we are in the middle of nowhere! Peyton finally says something through her screams.

"He's in my head! GET HIM OUT. My wings! MY WINGS!" we all look down at her wings and see that they are changing colour. I look up at Snow, remembering that she has had trouble with her wings too. She goes to help Peyton but then Snow grabs her head and also falls to the floor. Oh no! The same thing starts happening to Snow. Bunny is freaking out. I have no idea what to do. Snow starts screaming and shouting like Peyton was. Peyton then passes out and Bunny rushes to her side as I try and help Snow. She whispers something that I only just make out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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