We're a Family

By Soccerstar2015

168K 3.1K 493

From average days to big tournaments, best friends, Hope Solo and Carli Lloyd, look out for their daughter Ju... More

(1) A Little Bit of Trouble
(2) Good Morning to You too!
(3) Realizations
(4) Explosions
(5) Mama and Me
(6) Tobs
(7) Pancakes!
(8) Dinner Dates
(9) MoMo
(10) Pregame
(11) Goals!
(12) Keep it Together
(13) Just Don't Hurt Her
(14) That Time
(15) M&Ms
(16) No Ice!
(18) Bowling
(19) Heat Stroke
(20) Uh Oh
(21) Mama-ing
(22) Jealousy
(23) Planning
(24) Aftermath
(25) Cinnabon
(26) Bully
(27) Guess Who's Here?
(28) Mom and Papa
(29) Fish Fishy
(30) Training
(32) Sweet Surprises
(33) "Bye" but possibly "Hi"?
(34) New Additions
(35) Understanding
(36) Ring! Ring!
(37) Insta-Fam
(38) Adventures in Writing
(39) We're Sisters
(40) Leaning on Eachother
(41) I'll Get It!
(42) Not So Sweet Surprises
(43) Moms
(44) Hide and Seek
(45) Strawberry

(31) Progress In Two Directions

2.8K 63 14
By Soccerstar2015

Jerramy's POV

"Hey Sunshine!" I yell happily as she gets off the bus. She politely smiles at me and comes over to give me an awkward hug. Hope follows behind her and kisses my lips while putting her bag in my hands.

"Thanks babe." she winks taking Julie's hand and walking away. I chuckle and hurry behind them to the elevator. I climb on with them and Kelley slips on behind me. I notice her furiously messing with the waistband of her shorts and grunting. I raise my eyebrow and turn my head to meet Hope's equally concerned face. "Um Kell, are you alright there?"

"Yes!" she huffs still pulling on the strings. Hope and I snicker as we watch her struggle. "Ugh!" she exclaims annoyed. "Hopey fix it!" she whines dropping her hands dramatically to her sides. Hope chuckles and lets go of Ju's hand before stepping towards her and looking at the now rolled band of her shorts. "They kept coming up so I tied them really tight so they would stop moving, but now they won't come undone and it hurts!"

"Alright, alright." chuckles Aitch carefully helping her out. "There you go Squirrel. All fixed."

"Thank you!" beams Kelley before running out the doors.

"She's crazy." mumbles Hope under her breath. She grabs Julie's hand and drops her off at her room before continuing down to her own. "Honey, you're welcome to come with me but Car's going to be up here in a second."

"Why does that matter?" I question leaning into her from behind as she unlocks her door. I hear her breath hitch and I smirk. "I think you need a shower babe."

"Yeah but not with you." she smiles walking in and shutting the door in my face. I groan and spin around almost knocking someone over. I quickly put my arms out and catch the small girl. I set her on her feet and look down at her. Um who is this, who is this? Melody? Mell? Melisa? She's wearing team gear I should know her name.

"Are you alright? I'm so sorry." I apologize.

"Oh it's- it's fine." she stutters looking down at the small container in her hands. With a closer look I notice there's something moving in it.

"Hey what's that?" I ask kneeling down to see it better. She's quite a bit shorter than me and she looks very young compared to everyone else. "Is that a fish? He's very pretty. What's his name?"

She carefully holds the cup still and grins a little bit, "His name Bubbles. He's not mine though. He's JJ's. Mine is named Swimy and he's red." JJ as in Julie? Julie has a fish?

"Are you headed down to Jay's room now?"

"Yeah." she nods glancing up at me timidly.

"I was going down there too." I smile. "Can I come with you?" She nods staying quiet. "I'm Jerramy by the way, Hope's husband." I put my hand out for her to shake. She does with her littler hand and we continue our short walk to the end of the hall to JJ and Moe's room. I knock on the door for us since she's got her hands full and Julie opens it up. "Hey babs." I greet walking in. I kiss her forehead and then move to the side so the girl can come in too. "I didn't know you had a fish, honey."

"Mama's making me take it back." she mumbles examining it. "Thanks for bringing him down here Mal."

"No problem." beams the younger kid I now know as "Mal". Mal? Hmm what's that short for? There's no way that's her full name.

"Why is Car making you take him back baby?" I ask sitting down on her bed. She makes a face, but quickly shrugs it off.

"I didn't ask before I got him ." she explains lightly tapping his container to get him to move. "I have to return him after supper." She sadly sighs while carefully placing him on the desk. "Mally there's some Skittles in my bag if you want them. Just don't tell Chris where you got them from please."

"Okay!" smiles the younger girl hurrying to JJ's back pack. "Does Carlos know you have these?" she wonders putting some in her mouth. If looks could kill poor Mal would be dead from the glare Julie is giving her.

"Don't talk with your mouth full Mallory Diane." scolds Ju pouring some of the Skittles into her hand. "That's gross. Do it again and see what happens." She's been spending too much time with Carli I see.

Mallory takes the time to swallow her candy before replying, "Sorry Jay. I won't do it again."

"Mhm." hums Julie not very convinced. Mal leaves, taking the bag with her, making JJ and I stay in an uncomfortable silence.

"So how have you been?" I awkwardly ask leaning back on the bed.

"Fine Papa." she sighs looking through her suitcase. "What time is it?"

"About time to go down stairs." I answer standing up. "What are you looking so hard for baby girl?"

"My hat." she grumbles still digging around.

"Maybe it's-"

"Got it." she holds it up emotionlessly before putting it on her head and starting out her door. "C'mon Pop. We're going to be late."

