Temporarily Yours

By LifeIsLukeBryan

158K 5.9K 867

Caroline Boyer can never seem to find her place in this world. Whether it be a career or one single job, noth... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 35

3.1K 108 10
By LifeIsLukeBryan

The annoying sound of a blaring alarm clock jolted me from my sleep. I shoved my head further into the pillow as I groaned. As the sheets beside me ruffled, Caroline stirred before grumbling, "Shut the damn alarm off or hit the snooze button, Lord. Too early for this sh..." She trailed off.

I reluctantly rolled over and blindly reached towards the bed side table, switching the alarm off. Once the beeping had seized, Caroline moved closer to me and nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around her. With one hand I rubbed her back and the other I played with her blonde hair that had partially fallen out of the pony tail she'd placed it in last night. I don't know what it was about these kind of early-rise mornings where Caroline would just snooze in my arms, but they were precious to me. These moments felt like they'd last forever, and to be completely honest, I was a-okay with that. The other half of touring was approaching and I knew I wouldn't be able to do this every morning for that much longer. Soon I'd be out on the road for days on end and we'd have to settle for Facetime goodnights and text message good mornings, with a few calls in between. 

"Babe, Lord knows I'd love to lay here all day like this," Caroline spoke softly, never opening her eyes. "But we both know that the kids need to get to school and we have to get ready for the ACMs today."

I sighed. "I know, so better get up."

Caroline placed her hand on my chest and slowly began trailing it down towards my boxers. "You know, if I get up early, I also go to bed early." She reached the tops of my briefs and began making little circles around the top. "And that means no treat for you after the awards tonight, if you know what I mean."

I gulped and slowly removed her hand from my body and placed it back onto her own. She laughed and I shook my head. "Fine, I'll take the kids to school today, but I better get some loving tonight."

Caroline untangled herself from my arms and rolled back to her side. I just slightly chuckled and slipped out from underneath the covers. I quickly showered and got ready before jogging downstairs. The boys were all gathered in the living room with their things watching Spongebob Squarepants.

"Let's go boys!" I said cheerfully. "Out to the truck, please!"

They all looked up and began filing towards the door.

"Where's Miss Caroline?" Tate asked innocently.

I shut the front door once everyone had gone outside. "Oh, she's still sleeping buddy, so I thought I'd take y'all to school today."

Tate seemed content with my answer and waited for me to help him up into the truck. Once I'd given him a boost, I ran around to my side and hopped in. I myself buckled up and adjusted the rear view mirror.

"Okay, guys, you all know Miss Caroline and I won't be home when you guys get home because we'll be at the ACMs. Memaw will be picking you up." I announced. "As long as y'all are good for her, you can stay up and watch me on TV tonight."


Caroline and I arrived in Las Vegas right on time. I had a surprise for her- we were staying in one of the nicest hotels in Vegas. We had our own private suite which she was going to love.

"Can I peek yet?" Caroline asked, slightly whining.

"Okay," I said, pulling out the room keys. "You can open your eyes now."

  I pushed open the door just as Caroline opened her eyes. She gasped and I smiled.

"You did not!" She gasped, slapping my chest in a playful manor. "This must've costed a fortune!"

  I shrugged, following her inside. "It wasn't cheap, that's for sure, but it doesn't matter. Forget how much it costed and relish in the fact that you're staying here tonight with the Luke Bryan."

Caroline stopped gazing around the room and approached me, a devious smirk upon her face. She reached me and placed her hand in my chest, trailing it down.

"I forget you're a piece of man hunk that every girl wants, but you're all mine, right?" She said, whispering the last part.

  I smirked back, snaking my arms around her waist. "Mmm, all yours baby girl." I huskily grumbled.

  "Tell me," She spoke softly. "Where is this Luke Bryan sleeping?"

  "In that big bed over there."

  "With me?"

  "With you."

   Caroline bit her lip, causing me to bite mine. I leaned down, my mouth centimeters from the side of her face. "But we might be doing just a little more than just sleeping in that bed tonight, Caroline." I let her name roll off my lips and I could feel her shiver.

I allowed my arms to let go of her waist and fall to my sides again. "But, that's later. Right now, I need to go over a few more of my lines with Dierks and you, my lady, need to go get all purdied up."

  "I'm so nervous!" Caroline exclaimed as we walked out hand in hand.

  "Nervous about what?" I asked her as we got into the rental vehicle. 

   "How will your fans perceive me? The rest of the industry? Especially with me coming after Chelsea..." She sighed.

