Death by Ballerina

By FallingSaturdays

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Emily E. Edgar is a 16 year old girl in the Crazy Institution. She is telling a story of how she created the... More

Meeting Ester and Emma
Good or Evil?
Bella Elizabeth Sloan
Stay Peaceful

Goodbye Emma, and Hello Ester!

240 8 14
By FallingSaturdays

Chapter 3: Goodbye Emma and, Hello Ester!

I woke up sitting in a brown wooden chair; I looked around nervously trying to figure out where I am. The room I was in had no doors and no windows. The room, the color of death, the only thing that was helping me see was a light bulb hang above me, but the light barely lit up the room.

"Hello?" I said slightly nervous.

Nobody replied the only thing I could hear is the silence that filled the room. I began to grow more nervous as the silence grew.

I tried to get up from my seat but I could not. It was as if my body was not getting the information from my brain to make me stand up. At that moment I knew that Ester had something to do with this, I am just not sure if I should be afraid or sane. After sitting there for so long, seconds started to feel like minutes, minutes started to feel more like hours, and hours started to feel more like days.

I then heard footsteps coming from the left side of the room. I turned my head trying to see exactly whom it was coming this way.

"Ester, Ester, Is that you?" I said nervously.

I then started hear a noise, like the sound of a heartbeat. The more I grew nervous the faster the heart would pump.

"Stay away from me!" I Shrieked.

Just as the heartbeat would get louder, I would start to panic.

"Get me out of here!" I yelled.

I tried to move from my seat but I could not.

"Come on, stupid brain work, work! I yelled desperately.

I then started to feel out of breath. The heartbeat grew more distinct as the noise of foots steps came closer to me. I started to get more nervous by the minute I started to hyperventilate. The person who was coming towards me stopped on the left side of me. Just more step and I would be able to see the face of the person standing before me.

The person then took one more step and came into the light. A long black cloak covered the person's body. At that moment everything went back to silence, I stopped hyperventilating and the heartbeat slowly started to fade away. The person then moved a little to the right to stand right in front of me.

I looked up the person in the black cloak.

"What do you want?" I whispered softly.

The person stuck his hand out; looking like it was trying to give something to me. I could not see what he was trying to give me because its hand was cover by cloak.

"Show me what you have in your hand." I said.

It pulled up the arm of the cloak. Its hand was nothing but, bones, no meat, or flesh. I studied its hand more closely. He had a pumping heart in his hand. My heart skipped a beat at that very moment.

"Whose heart is that?" I asked shakily.

It did not reply.

"Who or What am I talking to?" I asked myself.

"Who are you?" I asked barely making any words come out.

It pulled down the cloak covering its body. The body was made of all bones, neither meat, nor flesh covered its body.

"No, No, how could you be, Death." I said to myself.

"It is Death standing before me." I whispered.

Just as I whispered that, he vanished. The scenery started to change everything then turned black again.

I woke up once again in a bathroom lying in a tub full of blood.

"Where am I?" I asked myself.

Stood up in the bathtub, the blood that was seeping into my clothes started to fall back in to the tub. I pulled the bathroom curtain to the left. I examined the room with fear growing inside of me. There were blood prints, mark, splatters, everywhere around the room. The cream-colored walls were covered with dried blood marks; they looked like someone dragged their bloody hands on the walls. The white tiled floors had bloody footprints covering the floor, the foot prints stopped right in front of the bathtub. The toilet was covered in blood with flies circling it and the sink was covered with bloody handprints.

As I took the step out of the tub more blood started to fall on the floor but, I ignored it I to focused on the bathroom's new makeover. Whoever did this must have had a fun time doing this. I then lifted my other foot out of the tub. I walked over to the mirror to make sure none of this blood came from me. Everything seemed to be normal, well except my whole body being covered in blood. My black hair was still dripping blood on the floor, my brown turtle soaked in blood, my blue long jeans are also soaked in blood, and my brown leather boots are full of blood. My body started to get sticky from the blood starting to harden on my skin.

"Poor, little Emma, she had to go." Easter said.

I looked around in the bathroom trying to see if I cloud find her but she was nowhere in the bathroom.

"Where are you?" I asked confused.

"I'm right here. Look, Look, study the reflection in front of you." Ester replied.

I looked inside of the mirror and seen Ester with that devilish smirk on her face.

"How could she be in the mirror? When I’m standing right in front of the mirror?” I asked myself.

"I know what you’re thinking" Ester said pausing for a few moments.

I waited for her to explain.

"You’re wondering how I can be in the mirror. When you are standing right in front of it? Ester said with a smirk still planted on her face.

"Well, care to explain?" I asked.

"Well it’s so obvious," Ester, said pausing again.

"Can you just spit it out already?" I yelled starting to get annoyed.

"Look at me and then look at you, we look alike, we are where the same things." Ester said pleasantly.

I studied her and myself. She was right we are wearing the same things and we do look alike.

"Do you see it now, Emily, I am you." Ester said sounding sane.

"No, No, you lie." I yelled while covering my ears.

"The proof is right in front of you, Emily, stop acting so stupid, and naïve!" Ester yelled violently.

"Shut up, Shut up, and Shut up!" I yelled while shaking my head side to side.

"Emily, Emily, I had enough of this foolishness!" She yelled making me stop and look into the mirror.

"We have a job to finish, don't we?" Ester asked pleasantly again.

"What job are you talking about?" I asked.

"Bella E. Sloan, we must get rid of her!" Ester yelled.

"I don't have any plans." I said.

"You don't remember the plan I made up for you?" Ester asked.

"No, I don’t remember the plan at all." I replied.

"You'll remember as soon as you wake up." Ester said.

"When I wake up?" I said confused.

"Yes, this is just a dream, Emily." Ester said annoyed.

"Can't you wake me up, then?" I asked.

"Yes, but I want you to let me take over your body." Ester said.

"How can I trust you? Where is Emma?" I asked.

"Like I told you before she had to go." Ester said with a smirk.

"What, What Did you do to her!" I yelled.

"What did I do with?” Ester said.

Ester looked at the toilet surrounded by flies. Which made look in the same direction? I then walked over to the toilet and lifted up the toilet seat cover. The flies then flew all in my face as I started to lift up the toilet seat cover. The fear that once left me came back to me. It was the heart I saw earlier, the heart that Death was holding. I put my hand over my mouth and backed away slowly, still shocked at what I just saw. I backed up until I my back touched the wall.

"You mean what did you do to her?" Ester said pointing at me.

"What are you talking about Ester? You did this to her!" I yelled with tears coming down my face.

"Look! Look! I said! Look into the mirror!" Ester yelled.

"You did this like I told you before I am you." Ester said.

"Emily, Emily looks at me," Ester said making look at her.

"You don't need Emma; she was bringing you down anyway." Ester said.

"You, listen to me now." Ester said pleasantly once more.

I studied her with a confused look.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Let, me have control of your body." She said.

"I don't think I have any other choice." I said.

"No, now that Emma is out of the picture no one can hold you back." Ester said.

"Yes." I said nervously.

"Are you sure about this?" Ester asked.

"Yes, I'm sure." I replied.

A smirk then appeared on Ester's face.

"Goodbye." She whispered.

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