The Bidder's Mafia Princess:...

By jinxedby_105

3.2K 189 717

Twenty four year old Felicia Hernandez has always lived in the shadows. Born into New York's underground, she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15

Chapter 14

128 8 24
By jinxedby_105

                      (Cecilia's POV)

               "We're about ready to leave. There will be twenty of us, ten men, ten women. Be ready, make sure everyone is spread out, and I'll periodically text you to keep up. I'm counting on you to let me know what's going on with everyone." I instruct quietly, trying not to be too loud from the bathroom of the tres spades, as I make my phone call.

"Sure thing momma. Ay momma... Did you ever tell her?" He trails off, and I know he was referring to Felicia.

"No... I didn't... She suspects I have connections, but she doesn't know who. It's... It's for her safety that she didn't know. You know that. But if things get complicated tonight, everyone will find out anyway.." I answer honestly.

He goes quiet on the phone for a minute processing this. I knew he didn't want to keep secrets from her. We had all known each other a long time. I didn't want to keep secrets either... But for everyone's best interest in mind, I had always kept certain things in a low profile, and it kept her safe.

"Alright momma. You're the boss. I'll keep you posted. Talk to you later." He hangs up, ending the phone call.

I turn my phone on silent, taking a deep breath before I get ready to join everyone in the lounge. I wasn't sure how she would feel, keeping something like this from her, but it had to be done. Knowing how her brother was, and with everything that could go down tonight, everyone would probably find out tonight anyway. I was ready. I had to be.

I walk back towards the lounge, and I already hear the usual banter and bickering among our large group. "Hey, you okay?" Felicia asks, raising an eyebrow once I enter the room.

I smile, nodding, trying to reassure her. "Of course. You ready for tonight?" I ask. I knew she was nervous her brother would be there. Truth was, he was going to be.

She runs a hand through her hair, before walking over to me. "Yea... Just a little nervous he'll be there." She tells me quietly. "Anyway. Nothing I can do if he is. So, I was thinking you and Atsumu should take a separate car... I'd like an extra set of eyes on that race, if you're up for it." She asks quietly, and I nod.

"Of course. I like a good race. I can keep some people off their ass." I agree, grinning. It wasn't something I did all the time, but I could drive, and pretty well. It wasn't something I advertised, but she knew that I was pretty good. "I'm going to go change and get my stuff ready and then I'll be out." I add, walking back to our room.

                She nods, and I reach our room, and locking the door, I change my clothes. I grab my black slacks, and white shirt. I catch sight of the tattoo on my shoulder, an anchor, that says 'I refuse to sink', in the mirror, as I change, and it reminded me, that damn right, I refuse to sink, and that I'd give it my all tonight. Lastly I button up my short sleeved black vest, and put on my hat, along with my black boots. I grab my whip, and a gun for emergencies, before leaving the room.

                The entire group was here and ready to go, so we headed for the garage. After Felicia explained we should take the other cars, we took the keys, me and Atsumu heading for one car, Kris and Kenshi the other, and the rest splitting off into the vans.

"You sure you can handle a mission beardy? Kinda old..." Takuto chimes in over our ear pieces, as I follow behind Kris, navigating the streets.

"Have you forgotten I've been doing this longer than all of you?" Atsumu asks, laughing off the blondes insult.

"It has been awhile since Ya joined us in the field boss." Hiro chirps, though Atsumu seems to take it well, laughing at their comments instead of getting insulted.

"It has?" I ask casually, curious why. Their playful banter stops, and I glance towards the boss of the black foxes, seeing if he will answer.

"Aye, if Cece gets hurt because you can't handle your shit, I'll beat your ass, got it?" We hear Felicia threaten defensively, making me smile slightly.

"Lici, you know damn well I can hold my own." I add, chuckling, and Atsumu finally speaks up.

"It's been awhile. I'll admit. I'm mostly the guy with connections these days, but I was a master thief in my day, and can still hold my own on a mission." He admits, his usual smile tugging his lips, as he leans back in the car seat, putting one foot up on the dash. "And your friend is safe with me." He adds, sending a flirty wink my way.

"She better be." Felicia replies brusquely, before going quiet.

"So you've been at this longer than the rest of the foxes?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at the seemingly laid back boss.

