The Lion's Den

By RaeVal44

336 12 4

Raven Taylor lives in the small town of Clearwater Brook. However there's a catch... She's a lion shifter and... More

Lions Den
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

90 3 1
By RaeVal44

So there I was left in the hallway a lone.

My body felt cold and I could hear my lioness growling because of my disobedience. I didn't care I was going to say how I felt. He deserved to know anyway, maybe it would keep him in check.

But there was no way I could walk back into that room. No way at all. Not only would it be embarrassing but I also needed to get myself under control.

I walked to my locker through the silent hallways and opened the familiar lock. I was expecting to find my belongings in there rightful place. But I was mistaken.

My purse was gone and all of its contents were at the foot of my locker. All that was there was a post it note stuck in the door. It read...

You will meet me at the clubhouse at 6:30 tonight or I will make sure that your absence in class will turn into a detention.

                        - Ares

Oh well isn't that fucking great, I thought. My lioness was screaming for joy thinking we would see him again. However I knew there was no way out of this one. I didn't want that detention on my record. So i guess my decision was made unfortunately.

The day went on normally. At least as normal as a school like ours could go.

Senior girls were driving me insane. I couldn't get away from the constant "I think I found my mate omg omg!" nonsense. I was about to bang my head against the wall.

Free period came around and my friend Amelia had apparently heard all about my incident this morning.

"So what did he do?" She asked on the edge of her seat.  I rolled my eyes.

"I'd rather not... Let's just say I don't have a choice on seeing him again" I sighed.

I felt her excitement get even stronger.
"Again! Why again?" Her grin was filling up her whole face.

"I don't know. He didn't give me a choice. And I already disrespected him a few times I don't want to dig myself a grave"

Amelia reclined back into her seat. "Something happened you're not telling me" her eyes squinted.

"Oh so you didn't hear that he aggressively kissed me in the hallway and left me dumbfounded. Huh... Thought the news would spread" I sarcastically said with a smile.

She was too giddy to calm down.

"So you get to meet him when?"

"Today at the clubhouse... Can't wait to go to the exact place where everyone I hate lives" I could already feel my lioness tensing up.

"I'll tell you if anything happens okay?" I tried to run away from her questions.

"Oh yeah awesome!" Amelia's grin grew before I said goodbye.

The day finished finally with 9th period basic earth science and I was free. At least semi free.

I sighed walking to my car dreading the hours to come. Ugh how I wished I could've kept my mouth shut. I'm officially a stupid girl. Normal girls would've giggled or something. But no I had to be a bitch.

I started the engine and drove the familiar roads about 20 minutes to the pride house.

I turned down the long dusty driveway. At the end stood a four story mansion with the cars outside to match.

And here I was pulling in with my 97 Honda.

If one of these spoiled brats talks to me I won't have a problem punching them in the face.

I rang the doorbell... Three times before it opened.

To Jessica Frome. Tall blonde girl who clearly tans way to much. And if her daddy didn't give her money to spend on those fake boobs she'd still look semi normal. Fucking great.

"Excuse me what are you doing here" oh lord if I don't lose it with this girl I deserve something.

"I'm here to see Ares" I plainly stated.

She laughed "so is every other girl who comes here... Sorry sweetie he's already taken... By me" her tone showed she was obviously trying way too hard.

"Yeah I'm not trying to fuck Mr. Wannabe Alpha ok... He asked me to meet him so let's get that straight" I smiled sarcastically.

Suddenly the door opened more and there the douche himself stood. He had changed into sweats which unfortunately had to look good on him too. He could dress in a trash bag and look hot...

"Jessica you can leave now thank you" he said. She left without saying anything more to much surprise.

"Follow me" he stated after letting me into the house.

It was nice I'll give it that. But at the same time it looked cold and boring like and office building.

I followed him up the main staircase and down a few halls. Until we went down a hallway with no doors. Except one at the end. 

He opened it letting me enter first.

"This is my room" he said while following in behind me.

It was huge. The California King bed looked small inside this master suite.

He took a seat on one edge of the mattress while patting the other signaling me to sit down.

"You do know how this mating thing works correct?" He questioned me.

"Um yeah. We all get taught that in middle school" I chuckled.

"So you know that the only way to be able to tell if you are someone's mate is from the mark" I shook my head yes understanding.

"Why are you talking about this" I asked.

He was silent. His eyes looked up to mine intently.

"Because you are mine"

He didn't say anything more.

"Mine? What? I don't get a say in this?" I asked now angrily.

His brows furrowed. "No one picks who their mate is. It's destiny. I am certain you are my mate and I wanted you to come here so I could mark you"

I started laughing. He couldn't be serious.

"Listen if I mark you and you're my mate you will definitely know. That's what they say at least... If you're not my mate then you'll know immediately also" he explained.

"What happens if I'm not you're mate" I asked hesitantly.

"The bite will hurt. I'm not really sure how intense the pain can be but it will be noticeable" his eyes turned a darker shade brown.

"So if I let you mark me and you're not my mate you'll leave me alone, but it will also hurt like a bitch" I asked.

He smirked "Unfortunately yes, but I'm thinking that you won't have that side affect"

I rolled me eyes " What the hell fine. Do it and get it over with"

He smiled devilishly and moved himself closer to me. His body was now facing mine and close enough for me to feel his warmth.

My lioness was screaming she was so excited though I was trying my best to hold it down.

He gave me one last look before his head dipped to where my neck met my shoulder.

His hot breath fanned over that spot making me shiver. And suddenly I felt his lips kiss the spot. I fought myself to hold in a moan

What the hell I said to mark me not make out with me.

Then the worst happened, his tongue touched my skin sending bolts of electricity over my body. I bet he was smiling at that reaction.

Without warning I felt his incisors sink deep into the crook of my neck.

It felt like the world started to spin and as if I couldn't feel the ground. The ability to hold back anything was lost and I could hear moans leave my lips. I had never felt so high in my life.
But slowly I started coming down and the world around became clearer.

I felt his mouth over that spot again. Kissing it like before and his hands traced up my arm to behind my head. His kisses followed up until he was less than inches from my lips.

"Seems that you quite enjoyed that princess" he whispered.

My mind hadn't recovered yet to make words. I was still lost in some other dimension.

His kiss lead to my ear and then back to my jawline.

"Kiss me" out of all the words of course my dumb head said those ones.

Instantly his soft lips were on mine. And I felt the electric current running through my body again. The kiss grew rough and suddenly my back was on the mattress.

He broke the kiss making my body jolt from surprise.

"You are now mine... Always" his eyes darkened and his face became serious which scared me.

"You will be Luna... You will be the mother of my children... You understand what this means now" he seemed concerned but his face looked hardened.

I just shook my head yes. Everything was still moving so fast I wasn't fully comprehending all of it.

I felt his hand traveling up my thigh giving me goosebumps. I really was wishing my body could control itself.

I looked up at his smirk "Funny how reactive you are to my touch huh" he laughed.

I felt embarrassed "I bet I do the same to you Mr. Alpha" I smirked back.

"Oh we'll see about that" and his eyes flashed that dark brown once again.

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