The Magician's Secret (boyxbo...

By Ringtower

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Areon Halfcrest moves to a new city two weeks before graduation. He hopes to just have a casual two weeks til... More

Read First
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11.5
Chapter 12
Character lists
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 19.5
Chapter 20
Chapter 20.5
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Smut Chapter
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (Last Chapter)

Chapter 11

3.8K 190 24
By Ringtower

Pic of Bella Thorne as Della

Aragon p.o.v.

"She's going to most likely be fine," Kai says as he cleans my mother's scratch. "Was she in a fight lately? This type wolf's bane makes wolfs sick within a couple hours of contact."

Grams nods her head proudly. "Yeah, a pack of rogues tried to attack us while we drove here. By the time your sister and I got there, your mother already killed ten of them. After we finished them all, our wounds healed like normal except for the scratch. Your mother assumed one of the rogues was an alpha."

Raphael walks over and starts moving the water from the bowl we brought. He puts the water on my mother's back and the water glows as he heals her. Living with healers most of his life he picked up some stuff on healing.

"The wolfsbane wasn't allowing her to heal properly. Now that I washed it off Raphael should be able to heal her wound," Kai explains. He walks over to my mom and inspects the healing.

Grams takes me out of the room and out to the d hall area. We walk down the stairs to the kitchen where everybody is waiting to know what happened. Grams tells them about the rogue attack and the wolf's bane.

"That makes no sense. There shouldn't be a rogue anywhere near here. There are warrior mages patrolling the area," Devin explains.

"That's what we thought too. If your father knew about the rogues there's no way he would have let us leave without him," Grams tells us. She sits on the couch and sighs. I can see worry all over her face, probably thinking this is all her fault.

Areon frowns and looks at us as if something occurred to him. He opens his mouth to say something, but a glowing red charm appears all around the room and an alarm sounds off. Areon grabs Terry and Della grabs Castille and they cover the children's ears.

"The school is on lockdown. All students are to go to their dorm rooms right now. All teachers are to go to their apartment's on campus or go to the main office. All workers are to go to their apartments/dorms or their building's emergency room. This is not a drill," a voice says. The message gets repeated over and over again as we wait. I look outside and I see students freaking out and running everywhere. There are red charms everywhere too and the voice can be heard through the walls.

I hear a scream and I turn to face where it came from. I see our dorm hall main entrance disintegrate and turn into a piece of the wall. "Do you think this has anything to do with the rogue attack," Della asks once the voice disappears from our dorm hall.

Devin shakes his head. "They would have told us not to leave campus and they would've canceled all outside field trips. They wouldn't cancel classes and get everybody into their rooms. Something big must be going on."

Ashton groans. "I'm gonna be stuck here. Ugh, I can't stand being cooped up somewhere." Terry looks up at him and offers him his toy chair, which he ignores. "What about Drew? How is he suppose to come in without a door?"

"The doors are only gone from the inside, not the outside. Besides, he's..." Devin pauses and then his face pales. "Oh no, oh no." He runs out of the room and into his dorm.

We all frown and ask what happened? Ashton is the one that answers. "Yesterday, him and Drew got in a fight. Drew said he'd sleep at his parents and come back in the morning when Devin cooled off. Then Devin came into my room and whined about it for two hours." He rolls his eyes as he says the last part.

"Then that means Drew is trapped outside where a bunch of werewolves and who knows what else got in," Devin says walking back into the room with a phone on his ears. He groans and redials somebody. "Drew isn't answering my calls." Devin starts to panic and saying all the things that could happen to Drew out there. I rub Devin's shoulder and tell him to calm down. We can't go to the worst case scenario right now.

"Why don't we just go out there and get him," Kai asks.

"Kai, we can't get out. They've closed all the exits out of Crystalview. We can't get out," Areon tells him.

Kai frowns. "Then why not tear apart of Crystalview?" We all at each other, trying to find out what he's talking about and he just goes on talking. "Crystalview is a pocket dimension, which is a world within a world kind of. If you destroy the pocket dimension we'd all end up outside of them. If you tear a piece of the pocket dimension it'd open to the outside at the entrance," he explains.

"But the school's entrance is all over the country. What if you open it and it leads to Miami instead," Areon points out.

