Jack Frost Love Story

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"Felicia! Get back here now!" My dad yells at me. Why can't he just leave me alone? His fists are clenched and he is running towards me. I run as fast as I can but I can't seem to outrun him. I reach the edge of town and start running through the woods. I hear the snow crunching under my feet as I dodge the many trees and bushes. I come into a clearing where there is a large frozen lake. I can't stop in time so I slide onto the lake and finally stop right in the middle. I turn around and see my dad at the edge of the lake looking at me. I am too out of breath to continue running so I just stand still. He starts walking out onto the ice. As he does, I walk backwards. I can hear the ice starting to crack underneath my feet. My heartbeat increases, knowing what is going to happen next. My dad smiles at me and then runs back to the edge of lake. I start to calm down but then I notice the massive crack under my feet. I look up and the last thing I see is my dad laughing at me. Then darkness. I feel the cold water surround my body as I go deeper into the lake. I see the moon. Getting closer and closer. It looks as if it is smiling at me. That is the last thing I see, then my vision goes black.

My eyes flutter open and I notice that I am under water. I see the Man on the Moon looking at me. As I rise out of the water, I gasp for air. I wipe all the water of my face but as I do, snow falls off my hands. I look down at myself in the ice and I see someone I don't know looking back at me. She has white long hair going down to her lower back, bright blue eyes and she is dressed in a short ice blue dress (like tinkerbells dress). This girl is me. But who am I? I look back up at the moon and he speaks to me. He doesn't tell me much. He tells me my name. Snow White, the winter fairy. I'm a fairy?! And I am pretty sure that Snow White is a princess in a story. I look back down at my reflection and something catches my eyes. A pair of wings fluttering on my back. I stand up straight and look at my surroundings. I feel like I have been here before. I start walking through the woods until I reach the nearest village. Once I find one, I start trying to talk to people, asking them where I am. I notice a few kid running towards me. I crouch down in front of them, ready to ask them where I am but as I start to speak, they run straight through me! Am I not real? Am I a ghost? I panic and fly up into the air and run away. Tears running down my face. Why me? I find a tree and I sit on the branch and cry. I look up at the moon and ask him, why me? But he doesn't reply. I don't think he every will!

Jack's POV

I fly up and sit up on the hill over looking the lake and the nearest village. I love sitting up here as the sun is going down. I have only been Jack Frost for a couple of weeks. I sit up here and wait for the moon to see if he has anything to tell me, but he never does. Tonight is just another night. The birds are singing, I can hear the children laughing in the distance. Everything is just right. Until I hear a man shouting at the top of his voice.

"Felicia! Get back here now!" I tense up, holding my staff ready to shoot until a girl about my age runs out of the woods and onto the ice. I can see this ending very badly. This is the same lake I fell into only a few weeks ago.I see the man run out of the woods and step onto the ice. He starts walking towards her and she starts walking back. The mans fists are clenched and ready to punch. I really want to help but they can't see me. How can I help? I hear the ice start cracking under their feet. Oh no. I try and shout out to her, telling her to run but she can't hear me. The man smiles at her and then walks back to the edge of the lake. I let out a sigh of relief. I look at the girl and see she is looking down at the ice. I look at the her feet and I see the huge crack underneath her. I get up and attempt to fly over to her but as soon as I stand, the ice caves in and she falls into the ice cold water. Oh no. I fall to my knees as I watch her fall into the deep lake. I look back over to where the man was standing only to see that he is gone. How can he just stand there and watch her die? I look up and notice that the moon is now in the sky. Usually I would ask him why I am here and why he chose me but tonight is going to be different.

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