"I was at it before they were. Course, that was probably because I was older. We all knew each other, our grandparents were friends. Me, Takkun, Riki, Hiro, and Kenshi pretty much grew up together. Kris is my cousin from America, and we found Paris, and Scarlett later on." Atsumu goes on to explain, and I nod.

It seemed like there might be a little more to the story, but I didn't want pry. Especially when the rest of the foxes went silent when I asked if it had been awhile for him. There was something there, but if they felt like sharing, they would tell me in their own time. They all seemed pretty close, the black foxes, with their constant playful bickering.

                 "Oi, you gave the rookie a gun? I'll get shot for sure." Takuto chimes in, prompting everyone to laugh. Akio replies to him, threatening to shoot him on purpose, making everyone laugh even harder.

                "Anyway, what about you? How did you get pulled into this kinda thing?" Atsumu asks, his light brown eyes meeting my blue ones for a minute, before I return my attention to the road.

                  "I was a family friend of Felicia's. I've known her family for a long time, though before that, I was pretty much on my own. I grew up in... Kinda a rough area, pretty much fending for myself. I met the Hernandez family later, before her parents passed." I answer, shrugging. Telling him just enough, but not all.

"Alright we're here." Rosie announces, as we park the cars.

Eisuke stares at the cars Kris and I arrived in, narrowing his eyes at them. "Those look familiar."

"You're imagining things." I answer flippantly, though I know he doesn't buy it.

"Just drop it. Let's go." Shara starts to drag Eisuke away from the cars, distracting him.

               I glance at Atsumu, who stifles a laugh as Shara drags Eisuke away. "He doesn't seem like the type that would let someone drag him around." He muses, and I nod in agreement.

               We all gather together, and I discreetly check my phone, as everyone chats and bickers.

All set momma. ;)  Is the text I see, and I quickly type a response.

Good. Keep me posted. I answer it, slipping my phone back into my pocket.

                "Just hit him good Rosie, if he gets too annoying." Paris smirks, gesturing to Riki. Rosie snickers, her mouth quirking up on one side as she glances at Riki.

"How am I annoying?" Riki scoffs, narrowing his blue eyes at both girls, as they laugh.

The group starts to split up, going their separate ways. Atsumu places a hand on my lower back, gently pushing me towards the main area, where most everyone had gathered for the trade.

I feel my face heat up slightly at his touch, as I quickly glance over at him, slightly confused. He smiles at me gently, the smile touching his warm brown eyes.

"What do you want to do until the race?" He asks quietly.

"Participate in the trade, I suppose. Can keep an eye on where all the bosses are and let our people know if they might be heading their way." I add, heading over to the many tables, the sound of papers shuffling the main noise.

                I shift through the folder of papers I had brought, glancing through the info I had to offer. It was all on gangs that were on the shady side. Well... Shadier, considering mafia business was kinda shady to begin with. I wasn't offering anything on the Ice Dragons, Bell Crickets, and a few others I left out.

                "Where did you get all that?" Atsumu asked, curious, as he read over my shoulder. I quickly snap the folder shut, looking around instead of meeting his gaze.

                 "I have my sources." I answer vaguely, though he furrowed his brows at my answer.

                 His smile returns after a minute or so, his usually carefree demeanor returning. "Well.. Aren't you mysterious and resourceful.." He trails off smiling, before gesturing for me to go first, as we make our way through the crowds.

We catch bits and pieces of multiple conversations, as we walk around.

"Do they really have the Bell Crickets princess here?" One man murmurs to another, trying and failing to be discreet enough.

"Yea... They have her here... Though supposedly the Bell Crickets weren't invited, and neither were the Ice Dragons... But I saw some wandering around..." His friend responded, making me think Soryu had already been made.

"Rumor is the second in command of Los Lobos brought them... Though the head of the gang never mentioned it beforehand.... Also rumor is the leader of the Hell's Angels might finally show up this year..."

"They say it's a rarity, few have met their leader... They also say it's a woman, one of the first to run a gang... But who knows? Never met their leader... And those that have wont say..."

I quickly glance at Atsumu, and meeting his gaze, he nods slightly, confirming he heard the bit about Mei Ling being there, and Soryu and Felicia have been noticed as well.

                 I make my way to the tables, folder ready. Unfortunately, this was basically a trade where you could find out info on other gangs.. Mostly secrets.. I made it a point to snatch up anything pertaining to the Ice Dragons, and Los Lobos, and Bell Crickets.