"Well actually the bridges are what lead you in and out of Crystalview and each bridge leads you to one entrance/exit. The buildings are all made to connect with one of the bridges in case there is ever an emergency and they have to destroy the school, there won't be students everywhere. To find the building's bridge you just have to find the direction the building's entrance is facing," Lucas says quietly. He then looks down and blushes when we all turn to look at him.

I then look over at Ashton and I see him lick his lips as he stares at Lucas. Lucas is wearing a huge bunny sweater that reaches his pale knees. "I don't think we've met, I'm Ashton, but you can call me Ash." He extends his hand to Lucas who shyly takes it.

"Like Pokémon," Lucas says making Ashton chuckle. "You can call me Lucas."

"What a wonderful name for a wondrous boy," Ashton tells him. He lifts their hand and kisses the blonde's hand. Lucas looks back down and his face turns nuclear.

'Gag. Make him stop flirting' Areon says in my head.

'Only if I can make you gag in another way' I say back.

'Shut it pervert or I'm going to sick Terry on you'

"So do you know how to create a tear," Devin asks Kai.

Kai nods his head. "Yeah, but only big enough for one person to go through at a time and only long enough for two people."

Devin opens his mouth, but Areon casts a spell and he falls to the ground asleep. "In this condition he'd probably not be any use," Areon explains. "I'm going since I'm the best with spells."

"I'm going too," I say. If we encounter rogues and they have wolf's bane somehow, I'm not going to be affected as much since I'm only half werewolves.

"Okay, let's start," Kai announces.

Drew p.o.v.

I drive down the road path in the forest to get to school. As I drive all I can think about is the fight I had with Devin yesterday. What right does he have to forbid me to date Aragon? Sure Aragon can be a player, but I know he would never hurt a friend on purpose. Besides I don't think Aragon and I would even go so far anyway. Aragon and I have been friends for years and sure I've found him hot, but I don't think we'd go anywhere farther than friends.

Aragon is too insecure when it comes to a committed relationship. He's always been scared of falling in love and then have it end in disaster. His mom thinks it's because of him growing up near werewolves and seeing them fall madly in love and then have them falling out of love when one of them finds their mate. I think that it does have something to with that, but I also think it's from him growing up in a culture where love is sacred and finding your soul mate is important. Since he isn't a full wolf, he won't ever find his true soul mate and I think that scares him. Plus his pride makes him think that it's better to be seen as the jerk man whore rather than the boy who's scared of never finding love.

I get pulled out of thought when I see a bunch of huge wolves, slaughtered on the side of the road. I stop my car and park next to the pile of bodies. I get out of my car and run over to check the bodies if one's alive.

I stop in my tracks when I see one wolf with his eyes open. His dead dark purple eyes stare at me. Dark purple eyes only belong to rogues. I look around and I see another dead wolf who has red eyes. Red-eyed wolves are crazy wolves who have taken full control of their body, it happens sometimes when a wolf loses their mate.

I realize something as I look at all these werewolves. All magical creatures aren't allowed this close to the school. How the hell did they even get this close without a mage warrior noticing? "What's going on?"

There is a growl that makes me freeze up. I slowly turn towards the noise and I see a huge wolf with glowing red eyes look at me. I take a step back and he jumps up to tackle me. I use the battle spell Devin taught me and throw the wolf a couple yards away. He lands on a tree that falls overtaking him with it.

I run as fast as I can to my car while the wolf is distracted. I open the door, but before I can get in, something grabs me and pulls me away from the car. The thing then wraps itself around my body and I hear a loud boom. I close my eyes and cover my ears as the explosion happens.

When I open my eyes, I look up and I'm surprised to see this person. "Dolos?"

"We have to go," he says. He grabs my hand and I feel something strange in between our hands. The world around us then turns red before everything dissolves and we appear somewhere else. I frown and let go of his hand. I see a red magnet crystal in his palm.

"What the hell is going on," I ask him.

Dolos shrugs. "I don't know. All I know is that Crystalview isn't letting me in and there are five dead magicians."

My eyes go wide. "What? Wait wait, start from the beginning. Why are you here?"

Dolos cheeks turn a little pink and he rubs the back of his neck. "You see, some of my friends and I went camping and Sekor thought it'd be funny to leave me alone before I woke up," he tells me. I snort, of course, Sekor would do that to his friend.

"Sekor can be a real jerk," I tell him.