Tobin's POV

"No Morgan." I awnser for the umptenth time.

"Tobs please?"

"No that is ridiculous and I'm pretty sure illegal."


"Moe stop whining." says Amy coming into the bedroom from the bathroom. "What is your problem?"

"Aunt Amy I want a pet but Toby says no." pouts Morgan crossing her arms and doing the cute thing she does with her face that just makes me mad. A-Rod looks at me extremely confused so I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Tell her what kind of pet Morgan Paige."

"A panther." she whispers playing with her hands.

"A what?" ask Amy surprised. "No Moe- you um- you can't have that. That's insane. Where would you even keep a panther? You better not tell me your bath tub."

Moe rolls her eyes, "No Aims I'm not stupid. Everyone knows you keep a penguin in the bath tub and a panther in the back yard." I almost choke on my Gatorade from the seriousness she had behind that statement. She's for real about this panther cub.

"Shouldn't you keep a penguin in the freezer because it needs to be cold?" wonders Amy looking deep in thought.

"But it likes to swim." points out Moe.

"If you put ice cubes in with the bath water it'll probably be fine." I conclude. BANG! BANG! BANG!

"OPEN THE DOOR!" yells someone from the hallway. BANG! BANG! BANG! I look at Amy confused before going and pulling the door open. Mallory falls into me and quickly grips my shirt and pulls herself into my arms. "C-Chr-Chris I-I-I-"

"Are you okay?" I question moving her around so she can see my face. Her whole body turns a weird shade of pale before beet red and she tries to scramble out of my hold. "Hey you're fine kid. Why are you freaking out?" I can literally feel her shaky breaths as I try to console her. You know I haven't really gotten the chance to talk to this kid and bam! she's in my arms having a panic attack. Amy slowly brings the desk chair and puts it behind me so I can sit down with the older teen. Moe move up next to me and takes Mal's face in her hands. She gently blows on her cheeks which for some reason seems to calm her down. Once Mallory starts to breathe normally I start to talk to her again. "Mals what's your problem? What happened?"

"I was taking Bubbles to JJ and that big dude knocked me over but he caught me and then he kept talking to me and he wouldn't leave me alone! He-He was huge! And he had a deep voice and-and-" She keeps bobbing her head up and down as she talks so I nod with her trying to be encouraging. "Then JJ gave me Skittles but I'm not supposed to tell Christen that so you have to keep that a secret and J-Julie got on to me for talkin' with my mouth full and then the guy talked again and I-I took the rest of the Skittles and ran here cause I thought this was m-mine and Chrissy's room." I nod and wipe some of the sweat off her forehead. "That guy was really big T-Tobin." she hiccups.

"What 'guy' Mal?" asks A-Rod kneeling down next to us. "Tell me what he looked like."

"The big tall black dude!" burst the kid suddenly. I exchange a look with both Aims and Moe and I have to bite down hard on my tongue so I don't laugh too loud. Poor Moe can't help herself and laughs heartily so Amy hits her on the back of the head to get her to shut up.

"Are you talking about Jerramy?" chuckles Morgan still trying hard to stop. "He's like a teddy bear!"

"He's scary!" pouts Mallory adorably. "Stop makin' fun of me MoMo."

"Yeah Moe stop making fun of her." I agree standing up while keeping Mallory on my hip. "Let's go down for lunch. You good Mal?" She seems a little unsure but she nods after a moment. "Alrighty then munchkin." The four of us go down the hallway and down the elevator to lunch with me carrying Mallory the whole way. I set her down as we walk into the conference room we're using as a cafeteria. She runs over to Christen and gives her a hug before undoubtedly launching into her story about the "big guy". I catch Christen peak over the teen's head and look around like she's looking for someone. She meets my eyes and a relieved smile breaks on her lips. She mouths "Thank you" so I nod in return. Mallory's a pretty cool kid.

Hope's POV

"See Car there she is." I point across the room at our daughter and my husband. "She just came down with him." Carli relaxes and nonchalantly grabs two plates from the buffet stack and starts to make her and JJ's lunch. I make my own and grab some extra for Jerramy. We go and sit with our little family in the corner and I smile at Julie's interactions with Jerr. Yes they are sitting on opposite sides of the table, but she is still listening to him and looking at whatever he is showing her on his phone quite intently. "Hey guys." I greet while separating Jerramy's and my food. "Here honey I got you something."

"Thanks babe." he smiles leaning over and kissing my cheek. "You smell nice." I blush and softly push him off. "Awe are you embarrassed?" He teases rubbing my thigh with his hand under the table so no one can see. I swear I'm going to kill my husband.

"Jerr," I breathe out grabbing his hand. "Not here baby."

"You two are gross." grumbles Carli trying to eat her food. "There's little eyes and ears at the table and you two are touching all over each other. Not to mention I'm trying to eat. Go get a freaking room! We're at a hotel for crying out loud!"

"Look away if it's not what you want to see then!" says Jerr pulling me onto his lap. Carli rolls her eyes and scoffs while Julie erupts into giggles.

"Be quiet and eat your food." huffs Car playfully annoyed making JJ laugh even harder. "Oh you're not going to listen huh?" wonders Carli standing up. We all look at her curiously as she swipes Julie's hardly touched plate off the table. "Then I guess you don't have to eat." She keeps the playful smirk on her face as she walks away laughing.

"Mommy!" whines Jules looking at me desperately.

"What?" I ask back simply. She groans and motions over to where Carli went. "You better go get it before she gives it all away." Julie's eyes get big and she hops up chasing after her.

"Maaaaamaaaaa! Waaaaaiiiiiit!"

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