  I reached over the center console and grasped her hand, squeezing it tightly. "My fans will love you. As long as I'm happy, they're happy. And as for everybody else? Screw their opinions. I love you and their thoughts on you won't change a damn thing!" Caroline smiled, content.

We pulled up to the stadium after a few minutes. I led Caroline to my tour bus parked with the rest of the artist's buses. She walked with a quick pep in her step and I smiled.

"Excited much?" I quizzed playfully.

She nodded her head vigorously, grinning widely. "Oh, yes! I'm so excited to get in my dress and get my hair done." Suddenly she became frantic. "Wait! What do I do on the red carpet? I never asked."

"Just follow my lead and the people there will tell you the rest. " I responded as we reached the door to the bus.

As I opened the door and went up the stairs, I found Paula setting things up and John mingling in the back. They were my stylists- the best in the business.

"Paula, John, Kerri, this is Caroline, my girlfriend. She'll be joining me on the red carpet." I announced. "Caroline, these are my stylists who will be helping you get ready, but mostly Paula will be attending to you. Kerri is my manager."

Paula smiled wide, approaching Caroline and I. She reached her hand out to Caroline. "I've been waiting to meet the woman with such great taste that picked out that gorgeous dress back there!"

Paula gestured for Caroline to follow her. I gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "I'll see you later, babe."

I left her with John and Paula and went to find Dierks. I glanced down at my watch and noticed it was almost time to rehearse. As I headed in that direction, I began wondering what color dress Caroline would be wearing. Yellow, red, blue, white? Lord, all I know is that she'll blow me away in whatever color it is.

  "Luke, buddy!" Dierks greeted as I made my way up to him in the stadium.

  "Hey, sorry I'm a little late. I was just introducing my date to my stylists." I said, fixing the cuff of my flannel.

"Date, huh?" He asked, nudging me in the arm with his elbow, teasing more than asking.

  I chuckled. "Yep, girlfriend, actually."

  Dierks and I went through the rehearsal with no problems. We didn't foresee any slip ups during the show so we cut it short. I headed back towards the bus. I, too, needed to get ready for the red carpet.

"Carol," I said into my phone. "Is it okay to come back?"

  "Yes," I could hear the smile in her voice. "I'm ready."

  We hung up and I felt my feet pick up speed with anticipation of seeing her. As I got to the bus door, I quickly flung it open. John was laying my suit out, getting it ready for me. I didn't see Caroline until she came out of my back bedroom. I stood there when I caught a glimpse of her, stunned at the sight of the beautiful woman standing before me. She wasn't in yellow, blue, red, or white, but gold. She was gorgeous.

"Wow," I said breathlessly, meeting her eyes and gazing at her. "I am not worthy."

Caroline smiled sheepishly, blushing. I grabbed her hand, pulling her towards me. Slowly, I pressed my lips against Caroline's, an action accepted by her. She kissed back for a moment before we parted.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too," She whispered back.


"Babe, you're going to be fine." I reassured Caroline, placing my hand on her knee to calm her jitters. Her leg had been shaking the whole limo ride, bumping into mine.

We pulled up to the red carpet and you could hear the loud screaming of fans echoing outside. I hopped out first before holding my hand out for Caroline to grasp. She appeared from the limo and it's almost as if the crowd went silent when they saw I brought a date with me for the first time in three years. I was no longer a bachelor. I was off the market. Then all of the sudden a fan screamed.

"Caroline!" The girl screeched. Then all at once the cheers continued.

I recognized the fan. She was the one who encouraged me to go after Caroline back in Franklin when I saw Caroline in the window with Landon. Her name, I think, was Bethany. I smiled wide, pulling Caroline along with me. She seemed to be in her element, smiling and waving... almost as if she was supposed to be doing this.


  I slipped out of my shoes, tossing them towards the end of the bed. Caroline stood at the large window to the right of the bed, grasping her arms, gazing out at the sight of Las Vegas; the lights and cars zipping by. I stared at her, watching her, wondering how on Earth she was such a beautiful masterpiece just standing there. God knows I didn't deserve her, but God also knows I love her; with all my heart I did, truly. That woman meant the world to me, and I was going to marry her. It was time to make her mine, truly, truly mine.

"God I love you," I whispered as I walked up behind her, wrapping my arms around her. I nipped at the skin behind her ear, getting a gentle moan in response.

I slowly unzipped Caroline's dress and let it fall to the floor, pooling around her feet. "You're so beautiful."

She dragged me towards to bed, tossing me down onto it. "I love you, Luke." She said. We then got lost in the sheets for hours upon hours, nothing but the rapid beating of our hearts was heard.

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