"Yeah I know, he's more of an acquired taste. He can be nice if you know how to handle him," Dolos defends. "Anyway, after that I tried to find my way back to Crystalview, I stumble upon a bunch of wolves trying to attack this one wolf. This one wolf though was a badass. They killed like ten of them before two more arrived and help them.

"After the fight, the wolves left and I stayed there for a bit. Then I saw these black hooded magicians appear and look over at the dead wolves. Then they walked down a path and I followed them. They lead me to five dead bodies. They talked to each other, but I could barely hear them from my location. I saw them take some stuff from the bodies before leaving. I checked on the bodies afterward and I saw that two of them were in Mage warrior uniforms. I looked through their stuff and I found a magnet crystal hidden in one of their shoes.

"I then teleported to Crystalview entrance, but I couldn't get in. I then heard a car coming and I went to check and I found you. The hooded people were flying a couple miles away when I saw one of them throw a fireball at your car," Dolos tells me. I think about what he said and frown. Who the hell are these people and why did they have to kill some magicians? "Uh, I think we need to go." He points behind me and I turn.

I see three black hooded guys a couple yards away from us. One of them is wearing red circle glasses. He sees us and pulls out his wand. Dolos grabs my hand and we teleport as a fireball leaves his wand.

We teleport outside the entrance and I grab his hand and run. I'm glad Dolos is a good runner or else he wouldn't be able to keep up with me. I see three black hooded guys flying towards where we were. I stop us and pull Dolos to a nearby waterfall where we hide.

"Why...don't...we...teleport...away," Dolos pants out.

"One of them have a pair of glasses that can track magnet crystals. If we teleport anywhere they'll follow and hurt anyone around there. It's safer to run," I explain. I'm glad I did sports in high school or else I'd be panting too.


I think about it for a sec. There's no way to get into Crystalview and there's no way to get out of here without getting tracked. We can run, but those people will eventually find us. Then I remember something Luke told me. "There's a tower that the school built just in case somebody got trapped on this side. There's a maze in there that can lead us to the school and a radio that connects to the school. We can call for help and if that doesn't help we can either try the maze or wait them out in the tower since outsiders can't enter."

"That's too risky. The tower is probably too far away. If they track us down before we get there we're doomed." He isn't wrong, it's probably a twenty minute run from here and they're faster than us and more advance in their magic. "Wait, how about we teleport using the crystal. We pretend we have no idea about the glasses. We teleport a couple places and then I teleport us as close as I can to the tower and you can run to it as I teleport to other places to distract them," he says.

I hesitantly nod my head at the idea. I don't want to put him in danger, but I am the fastest out of the two of us, I can get there sooner and send a message.

He grabs my hand and the two of us teleport back to the pile of wolves. I hear them flying behind us and we teleport again before they arrive. We end up in some random place in the forest. We then teleport again and end up in a small river. "Okay one more random place and then you teleport us close to the tower," Dolos tells me. I nod my head as I hear the hooded people coming towards us. We teleport right outside the entrance of the school.

I'm about to teleport us to the tower when I hear something strange going on at the entrance. Glowing charm wards appear and they are pulling away from each other. Then a small circle opens revealing my friends. "Drew," Nero asks.

Dolos lets go of my hand and jumps into the circle. Everybody gets out of the way as he jumps in. "Drew it's not a trap. Get in here," Dolos yells. I hear the people flying again and I have no time to think. I jump into the portal and I hear one of the hooded people say a spell.

I fall onto the floor and roll. I hear the circle close behind and I sigh in relief. I look up and Areon has his hand out to help me. I take it and he pulls me up into a hug.

There is then a scream and I look towards the noise. My breath hitches when I see a huge burn mark on Dolos.

Aragon p.o.v.

I stare down at Terry, who's hiding his face in my chest from this Dolos's guy nasty burn. One of the "hooded" people as Drew calls them, threw a fireball at Drew and it landed on Dolos's shoulder. Raphael is now healing him with some water. Terry has been shaking and crying since the attack and only calms down a little bit when I hold him.

"That's probably why the school went on lockdown. Killing three students and two warriors are enough to create a huge panic," Areon says to the others in the kitchen as Dolos gets healed on the couch. Kai gave him something for the pain that knocked him out.

"Did you recognize anything about them that could help," Nero asks. Drew sadly shakes his head. "Then we should wait for Dolos to wake up and see what he remembers before going to the faculty."

