New Beginnings Or Is It?

By heelaholic

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New Beginnings Or Is It?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 5

39 3 0
By heelaholic

Chapter 5

The rest of the week was slightly depressing. It seemed Luke had given me a nickname other than ‘freak’ or ‘loser’ and that happened to be ‘HP’ which stands for Harry Potter. I mean what is with the guy? Harry Potter is cool! But that’s not the worst of it. It seemed as if he and Barbie had teamed up when it came to bullying and it was like double the dose. Jess seemed to be better but whenever Luke was in sight, her smile would falter.

It was Friday and apparently there was a game today. Everyone was abuzz with excitement especially the jocks. Coach had given strict instructions to the players to show up on time and it seemed as if none of them would disobey him. I mean I have seen him and let me tell you, the guy is huge and looks like a beast, a scary beast that looked like a ticking time bomb.

I had made an excuse in my last period to get out of class and now I was making my way to the boys’ locker room. Reaching the locker room, I looked around to see no one in sight before entering. Opening the intended locker, I took out the football kit and replaced it with the single piece of… clothing that I had in my mini bag which now contained the football kit. I quickly made my way out of the locker room before I got caught and deposited the bag with the kit in my locker before hurriedly making my way back to class. As I sat down, the bell rang and a mischievous smile spread across my face.

“Are you going to the game?” Jess asked as Marissa and I caught up with her. A huge smile split across my face.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” We decided to go together to my first ever game.


Cole’s POV

Today was a challenging game and I was more than concentrated, going through tactics in my mind. We were playing Baxter High and our rivalry could probably be put second on the rivalry scale. The first would be ALHS; their captain and I went way back. 

Coach entered the dressing room just then and he looked at each one of us with his narrowed eyes. He may be scary but he was the best coach we could ask for. Everyone fell silent as we waited for him to start. His eyes met mine before looking around for Luke. He was the co-captain and the guy was good, I’d give him that but he was a douche. Coach’s eyes narrowed further and I think I saw Luke gulp in fear.

“Ryans,” he barked and Luke jumped.

“Y-yes Coach?” he stuttered.

“Why aren’t you dressed yet?”

Luke just seemed frightened and didn’t utter a single word as all of us stared at him.

“What are we waiting for? Christmas? Go get changed!” Luke jumped about 10 feet in the air before stumbling away. “And hurry your ass up!”

Then he looked at me and started discussing tactics. I suggested one or two and he just mutely nodded in thought. He looked down at his watch and told us to make our way out.

“Um, Coach… what about Luke?” Luke had disappeared somewhere.

“Luke!” he yelled. I winced slightly.

No response. We exchanged a look. I thought he was going to tell me to go get him but I was wrong. “Leave him Walters, I’ll put Jake on if he doesn’t turn up before the whistle blows.” My eyes widened. Coach was actually thinking of sitting Luke out! Holy… I nodded dumbly before making my way out with Coach following behind.


Nina’s POV

We were all seated and munching on our hot dogs whilst waiting for the game start. The crowd was pretty ecstatic and the opposing team were glaring daggers at our team who were huddled together. I peered at the group but there was no sign of Luke. Coach looked like he was talking a mile a minute and the players looked a little anxious.

“Where’s Luke?” Marissa asked. Jess frowned and I think the incident was still with her but I was planning on changing that.

“Why?” I asked.

Jess replied, “He is co-captain of the team and second best player after Cole. Why is he not out with the team?” She frowned again.

I was inwardly jumping in excitement. Their co-captain missing, awesome! Not that I was against my school team, I mean I was here to support them, mostly. But I couldn’t wait to find out what had happened to him.

The game was almost about to start when a figure appeared. I squinted slightly to see who it was and my eyes widened.


Luke in nothing but a towel!

The whole crowd went silent. Everyone was gaping and some bimbos were squealing at a ‘hot’ jock practically naked. Jess started to choke on her hot dog and I patted her back whilst silently chuckling. I looked back at Luke to see Coach come up to him and it seemed as if he was shouting at him but we couldn’t hear much.

On the other hand, I was disappointed. I mean I came up with such a good idea…

Just then Luke tried to make a hasty exit as Coach ended his rant and in the process stumbled. His towel slipped and everyone gasped, including me. Ergh, I didn’t want to see his naked ass so I went to cover my eyes but froze midway.

The neon pink thong was now visible to everyone and in the silence you could hear the crickets in the distance. Then the whole crowd started to laugh at once and Luke had gone pale. I was clutching my stomach and holding onto Jess and Marissa who were also laughing hysterically. Tears were streaming down most peoples’ faces and I even saw the Coach come out of his daze to chuckle slightly.

Now you’re probably thinking how did that get there but I guess you have figured it out. It was none other than… me! When Luke made a nasty comment to me I didn’t care… much but almost making Jess cry that day, did it. Once again, I was indirectly getting him back like I did Barbie.

I had gone out to a store for some shopping and I spotted a neon pink thong between all the sale lingerie and that’s when I knew how I wanted to get him back for his comments and for hurting Jess.

Luke grabbed his towel before sprinting away inside and I looked around to see people still chuckling and I was pretty sure some had got it on camera.

We won the game but all everyone could talk about was Luke’s thong. As we made our way home in Jessie’s car, we were still laughing like maniacs.

“Oh my God! That was epic! Mr. All Mighty just got his ego knocked down quite a few pegs. I can’t believe it!” Jess exclaimed excitedly. I beamed because I knew now that she had forgotten what Luke said to her and probably wouldn’t think of it anymore.

“The pink suited him!”

“Yep it definitely did. I think the whole student body was thinking about Luke rather than concentrating on the game,” Marissa said. “But I do wonder who did it. I mean first Nicole and now Luke.”

My laughter faded. Damn Marissa and her observant self. I chuckled nervously but I don’t think either of them noticed. “Well, whoever it is obviously knows what they are doing. I mean Nicole and Luke are the worst people in the whole of West View and I think they sort of deserved what happened,” I said trying to get out of it.

Both Jess and Marissa nodded thoughtfully. Jess dropped me off to Ali’s which meant she didn’t have to see the house that I lived in. Ali’s house wasn’t a mansion or anything but it was on the rich side.

“Nice house,” Jess commented. I gave a fake smile and mumbled a ‘thanks’ before getting out.

The door opened to reveal Mrs. James, Ali’s mom. She smiled warmly at me before letting me in. Ali attacked me the minute I stepped in.

“It was you again weren’t it?”

I raised my eyebrows at her questioningly. She didn’t even go to the game so how did she know? She rolled her eyes at me. “It’s all over YouTube!” I grinned and nodded. We watched the video for at least ten times and each time we hooted like hyenas.

Ah, life was good. 

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