                    Atsumu follows me around the trade while I swap secrets, before we head back to the garage, getting ready to be the eyes of the race. "What did you find out?" Atsumu asks curiously, as we walk towards the car we came in. I shake my head, motioning for him to get in the car first.

                I take out my ear piece, and he does as well, before I show him the main two pieces of paper that I was the most concerned about. "There's a hit out on Soryu, and apparently the Hernandez cases are being re opened in America..." I tell him quietly, as I re read the papers myself, not quite believing the case being re opened.

              "I'm sure Soryu is used to it, but it's good to know... And the Hernandez cases?"

               "Felicia's parents, and her sister. It was never proved, but it was suspected Homicide. There wasn't enough evidence. Though the parents died first, her sister later. They never had enough evidence, and I'm surprised they are being re opened after all this time. The parents looked almost like an accident. Her sister though, was shot..." I trail off, wondering why now.

                "They died when she was younger? Well... Won't it be a good thing if they finally solve it?" He asks, tilting his head sideways as he looks at me.

                "Whoever got away with it to begin with was too careful. There wasn't enough evidence before... It just makes me wonder what could have surfaced in order for them to open the cases again..." I trail off... I don't like this, not one bit... Though me and Felicia know who was responsible for Isa's death. We weren't as sure about her parents, but I had my suspicions.

                 Atsumu's gaze bores into mine, as he studies me carefully. "You know something." He states simply, and I sigh, nodding.

"We know who killed her sister, but we aren't sure about the parents. All the evidence for both cases though... There wasn't much... It was covered up well.." I admit quietly, biting my lip slightly.

                        (Atsumu's POV)

               I watch the worry start to set in, for Cecilia, and feel the need to reassure her. I reach over carefully, hoping im not over stepping my boundaries, as I tuck a piece of blonde hair behind her ear, before I trail my finger down the side of her face gently, getting her attention. "I know it's easier said then done, but don't worry so much. There's time to figure it out. We have a lot of resources between all of us, we'll figure it out soon enough. And you're too pretty to worry so much." I wink at her, trying to get her to smile.

Her face turns red, though she smiles, finally. There was definitely more than meets the eye with her, and I'm sure even more than she lets everyone see. "Thanks... I suppose we should let Soryu and Felicia know that people know they are here, and we should probably get towards the race..." She changes the subject abruptly, quickly putting her ear piece back in. I do the same, once again hearing the sound of constant chatter in the background now.

                  "Lici, Soryu, heads up, they know you're here. I've also confirmed Mei Ling is definitely here, but I don't know where.." Cecilia says loudly, making sure they can hear her over the ear piece.

                  "Got it, thanks." Soryu quickly responds.

                   "Okay. Figures." Felicia answers, sounding disappointed.

                   "Soryu... Watch your back.. There's a hit out on you... And Lici... I'm sorry... But I've heard he's here... Be careful..." Cecilia adds, frowning slightly as she relayed messages to her friend.

"I suspected there might be one... From the Yakuza right?" Soryu's gruff voice sounds in our ears once more.

"Yes." Cecilia confirms.

"I... Alright. Thanks Cece... Everyone... If you come across a man that looks similar to me, avoid him... He also has the same tattoo, a tribal one on his arm, from the elbow to neck. Don't approach him." Felicia announces firmly, though she sounded slightly nervous when she first started speaking.

I watch Cecilia take out her phone quickly, her fingers typing on the screen keyboard rapidly, before pocketing it again, and turning the car on. "Alright.. Let's go see about this race." She says, winking at me, before returning her attention to leaving the parking garage.

                She maneuvers the car expertly, and with ease, slinking down side roads to get access to the race. We catch sight of the Bugatti, that Kris and Kenshi are in, still a ways up the road, one of the cars in the lead.

Shots ring out, and Cecilia starts to drive faster, the car lurching forward, as we get closer. "Do you have a gun?" She asks, already drawing one, while she keeps one hand firmly planted on the wheel.

"Yea." I answer quickly, drawing mine, before we both start shooting at the car in front of us. We shoot out the tires, the car coming to a sudden stop, before we quickly zip around it. We hear more gunshots ahead, and the sound of some behind us as well.

                "Damn." Cecilia curses, as she glances in the mirror, seeing the car behind us. "Atsumu... Hang on..." She says, before jerking the wheel left, swapping lanes. The car behind us was still behind us, but on my side.

