A Chance I Have to Make Happe...

By lilpandawolf

14.2K 695 859

This is the sequel to "Only one chance to love" it's a fabulously gay book and I suggest you check it out. _... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Gaypter (Gay chapter) 7
Chapter 8: Time for a date (sort of..)
Chapter Nine

Chapter 3

1.4K 80 27
By lilpandawolf

When I got out of the hospital I had trouble getting use to my cast, the cast was on my right arm and that was the arm I did everything with.

"Hey Cassie?" Gabriel asked while I was trying to pour my cereal in the bowl. "Uh..Why did you send some kid to give me a note that said 'You're welcome'?"

Oh Sam apparently delivered the note already. Wait how does he know where we live? Never mind not going to question it, he is a Winchester after all.

"By the way that kid is Sam Winchester." I see Gabriel's eyes widen. "I was just saying you're welcome because you are going to thank me for something I do for you in the future."

"Are you going to get me a puppy? Oh I would love a lollipop machine, and I would love something gay. Are you going to get me a rainbow lollipop machine made by gay puppies?" He asks I thought at first mockingly but he seems really serious about wanting a rainbow lollipop machine that was made by gay puppies.

"Well it's in the future. Why should I tell you when you are going to find out sometime anyway?" I smiled at him.

"Well I guess that's a good point...for you." I frown at him. "But why did you send a moose to deliver it when you could of just told me to my face?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Is there anything wrong with my moose messenger?"

"No no, he seems like a good kid. Like his older brother probably wants to kill me but yeah the moose seems cool."

"Why would his older brother want to kill you?" If Dean is going to murder Gabe my future relationship is going to bumpy with him.

"Well you know with Li- never mind you'll find out tomorrow."

"Why can't you tell me now?" 

"Well it's in the future." He says mocking my deep voice. "Why should I tell you when you are going to find out sometime anyway?"

"Shut up and help me pour my cereal." I chuckled. He took the lucky charms box and poured it in the bowl. But something looked weird about the cereal.

"Gabe why isn't there any marshmallows in this?" I hear him mutter 'damnit he noticed.'

"Well." He says guiltily. "Someone had to eat your lucky charms while you were gone and I only like the marshmallows." I see Michael passing by about to leave.

"Hey Michael can you buy some lucky charms, preferably with the marshmallows in it." I say the last part directly to Gabe.

"Hey what did I do? I was kind enough to save you the other part." Gabe argues.

"Sure." Michael says. "But I might be late since I'm going out to see Anna, see you guys." He shuts the door.

"Who's Anna?" I asked Gabe while taking a big mouthful of my un-marshmallowed cereal.

"His girlfriend."

"What?!" I say while spitting my cereal all over Gabe.

"Dude!" He says while standing up. "I mean, I was surprised too but I didn't feel a need to spit milk on a guy."

"But he's gay." I ignore me spit tanking Gabe. "He can't have a girlfriend!" I argued. How did this happen? How did me not being here have such an effect on these people's lives?

"That's how I feel every time one of my straight crushes get a girlfriend." He laughs but then stops and looks dead into my eyes.. "Oh my god you don't have a crush on Mi-

"Gabe, ew no shut up, he is our brother."

"You may have lost the ability to use your arm in the hospital but you haven't lost the stick in your ass, you need to get laid so we can replace that stick with a new stick if you know what I mean." I tilt my head in confusion.

"I don't know what you mean, I don't  even have a stick in my ass in the first place how will laying down get me a new one." He laughs.

"Well I'm glad to see that coma didn't change you." Technically it did change me, in a gayer way I suppose and in a I'm-totally-in-love-with-Dean-Winchester way too.

And it also made me realized how much my life changed other people's lives. And somehow that ended up with Michael getting a girlfriend.
Damnit it was defensive Dean now it's also defensive Michael.

I hope that Dean already realizes he has some gay in him, that'll make my job easier.