"Yeah and I should probably wake up Devin now," Areon mumbles. He walks away from the kitchen and goes towards the couches where Devin is passed out. Areon stops in his tracks and crouches down to grab something. He gets up and shows a small square leather pouch. "What's this?" He opens the thing and frowns.

Grams walks over to it and looks inside. "It's vision dust. It creates visions and hallucinations. Some people say it can even alter memories." She grabs a little bit of dust and throws it into the air. She mumbles something and the dust transforms into two cats. We all gasp at the cats. Castille shifts into his puppy wolf and chases the cats around as Terry claps. "Do you remember smelling this in the forest," Grams asks.

Drew takes a whiff of the dust and shakes his head. "No, but I remember smelling that at the mall."

"Really?" Ashton walks over and smells the dust. "Yeah I remember that smell too." They all try to find out what the dust did and where did it come from. I take Terry upstairs since he's starting to freak out again over Dolos.

I open the door and I see my mom standing up, looking at my notes. She's smiling as she stares at them. "Wow I didn't think your notes could be this organized," she says.

I chuckle and sit next to her. "Thank Areon. He forces me to write my notes like that."

My mom laughs as she looks at them. "He's a good influence on you. Don't let this one go."

"Yeah, Areon's a good friend." My mom rolls her eyes and mumbles something under her breath that sounds like 'oblivious'. She puts the notes down and tells me to hand her Terry. I try to, but he clutches onto me harder. "He's a little shy to new people."

"I understand," she tells me. She then goes on to make funny faces which makes Terry to giggle. "Have you thought about marrying someone yet and giving me grandbabies?"

"Well, I'm trying guys now. I actually have a date with Drew tomorrow." If they let us out, that is.

"How about your mate," she asks trying to act casual about it.

I sigh at her. "Mom, you know I can't find my mate. I'm only a half werewolf with no inner wolf. You told me this yourself."

"Well...maybe I found out something." I look at her with wide eyes. Did I just hear that right? "You know about Bobby's situation right?" When Bobby was barely a week shifted, there was a random rogue attack on the pack. Bobby was taking these kids, who were playing in the forest, to the pack house. When they got there, three wolves jump out in front of them. Bobby fights the three wolves long enough to let the kids get inside and into the safe room. In the end, though Bobby was badly injured and nearly died. His wolf took most of the pain, but this lead to his wolf being in a coma to this day. Bobby had to learn everything werewolf without his wolf's help or instincts and until Bobby's wolf wakes up Bobby won't be able to find his mate.

"Yeah, what about him," I ask.

"The elders believe that there might be a way to wake up his wolf. It's a procedure where they let Bobby's wolf take full control and hopefully, that'll jolt him awake. They also think this procedure might also work for people without an inner wolf to find their mate," mom explains.

I sit there, letting the information process through my mind. If this works I could finally find my mate. Do I want to find my mate, though? Yes, one part of my mind says. Another part of mind says, am I ready to be in a committed relationship? Do I want to have my fun college years, though? What college fun years? There's a maniac killing people and a psychotic oracle's child who'll bring the end of days.

Then a thought occurs to me. What if Dara uses this person against me? I don't want to hurt someone, especially the love of my life. Plus if I become king they'll always be in danger as my queen or king. There are too many things to take into consideration.

"Aragon you'll have to do it anyways," somebody tells me. I look over and I see Areon standing at the door. I see a tint of sadness in his eyes, but I can't explain why. "Sorry for listening in, I just came to get Terry for breakfast." Areon walks over and greets my mom before picking up Terry.

"What do you mean by he'll have to do it anyway," mom asks him.

"Well seeing how difficult they're trying to make it for Aragon to be king, they might try to use this as an excuse. They can argue that Aragon won't marry the rightful queen of the kingdom. They may also force him to do the procedure and then kill the girl before he can marry her. It's probably a better idea to do it before they find out about this," Areon explains.

"Daw ad," Terry seems to ask. He hugs Areon and cuddles closer to him. "E ov Daw."

Areon laughs and kisses Terry's head. "I'm not wearing any dots, monkey," he tells him. Terry keeps on saying 'daw' to him. "Anyway, wouldn't it be easier to just find his soul stone. I know wereanimals don't have soul stones, but Aragon has the properties of a shifting hybrid, maybe it's there."

Mom rubs her chin and nods her head. "That might work."

I frown in confusion, not understanding what they're talking about. "What's a shifting hybrid , a wereanimal, and a soul stone?" Areon rolls his eyes at me and my mom looks at me as if I offended her ancestors. What?