She starts to take her foot off the gas, slowing down so that the car passes us. She waits a few minutes before jerking the wheel right, going back into the lane next to us, right behind the car. She guns it, catching up to the other car as she draws her gun once more.

We both start shooting again, and once this car's tires are taken out, she zips around it, looking for another car to take out.

"I think we're in the lead." We hear Kris speculate, as we see her car a decent distance ahead.

"You are." Cecilia answers her, a smile tugging her lips.

"How..." We hear Kenshi trail off, though we know what he was getting at.

                  Before we even have a chance to answer, multiple people start cussing in our ears. I hear Shara, the cop, and Kenshi and Kris, mixed in with others. We hear Akio curse, along with the sound of gunfire, and it sounds like Takuto starts freaking out as well.

                    "The brakes went out!" I manage to hear through everyone yelling. A glance at Cece lets me know she heard it too.

                  "We're on our way." Cecilia tells them, a determined look in her blue eyes as she hits the accelerator harder.

                 "Don't do anything until we get there. Slow down as much as possible, hang on." I reassure Kenshi, who seems to be arguing with Kris about jumping out of the car.

                  After a few minutes we finally catch sight of their car, and Cecilia pulls up beside them, giving them instructions over the ear pieces, before turning to me. "Open the passenger door behind me." She instructs, and I quickly unbuckle, before jumping to the backseat, and open the door. I carefully make my way back up front, before putting my seatbelt back on.

Cecilia keeps pace with their car, and gets as close as possible. We hear Kris and Kenshi argue more about who would jump first, before Kenshi lands in our backseat, Kris in his arms. Cecilia slows down, before taking her phone out, calling someone..

I glance in the back, only to find Kris and Kenshi kissing... "Uh could one of you close the door?" I clear my throat, interrupting my friends awkwardly.

Kris laughs, while Kenshi turns bright red, before sitting up and closing the door. "I don't care, get them out of there." Cecilia yells into her phone, slightly irritated.

We all glance at the blonde, wondering who she was talking to, because it clearly wasn't one of our group if she had to use her phone.

"Who are you talking to?" Kenshi asks, the question on everyone's minds.

                "You'll see later, don't worry about it." She shrugs him off, before putting her phone back in her pocket, as she drives toward the garage to meet everyone.

                 We hear more gunshots, followed by what sounded like Felicia yelling and cussing, as we pull up next to the vans, waiting for everyone before we could head back to the tres spades.

"What the fuck are you doing? My brother will kill you.. Why are you helping us?" Felicia yells, frustrated.

Cecilia smirks upon hearing this, as we hear footsteps approach. Baba and Paris wave, seeming friendlier than they were at the start of the mission.

"Hey boss. How'd it go on your end?" Paris asks me, glancing to me and Cecilia.

"Well enough. How about you two?" I ask, and they look at each other, sharing a smile before shrugging.

"Good. For once he wasn't as annoying as normal." Paris snorts, prompting Baba to laugh. We're interrupted with the return of Shara and Eisuke, who was leaning on Shara. Paris runs over to help her friend.

                  "He's been shot." Shara announces, the worry clear on her face. Paris helps Shara bring Eisuke over to one of the vans, and Kris and Kenshi spring into action.

                  "We have a first aid kit, hang on." Kris announces, getting into nurse mode, Kenshi following her.

                   Jenna and Hiro arrive next, along with Melonie and Ota, both trying to see if there was anything they could do to help.

                  Riki and Rosie follow shortly, with a collection of paintings in tow. "Hey boss, look what we found." Riki smirks proudly, as him and Rosie start loading them into one of the vans.

                  "You mean what Akio found and told you about?" Takuto interrupts, walking up with Akio in his arms. "Oi, she's been shot in the arm, need some help." He continues, carrying Akio over to the van.

                  I laugh slightly, Cecilia raising an eyebrow at me as she glances over. "Sorry. Just Takuto isn't usually like that.. He's trying to hide that he's panicking, but I've known him too long.. That's the first time I've seen him like that about someone outside the normal group." I explain, and she nods.

                  "He hides it pretty well I'd say though." She adds, and I nod, agreeing.

                "He does, but it's in the facial expressions. And he sounded slightly more irritated, and the hitch in his voice." I explain further.