When it was time for me to go to school the next day I almost forgot that I technically never met Dean Winchester yet. Gabe was wondering why I was standing outside for 20 minutes waiting for someoneto pick us up. I pretty sure he is going to start thinking I'm crazy.

When we got to school I had to make Gabriel carry all of my stuff, which I was pretty happy about to be honest.

As soon as we got in Gabriel was immediately slammed into a wall a couple of feet away. The guy was holding Gabriel against the wall by his throat and Gabriel dropped all of my stuff which he was holding. I couldn't see who did was slamming him since the guy's face was turned away from me.

"Hey! You're Dean-o, aren't you?" Said Gabe and gave a nervous  smile to him. Wait what? Dean?

"Gabriel? I questioned  and I waddled to him.

"Cassie, well apparently it's the future now." The guy turned and sure enough, it was Dean-o. It looked like same old Dean, but there was one thing different about him. He wasn't wearing his usual leather jacket, he was wearing a letterman jacket. I'm guessing he joined the football team.

"Oh shit please don't tell me your Castiel." Dean looked between me and Gabriel.

"I won't tell you, but I'm guessing you would probably want to know."

"Shit." Dean cursed and let Gabriel go. "I can't beat up the brother of the guy who I crushed." I frown at him.

"Why are you beating up my brother in the first place?" I'm starting to not like this Dean, but either way I guess I love the guy.

"He set my freakin girlfriend on fire!" He says angrily glaring at Gabe. Wait, girlfriend? Lisa? No, I thought he was disgusted by her. How did he end up with her?

"Hey dude, you okay?" Dean put a hand in front of my face and I was snap back into reality.

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry." I said taking a step back away from Dean.

"Cassie you really have to stop doing that." Gabe spoke up, earning a glare from Dean.

"And if you want to beat up someone blame Balthazar." I tell Dean. "He is the one who probably light the lighter anyway, or how about you don't beat yo anyone at all." I say with a little annoyance in my voice. Dean narrowed his eyes between me and Gabe again.

"Okay, only because he is your brother I will, I owe you that." He bended down and picked up my and Gabriel's stuff and handed it to Gabriel then walked away.

"Wow, thanks Cassie." Gabe patted me on the back. "I should carry your stuff more often.

"Just promise me one thing, don't set someone's girlfriend on fire again."

"I don't know..." Said Gabe. "Being as hot as I am, that's going to be difficult." I scoffed.

"Yeah you are as hot as your soul."

"Don't bring my black, gay, cold soul into this." He put his hand over his heart like he was offended and dropped half of my stuff because of it.

"Pick that up peasant." I said to him went ahead of him. I hear him mutter something about using a pencil to stab my heart.

"I love you too brother."

Gabriel had to walk with me to my first class to help me bring my stuff. When we walked into the classroom we bumped into someone causing Gabe to drop my stuff again.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry. Let me pick that up." It was the one and only Sam Winchester.

"Oh hey. It's that moose." Gabe turned to Sam. "Find out why you might want to beat the shit out of me yet?"

"No, as far as I know you didn't do anything to me."

"That you know of." Gabe said taking the stuff out of Sam's hands. "It might not be even to you, to a cousin, a sibling maybe..." Sam look at him in confused.

"Huh?" While Sam was being confused Gabe went and put my stuff on my desk.

"Hey kiddo, do me a favor. Can you help Castiel get his stuff to every class?" Sam nodded.

"Uh huh, sure." He said still in deep thought.

"Well gotta go, bye Cassie. Wish me luck, I'm pretty sure I'm in one of the same classes as Dean-o. Have a great gay." He walked out and Sam was still standing there, in deep thinking. I walked around him and made my way to my desk. When I sat down I sighed in relief.

Today is going to be a difficult day.


Hey people how are you liking the sequel so far. A couple more chapters is just going to be Castiel getting use to this new life and looking at how everyone's lives had changed.

Have a wonderful gay day people.

Buh bye <3

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