"If you're going to be king, you really need to learn more about the Mystic Order," Areon says. The Mystic what? "The wereanimals are people who have two personalities and who can shift into a specific animal, like a werewolf. All wereanimals come from the planet Theríon."

"I've heard of Theríon before. I thought it was just a city. Wait if there are other wereanimals why haven't I heard of a werecheetah or something," I ask them.

Areon covers Terry's ears as mom answers this question. "Well you see a long time ago, around ancient times, there was an attack on a small pack village. The people killed the men and raped all the woman and children. The king, of course, found all the men who participated in it and tortured them to death.

"As you know, once you have a mate, doing anything sexually physical with another person without your mate hurts not only your mate but also yourself, so the people who participated in the attack didn't have mates. After the attack, though, people thought that only mateless wereanimals or wereanimals that lost their mates could do such an evil thing. So the king transferred all animals that lost their mates or wouldn't have one, to earth.

"During this time, though, there were forms of werewolves already on earth, most were because of Devine magic. When the wereanimals arrived to earth, they of course married and stuff, but they couldn't breed with the humans. The only people who were able to breed were the werewolves of earth with the werewolves of Theríon. Then since those werewolves were part earthling they could now breed with humans and they gained the gift to shift their mates into werewolves, like vampires," mom explains. I nod my head and turn my head to Areon to answer my other two questions.

Areon removes his hands from a fussy Terry who wanted to hear. "Anyway, a shifter hybrid is a person who can shift into an animal. Usually, they are mystical creatures like dragons or Griffins. They don't have a second personality like wereanimals do, so they can't find their mates by instinct. They instead use this magical cave that allows these shifter hybrids created that's full of soul stones. These soul stones show who is who's mate."

Terry starts to get grumpy in Areon's arms and then I hear his little tummy grumble. Areon excuses himself and takes Terry downstairs to feed the little guy. My mom follows him to also get something to eat. I tell her I'll join her in a couple minutes.

Once she leaves I start to seriously think about what I'm going to do.

Areon p.o.v.

I don't get why I'm so angry and sad. I've never felt like this before and I don't know what to do. I want to punch a wall and eat a tub of ice cream. The closest I've ever felt like this was when I found the guy I was first dating making out with a football player, but it didn't feel as intense as it does right now.

What caused it anyway? It happened right after Aragon found out that he can find his mate. I felt so many emotions course through me, but I controlled them. I don't get why I felt that way then. It's not like I like Aragon...right? No of course not. Sure he is really, really attractive. I may or may not have checked him out before. Him walking into our bedroom after a long hot shower only wearing a towel exposing his sinful v line. Water droplets cascading down his tan skin, from his neck to his defined Pecs then to his mouth watering abs. Him biting his lip as he dries his hair, his muscles flexing in the process.

Areon stop it I tell myself. I can't think about Aragon like that. Or of him waking up in the morning. With his bed long hair everywhere, his exposed abdomen. Him doing his morning stretches showing his muscles and then bending over giving me a good view of his ass. Then turning over showing me his huge morning wo--, Areon shut it.

I shake my head. I don't know why I'm even thinking like this. Physical attraction shouldn't be making me feel like this anyway. If I really liked Aragon then I wouldn't just be interested in his body, I would be interested in his personality too. Aragon is just a stupid mean jock. Well, he isn't actually mean, sure he can be a jerk sometimes, but I've never seen him bully anybody. He can be nice and sweet sometimes, like whenever it comes to Terry. He doesn't admit it, but he loves that little fairy elf to pieces. He once made a wooden monkey, that looks like Terry, holding a banana in his natural art class. I put it next to the picture of him holding Terry for the first time. I guess he's also not an idiot. He's just lazy and doesn't know how to apply himself.

Okay so maybe he's not a bad person, but he is a manwhore. Though Della told me that he doesn't lie to the girls or play games. He does tell them it's only physical and if they expect more than they should stop. So what if he has some experience in the sack. As long as he doesn't lie or force someone than what's the harm. At least I know he's good.

Then why haven't I felt anything before this, though? I knew he slept around before, but I didn't feel hurt. That's because he hasn't slept with anybody in months. He complains about it to you all the time. Okay then why didn't I feel hurt when I found out about him and Drew going out. Because in the back of your head, you knew it wouldn't work out. This is starting to make more sense. I haven't seen him with anybody else, so I've never felt like this before. Is this...jealousy?

