Call Out My Name • Dazai Osam...

By semipai

413K 15.2K 13.9K

"When two suicidal people meet, there's no turning back," is what everyone in the Armed Detective Agency thou... More

「d i s c l a i m e r !」
「31/31」 FINAL ♥
「p o s t s c r i p t」
「t h a n k y o u !」


8.9K 417 319
By semipai

20. "Then amid the wind, I heard, from somewhere far off..."


My hands are trembling as I pour coffee to a mug. In fact, I even spill some on the counter, and burn the tips of three of my fingers. 

Dazai hadn't said a single thing after he came into his room. Instead, he went straight to the washroom.

Oh Lord. What do I say to him? I wonder, mopping up the spill.

I find myself letting out a low squeak when the door to the washroom opens. Dazai walks out, dries off his dark brown hair, and sits beside me.

"Er, your coat..." I say, and begin to take it off. Dazai takes my right hand and shakes his head.

"Don't. It looks good on you." He chuckles a little, noticing how it technically reaches the floor. Dazai is very, very tall in comparison to me.

"Oh. Mm." I sit beside him, and wait for him to finish his coffee.

"You're dying to ask me a whole bunch of questions, aren't you?" He asks with a laugh.

"You got that right."

Even when he stands up from his seat and walks to the bed, I find that I am unable to take my eyes off from him.

Every single move of his... It keeps me on tenterhooks.

"Well. We'll each ask one question at a time, then." He calls, patting beside him. Taking this as a motion for me to come sit by him, I sit on the bed, and he crosses his legs.

"I'll ask first, though." He says, and I give him a nod.

"Okay, so..." He clenches his fists, and looks up to me. "Kira-chan, is it okay if I kiss you?"

I can feel my ears burning up.

"T-That's not a proper question!"

Dazai raises a finger and shakes his head.

"You either say yes, or no."


"Yes, or No."

Once again, I find myself tongue-tied. This man, I will never, ever be able to understand this man. But he's got me cornered well, and I could tell that he knew it was his score, because he had on his face a big grin.

An evil grin, I must add.


Dazai claps his hands together in victory. "Close your eyes." He urges, placing a thumb on my lower lip. He slightly pulls down, and when my lips part a bit, he plants a kiss there.

This time, his lips slightly taste like a combination of cinnamon and peppermint. His lips are still warm from the coffee he had consumed earlier, and I internally gasp at the way everything inside of my body felt like it was being pulled towards my heart.

When his tongue travels on my lips, there was only one thing I could think of.



Dazai breaks contact and places both his hands on my shoulders. His eyes are wide, and I flush crimson red.

Did I just... moan?

"Wait no I didn't really do that-" I begin to protest. Dazai blinks continuously, and a smirk spreads on his face.


Dazai's smirk gets wider.


"It recorded in my heart, Kira-chan. Now I'm gonna re-play it every time I think of you."

"Dazai, you're a major idiot!" I wail, hitting his arm. I fall face flat on the bed, and I can hear him laughing.

"Oh Kira-chan, you're such a tsundere."

"Am not!" I mutter, hiding my face by one of his pillows.

Ah, the pillows are warm. They smell like Dazai again. This could easily drive me crazy.

My thoughts are interrupted when Dazai lies beside me. He tilts his head towards me, and I move my head to properly face him.

"It's my turn now."

"Go ahead, Bella Donna."

It was my turn, but I couldn't think of a single thing to ask him. I reach my hand out and place it on the bandage around his head. He flinches at the contact, and I move my hand away.

"I-I'm sorry. Does it hurt? And... What did he do to you?" I ask, and he replies with a nod.

Dazai inches a little closer, enough for me to feel his exhale on my face. It was somewhat comforting, this position. I wouldn't really mind staying like this forever.

"A couple punching and goofing off. I really did think I was a goner, though." He chuckles a little, as if to himself.

"Why did you call me?"

"Don't break the rules, Kira-chan. One question." He lets me know, waving his finger in the air.

I roll my eyes at how childish the 22 year old in front of me was. "Fine, your turn."

"Can we hold hands?" He asks, lifting his right hand up in the air.

"Dazai-saaaaan." I hiss. He really wasn't being serious, and it annoyed me a bit.

But then again, the fact that he was here... his presence.

That made me happy, in a way nothing else ever had.

I lift my left hand up, and our fingers intertwine. Dazai places our hands on the soft material of the duvet, and closes his eyes.

"Go ahead, Kira-chan."

"Oh... yeah." Choosing one from the million questions was a hard job.

"Are you mad at me?" I end up asking, and he shakes his head.

"I'm not mad at you. I was upset about what happened, but I think I see what really happened."

There is silence for a while, and Dazai's tightens his grip on my hand.

"My turn again?"

"Go ahead." I say with a sigh.

"Ehem. Can we sleep now? I'm really tired."

"You seriously have no idea how serious everything that happened today was, do you?"

"Well, I do, but the thing is... My trust in you just got stronger, 'ya know? Like, when you're in trouble I told you I'd come save you. But now, I know that you'd do the same for me, and that keeps me happy." He laughs a little.

There you go again, saying things that leave me speechless.

"Let's get some sleep, Dazai." I suggest, and he nods.

When I feel the way he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him, I am sure of more than just one thing.

In the end, he too, is the only thing I can think about, all day.



Still crying about doukyuusei and how kusakabe said sajou's voice recorded in his heart goodbye IM EMO  maybe i should make this story emo too-

Important note: This chapter is not the last chapter of this fanfic. ;-;

BUT. This chapter is the last one I will be doing before I take a hiatus. My exam's on 14th ufufu >;wwww;< Tysm for the support, I will definitely go on writing more when my exams finish (on 28th YAY)
Please keep on voting and commenting, ily guys so so much! :3

Also, please check out my Akutagawa fanfic, if you have time. ♥

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