                    Soryu walks up, an irritated Scarlett in his arms as he carries her over, before setting her down. "Are you hurt Scarlett?" I ask concerned.

"Wait what? Scarlett!" Kris yells, and the rest of the black foxes run from the van, concerned about their red headed team mate.

"I'm fine!" She insists, before narrowing her eyes at Soryu. "Someone... Overreacted, because I took a small fall, nothing to worry about." She waves it off, dismissively, and the young woman accompanying them giggles.

"That's the first time I've seen Soryu get so worked up, right Sor?" The young woman asks, who I could only assume was Mei Ling.

Soryu blushes at her words, before answering her. "I was just... It.. It would have been irritating if we feel behind, since you fell, and to prevent anything from slowing us down, I thought it was easier..." The mobster trails off, clearly embarrassed.

"You guys are so cute." Mei Ling gushes, making Soryu's blush deepen.

"I'm fine okay? Dammit.. Fucking cop." We hear suddenly, announcing Felicia's arrival, though her shoulder appeared to be bleeding, as much as she insisted she was fine.

                 "You took a shot at close range. Fine my ass kid." Mamoru lectures her, as he helps her over to the van. She tries to shrug him off, but he wasn't having it.

                  "Ay princesa, think you should listen to the cop this time no?" The young man asks, as he follows them. He was around Felicia's age, of Latin descent, with shaggy dark black hair and dark brown eyes, his arms covered in tattoos.

                 "Shut it Raf! I don't know what the fuck you're playing at trying to help me, but I'm not buying it! If you're here to spy for Alejo you can piss off cabron." She hisses, as Mamoru makes her sit down in the van.

                  "Chica.. I ain't playin no games this time. Me entiendes?" He says, meeting her gaze. She rolls her eyes at him, before Cecilia steps in.

                   "Enough. I'll explain when we get back." She says, glaring at the arguing pair.

                 "Yes momma." Raf concedes, bowing his head to the blonde.

                  "....fine." Felicia sighs, as they load into the van.

Me and Cecilia get into our car, the drive back oddly quiet. "You mind letting me in the loop?" I ask, and she sighs.

"If you don't mind, I'd just like to explain once, so can you wait until we get there?" She asks, gently.

"Of course. I understand."

"Thanks." She smiles, as we pull into the tres spades parking garage.

                We pull up alongside the vans, and a few more cars pull in behind us.

                 Cecilia takes a deep breath, before opening her door, and getting out of the car. I follow behind her, as everyone starts piling out of the vans.

                 Everyone eyes the other cars that pulled in warily, as a group of ten men or so get out. They varied in ages and race, though they all lined up together, before bowing down. "Welcome back momma." They all exclaimed, looking to Cecilia, who nodded, smiling.

               "What the hell.." We heard Rosie mutter, all eyes now on Cecilia.

                "I don't know where to start exactly, except I'm sorry for keeping this so long. I've always preferred to keep a low profile, but may I introduce the Hells Angels." Cecilia announces, gesturing to the boys lined up.

                "What the actual fuck.." Kris cursed, looking over the group.

                 "Raf, what the hell.." Felicia cuts in, glaring at the young man.

               "The elusive leader of the Hells Angels. I wasn't sure if you were just a myth." Soryu smiles at her.

                "Raf has been undercover Felicia. They all keep a low profile. They infiltrate groups, that are up to trouble. I had Raf, and a few others go into Los Lobos awhile back. I suspected your brother was up to something. I'm sorry. I started this awhile ago, taking in boys that had no families, and it expanded from there." Cecilia goes on to explain, looking at everyone.

               "Well damn." Scarlett says, looking at everyone.

               "I should've known.." Felicia grinned at her friend, before turning her gaze on Raf. "Raf you dipshit. You could've annoyed me less this whole time."

                "Well, nice to meet you, Ms. Hells Angel." I tease Cecilia, before taking her hand, and placing a gentle kiss on it, making the blonde blush.

                She smiles at me, before returning her attention to the group, Felicia in particular. "They are re opening the Hernandez cases in America. I don't know why, but they are." She announced, and Felicia visibly goes rigid.

                  "Well... Shit." Felicia curses.

A/n: this is long over due... But here it is... >_<. Jinxy needs to get her shit together.. XD XD I will eventually... My brain doesn't always cooperate.... Thanks for reading.. ^_^


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