"Daw," Terry asks, taking me out of thought. I look at the baby in front of me and I see food all over his face and a spoon in his hand. I grab a wipe from my pocket and clean him. He tries to fight me, but I like always I win and clean him. "Daw," he asks again. I ask him what and he points to a small chocolate chip muffin on the table. I chuckle and give it to him. He cheers and eats the muffin which somehow ends up all over his face. I chuckle and clean him again.

"I think you need a haircut," I say to him as I play with messy hair. When we got him he only had hair at the top of his head and now he has hair all the way to his shoulders. Elf hair grows really fast which is going to make some girls jealous.

"I can take him today if they ever let us out," Nero tells me.

"Yeah I can join too. Any excuse to spend with this little man," Della says making Terry giggle.

"No, it fine. I was already going to do it today," I tell them. I don't want to burden them with Terry too much.

Nero frowns. "Didn't you say you a had a tutoring lesson today with that prick." Della smack Nero in the stomach making him hold his stomach. Crap, I did promise a tutoring lesson today. I can't tutor him with all these weird feelings. I'm going to do or say something embarrassing. "Don't worry Areon. Del and I can do it." Del? Wait is there something ongoing between these two. Didn't Aragon have a sister that Nero broke up with? And didn't Della say there was a boy her brother hated and secretly got back together with?

I feel somebody giving me a hug and I turn to see Bella. "Thank you for tutoring my son. Without you he'd probably be kicked out by now," she says before letting go. Crap, now that she knows I have to tutor him today.

"It's no problem. He's the one who's actually doing the work, I'm just guiding him," I tell her with a smile.

"Psh, five tutors couldn't do what you did. Trust me boy. You're amazing," she tells me.

Well, let's just hope I'm amazingly good not to do something I'll regret.


"It's not working," Aragon groans as he struggles to turn the leaf into fire. We've been working on this for an hour and we still haven't done any progress.

At least everybody is out of the house for the rest of the day, so he has no distraction. The Mage warriors are questioning everybody's where a outs last night, but since Aragon turned on the mute charm last night there is a time stamp for us in our dorm, so we don't have to go. They said they'd end their questioning at around six, giving us five more hours to work.

"Why doesn't it work," Aragon whines.

I roll my eyes at him and grab his hand. "I think you're magic is a little backed up," I say when I sense his magic. I've been pushing him a lot and with the stress of what's going on his magic must be clogged. "Wait here a sec."

I stand up from the floor and walk over to my cabinets. I take out three candles and some fairy dust. I put the three candles in a triangle around Aragon and I. I put fairy dust on each candle and sit back next to Aragon. I snap my fingers and all the candles light up. "This is a magical cleansing. I learned it from a Buddhist book or something."

I grab his hand again and teach him the spell. The two of us start casting the spell and I can feel the energy entering my body.

Wenamai er utuf
Ehttrat st sape
Htdnesr ew opym
Wenerdn im ymwene

The energy clears my mind and clears my body.

Rlous ym wene
Rydob ym wene
Rsrew op ymes
Naelc dn imymes

I start to feel Aragon's energy coursing through me and I feel my energy entering him. The feeling feels intense. Sharing this energy scares me and at the same time, I feel so alive. I can tell Aragon is feeling the same from the faces he's making. My stomach feels like it has butterflies, but ten times more. My skin feels tingly and my mind feels empty and filled at the same time.

Nae lcl uosy
Mesna elc ydobym
E sn a elc

There is a huge pulse from coming from us, ending the spell. I feel sweat dripping down my face and my muscles ache and feel rejuvenated at the same time. My mind feels relax and all the tension I felt is gone. All I feel is peace. My skin still tingles and my stomach feels strange, but I feel amazing. I'm panting hard as if I was just working out, hard.

I look up at Aragon and my cock gets hard. He took off his shirt and he's sweating and panting too. He looks so orgasmic to me right now and I don't know why. His eyes stare at me, full of lust and animalistic hunger. He leans closer and our hands' touch, making me moan. The tingling feeling gets better when you touch someone.

The next thing I know, I'm on my back with Aragon straddling me. My hands are pinned above my head and I can't move. He leans down slowly till his face is next to mine. He looks into my eyes as if asking for permission. He must not see rejection because his lips then claim mine.

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